PART III Data, statistics and other information ANNEX 1 Figure 1 Total budgetary allocations by the Ministry of Welfare (basic budget and special social insurance budget) in 2013-2015* *2013 – 1.01% of GDP 2014 – 1.1% of GDP 2015 - 1.27% of GDP Source: Ministry of Welfare Figure 2 Family and children-related activities financed by the Ministry of Welfare in 2014-2015 Adopted by law to be implemented in 2015, EUR 2014, EUR Type of benefit Amount of benefit, average per month Persons, average per month Expenses (total, EUR) Amount of benefit, average per month (EUR) Persons, average per month) Expenses (total, EUR) 1. Basic budget (BB) programme "State social benefits" State social security benefit for a child in the event of losing a supporter 63.92 457 350 537 64.03 472 362 666 Transport allowance for disabled persons with restricted mobility (children up 18 years of age ) 79.68 124 118 564 79.68 126 120 476 345 507 107 389 873 359 071 158 822 026 State social allowance for families with children, in total x x including: Childbirth allowance 423.60 1 810 9 200 700 421.18 1 769 8 940 809 Childcare benefit 121.05 27 799 40 379 430 135.21 38 952 63 200 399 Benefit for care of a child with a disability 214.53 1 966 5 061 178 214.31 2 059 5 295 171 State family allowance 11.69 306 315 42 971 290 19.26 308 392 71 275 559 Supplement to the State family allowance for a child with a disability 106.97 7 617 9 777 275 106.66 7 899 10 110 088 35.65 2 603 1 113 650 35.41 2 433 1 033 830 54.11 3 693 2 397 832 54.20 3 646 2 371 358 State social allowances for guardians Remuneration for the fulfilment of a guardian’s duties 1 State special allowance to children of those persons killed in the process of regaining Latvian independence State allowance to children suffering from celiac diseases Remuneration for the fulfilment of a foster family’s duties 65.75 106.90 1 789 1 389 1 781 777 498 686 329 114.85 Remuneration for care provision to an adopted child 72.68 Remuneration for child adoption 1 362.73 In total: 2. Basic budget programme "State support to social insurance" Child-care up to the age of 1.5 years of age, including 96.00 1 1 152 107.10 1 459 1 875 056 115.21 525 725 823 20 17 444 89.12 19 20 319 10 163 527 1 397.43 13 217 999 354 302 114 020 322 367 765 165 550 705 5 265 581 6 051 965 pension’s insurance 24.92 14 160 4 235 192 28.46 14 000 4 781 280 unemployment insurance 2.01 14 160 342 070 3.05 14 000 512 616 disability insurance Remuneration for care provision to an adopted child, including 4.05 14 160 688 319 4.51 14 000 758 069 pension’s insurance 28.43 7 2 388 14.23 10 1 708 unemployment insurance Care provision to a child with a disability, including 2.30 7 193 1.53 10 183 pension’s insurance supplement to the social benefit in case of loss of supporter 15.18 813 148 072 14.23 900 153 684 22.17 10 049 2 673 861 21.37 10 300 2 640 992 59.97 1 372 905 054 46.57 306 170 991 Supplement to family allowance to ensure minimum amount 2 581 In total: 3. Other activities under Basic budget Assistant services for children in municipalities Psychological services for children under 18 years of age State budget funds for covering costs incurred by of local municipalities when providing accommodation in a childcare institution to a minor unaccompanied asylum seeker 1 891 8 995 149 9 019 523 617 387 261 130 1 040 186 0 26 24 083 0 7 271 60 086 72 834 Social rehabilitation of children suffered from illegal acts 1 440 914 1 343 479 Social recovery for children addicted to psychoactive substances 88 978 450 209 5 263 358 6 507 645 130 747 351 184 015 935 Sign language interpreters’ service for education purposes State budget funds for the Centre of Social Care branches for children Basic budget of the Ministry of Welfare Special social insurance budget (SB) 2 Survivor’s benefits 138.80 17 759 29 578 869 135.09 18 100 29 342 432 Maternity benefit 1985.65 1 451 34 574 090 2 159.80 1 415 36 673 404 Paternity benefit 227.20 813 2 216 596 266.10 889 2 838 755 Family allowance 471.12 12 537 70 877 418 303.19 18 879 68 687 088 32 560 137 246 973 39 283 137 541 679 In total: IN TOTAL (BB+SB): Source: Ministry of Welfare 267 994 324 321 557 614 Figure 3 Households disposable income in quintile groups in 2008-2013 Source: Ministry of Welfare Figure 4 Households disposable income by household’s type in 2008-2013 3 Source: Ministry of Welfare Figure 5 At-risk-of-poverty rate by household types (%) in 2008-2013 4 Source: Ministry of Welfare Figure 6 At-risk-of-poverty rate for children in 2008-2013 Source: Ministry of Welfare Figure 7 5 Participation of young people in the State Employment Agency’s career guidance consultations in 20122015 (until 1 June 2015) Year Unemployment and Young job seekers, total persons (15 – 24), total 2012 67 093 15 367 2013 44 102 9 495 2014 76 414 20 044 2015 (until 1 39 123 10 423 June 2015) Source: Ministry of Welfare Young personsfemale Young personsmale Young persons (15 – 24), disabled 8 601 5 463 11 663 5 564 6 766 4 032 8 381 9 859 216 193 513 236 Young personsdisabled female 100 98 209 98 Young personsdisabled male 116 95 304 138 ANNEX 2 Figure 1 Number of children –victims of violence and have received social rehabilitation in 2012-2014 Emotional violence Total/boys/girls Physical violence Total/boys/girls 2014 994/510/484 2013 988/495/493 2012 1174/608/566 Source: Ministry of Welfare 118/67/51 120/66/54 167/91/76 Sexual violence Total/boys/girls 134/54/80 110/31/79 114/45/69 Neglect Total/boys/girls 324/165/159 335/174/161 332/162/170 Combination of two or more reasons mentione d in the previous columns Total/boy s/girls 1230/685/545 1093/584/509 951/527/424 All three previous columns summed together Total/boys/girls 2800/1481/1319 2646/1350/1296 2738/1433/1305 Figure 2 Social rehabilitation for children-victims of violence in 2012- 2014 Year Number of children accommodated in childcare institutions Number of children received consultations at the place of residence 2012 1 183 1481 2013 1 253 1238 2014 1 275 1311 Source: Foundation “Latvian Children Fund”, Ministry of Welfare Financial resources spent (EUR) 1 247 835 1 424 074 1 440 914 Figure 3 6 Socio-economic conditions of the persons who received social rehabilitation in 2012- 2014 Year Economicallysecured families Poor or low-income families 2012 383 2013 418 2014 444 Source: Foundation “Latvian Children Fund” 800 835 831 Residence place in a city 439 479 533 Residence place in a rural area 744 774 724 Figure 4 Social rehabilitation services for children-victims of violence (disaggregated by age) in 2012-2014 Source: Foundation “Latvian Children Fund” Figure 5 7 Types of violence suffered by children-victims of violence, who received social rehabilitation services in 2012-2014 Source: Foundation “Latvian Children Fund” Figure 6 Penalties imposed by SIPCR (State Inspectorate on the Protection of the Children’s Rights) for applying corporal punishment towards children in 2012-2014 Year Penalties imposed by SIPCR 2012 Perpetrator(s) Head of the out-of-family care institution 1 1 teacher’s assistant of the boarding school, 1 boarding school teacher, 1 social carer of the out-of-family care institution, and 1 children camp’s teacher 3school teachers, 2 boarding school teachers 2013 4 2014 5 Source: Ministry of Welfare ANNEX 3 8 Figure 1 Major causes of infant mortality in 2012-2014 Specific conditions in the perinatal period Other classified symptoms, signs and anomalous clinic and laboratory findings Inherent anomalies Effects of external impact Infectious diseases Respiratory system diseases Other diseases Number of cases (in absolute numbers) 2012 69 28 14 4 5 2 3 2013 50 22 7 2 3 1 6 2014 42 20 9 3 1 0 8 Per 10,000 live births 2012 35.3 14.3 7.2 2.0 2.6 1.0 1.5 2013 24.7 10.9 3.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 3.0 2014 19.6 9.3 4.2 1.4 0.5 0.0 3.7 Proportion (%) 2012 55.2 22.4 11.2 3.2 4 1.6 2.4 2013 54.9 24.2 7.7 2.2 3.3 1.1 6.6 0 9.6 2014 50.6 24.1 10.8 3.6 1.2 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia (Register of Causes of Death) Figure 2 Maternal mortality rate in 2012-2014 2012 2013 Index: Maternal mortality (in absolute numbers) (3) 4 5 Maternal mortality (per 100,000 live births) 20.5 24.7 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia 2014 3 14.0 Figure 3 Child and adolescent (0–17 years of age) morbidity in 2012-2014 Number of first-time cases 2012 2013 2014 HIV 10 10 4 Number of cases per 100,000 people in the relevant age group HIV 2.9 2.9 1.2 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia Figure 4 Child and adolescent (0-17) infected with HIV by gender in 2012-2014 Boys 2012 2013 Number of first-time cases 9 2014 5 5 2 Number of cases per 100,000 people in the relevant age group 2.8 2.8 1.1 Girls 2012 2013 2014 Number of first-time cases 5 5 2 Number of cases per 100,000 people in the relevant age group 2.9 3.0 1.2 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia Figure 5 Number of registered HIV cases in the relevant age group in 2012-2014 0-12 months 2012 M F 3 1 2013 M F 2 4 2014 M F 2 1 1-6 years of age 2 1 2 1 0 1 7-14 years of age 0 0 1 0 0 0 15-17 years of age 0 3 0 0 0 0 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia Figure 6 Number of pregnant women (children and adolescents) in 2012-2014 2012 2013 2014 Under 14 years of age 17 12 8 15–17 years of age 417 341 320 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia Figure 7 Child and adolescent (aged 0–17) morbidity in 2012-2014 Number of first-time cases 2012 2013 2014 1,903 1,982 1,167 281 221 149 140 182 115 297 403 261 Mental illness Organic mental disorders, including symptomatic ones (F00-F09) Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (F40-F48) Mental backwardness (F70-F79) Mental developmental disorders (F80-F89) 602 663 312 Behavioural and emotional disorders which have usually begun in childhood and adolescence 515 457 282 (F90-F98) Number of cases per 100,000 people in the relevant age group Mental illness 544.8 572.1 336.1 10 Organic mental disorders, including symptomatic ones (F00-F09) Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (F40-F48) Mental backwardness (F70-F79) Mental developmental disorders (F80-F89) Behavioural and emotional disorders which have usually begun in childhood and adolescence (F90-F98) Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia 80.5 63.8 42.9 40.1 52.5 33.1 85.0 116.3 75.2 172.4 191.4 89.8 147.4 131.9 81.2 ANNEX 4 Figure 1 Children separated from their parents in 2012-2014 Year In Total Boys 4-12 580 531 413 0-3 358 302 258 2012 2 189 2013 2 032 2014 1 605 Source: Ministry of Welfare 13-17 219 186 138 Girls 4-12 526 473 405 0-3 300 301 214 13-17 206 239 177 Figure 2 Children placed in institutions in 2012-2014 Year In Total Boys 4-12 422 407 365 0-3 208 173 128 2012 1 889 2013 1 760 2014 1 551 Source: Ministry of Welfare 13-17 419 404 369 Girls 4-12 336 315 251 0-3 163 146 116 13-17 341 315 322 Figure 3 Children placed in foster families in 2012-2014 Year In Total Boys 4-12 362 370 362 0-3 102 104 95 2012 1 155 2013 1 262 2014 1 224 Source: Ministry of Welfare 13-17 139 173 166 Girls 4-12 312 334 327 0-3 102 114 100 13-17 138 167 174 Figure 4 Children adopted domestically in 2012-2014 Year 2012 2013 2014 Total 110 Up to 1 (from institution-66; year old from a foster family – 23 26, from a guardian’s family - 18 112 (from institution-57; 20 from a foster family – 23, from a guardian’s family - 32 122 (from institution-50; 9 from a foster family – Age 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-18 20 15 17 11 8 1 3 6 0 6 13 26 17 14 8 0 1 3 1 9 15 26 17 17 18 1 7 1 0 11 11 39, from a guardian’s family - 33 Source: Ministry of Welfare Figure 5 Children adopted internationally in 2012-2014 Year Total Age 144 (from institution-84; from a foster family – 60, from a guardian’s family - 0 131 2013 (from institution-63; from a foster family – 68, from a guardian’s family - 0 178 2014 (from institution-104; from a foster family – 74, from a guardian’s family - 0 Source: Ministry of Welfare 2012 Up to 1 year old 1 1- 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-18 2 14 10 11 16 8 10 11 6 55 1 3 6 7 13 7 10 8 11 8 57 0 6 4 7 10 17 13 11 13 17 80 2 ANNEX 5 Figure 1 Families who are to entitled receive supplement to the State family allowance for a disabled child in 20122014 2012 7 552 Source: Ministry of Welfare 2013 7 679 2014 7 924 Figure 2 Children with disability in long-term social care institutions in 2012-2014 Year Total Boys Girls 2012 453 278 175 2013 444 267 177 2014 410 249 161 Source: Ministry of Welfare 0-4 years of age Boys/Girls 31/28 32/24 28/24 5-12 years of age Boys/Girls 108/59 111/64 90/47 13-17 years of age Boys/Girls 139/88 124/89 131/90 Figure 3 Information of children with disabilities, who are not registered in any educational institution in 20122015 Academic Year Number of children with disability 2014/2015 4 2013/2014 12 2012/2013 23 Source: Ministry of Education and Science 12 Figure 4 Children with disabilities in 2013-2015 2013 (as of 1 January) 7 825 Source: Ministry of Welfare 2014(as of 1 January) 7 957 2015(as of 1 January) 8 222 Figure 5 Abandoned children with disabilities in 2012-2014 Year 2012 2013 2014 Source: Ministry of Welfare Boys 8 7 7 Girls 8 9 2 Total 16 16 9 Figure 6 Students with special needs in general educational institutions, general secondary education programmes and special educational programmes in 2012-2014 Academic Year Students with special needs in general education institutions, general secondary education programme Students with special needs, in general education institutions, special education programmes 328 2 891 2012/2013 2014/2015 356 Source: Ministry of Education and Science 3 421 Figure 7 Students in preschool educational institution, special primary and general secondary education programmes in 2012-2015 The number of children in preschool educational institutions, special programmes The number of children in special pre-school educational institutions Including, special programmes 2012/2013 4 794 3 497 3 350 2013/2014 4 892 3 410 3 276 3 276 3 152 Academic Year 2014/2015 4 868 Source: Ministry of Education and Science 13 Figure 8 Students in special educational institutions and other educational institutions in 2012-2015 Academic year Special educational institution 1-9 grade 10-12 grade Other educational institution 1-9 grade 10-12 grade 2012/2013 5 968 127 4 055 65 2013/2014 5 703 107 4 703 40 105 5 150 34 2014/2015 5 777 Source: Ministry of Education and Science ANNEX 6 Figure 1 Students in preschool and general educational institutions (1-9 grade) Academic Year The number of children in pre-school educational institutions (from 1.5 years of age) The number of children in general educational institutions (1-9 grade) 93 108 167 386 2013/2014 2014/2015 92 000 Source: Ministry of Education and Science 170 609 Figure 2 Students in general educational institutions (day school), evening (shift) schools, vocational classes in 2014-2015 Academic Year The number of children in general educational institutions (day schools) 199 119 (including primary education programme – 2014/2015 170 609) Source: Ministry of Education and Science The number of children in general educational institutions (1-9 grade) 10 567 (1-9 grade – 1 658 10-12 grade – 8 909) The number of children, professional education programmes, vocational classes 811 Figure 3 School attendance rate by students from poor or low-income families in 2013 (survey data) Students Students Students attending attending attending educational primary school educational institution (0-6 institution (15years of age) 18 years of age) 62% 98% 91% Source: Ministry of Education and Science 14 Students attending boarding school Students attending special school 6% 4% Figure 4 Educational institutions in 2014/2015 academic year Academic year Educational institutions with general education programmes With minority education curricula 2014/2015 796 106 Source: Ministry of Education and Science With Latvian and Russian as a language of instruction Russian Polish Estonian Lithuani an Ukrainia n Jewish Byelorussi an 67 95 4 1 1 1 2 1 Figure 5 Private educational institutions in 2014/2015 academic year Academic year With English With French as a language as a language of instruction of instruction 2014/2015 2 1 Source: Ministry of Education and Science Figure 6 Evening, vocational, distance learning educational institutions in 2014/2015 academic year Academic year Evening, With the vocational, Latvian and distance minority learning education educational curricula institutions 2014/2015 28 12 Source: Ministry of Education and Science Figure 7 Roma students in educational institutions in 2013-2014 academic year Academic year 2013/2014 Roma students in total Roma students’ dropouts 1 032 15.9% (primarily, 7-9 grade students) Source: Ministry of Education and Science 15 Roma students received support educational activities (e.g., the Latvian language classes, Science classes) 26.8% Roma teacher’s assistant in general educational institutions 4 Figure 8 Inmate minors involved in education programmes in 2007-2013 Number of students General Professional education education programme programme 156 66 166 53 145 90 85 85 64 20 53 17 48 30 Number of minor inmates Year 1 September 2007 1 September 2008 1 September 2009 1 September 2010 1 September 2011 1 September 2012 1 September 2013 Source: Ministry of Justice 183 176 173 100 64 54 48 Percentage of students (%) General Professional education education programme programme 72% 36% 94% 30% 84% 52% 85% 85% 100% 31% 98% 32% 100% 63% ANNEX 7 Figure 1 Number of imprisoned minors involved in general education programmes in 2004-2012 Number of students Total number of imprisoned minors Year/ date 1 September 2007 1 September 2008 1 September 2009 1 September 2010 1 September 2011 1 September 2012 Source: Ministry of Justice General education 156 166 145 85 64 53 183 176 173 100 64 54 Proportion of students (%) Vocational education 66 53 90 85 20 17 General education 72% 94% 84% 85% 100% 98% Vocational education 36% 30% 52% 85% 31% 32% Figure 2 Number of imprisoned minors involved in resocialisation programmes in 2004-2013 Resocialisation programmes Year Total number of imprisoned minors 2007 191 2008 199 2009 189 2010 88 2011 68 2012 55 2013 46 Source: Ministry of Justice Social rehabilitation programme Social behaviour programme Other programmes 1 2 4 7 3 2 6 7 13 6 8 7 4 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 16 Number of imprisoned minors / percentage of the total number 82/43% 159/80% 170/90% 175/201% 74/109% 57/104% 87/189% Figure 3 Number of personnel involved in educational seminars in 2004-2011 Year Number of employees working with imprisoned persons Number of seminars organised Number of participants in the seminars 2007 33 13 77 2008 46 3 70 2009 53 49 73 2010 49 52 91 2011 49 Source: Ministry of Justice 41 113 Figure 4 Number of cases of physical violence and coercion among minors in places of imprisonment in 2013-2015 (until 18 August 2015) Year 2013 2014 2015 (until 18 August 2015) Source: Ministry of Justice Number of cases of physical violence and coercion Boys Girls 7 (in 2 cases committed by the same 2 (committed by the same person) person) 11 (in 2 cases committed by the same 0 person) 6 (in 3 cases committed by the same 0 person) Total 9 11 6 Figure 5 Number of imprisoned minors in 2013-2015* * First column – number of inmates; Second column – number of detained on remand, Third column – number of convicted persons Source: Ministry of Justice 17 Figure 6 Number of minors (apprehended, detained on remand, escorted) in the short-term detention facilities in 2012-2014 2012 1. Number of minors apprehended/detained on remand pursuant to Criminal Law 2. Number of minors detained on remand, time of placement in the short-term detention facility, until a security measure is changed, or a person is escorted to the place of imprisonment (number/days in total) 3. 3.1. Number of escorted minors from the place of imprisonment for conducting procedural activities and time of placement in the short-term detention facility (number/days in total) To the court 3.2. 2013 2014 410 53 404 123 277 270 87 557 139 783 118 717 319 1826 265 1440 270 1304 178 946 137 718 130 661 33 138 27 150 34 200 107 740 101 572 105 437 1 2 0 0 1 6 To the Public Prosecutor Office 3.3. To the State Police 3.4. Others Source: Ministry of Interior Figure 7 Number of inmates (detained on remand, convicted persons) at imprisonment facilities 2012-2014 Year Number of women Detained on remand Convicted 2012 131 287 2013 102 245 2014 99 244 Source: Ministry of Justice Number of minors Number of life-long imprisoned persons Detained on remand Convicted Detained on remand Convicted 30 22 15 25 24 23 7 12 9 53 53 53 18 Number of inmates in total 6117 5139 4745 Number of persons detained on remand in total 1921 1526 1469 Number of convicted persons in total 4196 3613 3276 Figure 8 Number of convicted persons by the type of punishment in 2013-2015 Punishment/Year 2013 2014 2015 (until 3 September 2015) Primary punishment – deprivation of liberty Temporary deprivation of liberty 197 481 448 up to 1 year 1106 1178 774 1-3 years (including) 938 951 638 3-5 years (including) 345 324 204 5-10 years (including) 255 222 139 10-20 years (including) 48 42 27 Over 20 years 0 1 1 Life sentence 1 4 2 Suspended sentence 2146 1945 1092 Other primary punishments Fine 215 235 102 so called suspended fine 4 11 6 Compulsory work 3536 4258 2993 so called suspended compulsory work 75 162 85 Arrest 1 0 0 so called suspended arrest 0 0 0 Source: Ministry of Justice Figure 9 Training of State Police officials in issues related to children’s rights provided by the State Police College in 2012-2014 Training Protection of children’s rights Protection of children’s rights - 2 Police officer’s actions in cases related to domestic violence 2012 80 34 86 2013 75 55 21 2014 67 87 38 - 60 30 10 34 - The Police work in multicultural environment - - 69 Identification and prevention of hate crimes 64 41 - - - - 88 61 11 Legal and psychological aspects of the Police officer’s actions in cases related to sexual violence Criminal Offences against Morality and Sexual Inviolability Human rights and racism-related issues Prevention, combating and investigation of trafficking in human beings/ soutenerism cases Source: Ministry of the Interior 19 Figure 10 Criminal offences committed by minors in 2012-2014 Article, Criminal Law Art. 78 Incitement to national, ethnic and racial hatred Art. 93 Desecration of symbols of the State Art. 116 Murder Art. 117 Murder with aggravating circumstances Art. 188 Murder with especially aggravating circumstances Art. 125 Intentional Severe Bodily Injury Art. 126 Intentional Medium Bodily Injury Art. 130 Intentional Light Bodily Injury Art. 131 Bodily Injury by Negligence Art 132 Threats to commit murder or inflict severe bodily injury Art. 158 Rape Art. 160 Forcible Sexual Assault Art. 161 Sexual Intercourse with a Person who has not reached 16 years of age Art. 162 Molesting of a Juvenile Art. 175 Theft Art. 176 Robbery Art. 177 Fraud Art. 179 Misappropriation Art. 180 Theft, Fraud, Misappropriation in Small Amounts Art. 183 Extortion Art. 185 Intentional Destruction of and Damage to Property Art. 186 Destruction of and Damage to Property by Negligence Art. 230 Cruel Treatment of Animals Art. 251 Hooliganism Art. 253 Unauthorised Manufacture, Acquisition, Storage, Transportation and Forwarding of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances Art. 2531Unauthorised Manufacture, Acquisition, Storage, Transportation and Forwarding of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances for the Purpose of Sale and Unauthorised Sale Art. 2532 Unauthorised Acquisition, Storage and Sale of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances in Small Amounts and Unauthorised Use of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances Art. 262 Operating a Vehicle while under the Influence of Alcohol or Narcotic, Psychotropic, Toxic or Other Intoxicating Substances Source: Ministry of Interior 2012 0 2 3 4 2 11 19 48 8 2 8 21 0 67 689 88 6 3 460 1 255 5 1 43 21 2013 2014 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 6 0 0 6 10 17 17 25 25 2 2 0 1 2 3 3 13 2 0 3 0 395 287 59 54 9 7 3 1 433 165 2 1 145 117 3 3 0 0 19 27 13 7 9 12 11 24 4 12 43 37 40 Figure 11 Administrative offences committed by minors in 2012-2014 Number of minors subject to administrative violations reports In total (Articles of the Latvian Administrative Violations Code (LAVC), and municipal by-laws): LAVC, Art. 421 Violation of Prohibition of Smoking, committed by a minor LAVC, Art. 46, part 1 Illegal acquisition or storage in a small amount of narcotic or psychotropic substances or medicinal products, without the aim of selling them, as well as the use of narcotic or psychotropic substances 20 2012 2013 7 015 5 788 2 597 2 145 61 87 2014 4795 1 772 90 LAVC, Art. 46, part 2 the illegal acquisition or storage in a small amount of narcotic or psychotropic substances or medicinal products, including substances, which may be used for the illegal production of narcotic or psychotropic substances (precursors), without the aim of selling them, as well as the use of narcotic or psychotropic substances LAVC, Art. 167 Petty Hooliganism LAVC, Art. 1672, part 1 Intentional Minor Bodily Injury LAVC, Art. 1672, part 2 Intentional Minor Bodily Injury, if Committed Repeatedly LAVC, Art.171, part 1 Use of Alcoholic Beverages or other Intoxicating Substances in Public Places and Presence in Public Places in an Intoxicated State LAVC, Art.171, part 2 - Use of Alcoholic Beverages or other Intoxicating Substances in Public Places and Presence in Public Places in an Intoxicated State, if Committed Repeatedly LAVC, Art.171.1, part 1 Use of Alcoholic Beverages or other Intoxicating Substances, or Presence in an Intoxicated State, if Committed by a Minor LAVC, Art.171.1, part 2 Use of Alcoholic Beverages or other Intoxicating Substances, or Presence in an Intoxicated State, if Committed by a Minor Repeatedly LAVC, Art.1712, part 1 Acquisition of Alcohol Beverages, if Committed by a Minor LAVC, Art.1712, part 2 Acquisition of Alcohol Beverages, if Committed by a Minor Repeatedly LAVC, Art.1744 Violation of Regulation Limiting Prostitution LAVC, Art.175 Intentional Non-compliance with a Police Officer’s, Border Guard’s or National Guard’s Lawful Order or Requirement LAVC, Art.110 Violation of the Regulation regarding the Use of Railway Transport Equipment Source: Ministry of Interior 0 0 181 77 200 75 2 3 43 41 0 204 71 4 39 8 3 5 1 109 1 058 827 199 174 163 16 20 0 0 0 0 22 16 0 2 2 0 0 15 1 Figure 12 Number of persons sentenced for criminal offences (under Articles of Criminal Law) involving children as victims in 2012-2014 Art. 164, Art.161 Art. 162 Art.1621 Art. 164 Art.165 Art.166 part 4 2012 0 4 0 0 30 7 0 0 0 2013 0 4 0 4 31 6 1 0 0 2014 0 13 10 6 22 10 0 0 2 Art. 154 1of the Criminal Law - Trafficking in human being Art. 159 of the Criminal Law – Rape Art. 164, part 4, of the Criminal Law – Involvement a Minor in Prostitution Art. 161 of the Criminal Law - Sexual Intercourse with a Person who has not reached 16 years of age Art. 162 of the Criminal Law - Molesting of a Juvenile Art. 1621of the Criminal Law - Inducement to engage in sexual activity Art. 164 of the Criminal Law – Involvement in Prostitution Art. 165 of the Criminal Law - Controlling prostitution for gain Art. 166 of the Criminal Law - Violation of Provisions Regarding the Demonstration of a Pornographic Performance, Restriction of Entertainment of Intimate Nature and Handling of a Material of Pornographic Nature Source: “Latvian Children Fund” Year Art. 154. 1 Art.159 21 Figure 13 UN Convention on the rights of the child in the judgements/decisions adopted by the Supreme Court in 2005-2015 Year Number of cases in the Supreme Court departments Administrative case Civil cases Criminal cases 2005 1 1 2006 4 2007 2 1 2008 6 3 2009 5 9 2010 4 7 1 2011 4 3 2012 3 6 2013 3 2 2014 5 17 2015 2 5 Total: 39 54 1 Source: Supreme Court (b) Update on statistical data provided in the Report ANNEX 2 Statistical data about activities of the Legal Aid Administration State-ensured legal aid in 2012-2014 Year Total number of applications from individuals Number of applications granted 2012 2 823 2013 2 443 2014 2 318 7 584 Total: Source: Ministry of Justice Number of applications refused 2 275 1 901 1 850 6 026 322 262 227 811 Resources provided for legal aid (LVL) 64 165,9 49 135,89 102 237,61 215 542,40 State compensation paid to persons who have suffered violent criminal offences in 2012-2014 Year Number of victims who have received compensation For serious bodily For medium bodily For sex For death of a injuries injuries crimes person 2012 115 2013 108 2014 108 331 Total: Source: Ministry of Justice 184 186 208 578 64 94 117 275 22 114 108 129 351 Amount of compensation (LVL) 190 000 271 241,88 562 201,99 1 023 443,80 ANNEX 6 Statistical data about violence against a child Number of criminal cases and persons accused/convicted, pursuant to Article 174 (Cruelty towards and violence against a minor) of the Criminal Law in 2012-2014 Year Number of cases transferred to court 2012 32 2013 36 2014 51 Total: 119 Source: Court Administration Number of accused/convicted persons 34 29 48 111 ANNEX 10 Statistical data about received and paid child support, and child support evasion Number of children who have received child support and the amount of child support paid in 2012-2014 Year Number of children who have received child support 2012 27 640 2013 28 519 2014 29 665 Source: Ministry of Justice Amount of paid child support (LVL, EUR) LVL 8 884 738 EUR 15 724 979 EUR 22 237 067 ANNEX 12 Statistical data about health care resources, birth and death rates, number of accidents, health care of pregnant women, breastfeeding and number of abortions Health care resources in 2006 – 2014 2006 2007 2008 Number of regularly employed medical practitioners of all 8,341 8,014 8,437 specialities (as at the end of the year) Out of which: General practitioners 1,283 1,250 1,304 Paediatric surgeons 30 29 44 Gynaecologists 468 429 443 Paediatric gynaecologists 1 2 Psychiatrists, psychotherapists 264 251 280 Child psychiatrists 22 19 12 Neonatologists 71 80 67 Paediatricians 241 238 311 Paediatric infectologists 17 17 12 Narcologists 78 74 75 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia 23 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 7,964 7,951 7,987 7,998 7,991 7,727 1,285 43 427 270 16 63 288 10 60 1,311 45 412 279 14 62 276 10 60 1,316 45 416 276 14 63 268 10 60 1,318 43 421 282 14 64 245 10 60 1,316 42 413 281 12 67 247 11 61 1,344 40 398 271 11 65 239 9 58 Child mortality (1–17 years of age) in 2004-2014 Age group 1-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-17 years Number of cases 2004 39 39 33 57 2005 35 31 47 53 2006 35 31 26 52 2007 33 26 37 59 2008 29 21 25 59 2009 36 30 26 34 2010 33 21 28 34 2011 28 25 12 24 2012 18 16 10 27 2013 26 19 18 13 2014 21 18 18 23 Per 100,000 people 2004 49.4 40.3 22.3 51.9 2005 43.7 32.9 34.8 50.0 2006 43.2 33.2 21.3 51.4 2007 39.6 27.7 33.6 61.5 2008 33.7 22.0 24.9 66.7 2009 40.7 31.0 27.6 42.9 2010 37.0 21.7 30.8 48.4 2011 32.1 25.6 13.4 38.4 2012 21.5 16.0 11.2 47.3 2013 32.5 18.5 19.8 24.5 2014 26.7 17.2 19.6 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 44.9 Child mortality by age (number of children who have died in the first year of life) in 2004-2014 2004 2005 2006 Infant death 191 168 170 Incl. at the age of: 0 days 29 30 35 1 – 6 days 48 52 45 7 – 27 days 39 39 24 28 days – 1 year 75 47 66 Per 1,000 live births 9.4 7.8 7.6 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 2007 204 2008 161 50 48 36 70 8.8 35 37 41 48 6.7 24 2009 168 31 48 30 59 7.7 2010 110 27 21 21 41 5.7 2011 124 31 30 19 44 6.7 2012 125 2013 91 2014 83 34 32 18 41 6.4 18 19 15 39 4.5 22 23 16 22 3.9 Major causes of infant mortality in 2005-2014 Specific conditions in the perinatal period Inherent anomalies Other classified symptoms, signs and anomalous clinic and laboratory findings Effects of external impact Infectious diseases Respiratory system diseases Other diseases Number of cases (in absolute numbers) 2005 80 41 17 14 5 6 5 2006 81 43 19 7 4 5 11 2007 95 57 27 6 3 6 10 2008 79 44 18 6 4 3 7 2009 78 50 24 4 6 2 4 2010 58 25 13 3 4 1 6 2011 69 30 12 4 1 2 6 2012 69 28 14 4 5 2 3 2013 50 22 7 2 3 1 6 2014 42 20 9 3 1 0 8 Per 10,000 live births 2005 37.1 19.0 7.9 6.5 2.3 2.8 2.3 2006 36.3 19.3 8.5 3.1 1.8 2.2 4.9 2007 40.8 24.5 11.6 2.6 1.3 2.6 4.3 2008 33.0 18.4 7.5 2.5 1.7 1.3 2.8 2009 36.0 23.1 11.1 1.8 2.8 0.9 1.8 2010 30.3 13.1 6.8 1.6 2.1 0.5 3.1 2011 37.4 16.3 6.5 2.2 0.5 1.1 3.3 2012 35.3 14.3 7.2 2.0 2.6 1.0 1.5 2013 24.7 10.9 3.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 3.0 2014 19.6 9.3 4.2 1.4 0.5 0.0 3.7 Proportion (%) 2005 47.6 24.4 10.1 8.3 3.0 3.6 3.0 2006 47.6 25.3 11.2 4.1 2.4 2.9 6.5 2007 46.6 27.9 13.2 2.9 1.5 2.9 4.9 2008 49.1 27.3 11.2 3.7 2.5 1.9 4.3 2009 46.4 29.8 14.3 2.4 3.6 1.2 2.4 2010 52.7 22.7 11.8 2.7 3.6 0.9 5.5 2011 55.6 24.2 9.7 3.2 0.8 1.6 4.8 2012 55.2 22.4 11.2 3.2 4 1.6 2.4 2013 54.9 24.2 7.7 2.2 3.3 1.1 6.6 2014 50.6 24.1 10.8 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 3.6 1.2 0 9.6 25 Child and adolescent (0–17years of age) morbidity in 2004-2014 Malign tumours All forms of tuberculosis Including tuberculosis of respiratory organs Mental illness Organic mental disorders, including symptomatic ones (F00-F09) Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (F40-F48) Mental backwardness (F70-F79) Mental developmental disorders (F80-F89) Behavioural and emotional disorders which have usually begun in childhood and adolescence (F90F98) Syphilis Gonorrhoea HIV Number of first-time cases 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 59 43 38 39 42 67 53 63 140 87 93 73 63 51 61 66 134 85 92 70 63 51 60 66 2012 2013 2014 46 57 56 76 58 52 76 58 52 2,166 1,867 1,837 1,627 1,903 1,982 1,167 361 290 303 235 243 255 269 301 281 221 149 148 170 176 156 154 141 120 193 140 182 115 557 466 399 334 410 388 396 390 297 403 261 596 487 457 388 423 491 434 653 602 663 312 394 36 17 12 382 414 422 436 385 399 546 515 457 17 8 5 3 6 2 1 4 1 23 38 13 25 21 11 12 13 10 5 10 9 14 2 7 3 10 10 Number of cases per 100,000 people in the relevant age group 9.7 8.9 9.4 10.4 17.1 13.9 17.7 13.2 16.5 19.6 21.8 17.6 15.6 13.0 16.0 18.6 21.8 16.7 Malign tumours 12.8 All forms of tuberculosis 30.4 Including tuberculosis of respiratory organs 29.1 19.2 21.5 Mental illness 470.6 421.5 430.1 Organic mental disorders, including symptomatic ones (F00-F09) 78.4 65.5 70.9 Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (F40-F48) 32.2 38.4 41.2 Mental backwardness (F70-F79) 121.0 105.2 93.4 Mental developmental disorders (F80-F89) 129.5 109.9 107.0 Behavioural and emotional disorders which have usually begun in childhood and adolescence (F90F98) 85.6 86.2 96.9 Syphilis 7.8 3.8 1.9 Gonorrhoea 3.7 5.2 8.9 HIV 2.6 1.1 2.3 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia 1,727 1,726 1,677 2,151 282 2 15 4 16.1 15.0 16.9 393.1 15.6 428.7 13.0 439.9 15.7 439.9 18.6 605.1 21.8 544.8 16.7 572.1 15.0 336.1 56.8 60.3 65.0 70.6 84.7 80.5 63.8 42.9 37.7 38.2 35.9 31.5 54.3 40.1 52.5 33.1 80.7 101.8 98.9 103.9 109.7 85.0 116.3 75.2 93.7 105.0 125.1 113.9 183.7 172.4 191.4 89.8 102.0 1.2 3.1 2.2 108.2 0.7 6.2 3.5 98.1 1.5 5.4 0.5 104.7 0.5 2.9 1.8 153.6 0.3 3.4 0.8 147.4 1.1 3.7 2.9 131.9 0.3 2.9 2.9 81.2 0.6 4.3 1.2 26 Child and adolescent (0-17) morbidity by gender 2004 – 2014 2004 2005 Number of first-time cases Malign tumours 24 28 All forms of tuberculosis 65 40 Including tuberculosis of respiratory organs 62 38 Mental illness 1,341 1,218 Including behavioural and emotional disorders which 293 283 have usually begun in childhood and adolescence Mental backwardness 339 287 Syphilis 7 3 Gonorrhoea 6 10 HIV 2 1 Number of cases per 100,000 people in the relevant age group Malign tumours 10.2 12.4 All forms of tuberculosis 27.6 17.7 Including tuberculosis of respiratory organs 26.3 16.8 Mental illness 569.9 537.5 Including behavioural and emotional disorders which have usually begun in childhood and adolescence 124.5 124.9 Mental backwardness 144.1 126.7 Syphilis 3.0 1.3 Gonorrhoea 2.5 4.4 HIV 0.8 0.4 2004 Malign tumours All forms of tuberculosis Including tuberculosis of respiratory organs Mental illness Including behavioural and emotional disorders which have usually begun in childhood and adolescence Mental backwardness 2005 2006 2007 2008 Boys 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 12 42 42 1,196 308 22 30 29 1,073 314 23 36 36 1,122 267 35 23 23 1,126 279 32 28 27 1,091 290 38 39 39 1,378 365 28 39 39 1,238 362 34 23 23 1,275 319 38 34 34 737 204 246 2 13 5 210 1 8 4 244 0 8 5 239 5 9 2 254 2 4 3 233 1 3 2 185 3 5 5 257 0 2 5 162 1 8 2 5.5 19.2 19.2 547.7 10.4 14.2 13.7 507.6 11.2 17.5 17.5 545.4 17.5 11.5 11.5 561.8 16.4 14.4 13.9 560.2 20.9 21.4 21.4 757.2 15.6 21.8 21.8 690.9 19.1 12.9 12.9 717.1 21.3 19.1 19.1 413.7 141.0 112.7 0.9 6.0 2.3 148.5 99.3 0.5 3.8 1.9 129.8 118.6 0 3.9 2.4 139.2 119.2 2.5 4.5 1.0 148.9 130.4 1.0 2.1 1.5 200.6 128.0 0.5 1.6 1.1 202.0 103.2 1.7 2.8 2.8 179.4 144.6 0 1.1 2.8 114.5 90.9 0.6 4.5 1.1 2006 2007 2008 Girls 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 35 75 72 825 101 15 47 47 649 99 26 51 50 641 106 17 43 41 554 108 19 27 27 605 113 32 28 28 600 106 21 33 33 586 109 25 27 27 773 181 18 37 37 665 153 23 35 35 707 138 18 18 18 430 78 218 179 153 124 137 149 142 157 112 146 99 27 Syphilis 29 14 Gonorrhoea 11 13 HIV 10 4 Number of cases per 100,000 people in the relevant age group Malign tumours 15.6 6.9 All forms of tuberculosis 33.3 21.7 Including tuberculosis of respiratory organs 32.0 21.7 Mental illness 366.8 299.9 Including behavioural and emotional disorders which have usually begun in childhood and adolescence 44.9 45.8 Mental backwardness 96.9 82.7 Syphilis 12.9 6.5 Gonorrhoea 4.9 6.0 HIV 4.4 1.8 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia 6 25 5 4 5 5 3 17 9 1 12 0 0 7 4 0 9 1 1 8 5 1 8 5 1 7 2 12.5 24.4 23.9 307.0 8.4 21.2 20.2 273.6 9.6 13.7 13.7 306.9 16.7 14.6 14.6 312.6 11.3 17.7 17.7 314.3 14.4 15.6 15.6 445.5 10.6 21.8 21.8 391.0 13.6 20.8 20.8 419.2 10.6 10.6 10.6 254.3 50.8 73.3 2.9 12.0 2.4 53.3 61.2 2.0 2.5 2.5 57.3 69.5 1.5 8.6 4.6 55.2 77.6 0.5 6.3 0 58.5 76.2 0 3.8 2.1 104.3 90.5 0 5.2 0.6 90.0 65.8 0.6 4.7 2.9 81.8 86.6 0.6 4.7 3.0 46.1 58.6 0.6 4.1 1.2 28 Child morbidity from different diseases within the first year of the child’s life registered by the primary health care provider (a medical practitioner) (out of 1,000 children examined at this age) 2006 – 2014 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2,168.4 2,233.8 2,222.9 2,195.2 2,232.7 2,371.7 2,655.5 2,396.0 2,337.3 Infectious and parasitic diseases 59.5 63.2 68.1 78.7 80.6 72.5 95.4 85.9 83.1 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 30.4 31.5 22.9 21.3 22.1 24.6 25.4 30.9 25.1 Diseases of the nervous system, and eye and ear 128.5 131.9 121.9 122.4 120.2 112.6 142.7 119.9 107.9 1,207.0 1,287.3 1,272.7 1,229.5 1,292.9 1,436.7 1561.9 1432.8 1347.7 Digestive system diseases 159.9 164.0 176.9 173.5 178.0 185.8 226.3 192.6 212.5 Genitourinary system diseases 26.8 27.5 28.7 26.3 26.3 29.1 39.0 34.1 34.6 Congenital anomalies 36.1 35.0 38.6 36.2 29.4 28.9 31.7 32.6 29.1 Specific conditions in the perinatal period 245.8 231.5 239.3 239.7 195.8 214.0 212.8 170.8 202.7 Consequence of external causes 25.2 28.3 28.4 27.3 26.9 28.8 34.4 26.4 28.6 Other diseases 249.3 233.7 225.5 240.3 260.7 238.6 275.3 270.0 265.9 Total morbidity Including: Respiratory system diseases Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 29 Health care of pregnant women, women at delivery, and maternal mortality in 2006-2014 Index: 2006 2007 Number of pregnant women 23,700 24,301 Antenatal care started before 12th 21,234 21,221 gestation week Incomplete antenatal care (from 1,267 1,244 childbearing women) Complete antenatal care (from 20,408 21,342 childbearing women) Without antenatal care (from 2.4 2.2 childbearing women) Maternal mortality (in absolute 3 6 numbers) Maternal mortality (per 100,000 13.5 25.8 live births) Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 2008 23,212 20,879 2009 21,286 18,808 2010 19,814 17,331 2011 20,375 17,998 2012 21,114 18,914 2013 22,730 20,675 2014 23,603 20,920 1,216 1,322 1,248 1,304 1,697 1,682 1,848 22,067 19,646 17,233 16,702 17,384 18,189 19,163 2.3 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.6 1.1 1.0 3 10 5 1 4 5 3 12.5 46.1 26.1 5.4 20.5 24.7 14.0 Share of breastfed children (percent) in 2004- 2014 2004 2005 2006 Only for 6 full 91.0 92.1 92.2 weeks For 3 full 67.1 70.9 72.6 months For 6 full 41.5 44.3 46.3 months For 12 full 15.6 16.6 17.9 months Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 2007 90.4 2008 91.2 2009 91.7 2010 91.8 2011 92.0 2012 92.7 2013 92.5 2014 92.6 71.4 73.5 74.7 75.9 76.0 76.9 77.0 78.1 45.8 48.9 50.8 52.5 52.9 53.6 55.2 57.0 18.2 18.9 20.8 21.7 22.4 23.0 24.3 26.2 Number of pregnant women (children and adolescents) in 2009- 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Aged under 14 14 6 9 17 12 8 Aged 15–17 456 353 366 417 341 320 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 30 Number of registered HIV cases in the relevant age group in 2006-2014 2006 2007 F 1 M 2 2008 F 4 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 M 1 F 1 M 2 F 0 M 1 F 0 M 1 F 0 M 3 F 1 M 2 F 4 M 2 F 1 1-6 years of 1 2 1 1 3 age 7-14 years of 0 0 0 0 0 age 15-17 years 3 2 1 0 1 of age Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 3 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-12 months M 1 31 Activity of HIV testing among children (0-18 years of age) in Latvia in 2009-2012 (until 30 June 2012) Year Number of HIV tests 2009 936 2010 819 2011 912 2012 890 2013 861 2014 847 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Preventive therapies of vertical transmission (mother-to-child) of HIV in 2009- 2011 Year Therapies for infected pregnant women 2009 48 2010 45 2011 48 2012 49 2013 61 2014 50 Source: National Health Service HIV testing/express testing among adolescents in 2007- 2014 Year HIV testing Aged under 15 Aged 16-18 2007 7 43 2008 11 49 HIV express testing Aged 0-24 2010 175 2011 172 Aged 0-17 Aged 18-24 2012 8 62 2013 (0-24 years of age) 369 2014 (0-24 years of age ) 307 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia Amount of financial resources allocated for the treatment of children with rare diseases in 2010-2012 Year Financial resources, LVL/EUR 2010 76 110 LVL 2011 560 184 LVL 2012 681 206 LVL 2013 823 211 LVL 2014 1 302 702 EURO Source: National Health Service 32 The state of immunisation in Latvia in 2006-2014 Age Vaccines (years) 2006 1 Vaccine 3 95.9 2 Vaccine 4 99 Diphtheria Tetanus 7 Vaccine 5 103.2 14 Vaccine 6 99.4 1 Vaccine 3 95.8 Pertussis 2 Vaccine 4 98.8 1 Vaccine 3 95.9 2 Vaccine 4 98.9 Poliomyelitis 7 Vaccine 5 103.3 14 Vaccine 6 98.7 2 Vaccine 1 98.3 Measles 7 Vaccine 2 100.3 2 Vaccine 1 98.3 Rubella 7 Vaccine 2 100.3 2 Vaccine 1 98.3 Epidemic parotitis 7 Vaccine 2 100.3 Tuberculosis 1 Vaccine 1 94.6 Hepatitis B 1 Vaccine 3 93.6 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Infectious diseases 2007 94.2 92.3 101.2 92.5 94.1 92.2 94.2 92 100.9 90.3 94.7 98.5 94.7 98.5 94.7 98.5 94.7 91.4 2008 94.6 95.9 101.3 101.8 94.5 95.8 94.6 95.9 101.5 102.9 96 94.2 96 94.2 96 94.2 94.8 92.7 33 Immunisation coverage 2009 2010 2011 94.6 91.6 92 91.5 94.2 103.2 96.3 94.6 98.2 96.2 92.7 95.3 94.5 91.5 92 91.3 94.2 103.1 94.6 91.6 92.1 91.4 94.3 103.2 96.1 95.8 98 96 92.3 95.1 92.4 95.2 92.3 91.8 92.5 92.1 92.4 95.2 92.3 91.8 92.5 92.1 92.4 95.2 92.3 91.8 92.5 92.1 95.7 91.7 92.9 91.9 90.8 89.2 2012 90.8 93.7 97.7 86.9 90.8 93.6 90.8 93.7 97.7 86.7 90.3 92 90.3 92 90.3 92 94.3 89.5 2013 94.2 92 99.4 91.5 94.2 92 94.2 92 99.4 91.4 95.5 91.6 95.5 91.6 95.5 91.6 94.2 93.7 2014 92.5 92.2 95.3 86.5 92.5 92.1 92.5 92.2 95.3 86.4 94.9 88.5 94.9 88.5 94.9 88.5 92 92.3 Abortions in 2004-2014 Total number of abortions Incl. under 14 Incl. 15–17 Induced abortions 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 18,190 17,338 16,271 16,290 14,941 12,435 10,820 10,320 9,231 8,715 8,550 14 11 10 15 12 8 10 7 11 8 5 537 501 467 498 409 312 279 171 173 144 109 13,723 12,785 11,825 11,814 10,425 8,881 7,443 7,089 6,197 5,557 5,318 Incl. under 14 12 11 10 14 9 6 6 7 9 7 3 Incl. 15–17 422 374 345 399 319 246 204 131 127 100 80 2,250 2,181 1,965 2,051 1,915 1,402 1,132 1,116 814 826 767 11 9 8 13 7 4 5 2 9 6 4 316 340 279 205 159 116 93 92 70 First pregnancy terminated (has terminated) Incl. under 14 Incl. 15–17 402 373 Source: Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 34 ANNEX 17 Statistical data about child/youth employment Involvement of unemployed youth in active employment activities organised by the State Employment Agency (SEA) in 2007-2011 Employment activities Professional training, requalification and improvement of qualification of unemployed Activities for increasing competitiveness Job for a Young Person activity Practical Training for Youth activity Support to Youth Volunteering activity Training and Practical Work of SEA Assistant Inspectors project Paid temporary jobs Activities for specific groups of persons Trying out Jobs activity Employment activities during the summer holidays for persons acquiring education in general, special or vocational educational establishments Source: Ministry of Welfare 2007 2008 858 501 2009 2010 2011 2,267 1,539 1,107 7,351 10,421 3,021 13,533 8,377 - - - - 381 - - - 2,614 2,353 - - - - 1,225 - - - 82 186 429 540 1,295 - - 480 154 74 264 203 - 182 - - - 11,222 students (out of which 173 students are with special needs) - - - - Involvement of unemployed youth in active employment activities organised by the State Employment Agency (SEA) in 2012-2015 (first half of the year) Employment activities Professional training, requalification and improvement of qualification of unemployed, informal training Activities for increasing competitiveness First Job experience for a Young Person Activity Development of necessary skills in NGO sector Activity 2012 2013 2014 2015 (first half of the year) 4 840 5 915 5 310 1 231 14 497 8 538 11 002 4 732 523 152 70 137 859 1 438 966 707 35 Training and Practical Work of SEA Assistant Inspectors project Paid temporary jobs 72 99 32 not implemented 2 973 2 960 1 299 n/a Activities for specific groups of persons 144 393 538 481 Workshops for Young Persons not implemented 272 501 657 64 39 19 57 not implemented not implemented not implemented 1 110 Start-up business support Activity Employment activities during the summer holidays for persons acquiring education in general, special or vocational educational establishments Source: Ministry of Welfare Youth who have become involved in SEA certain activities in 2014 – 2015 (comparison with the total number of involved persons) Taken up vocational un informal training Become involved in Activities for Start-up Commercial Activities or Self-Employment Activities for increasing competitiveness Become involved in the Youth Security Programme (implemented since 2014) Total: Source: Ministry of Welfare Number of total involved persons in 2014 Incl. youth (aged 15-24) % Expected number in 2015 Incl. youth (aged 15-24) 26 026 310 20% 16 242 5 000 129 19 15% 284 59 46 099 4 732 10% 31 000 9 287 14,012 1,619 12% 20,654 2,154 10,2689 13,465 100% 86,248 11,169 Successful results of the active employment programme Employment Activities during the Summer Holidays implemented by the State 2004 – 2008* Year Total Incl. Number of Number number of students employers of jobs students aged 15 -20 2014 449 4 287 4 287 *During 2009-2013 the programme has not been implemented Source: Ministry of Welfare 36 Use of financing (EUR) 742 962 Number of students and jobs involved in the active employment programme Employment Activities during the Summer Holidays implemented by the State by groups of profession in 2014 Institutions State institutions (municipal institutions, municipal companies) Private commercial companies Sales and Service sector Specialists and Senior specialists Agriculture and Fishery Qualified workers and craftsmen Plant and machine operators Others Source: Ministry of Welfare Number of students 1 918 2 369 575 292 92 67 36 3 225 ANNEX 20 Statistical data about minors in imprisonment facilities and activities of the State Probation Service Decisions on the application of security measures to minors (detention on remand, house arrest, placement in a medical treatment institution for expertise) in 2010-2014 Applied security measures, period Number of unchanged decisions in pre-trial proceedings (in absolute numbers) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source: Ministry of Justice Share (%) of the total number of complaints received by Latvian courts Number of unchanged Number* of Share (%) decisions in pre-trial unchanged of the total proceedings decisions in number of regional complaints Share Share (%) courts received by (%) of of those Latvian those regarding (in absolute numbers) courts regarding minors adults Detention on remand 14 10 16 5 7 House arrest 1 1 0 0 0 Placement in a medical treatment institution for expertise 0 0 0 0 0 37 Number of unchanged decisions in regional courts Share (%) Share (%) of those of those regarding regarding minors minors