August 19, 2014 - Shoreline Community College

Dean Team Minutes
August 19, 2014
9:00 –11:00 a.m.
Central Conference Room
Present (*):
Action Items
Kathie Hunt*
Kim Thompson
Bob Francis*
Susan Hoyne*
Bayta Maring*
Samira Pardanani*
Dan Fey*
Gillian Lewis*
Ann Garnsey-Harter
Terry Taylor*
The following minutes were approved: May 20, 27, June 3, 10, 17, 24, July 8, 22, 29,
and August 5, 2014.
Advising Expenditures. The purpose of this topic is to determine from what budget
advisors were paid from two summers ago and whether it was $39/hr or at an extended
day rate. Pam Francisco should have that information and Human Resources should
have the documents.
Release Time Update. Bob developed a draft chart of compiled release time duties by
division. Conversation with Science PCs revealed they manage instructional techs and
student fee budgets. Deans agreed that coordinating program needs is more accurate
than managing student fee budgets. Deans will review the draft Release Time chart.
Bob will hold conversations with more PCs early Fall Quarter. Any changes in Release
Time will not happen until Winter Quarter.
CRAG Procedures. Susan shared EvCC and Clover Park’s grievance procedures
which both are covered by their specific WACs. Bob suggested forming a subgroup of
people who have been through CRAGs and recommend a reform of the procedures.
Deans discussed who should be on the subcommittee.
Opening Week Part-Time Faculty Orientation. Scheduled September 22 from 10 –
Noon and 4 – 6 pm in Room 1102. This orientation is mandatory for new full-time and
new part-time faculty. All part-time faculty are welcome. Any part-time faculty who
attends will be compensated. Bob will talk to Amy about Senior Associate faculty.
Changes in English and Business Writing. Gillian will advise Alison Leahy to
contact Marcia Liaw re the required changes for Business Writing.
2.0 Passing Subject. Bayta met with Dan and Alex about the process to identify
certificate completers and what that process means. The final certificate lies in the
hands of the faculty. Alex and Faith Lam will join the DRAG meetings for Sequel
training. Other staff interested in analyzing data are welcome. Bob will bring this
subject up with the Faculty Senate and Curriculum Committee. Please let your faculty
know this conversation is going on.
Briefing on First Year Experience. Enrollment is low. Pam Dusenberry will attend
Friday retention meetings. A concern was raised that faculty were not brought in the
conversation soon enough. Susan recommended a Math faculty attend Friday retention
meetings. It is important to start an information cycle and get more faculty and
Action Items
Bob will pursue
determining how advisors
were paid two summers
ago and at what rate.
Deans will review the draft
Release Time chart. Bob
will hold conversations
with more PCs early Fall
Susan will send to Deans a
copy of EvCC and Clover
Park’s grievance and chair
a subcommittee to revise
CRAG procedures. Bob
will talk to the Federation
and Student Leadership for
subcommittee members.
Susan will contact Kim
Deans will contact new
full- and part-time faculty
about the mandatory
orientation. Bob will talk
to Amy K. about Senior
Associate faculty.
Gillian will advise A.
classified staff advised of this small pilot, understand the institutional barriers as well as
pedagogical barriers we are facing.
Susan cited a recent Math article about students who don’t do well in Math are ones
who did not do well in K-12 and usually these students have other kinds of personal
concerns. The Aspen Institute said they recommend wrap around service (advocate or
navigator) for these students. Deans discussed their thoughts on they could fund and
under what circumstances to start an advocate position. It may be aimed at
developmental education. Bayta said if we started with a ½ time position that is
focused on students in cohorts and the second focus on their availability for students in
developmental Math (English gets support through the bucket class experience), that
might work out. Student’s retention and completion rate is low in Math 60 and 70. We
could look at the numbers there. Susan finds the success of navigators is they are not
involved in the classes – they are outside of that circle.
EvalKit. Bob discussed with Amy Kinsel who agreed with the request to remove the
“Skip for Now” message on the online evaluations. Bob, Amy and Ann GH will make
sure this message gets out to online faculty. We need to increase online student
evaluations with so many new faculty in the ARC process and going through FEPs.
Requirements for
Part-Time Faculty
Bob had provided Deans a chart via email (August 12 @ 5:04 pm) HR uses to screen
part-time faculty regarding minimum qualifications to teach at Shoreline. He asked HR
to retitle the document to reflect part-time faculty. Kathie and Terry had provided Bob
corrections in their area. Susan said the State Board apparently changed something
about the qualifications for academic subjects that transfer.
Bob recommended we have a 5-person team attend a Strategic Enrollment Management
Action Items
Leahy to contact M. Liaw
re required changes for
Business Writing.
Bob will talk to the Faculty
Senate and Curriculum
Committee about the 2.0
passing subject.
Susan will contact Math
faculty about attending
Friday retention meetings.
Deans will tell faculty and
staff about the First Year
Experience pilot.
Bob and Bayta will review
how they might write an
Innovation Grant to include
a Navigator to support Fast
Forward and
Developmental Math.
Bob, Ann and Amy K. will
message online faculty
about the elimination of the
“Skip for Now” message
for online evaluations.
Deans will review the min.
qualifications chart
(emailed 8-12 @5:04 pm).
Susan will send to the Dean
Team information she has
about changes the State
Board made about the
qualifications for academic
subjects that transfer.
Deans will submit names to
(SEM) WSSSC workshop on October 10 at Clover Park. The Office of Instruction will
pay the $500 registration fee. Dr. Roberts is clear we will engage in SEM and it is good
to have a knowledge base.
BOT Retreat Update
Completed in Action Items above.
The BOT had a productive conversation about appropriate roles of the Board.
Presentations were interesting and the Board was engaged. Presentations included
International Education, domestic enrollment, student retention, Virtual Campus,
Automotive Program, and fundraising. Cheryl Roberts shared the Board’s draft goals
during the ELT meeting yesterday. They include a long range strategic planning and
budget process aimed at developing a 5-year plan; student success around enrollment,
retention, progression and completion; solidify the acting positions, philanthropic
growth; and community engagement.
AIC Notifications
Division Updates
(Standing Item)
The Board will have a study session in the Fall about the tenure process. Data should
be shared about people who start the process but do not complete it.
Deans must advise their staff and the VPASA office when they are going to be off
campus and who they have appointed as AIC.
 Bayta and Stephen Smith have been working with associate faculty in ESL to
gather information from part-time faculty about a satisfaction survey to understand
the experience with part-time faculty what is working for them and what can be
improved. They are asking for preliminary information to build up a larger survey
in the Fall.
 Susan received notice from Bellevue College they are starting a Science
Technician 4-year degree, but according to them the State Board said doing a 4year degree makes them eligible to do a 2-year degree. This might impact our
Biotech program. They did not send notice about a 2-year degree. She would like
to query the State Board why they don’t have to send a PAR on the 2-year degree.
 Susan reported a student left a cell phone in the room after a final exam. The parttime faculty gave it to a full-time faculty. It was discovered the cell phone
belonged to a student who was not registered in the class. The faculty member did
not know it was a different student.
 Gillian said the update on the Gym is on schedule. Steve Eskridge is determined
athletes will be good students. He converted locker space into an academic center.
Good of the order
Adjourned 11:08 a.m.
Action Items
Bob of any faculty or staff
who would be interested in
a Strategic Enrollment
Management workshop.
Deans will discuss at a
future meeting information
the BOT needs to know
about ARCs.
Susan will send the Dean
Team information about
Bellevue’s notice to start a
Science Technician 4-year
degree that would include a
2-year degree.