MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Class Schedule Building Guidelines Updated February 6, 2016 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 2 Table of Contents TERM CODES ................................................................................................................................................. 2 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 2 TOOLBAR BUTTONS ...................................................................................................................................... 2 KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ................................................................................................................................ 2 QUICK REFERENCE TO CLASS SCHEDULE FORMS.......................................................................................... 2 ADDING A SECTION OF A COURSE ................................................................................................................ 2 ADDING A SECTION: Entering Maximum Enrollment ............................................................................... 2 ADDING A SECTION: Entering Meeting Times, Buildings and Rooms, and Requesting Large Classrooms .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 ADDING A SECTION: Assigning an Instructor ............................................................................................ 2 ADDING A SECTION: Section Degree Program Attributes ........................................................................ 2 ADDING A SECTION: Adding Section Comments ...................................................................................... 2 ADDING A SECTION: Quick Checklist and Required Fields ........................................................................ 2 PROOFING YOUR SECTION: QUICK CHECKLIST ............................................................................................. 2 SEARCHING FOR A SECTION .......................................................................................................................... 2 COPYING A SECTION ..................................................................................................................................... 2 DELETING A SECTION .................................................................................................................................... 2 EDITING A SECTION WITH ENROLLMENT ..................................................................................................... 2 EDITING A SECTION WITHOUT ENROLLMENT .............................................................................................. 2 CROSS LISTING .............................................................................................................................................. 2 LINKING LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS .......................................................................................................... 2 UNDERSTANDING CREDIT AND CONTACT HOURS........................................................................................ 2 STANDARD USE OF SECTION NUMBERS ....................................................................................................... 2 GUIDELINES FOR SCHEDULING SECTION TIMES ........................................................................................... 2 SECTION COMMENT GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................. 2 SERVICE-LEARNING QUICK REFERENCE ........................................................................................................ 2 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 2 FACULTY SCHEDULE QUERY .......................................................................................................................... 2 EXTRACTING DATA INTO AN EXCEL DOCUMENT .......................................................................................... 2 TIPS AND RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................... 2 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 3 Missouri State TERM CODES T = Term, Y = Year Banner Term Codes 20 = Spring 30 = Summer 40 = Fall YYYYTT e.g. 201020 – Spring 2010 Missouri State DEFINITIONS Campus Indicates the location of the section. Campus impacts student services fees (SSF) (e.g. Springfield MO (S), Off-campus (Z), Springfield MO (no SSF) (Y), etc.). The only code that charges SSF is “S”. For more information on what campus to use see the appendix page 42. Corequisite Two or more different courses that must be taken together during the same semester, as stated in the catalog description CRN (Course Reference Number) One-up, automatically-generated number assigned uniquely to each section. Cross Listing Two different sections that meet in the same room at the same time. (e.g. undergraduate and graduate level counterparts) Instructional Method The way a class is delivered. The instructional method does impact fees (e.g. traditional, internet, iCourse etc.) Linking Typically lab/lectures; two or more different sections of the same course that are taken together during the same semester. Require simultaneous enrollment. Part of Term This indicates the length of the section (e.g. full semester, first block, second block, intersession) Registration Restrictions A type of prerequisite. Registration may be restricted by class, college, level, major, degree, or program. (e.g. Prerequisite: “Senior standing” or Prerequisite: “Must be admitted to COBA”) Schedule Type The section structure (e.g. lecture, lab, individualized, combined lecture and lab, other) Special Approval Equivalent to the prerequisite of permission. Status Indicates the availability of the section (e.g. active, deleted by department, on hold) MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 4 Missouri State TOOLBAR BUTTONS Missouri State KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Cancel Query Duplicate Record Enter Query Execute Query Exit Banner Insert Record List of Values Next Block Next Record Previous Block Previous Record Print Remove Record Retrieve Query (search) Rollback Save Scroll Up & Down Select Show Keys Cancels the query and takes the form out of query mode Ctrl+Q Duplicates the current record shown F4 Opens query mode form with blank valuesF7 enter search criteria to search database Execute query search for items with values you entered F8 Closes the opened window – if nothing is open, closes Banner Ctrl+Q Adds a new record to the Banner database F6 Shows values applicable to field cursor is in F9 Moves to next block Ctrl+PageDown Moves to the next record in list or creates a new record Down Arrow Moves to previous block Ctrl+PageUp Moves to the previous record shown – one prior to the selected one Up Arrow Prints the current screen Shift+F8 Deletes the specified record from Banner database Shift+F6 Retrieves data from the query according to your search criteria F8 Clears all data on the Banner form Shift+F7 Saves all changes entered since the last time you saved F10 Scrolls the page up and down Page Up & Down Selects a specified record in a query form Shift+F3 Shows the keys you’re able to use on any given screen Ctrl+F1 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 5 Missouri State QUICK REFERENCE TO CLASS SCHEDULE FORMS SCACRSE displays the catalog information SCADETL displays course details at the catalog level SLARDEF displays room definition form that shows room capacity and room type SSADETL used to build and maintain detailed schedule information such as linking lab and lecture sections, establishing section-specific corequisites, and viewing section degree attributes such as general education requirement, service-learning, etc. SSAMATX displays room usage for scheduled buildings/rooms (classes only) SSASECQ used to query and display existing sections SSASECT used to build and maintain sections SSATEXT used to attach comments to a section SSAXLST used to create and maintain cross list information associated with a group of sections SLQMEET accessed from within the Meeting window of SSASECT by selecting Query Available Classroom from the options menu; displays only those classrooms available, taking capacity and attributes into consideration SLQROOM accessed by double clicking in Room field within the Meeting window of SSASECT; lists all classrooms, without regard to availability; MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 6 The Schedule Form (SSASECT) is used to build and maintain the schedule of classes according to the definitions and restrictions created in the Course Catalog. A Course Catalog record must exist prior to the creation of sections for a particular course. Missouri State 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ADDING A SECTION OF A COURSE Access the Schedule Form (SSASECT). Enter the term code in the Term field. (e.g. 201020 = Spring 2010) Click the Create CRN button. Perform a next block. Type the subject code (e.g. MTH) in the Subject field. If you do not know the subject code, use the drop-down arrow or press F9 to access a list of existing course. Then click “View Existing Courses.” Select the subject code you need by double clicking it. Type the course number (e.g. 101) in the Course Number field. If you do not know the course number, use the drop down arrow, or press F9 in the Course Number field to access a list of existing course numbers. Select the course number you need by double clicking it. The course title and credit hours will automatically fill. This information is brought from the catalog. Tab to the Section field. Enter a three character (e.g. 001, 020, 310 etc.) section number (must be three digits or can be a single letter for lecture sections). See page 31 for guidelines on selecting section numbers. If you have entered a section number that already exists, you will not be able to move past this field. If you have entered a section number that already exists, it will indicate it in the message bar at the bottom. Note: You may wish to leave the section number as zero so that you can copy the section. See page 19 for more information on copying a section. Tab to the Cross List field. Cross Listing is an optional field. It is used when two different courses are taught in the same room at the same time. See page 24 for more information on Cross Listing. Tab to the Campus field and enter the campus code. The Campus field is used to indicate the MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 7 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. location of the class. If you do not know the campus code, press F9 or click the drop-down arrow beside the Campus field to access a list of existing campus codes. (e.g. “S” for Springfield). Select the campus code you need by double clicking on it. This field can impact student fees. (See “Campus” definition on page 4. For more information on which campus to use, see the appendix page 40) Tab to the Status field and enter the status code. If you do not know the status code, press F9 or click the drop-down arrow beside the Status field to access a list of existing status codes. Select the status code you need by double clicking on it. (see “Status” definition on page 3) Tab to the Schedule Type field and enter the schedule type code. If you do not know the schedule type code, press F9 or click the drop-down arrow beside the Schedule Type field to select the appropriate schedule type. This will only display schedule types that are appropriate for each specific class, as determined by the catalog. Select the schedule type you need by double clicking on it. (see “Schedule Type” definition of page 4) When you enter the schedule type, the Instructional Method* (see appendix for definitions of instructional methods) field will automatically fill with “TRAD” to indicate a traditional delivery method. If the class is not being taught traditionally, (e.g. Internet, iCourse, etc.) change this field to indicate the correct instructional method. If you do not know the Instructional Method, press F9 or click the drop-down arrow beside the Instructional Method field to access a list of existing Instructional Method codes. Select the instructional method you need by double clicking on it. This field impacts student fees. (see “Instructional Method” definition on page 3) The Integration Partner field will always be left blank; it is not used at Missouri State at this time. Tab through this field. The Grade Mode field should always be left blank to allow students the option of choosing the grade mode (e.g. audit or pass/not pass) for their sections. For courses that have been approved as Pass/Not Pass only, this will be the only option the student has for grading. This field defaults from the catalog. Tab through this field. The Session field will always be left blank. This field is used by the Extended Campus. Tab through this field. The Special Approval field is equivalent to the prerequisite of “permission.” If the course requires permission according to the catalog, enter a “P” here or press the down arrow next to the Special Approval field and it will automatically fill with the “P” code. Students will not be able to register for this section unless an override is given. (see “Special Approval” definition of page 3) The Duration field will always be left blank. Tab through this field. Tab to the Part of Term field and enter the Part of Term code. This code indicates the length of the course such as first or second block, full semester, etc. Press F9 or click the drop-down arrow beside this field to access a list of existing Part of Term codes. Select the term code you want by double clicking on it. The dates of the term will automatically fill. If you select Intersession, or Non-standard as the Part of Term, update the beginning and end dates accordingly. You will be able to update the dates until the schedule is published online; after that point you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar to have the dates changed. (see “Part of Term” definition on page 4) Tab to get to the next field to be entered. Always leave the Registration Dates, Start Dates, and Maximum Extensions fields blank. Never click the CEU Indicator check box. This is used for continuing education non-credit classes. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 8 21. Credit Hours and Billing Hours: If the course is a fixed credit hour course the credit and billing information is brought from the catalog. Confirm the credit and billing hours by entering the appropriate number in the empty field below each. If the course is a variable credit hour course or a lab/lecture course, the credit hours for this specific section need to be entered into the Credit Hours and Billing Hours fields (even if it is a zero credit hour section, you must enter zero). A range of credit and billing hours will be brought from the catalog. Note: Lab/lecture sections with credit hours will be graded. Billing Hours will always equal Credit hours. Contact Hours will automatically populate based on what you put in Lab and/or Lecture hours. NOTE: Contact hours for lab/lecture courses are determined by the catalog. For example: 4(3-2) – The first number inside parentheses is the lecture contact hours (3); the second number is the lab contact hours (2). If the section is a lab, only enter hours in the lab field. If the section is a lecture, only enter hours in the lecture field. If it is a combined lab/lecture section, enter the appropriate hours in both lab and lecture fields. If the section is a variable credit hour course, enter hours in the “Other” field. Make sure the contact hours field populates with the correct number of hours. This number is the sum of lab and lecture contact hours. For a section that has no credit hours assigned to it, be sure to enter zeros in credit and billing hours so that it displays correctly on the class schedule. See page 29 for more information on credit and contact hours. 22. Link Identifier is an optional field used to link lab and lecture sections. If you are building a lab or lecture section, complete the remaining steps required to build a section, then see page 28 for more information on linking. 23. The Attendance Method, Weekly Contact Hours, and Daily Contact Hours fields are always left blank. 24. Leave the Check boxes at the bottom as they are, unless the section is a zero credit hour, nongradable section, such as a lab class. For these zero credit hour sections, uncheck the Gradable NOTE: box. Only gradable courses should have the gradable box checked. The Gradable box is the ONLY box that should be updated. 25. Click the Save icon (or press F10). The CRN will be created once you save. Missouri State ADDING A SECTION: Entering Maximum Enrollment 26. Click on the Section Enrollment Information tab. 27. Enter the maximum number of students you want to allow to register for this section in the Maximum field. Please note: This field does not automatically validate against room capacity. Departments should determine the Maximum Enrollment based on past enrollment history and not on room capacity. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 9 *TIP* To ensure that the number of seats in the room does not exceed the number of seats entered in the “Maximum Enrollment” field, you can enter maximum enrollment prior to assigning a building and room. When you enter it in that order, it does validate. Missouri State ADDING A SECTION: Entering Meeting Times, Buildings and Rooms, and Requesting Large Classrooms 28. Click on the Meeting Times and Instructor tab. Make sure the Times and Instructors tab is selected. 29. Click in the Meeting Time field to access the approved standard meeting times. If class is arranged, see the note on step 30 about scheduling arranged classes. *times are in 24 hour format 30. Double click on the meeting time that the section needs to be scheduled for (The system will automatically fill in the days and time). If you wish to schedule any class during a nonMISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 10 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. standard time, you must have approval from the Office of the Provost. Upon receiving approval, you will select the closest time frame from the drop down menu, save, then manually update the meeting days and times for the section. If you do not receive approval for the nonstandard meeting days/times, any building and room you enter will be removed until approval is received. Note: Summer meeting times are scheduled in the pre-arranged meeting times, but only the beginning time has been assigned to them. You will have to manually enter the days and end time for summer classes. Summer standard meeting times are numbered 40-46. See page 33 for a quick reference chart for scheduling summer classes. If the section should be listed as Arranged (i.e. no specific date/time can be assigned): - Select “TB” as the meeting time. Tab twice and save. Then change the “Meeting Type” field to “ARR.” TB has an assigned day and time which you will then need to remove. Save the record. - Then update the day and time. Save the record. - Continue on with the instructions. Click the Save icon (or press F10). Click on the Meeting Location and Credits Tab to view the Building and Room fields. Enter the building code in the Building field. If you don’t know the building code, use the dropdown or double click in the Building field to bring up a form that allows you to perform a query to find the building code. Once you have double clicked, with your cursor in the Building field, press F8 to query for a building. This will bring up all buildings used by Missouri State on all campuses. You can narrow your query by entering a campus before pressing F8. Double click on the appropriate building for the class or use the select icon on the toolbar and it will take you back to the Meeting Times block. Enter the Room code in the Room field. If you don’t know the room code, double click in the Room field or use the select icon on the toolbar to bring up a form that allows you to perform a query to find the room code. Once you have double clicked, with your cursor in the Room field, press F8 to query for a room. This query will only bring rooms that are available in the building you chose. Once you have found the correct room, double click on the room number to select it. To search for available rooms, select Query Available Rooms from the Options menu. This form allows you to query based on building, meeting times, campus and capacity. Fill in the desired information. Next Block two times. A list of available classrooms meeting the entered criteria will be displayed. If the section is to be scheduled in a faculty member’s office, leave the building and room blank and enter a section comment that indicates where the class will meet. If you receive a “Room Conflict” error message in the Help Line when assigning a building and room, the building and room you entered have already been scheduled for a different section at that time. If you are aware of this conflict and know that it is okay, (i.e. cross-listed courses) you may override it. Before you override the conflict, go to SSAMATX to see who is using that room at that time. If the override is valid, type an “O” in the Override Indicator field. This is the only time you will need to enter a value in this field. Schedule Type, Hours per Week, and Session Credit Hours auto-populate when you select a standard time in step 30. Leave them as they are. Leave Partition Details and Room Attribute MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 11 Details un-checked. 36. Click the Save icon (or F10). If a department believes it has a special need for a certain room that is not dedicated to its use, permission must be received from Academic Scheduling before scheduling the room. 37. If you need to schedule a large classroom (80 seats and above) during the Priority or Early Construction Periods, you will skip steps #33 - #36, and instead do the following: Click on the Scheduler Preferences tab. Next block to the Partition Preferences field and enter your desired building code. You will be required to enter the Preference Number for this building. If it is your first choice, enter “1.” If you have a second choice, enter the building code on the next line and “2” for a preference number, and so on. Save. If the room you want/need has special technology or teaching requirements, next block to the Room Attribute Preferences field. Using the search drop-down, select from the options and save. 38. During the Early Construction Period, Scheduling Support will review these large classroom requests and place them based on: 80% fill of room capacity; expected enrollment level; past enrollment level; and standard meeting pattern or partner sections for unused days. When the Late Construction Period begins, large classrooms will be opened for you to schedule as any other (steps #33-#36). 39. While you are building an internet section, give it an arranged meeting time (see step 30). The MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 12 building should be INET and no room designated. Missouri State ADDING A SECTION: Assigning an Instructor 40. While you are on the Meeting Dates tab, perform a next block to access the Instructor block. 41. If you know the Instructor’s MSU ID# (“Bearpass or M number”; not the Social Security Number) you may enter it in the ID field. If you do not know the Instructor’s MSU ID#, click on the Search Icon (the drop down arrow below ID) to take you to the Faculty/Advisor Query form (SIAIQRY). Perform a next block to search for the Instructor’s ID#. Enter the Instructor’s Last Name (or partial last name) using a % wildcard at the end. This field is case sensitive, so you will need to capitalize the first letter of the last name. Then press F8 to execute the query. You can also query by college by entering your two letter college code in the College field and pressing F8. When you have found the instructor’s ID#, you can double click on the ID#, which will enter the ID# in the instructor window. If this is the only instructor for the section, leave 100 in the Percent of Responsibility and Percent of Session fields and ensure there is a check in the box under the Primary Indicator field. This indicates the instructor as the primary instructor. To add additional instructors, press the down arrow key, or press F6 and repeat Step 39. If more than one instructor is entered, only one instructor should be checked as the primary in the Primary Instructor field. Also, the numbers in the Percent of Responsibility and Percent of Session fields should sum to 100. See below for screen shot. The Primary Instructor will be responsible for assigning grades. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 13 If no instructor has been assigned to teach this section, you may leave the Instructor window blank. TBA will appear in the Instructor column on Banner Self-Service. If you leave this blank, you will have to follow up with an instructor before grading opens. If you receive an “Instructor schedule conflict” error message in the Help Line, it indicates the instructor is scheduled to teach another section at the same time. Check to see what other class the instructor is scheduled to teach in SIAASGQ. If the override is valid (e.g. cross-listed sections), click the Override Indicator check box. This will be the only time you will need to enter a value in this field. If you need to change the instructor, you will have to Record-Remove the current instructor, then enter the new instructor. 42. Click the Save icon (or F10). Missouri State ADDING A SECTION: Section Degree Program Attributes 43. Make sure you are on the Course Section Information tab of SSASECT. 44. Select Course Section Detail (SSADETL) from the Options Menu. 45. Perform a next block. Click on the Degree Programs Attributes tab to take you to the Degree Program Attributes block. The codes in the Attribute field have been brought from the catalog. No changes should be made to any attribute other than the service learning codes. This form is where you indicate a class is approved for service-learning. See page 35 for details about service-learning classes. If the class is NOT being offered as service-learning, remove the attribute by performing the following steps: o Select Record from the menu bar and then select Remove. o You will get a message that says “Changing degree program attributes may impact registration fee assessment. Select “ok”. o Save the record. If the class is being offered as service-learning component or designate for a given semester, leave the code entered. If the class is approved to be taught as integrated service-learning, change the MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 14 attribute from SL02 to SL03 (SL – integrated). 46. Click the Exit icon (or Ctrl Q) to return to SSASECT. Missouri State ADDING A SECTION: Adding Section Comments 47. Make sure you are on the Course Section Information of SSASECT, and then select Course Section Comments (SSATEXT) from the Options Menu. 48. Perform a next block twice (until your cursor appears in the Section Long Text box). 49. Enter Course Section Comments into the Section Long Text area. Do NOT use the Section Text section, because this is a limited field that does not display on the web. The Section Long Text field may be used for any additional information that students’ need to know about the class. See the section comment guidelines on page 34 for section comment guidelines. DO NOT USE 50. Click the Save icon (or F10). 51. Click the Exit icon (or Ctrl Q) to return to SSASECT. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 15 Missouri State ADDING A SECTION: Quick Checklist and Required Fields For Regular Sections Complete the required fields on the main page of SSASECT: o Subject o Course Number o Section Number (may leave as zero to be able to copy section) o Campus o Status o Schedule Type o Instructional Method o Part of Term o Credit Hours o Billing Hours Set maximum enrollment. Save. (Section Enrollment Tab) Assign meeting times. Save. (Meeting Times & Instructor tab, Meeting Dates tab) Assign room and building. Save. (Meeting Times & Instructor tab, Meeting Dates tab) Assign instructor. (Next Block on the Meeting Times and Instructors tab) Verify degree program attributes. Save. (From the main page of SSASECT, go to Options and select Course Section Details). Enter section comments as appropriate. From the main page of SSASECT, go to Options and select Course Section Comments (SSATEXT). Next Block two times to use the Long Text field. Additional Steps for Lab/Lecture Sections Ensure the above steps for regular sections have been completed for each section. Enter credit hours and billing hours below the fields that default from the catalog (main page of SSASECT). For zero credit hour sections, uncheck “Gradable” (main page of SSASECT). Connect Lab and Lecture sections with Link Identifiers. Enter Section Comments (main page of SSASECT – Options – Course Section Comments (SSATEXT)). Additional Steps for Variable Title/Hour Sections Ensure the above steps for regular sections have been completed. Enter credit hours and billing hours below the fields that default from the catalog (main page of SSASECT). Additional Steps for Cross-Listed Sections Ensure the above steps for regular sections have been completed. Connect the cross-listed sections. To check, go to SSAXLST and enter Cross List Group Identifier. Next Block to see if the courses are connected. Additional Steps for Internet Sections Use campus code “X” (online). Enter instructional method INT1 for MSCIS Program sections, INT2 for MSAS program sections, INET for all other internet sections. Enter an arranged meeting time. Enter building code as INET and leave the room blank. Enter comment, “Taught online.” Add additional information as needed. The Office of the Registrar will enter fee information. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 16 Missouri State PROOFING YOUR SECTION: QUICK CHECKLIST Credit and Billing Hours If the course is a fixed credit hour course, this information auto-populates from the catalog. Ensure that the Credit Hours and Billing Hours match (Course Section Information tab) If it is a variable credit hour or lecture/lab course, Credit and Billing hours MUST be entered for every section. o If a section is to have no credit hours (e.g. lab), ensure that 0 is entered below credit hours and billing hours on the Course Section Information tab. Gradable Check Box If the section is zero credit hours and not to be graded (e.g. lab section), ensure that the “Gradable” check box is un-checked. Only on zero credit hour sections, should this be changed. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 17 Missouri State 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SEARCHING FOR A SECTION Access SSASECT. Enter the term code in the Term field. Double click or use the drop-down arrow (or press F9) in the CRN field. Enter section search criteria (subject, course number, section number, etc.). Click the Execute Query icon (or press F8) to search for sections that match your criteria. Select the section you want by double clicking on it, or click the Select icon (or Shift F3) and the CRN will be entered on the SSASECT form. Perform a Next Block to fill the rest of the form with the information for the class. Note: You may also search for sections by accessing SSASECQ. This is a view only query form. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 18 Missouri State COPYING A SECTION You can only copy a section if the section number is zero. Banner will not allow you to copy a section that has already been assigned a section number. Certain fields will not be copied when you copy a section. The items that do not copy are: Room and Building, Instructor, cross-list codes, the part of term dates if they were manually changed, and meeting times. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Access the Schedule Form (SSASECT). Enter the term code in the Term field. Click the Copy CRN. Tab over to the default CRN field. Enter the CRN you wish to copy. If you do not know the CRN, click the drop-down arrow or double click in the field and it will allow you to search for a section. For more information on searching for a section, see page 16. Once you have found the section you wish to copy, double click on the Subject and it will take you back to the Default Section Details box in SSASECT. Press Tab on your keyboard and the “Process Default” icon should be made available. Click on the Process Default icon. This will take you back to the main SSASECT page and your copied section. You must enter the room, building, instructor and meeting times. Make additional changes as needed. Note: View detailed restrictions if you changed them prior to copying the section to make sure restrictions are correct. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 19 Missouri State DELETING A SECTION *TIP* Prior to the class schedule being posted to the web, you may delete a section by performing steps 1-4 below, then performing a Record-Remove. This will completely remove the section from the database. If the class schedule has already been posted to the web, perform the steps below. (If you have already accessed the section in SSASECT, start with Step #4) NOTE: If students are enrolled in the section, you will have to contact the Office of the Registrar in order to delete the section. 1. Access the Schedule Form (SSASECT). 2. Enter the term code in the Term field. 3. Tab to the CRN field and enter the Course Reference Number you want to cancel, or use the drop-down and search for the section. 4. Perform a next block (or CTRL Page Down). 5. Determine if any students are enrolled, by selecting the Section Enrollment Information tab. The number of enrolled students will show in the Actual field. If no students are enrolled, change the number in the Maximum field to zero. 6. Click the save icon (F10). 7. Click on the Meeting Times and Instructor tab. Next block to get to the instructor field. If only one instructor is listed, click on the Remove Record icon (or Shift F6). If more than one instructor is listed, remove the secondary instructor first, click the Save icon (or F10), then remove the primary instructor. This will take out the instructor(s) for this section. 8. Click the Save icon (or F10). 9. Perform a previous block (Ctrl + Page Up), which to return to the meeting time block. 10. Click on the Remove Record icon (or Shift F6). This will take out the meeting days, times, and MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 20 room information for this section. 11. Click the Save icon (or F10). 12. Click on the Course Section Information tab. 13. In the Status field change the status code from A (Active) to D (Deleted By Department). 14. Click the Save icon (or F10). 15. Click the Exit icon (or Ctrl Q) to take you back to the General Menu. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 21 Missouri State EDITING A SECTION WITH ENROLLMENT Please Note: If you are editing a section that has enrollment, you must notify the students who are enrolled in the class of any changes you make. 1. Access the Schedule Form (SSASECT). 2. Enter the term code in the Term field. 3. Tab to the CRN field and enter the CRN you wish to edit. If you do not know the CRN, click the drop-down arrow or double click in the field and it will allow you to search for a section. Once you have found the section you wish to edit, double click on the Subject and it will take you back to the main SSASECT page. 4. You cannot update the Subject. 5. You cannot update the Course Number. 6. You can update the Section. Notify students of this change. 7. You can update the Campus. Doing so will affect students’ fees. You must notify the Office of the Registrar and enrolled students accordingly. You will receive a warning message when you update this field that says “Changing campus may impact Registration Fee Assessment.” 8. You cannot update Status if students are enrolled. You will not be able to change “Active” to “Deleted.” You must contact the Office of the Registrar to change the students’ enrollment before you can change this field. 9. You cannot update Schedule Type. 10. You cannot update Instructional Method. 11. Changes are not permitted to the Integrated Partner, Grade Mode, and Session fields. 12. The Special Approval field may only be updated by contacting the Office of the Registrar. 13. You cannot update Part of Term. 14. You can update the Link Identifier. 15. You can update the Gradable check box. 16. Never update the “CAPP Area Prereq” or “Tuition and Fee Waiver” boxes. 17. You can change the Meeting Times. You must notify the students accordingly. 18. You can change the Building/Room, but you must first contact Academic Scheduling for room approval. You will receive a warning message about schedule conflicts. To change the building, remove the room first. You may need to re-enter the meeting times if your change the building or room. You must notify the students enrolled. 19. You can update the enrollment capacity. Caution: this field does not validate against room capacity. Please check the room capacity on Bearville before updating the enrollment capacity field. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 22 Missouri State EDITING A SECTION WITHOUT ENROLLMENT 1. Access the Schedule Form (SSASECT). 2. Enter the term code in the Term field. 3. Tab to the CRN field and enter the CRN you wish to edit. If you do not know the CRN, click the drop-down arrow or double click in the field and it will allow you to search for a section. Once you have found the section you wish to edit, double click on the Subject and it will take you back to the main SSASECT page. 4. You cannot update the Subject. 5. You cannot update the Course Number. 6. You can update the Section. 7. You can update the Campus. Doing so will affect students’ fees. You will receive a warning message when you update this field that says “Changing campus may impact Registration Fee Assessment.” 8. You can update Status. 9. You can update Schedule Type. 10. You can update Instructional Method. 11. Changes are not permitted to the Integrated Partner, Grade Mode, and Session fields. 12. You can update Part of Term. To change the part of term you must record remove any instructors and meeting times. Change the part of term and re-enter. 13. You can update the Link Identifier. 14. You can update the Gradable check box. 15. Never update the “CAPP Area Prereq” or “Tuition and Fee Waiver” boxes. 16. You can change the Meeting Times. To change the Meeting Times, you must record remove any instructors if they have been assigned. Change the Meeting Time and re-enter. 17. You can change the Building/Room. You will receive a warning message about schedule conflicts. To change the building, remove the room first. You may need to re-enter the meeting times if you change the building or room. To change the Building/Room, you must record remove any instructors if they have been assigned. Change the Building/Room and re-enter. 18. You can update the enrollment capacity. Caution: this field does not validate against room capacity. Please check the room capacity on Bearville before updating the enrollment capacity field. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 23 Missouri State CROSS LISTING Cross listing is used when two different courses meet in the same room at the same time (Ex: undergraduate and graduate section counterparts as listed in the catalog). Workload may be adjusted on the instructor tab. Combined class lists may be printed; however, they will not be combined on Self Service. 1. Access SSASECT and enter the term and one CRN that you wish to cross list. Next block. 2. From the Options menu, click Cross List Definition (SSAXLST); this is the form to create a cross list group code, as well as to set the maximum enrollment for the group. (Cross listing two or more sections is made possible by defining a Cross List Group Identifier on this form. The Cross List Group Identifier code must be established here prior to being entered on SSASECT.) 3. You must first see which cross list group identifier is not already in use. You cannot use an existing cross list group identifier unless you wish to cross list your section to the sections that have already been assigned to that code. To view existing cross-listed groups for the term, click on the search button to the right of the Cross List Group Identifier field. You will be taken to the Schedule Cross List Query form. 4. Within the Schedule Cross List Query Form (SSAXLSQ), press F8 to view cross list codes already in use. The cross list code is a two-character, user-defined code. 5. By using the directional arrow keys on your keyboard, or by placing your cursor on a particular Cross List code, the sections associated with the code will appear in the lower portion of the form in the Cross List Section block. All of these should be in use. You are looking to set up a code not in use (does not appear in this list). 6. After reviewing established codes, exit the Query form SSAXLSQ to return to SSAXLST. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 24 7. Enter the two-character code in the Cross List Group Identifier field (a code not already defined, but chosen by you to be used exclusively for this specific group of sections) and proceed to the next block. 8. Enter Maximum Enrollment for the Cross Listed group and save. This should be the maximum enrollment total for all of the classes you are cross listing. Each section should have its own Maximum Enrollment set on the Section Enrollment Information tab. (see page9 ) 9. Click the Save icon (or press F10). 10. Exit back to SSASECT and enter the cross list code on all the sections you wish to cross list. Save after entering the code. Make sure you do this on all sections that will be cross listed. 11. Review your cross-listed sections (enrollment, rooms, meeting time, etc.) to ensure all data is correct. 12. From the Meeting Times and Instructor tab, go to SSAXMTI in the options menu to review cross list summary information. Next block. Tip for setting maximum seats of cross-listed sections: You have two options when setting the maximum seats for cross-listed courses: When it does not matter what combination of students enroll in each section, as long as the combined total does not exceed a specific amount. Set the maximum enrollment for each section on the Section Enrollment Information tab for each section (see page 9) to the total that you want to have in the cross-listed group. Set the cross-list Maximum Enrollment for the number you do not want to exceed in the cross-listed group. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 25 Example: Section 1 has enrollment set at 40 seats. Section 2 has enrollment set at 40 seats. The cross-list group is set at 40 seats. Any number of students can register for each section as long as the total does not exceed 40. When there is a specific maximum for each section Set the maximum enrollment for each section on the Section Enrollment Information tab for each section (see page 9) to the desired number. Set the cross-list Maximum Enrollment to the total of all the sections. (e.g. add the sections together) Example: Section 1 enrollment should not exceed 10. Section 2 enrollment should not exceed 20. Set those maximums on the designated sections. The cross list Maximum Enrollment should be set to 30. Remember when you adjust the maximum seats on a cross-listed section; you may also need to adjust the cross-listed maximum. Both the section maximum seats and cross-listed maximum seats appear on the online class schedule. This can be confusing and often a section may look as though there are still seats available, when in actuality, the cross-listed sections have reached their cross-list maximum and are closed. Missouri State LINKING LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS Links are used to connect sections of the same course when it is required that a combination of these sections be taken concurrently (e.g. lab/lecture classes). Linking is a two-form process that requires entries on SSASECT and SSADETL (SSADETL is accessed through the options menu in SSASECT). Example 1: In this example, students must take section 1 with section A and section 2 with section B. The section comment on section 1, for example, should read: “Schedule section 1 with section A.” BIO 100 sections 1 and 2 are zero credit hour lab sections. BIO 100 sections A and B are three credit hour lecture sections. Students must register for both a lecture and a lab, in the same registration transaction. Students will not be allowed to register for only a lab or only a lecture. Since students are registering for two classes, one of the sections will be responsible for giving grades. This class will have the “Gradable” checkbox checked on SSASECT. The other will not give grades. This section will have the gradable checkbox “unchecked.” The section that is marked “Gradable” will carry the credit and billing hours. The section that is not marked “Gradable” will have 0 credit and billing hours. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 26 Linking steps: Course and Section BIO 100 – 1 BIO 100 – A BIO 100 – 2 BIO 100 – B Lab Lecture Lab Lecture 0 credits 3 credits 0 credits 3 credits Link Identifier on SSASECT A1 E1 A2 E2 Link Connector on SSADETL E1 A1 E2 A2 1. Go to SSASECT, to access BIO 100 section 1. Next block to access the Course Section Information tab. Enter A1 in the Link Identifier field and save. You are identifying this lab section as an A1. 2. Select Course Section Detail (SSADETL) from the Options menu. Next block to access the screen. 3. In the Link Connector field, enter E1 and save. You are telling this section, that you have identified as A1, to connect with a section you will next identify as an E1. 4. Exit SSADETL. 5. Go to SSASECT to access BIO 100 section A. Next block to access the Course Section Information tab. Enter E1 in the Link Identifier field and save. 6. Select Course Section Detail from the Options menu. Next block to access the screen. 7. In the Link Connector field, enter A1 and save. 8. Exit SSADETL. 9. BIO 100 sections 1 and A are now linked. Students cannot register in one without the other. Example 2: In this example, students can register in any lab section that does not conflict with the lecture section. The section comment on section 1, for example, should read: “Schedule with a lab that does not conflict with this lecture section” If any combination of a course’s lecture and lab section is permitted, all the lecture sections would be set up using the same Link Identifier/Link Connector. Also, all corresponding lab sections would be set up using the same Link Identifier/Link Connector. The following illustrates how it is done: Course and Section BIO 100 – 1 BIO 100 – 2 BIO 100 – A BIO 100 – B MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Lab Lab Lecture Lecture 0 credits 0 credits 3 credits 3 credits Link Identifier on SSASECT A1 A1 E1 E1 Link Connector on SSADETL E1 E1 A1 A1 Page | 27 Other things to keep in mind when setting up lab and lecture sections: When creating sections on SSASECT, be sure to establish which sections are not Gradable. If lab and lecture sections are graded as one course (i.e. lab grade calculated into lecture grade), then you must uncheck the Gradable box in the lower right area of the Course Section Information tab for all the zero-credit, linked lab sections. Credit hours and billing hours for lab sections that carry zero credits must have those credits set at zero on the Course Section Information tab. Also, for lecture sections of BIO 100, used in the examples, credit hours and billing hours must be set at 3, ensuring that students receive proper academic credit and that they are billed correctly. The section contact hours, lecture hours, and lab hours must also be set. When you go to SSADETL to enter the link connector, only enter one link connector. When more than one link connector is entered, it requires students to register in every course that is linked (i.e. it is an “and” statement; not an “or” statement). MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 28 Missouri State UNDERSTANDING CREDIT AND CONTACT HOURS Academic credit is a measure of the total time commitment required of a typical student in a particular course of study. Total time consists of three components: (1) time spent in class; (2) time spent in laboratory, studio, fieldwork, or other scheduled activity; (3) time devoted to reading, studying, problem solving, writing, or preparation. One semester credit hour is assigned in the following ratio of component hours per week devoted to the course of study: (1) lecture courses-one contact hour for each credit hour, (two hours of outside work implied); (2) laboratory or studio course-at least two contact hours for each credit hour, (one hour of outside preparation implied); (3) independent study-at least three hours of work per week for each credit hour. (Quann, 1979) There are only two types of sections that need to have credit and contact hours adjusted on SSASECT: lab/lecture sections when separate lab and lecture sections are scheduled and variable credit hour sections. Lecture-based section For each credit hour, the class must meet for 50 minutes every week One lecture credit hour must meet for 750 minutes per semester Note: This excludes breaks and the final examination period. Lab-based section Consists of laboratory, fieldwork, studio, music, practical arts, physical education, or similar types of instruction. For each credit hour, the class must meet for 100 minutes every week One laboratory credit hour must meet for 1500 minutes per semester Note: This excludes breaks and the final examination period. Variable Credit Hour Section Consists of problems, readings, independent study, cooperative education, thesis, individualized education, and internships. These types of sections vary in the amount of time they meet each week. Independent study classes are required to have at least 3 hours of work per week for each credit hour. Note: This excludes breaks and the final examination period. General Guidelines 1. Check to ensure the class is meeting for an adequate amount of time using the guidelines above. 2. The lecture credit hours and the lab credit hours added together should equal the total number of credit hours for the class. 3. The lecture contact hours and lecture credit hours are always the same. 4. The lab contact hours are always at least twice as much as the lab credit hours. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 29 5. When the lab/lecture is divided into two separate sections: The lab section has only lab contact hours entered in SSASECT; the lecture contact hours should have zeros. The lecture section only has lecture contact hours entered in SSASECT; the lab contact hours should have zeros. 6. When the lab/lecture is combined into one section, you will need to enter the lab contact hours and the lecture contact hours. 7. Variable credit hour classes need to have the contact hour fields entered. Enter the contact hours in the Lecture, Lab, or Other field – use the one that is most appropriate. Typically, the Other field is used. You may enter twice the amount of the credit hours (if it is similar to a lab class) or enter the number of credit hours (if it is similar to a lecture class). MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 30 Missouri State STANDARD USE OF SECTION NUMBERS Any section number may be assigned to a class. However, the following numbering scheme has been observed by practice over the years. Section Number Description 001 – 299 300 – 320 490 – 491 500 – 599 701 – 710 750 – 760 770 - 779 780 -- 799 800 – 895 896 – 899 900 -- 905 Any class Evening classes Classes reserved for non-native English speakers Study away classes Intersession classes iCourse eMBA classes China campus classes Off-campus classes taught at BearNet locations Internet classes (Missouri State Online) Blended classes Missouri London Program 950 – 952 970-999 Honors College classes MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 31 Missouri State GUIDELINES FOR SCHEDULING SECTION TIMES Scheduling of correct times within a classroom will be enforced by the Academic Scheduling Coordinator. To ensure the best possible opportunities for our students and the most effective use of classroom space, it is important to distribute classes throughout the day. MWF offerings should be scheduled with no more than 15% nor less than 5% at any hour from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 10% of the MWF offerings should be between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. MWF classes will meet for 50 minutes each day with 15 minutes between classes. Lab classes lasting more than one hour will be an exception to this. TR classes should be scheduled in either of the following ways: o 75 minute periods on both days. Beginning at the proper times o Two classes meeting on one day and one meeting on the other. (i.e. 9:30-11:20 on Tuesday and 9:30-10:20 on Thursday.) Starting Spring 2013, standard start times for evening courses will be enforced. Departments offering general education courses should distribute them throughout the day and in a variety of instructional methods for student benefit and room utilization. Departments with one-hour lecture classes on one day of the week should distribute these throughout each day of the week using the same time slot and room. Evening courses (4:00 p.m. or later) meeting once per week should be distributed throughout the Mon-Thurs schedule. Two days per week combinations should also be distributed evenly between MW and TR. Departments with block courses should attempt to schedule them in the same rooms and times from block to block. M, W, F T, R M, W or T, R Standard Times Standard Times Evening Standard Times 8:00-8:50 8:00-9:15 4:00-5:15 9:05-9:55 9:30-10:45 5:30-6:45 10:10-11:00 11:00-12:15 7:00-8:15 11:15-12:05 12:30-1:45 8:30-9:45 12:20-1:10 2:00-3:15 1:25-2:15 3:30-4:45 2:30-3:20 3:35-4:25 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 32 Summer classes meet the same amount of time per semester hour of credit as do fall and spring semester classes. Regardless of the length of the class period, all daytime Monday through Thursday classes must be scheduled to begin at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 1:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m., or 4:40 p.m. Scheduling Class Meeting Times – Required Time in Class Regardless of the length of the term, students need to complete a minimum number of hours to receive credit for the class. Full Semester Weeks in Term 16 16 16 16 16 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Minimum Total Minutes Class Should Meet Per Term 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 Suggested Minutes Class Should Meet per Week 50 100 150 200 250 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Minimum Total Minutes Class Should Meet Per Term 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 Suggested Minutes Class Should Meet per Week 100 200 300 400 500 Minimum Total Minutes Class Should Meet Per Term 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 Suggested Minutes Class Should Meet per Week 170 340 500 680 850 Minimum Total Minutes Class Should Meet Per Term 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 Suggested Minutes Class Should Meet per Week 200 400 600 800 1000 Block Classes Weeks in Term 8 8 8 8 8 Summer Session 2 Weeks in Term 5 5 5 5 5 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Summer Session 3 and 4 Weeks in Term 4 4 4 4 4 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 33 Intersession Weeks in Term 3 3 3 3 3 Weeks in Term 2 2 2 2 2 Weeks in Term 1 1 1 1 1 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Minimum Total Minutes Class Should Meet Per Term 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 Suggested Minutes Class Should Meet per Week 300 600 900 1200 1300 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Minimum Total Minutes Class Should Meet Per Term 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 Suggested Minutes Class Should Meet per Week 400 800 1200 1600 2000 Credit Hours 1 2 3 4 5 Minimum Total Minutes Class Should Meet Per Term 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 Suggested Minutes Class Should Meet per Week 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 34 Missouri State SECTION COMMENT GUIDELINES Enter Section Comments on SSATEXT. Section comments are required for sections listed as lab/lecture, iCourse (ICRS), internet (INET), and service-learning. Comments are also required for classes in facilities with limited access, classes with special permission indicators such as non-native English speakers only, classes that require permission, and classes that require concurrent enrollment (corequisites). SECTION LONG TEXT: This field is used to give additional information regarding a particular section. It is important for students to know when they register and the comment appears on the web class schedule. The following are examples of standard wording used in section comments and some reminders. Accessibility Use the phrase “Classroom is only accessible by stairs” when appropriate. Classes taught at another location (other than the Springfield Campus) Classes taught off campus should always have specific location information in the section comment. The section comment needs to match the location that you put in the SSASECT main page form. The following are example comments: Taught at the Missouri State West Plains campus Taught at the Missouri State Mountain Grove campus Taught at the Skaggs Education Center in Branson, MO Taught at the Nevada Telecenter in Nevada, MO Taught at the Nelson Educational Center in Lebanon, MO; held in Building, room Taught at the Crowder College Campus in Neosho, MO Taught at the Joplin Graduate Center on the MSSU campus in Joplin, MO Honors Classes The following are example comments for honors sections: Section 999 honors college only Missouri London Program Participants only Internet Classes Begin internet section comments with “Taught online.” Lab/Lecture The following are standard wording examples for lab/lectures: Schedule with any lab section that does not conflict with this lecture section Schedule section A with section 1 Schedule section A with one of sections 1-15 Schedule section A with section 1 or 2 Lab/lecture combination; section 301 need not enroll in a lecture section Permission (Special Approval) Permission required is not displayed automatically on Self Service. Therefore, it is recommended that a note be placed in the Course Section Comments explaining the action a student must take to enroll. Indicate what kind of permission is required as indicated in the catalog (e.g. permission of instructor) and who should be contacted for permission. For example “Permission of department head required. For permission contact Dr. Yahoo at yahoo@missouristate.edu or call 417-836-9999.” Service-Learning See service learning quick reference on the next page. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 35 Missouri State SERVICE-LEARNING QUICK REFERENCE Service-learning is a type of experiential education that combines and pursues both academic achievement and community service in a seamless weave, requiring the use of effective reflection exercises. The goal of service-learning, through linking academics to the community, is to develop the skills, sensitivities, and commitments necessary for effective citizenship in a democracy. Service-Learning Options There are two types of service learning opportunities for students: 1. Component Service-Learning: Component service-learning is comprised of two courses taken concurrently in the same semester: a service-learning designate course and a servicelearning component course. The service-learning designate course (SLDC) is the primary course the student must be enrolled in before they can enroll in the one credit hour service-learning component course (SL). Students choosing to participate in component service-learning must complete 40 hours of unpaid service with or for a community partner (nonprofit or government agency) during the semester. 2. Integrated Service-Learning: With this course, every student in the class has a minimum service-learning time requirement of 15 hours with or for a community partner (nonprofit or government agency). Integrated service-learning is actually embedded so students do not enroll in an additional one credit hour service-learning component course. Creating Service Learning Sections When building a service-learning section, please use the following guidelines: Work with the Citizenship and Service-Learning Office (CASL) to obtain approval for offering service-learning classes. Indicate the class as service-learning in SSASECT. For the one credit hour component courses, enter the campus as “Z” (off campus), use part of term #50 (Extended-Service Learning), and enter at least 10 seats in the section. Make sure the appropriate Degree Program Attribute is attached to the section. i. On the SSASECT menu, Course Section Information tab, click on “Options” ii. Go to “Course Section Detail” (SSADETL) iii. Perform a “Next Block” iv. There will be a gray tab that says “Degree Program Attribute” 1. If the class is being offered that semester as a Service-Learning Component Course (SL), type SL01 2. If the class is being offered that semester as a Service-Learning Designate Course (SLDC), type SL02 3. If the class is being offered that semester as an Integrated ServiceLearning (ISL), type SL03 Note: If you need to update a service-learning code, you must Record-Remove the code already there, enter the new code, and save. Make sure the section comments (section long text) are entered correctly. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 36 i. Enter “May also enroll in CRS 000, section 000” on the designate section (SLDC) Example: “May also enroll in BMS 300-001” ii. Enter “Must also enroll in CRS 000, section 000” on the component section (SL) Example: “Must also enroll in BMS 240-001” iii. No comment is needed for integrated since it shows up in attributes. Notify the CASL office which SL and SLDC sections you have scheduled for the semester. Please keep CASL informed of changes. Scheduling service-learning sections accurately is important because the Office of the Registrar and the Citizenship and Service-Learning Office (CASL) need to know if a faculty member will teach the course as an approved service-learning course or a traditional course. This data is necessary to document and comply with grant funding, to progress toward meeting one of Missouri State’s Performance Measures, to promote community partnerships, and so on. Additionally, students enrolled in a service-learning course receive a designation on their academic transcript. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 37 Missouri State PREREQUISITES Prerequisites can be found in the course descriptions of the Undergraduate Catalog. Prerequisites, as they are stated in the catalog, will be enforced at the time of registration. Students may be granted an override to register by department head or the instructor of record. The various prerequisite programming methods available in Banner are described below. Any discrepancies between the printed catalog and Banner catalog should be reported to the Office of the Registrar immediately. Catalog Prerequisite and Test Score Restriction (SCAPREQ) Courses that must be taken prior to or concurrently with the specified course, or test scores that must be achieved prior to registering for the course. Banner will identify if the minimum grade has been achieved in a prerequisite class. Students will be allowed to register if a prerequisite course is in progress at Missouri State University. This information cannot be updated at the section level. Registration Restrictions (SCARRES) A type of prerequisite that restricts students’ enrollment by their classification, college level, major, degree, or program. The most frequently used restrictions are class (e.g. senior standing) and program of study (e.g. English-BSED). Can “include” a specific group (e.g. seniors only) or “exclude” (e.g. “must have attained 60 credit hours” would exclude freshmen and sophomores). Student class cannot be updated at the section level; major, degree, and program may be updated. Special approval on SSASECT Permission of department head, instructor, advisor, etc. Although this information comes from the catalog, it does not automatically migrate from the catalog to each section; permission must be entered at the section level. Office of the Registrar will monitor discrepancies between catalog permission prerequisites and what is entered at the section level. CAPP-Area Prerequisites Prerequisites that are more complex than those listed above. Will be entered at the course level and attached to the section level. Prerequisites that we know Banner is unable to check for: o GPA (MSU, transfer, or combined) o Minors (i.e. only students with a specified minor can enroll) For more information on prerequisites or other course level restrictions, please refer to pages 22-25 of the Class Schedule Building Training Manual for Banner. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 38 Missouri State FACULTY SCHEDULE QUERY Faculty Schedule Query form is a query only form that displays the faculty member's schedule by term. 1. Access the Faculty Schedule Query form (SIAASGQ). 2. Enter the term code in the Term field. 3. If you know the Faculty member’s MSU ID# (“M number”; not the Social Security Number) you may enter it in the ID field. If you do not know the MSU ID#, click on the Search Icon to take you to the Faculty/Advisor Query form (SIAIQRY). Perform a next block to search for the ID#. Enter the Last Name (or partial last name) using a % wildcard at the end. This field is case sensitive, so you will need to capitalize the first letter of the last name. Then press F8 to execute the query. You can also query by college by entering your two letter college code in the College field and pressing F8. When you have found the instructor’s ID#, you can double click on the ID#, which will enter the ID# in the query window. 4. Perform a Next Block (or Ctrl Page Down). 5. This will show all sections this faculty is scheduled to teach in that term. Missouri State EXTRACTING DATA INTO AN EXCEL DOCUMENT Many forms in Banner allow you to extract the data in the form into an Excel document. This is a convenient way to view all the data in the form for proofing or reference purposes. Changing information in the Excel document will not change the information in the form. 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the Help menu. Hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and select Extract Data No Key. Continue holding the CTRL key as Banner processes the data. This may take a minute. Excel will open with the information from the form. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 39 Missouri State TIPS AND RESOURCES Tips and Reminders: Record Remove function = delete Look at the bottom of your screen for error explanations. This is the auto hint line. When there is a solid bar across the screen, you will, in most cases, need to Next Block to continue. Rollback function = start over Click X (exit) to return to the menu or exit query (may need to click twice to exit query). Errors that are ORA (Oracle) need to be written down or screen printed for the Computer Services Help Desk to review. Do not use the following characters for any text: “, %, &, #, and the comma. Deleted and Held sections will not appear on the online schedule of classes. Schedule short courses before March for Summer and Fall and before October for Spring so that the you may enter dates without having to contact the Office of the Registrar first. Do not stack (open multiple) Banner forms. Screen resolution matters! If you have your resolution too high, you will be unable to view certain menus in their entirety. In order to use Banner, you need to have a recent version of Internet Explorer. You cannot use Mozilla Firefox, and your IE version needs to be up to date. Remove pop-up blockers from your Internet Explorer so that menus can be viewed in their entirety. If a course is lecture only according to the catalog and the department would like to offer it as one lecture course with several “break-out” sections or discussion groups (e.g. HST 121, COM 209, MED 120), you must contact the Office of the Registrar prior to building the class so that they can change the catalog to make it possible to create a zero credit hour section for that course. Often times, to change basic section information on the SSASECT, Course Section Information tab, you will need to first record remove the instructor and save. Then record remove the meeting times/locations and save. Additional Resources: Help with Banner questions: http://helpdesk.missouristate.edu/banner Banner documentation: http://experts.missouristate.edu Banner training resources: http://missouristate.edu/banner/training.htm Class schedule building references: http://www.missouristate.edu/registrar/guidelines.htm MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 40 Missouri State APPENDIX What Campus do I Use? What Fields Impact Fees? WHEN DO I USE (S) – SPRINGFIELD, MO? The (S) – Springfield campus code is the only campus that charges Student Services Fees. This campus if used for classes taught in a traditional or blended format, that meet on the Springfield campus more than four times (with the exception of intersession classes – see below). WHEN DO I USE (Y) – SPRINGFIELD MO, (NO SSF)? Student Services Fees (SSF) should not be assessed for sections that have one of the following: LENGTH/PART OF TERM Intersession = use campus code “Y” (Springfield, No SSF) CLASS MEETING If a class will be meeting on the Springfield campus four or less times, then the class must be set to not charge SSF, by selecting campus code “Y.” If a class meets only on the weekends (F, F-S, S-U, S, U) use campus code “Y.” WHEN DO I USE (Z) – OFF CAMPUS? Any instructional method other than TRAD (traditional), BLND (blended), INT (Internet - Other), INT1 (Internet - MS in CIS Program), and INT2 (Internet - MS in AS program) should use either campus code “Y” or “Z” (off campus) IMPORTANT: After registration begins, you must contact the Office of the Registrar if you need to change any of the fields below. Changing these fields will change the fees charged, but will not update the fees for anyone already enrolled. The Office of the Registrar must make the fee adjustments for these students. Campus Instructional Method Credit & Billing hours Additional fields that impact fees The following fields are only used by the Office of the Registrar. Tuition & Fee waiver box—NEVER CHECK THIS BOX Section Fees on SSASECT – ONLY USED BY THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Certain Degree Program Attributes (example: designating COBA & CHHS rates and Bearnet campus rates) MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 41 Frequently Asked Questions Question: When can courses be changed and added into the Banner database? Answer: See the Class Schedule Building Deadlines calendar for specific dates. Early Construction Period Late Construction Period Throughout the semester. Once students are enrolled, you must contact the OTR to change campus, instructional method, part of term, credit or billing hours. Question: How do I delete a section of a course? Answer: Before the schedule posts to the web, from the main page of SSASECT, perform a RecordRemove. After the schedule posts to the web, but before registration, record-remove the instructor (save), record remove the meeting times (save), set the “Status” to “D.” After the schedule posts to the web and students have enrolled, notify the enrolled students and Office of the Registrar to drop the students and put the section on hold. OTR will notify you when this is complete so you can record-remove the instructor (save) and set the “Status” to “D.” Question: How do I change the days and/or time of a course? Answer: Record-remove the instructor (save), then change the days and/or time (save). Reenter your instructor. Question: When do I need to enter a section comment? Answer: Only enter section comments if they differ from course comments. Section comments should provide specific section information to students (e.g. “class meets Jan 18, Feb 5, Mar 11, and Apr 28” or “schedule section 2 with section A”). Question: I scheduled a course and got a room conflict message. What do I do? Answer: If this is a cross-listed course, you may override the room conflict. Otherwise you will need to find another room. Question: Who do I contact for Banner Class Schedule Building training? Answer: Office of the Registrar, 836-5520 MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 42 Schedule Proofing 1. Remove all section comments that are exactly the same as the course comment or course prerequisite statement. 2. Check comments to ensure they are formatted consistently. Accessibility Classroom is only accessible by stairs (do not say handicap accessible) Classes taught at another location (other than the Springfield Campus) Classes taught off campus should always have specific location data in the section comment. Examples: Taught at the Missouri State University West Plains campus Taught at the Missouri State University Mountain Grove campus Taught at the Nevada Telecenter in Nevada, MO Taught at the Crowder College Campus in Neosho, MO Taught at the Joplin Graduate Center on the MSSU campus in Joplin, MO Honors Classes Section 999 honors college students only Missouri London Program Participants only Internet, iCourse, Dual High School, and Off Campus Classes Place information in the same order for each class (e.g. taught via www; provide permission information). Use semicolon to separate ideas within comments Lab/Lecture Run a master schedule after scheduling courses to check to make sure all lab/lecture courses have comments and that corresponding sections exist. Schedule section A with section 1 Schedule section A with one of sections 1-15 Schedule section A with section 1 or 2 OR Schedule with a lab section that does not conflict with this lecture section Schedule with a lecture section that does not conflict with this lab section MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 43 Make sure corresponding section exists Make sure appropriate Link Identifiers and Link Connectors are entered Punctuation No period at the end of comments Use semicolon to separate ideas in comments Use commas within an idea Service Learning Run a master schedule after scheduling courses to check to make sure all service learning courses have comments and that corresponding sections exist. Make sure corresponding section exists Each of the service learning classes and the component classes must have section comments. - SL (Service Learning Component Course) must have the comment: “must also enroll in SWK 300, section 1” - SLDC (Service Learning Designated Course) must have the comment: “may also enroll in SWK 220, section 1” - ISL (Integrated) must have the comment: “integrated service learning” 3. Ensure lengths of courses (part of term) are entered correctly: Non-Standard: can either be outside the regular semester dates and outside of the intersession date range or can include regular semester dates, extending before or after; student service fees are charged if the class meets on campus more than four time. Student service fees are charged if the class meets on campus more than four times. To charge student services fees, use campus code “S.” To not charge student services fees, use campus code “Y” Intersession: can be any dates within the intersession date ranges including the weekend immediately after intersession ends; does not charge student service fees; use campus code “Y” Weekend: Does not charge student service fees for class that only meets on the weekends (F, FS, S-U, S, U) Use campus code “Y” 4. Enter a specific title for all variable content classes on main page of SSASECT. If title is too long to fit in title space, use the Options menu, “Section Syllabus Form” and enter the full title in the Section Long Title field. NOTE: The abbreviated title from the main page of SSASECT is what appears on the students’ transcripts. The long title only appears on the class schedule search. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 44 WHEN DO I NEED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR TO MAKE CHANGES? After registration begins, you must contact the Office of the Registrar if you need to change any of the fields below. Changes to these fields will either be locked due to enrollment in the section or will change the fees associated with the section. These types of section changes do not automatically update the already enrolled students’ records or accounts. The Office of the Registrar must manually make the adjustments. Campus – Springfield Campus will always have student services fees associated Instructional Method – INET, INT1, INT2, have special fees Credit & Billing hours – must always match Part of Term Schedule Type Definitions of Instructional Methods Blended Course Integrates online and traditional face-to-face class activities in a planned, pedagogically valuable manner. A portion of the face-to-face time — specifically from 30% to 70% is reduced by online activities and specified in the course description. Internet – MS in AS Program A course, specific to students admitted to the MS in Administrative Studies program, which meets entirely online, requiring no traditional classroom time. Proctored exams may be required. A class may also include some synchronous activity and still be considered online. Internet – MS in CIS Program A course, specific to students admitted to the MS in Computer Information Systems program, which meets entirely online, requiring no traditional classroom time. Proctored exams may be required. A class may also include some synchronous activity and still be considered online. Internet - Other A course which meets entirely online, requiring no traditional classroom time. Proctored exams may be required. A class may also include some synchronous activity and still be considered online. iCourse Professors in classroom settings or studios, offering lectures for courses on iTunes U through the MSU website. Only come to campus for the initial class meeting, some exams and the final. All lectures are made available, at no cost, to view on your computer. These lectures can also be downloaded to a mp3 player. MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Page | 45