Please fill out the following information as completely as possible. In order for us to verify your insurance benefits, we must have the information listed below. This is a confidential record of your medical history and will be kept in this office. Information contained here will not be released to any person except when you have authorized us to do so. PLEASE PRINT NAME___________________________________________________________DATE________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE______________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE ______________________________CELL PHONE__________________________________ WORK PHONE______________________________EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________ PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT_______________________________OCCUPATION_________________________________ HOW DID YOU FIND ABR ACUPUNCTURE?_____________________________________________________________________________ REASON FOR TREATMENT TODAY/MEDICAL COMPLAINT:________________________________________________________________________________ SURGICAL HISTORY: PLEASE LIST ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS IN THE PAST 10 YEARS AND ALL RELEVANT INJURIES AND SURGERIES THAT MAY BE RELEVANT TO YOUR CURRENT CONDITION___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICATIONS THAT YOU ARE CURRENTLY TAKING/DOSAGE/ REAON _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPLEMENTS/DOSAGE/REASON_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE MARK THOSE ILLNESS LISTED BELOW THAT YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED IN THE PAST OR ARE CURRENTLY DEALING WITH CANCER HEART DISEASE THYROID DISEASE DIABETES HIV/AIDS HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HEPATITIS OTHER SIGNIFICANT ILLNESS____________ WHAY TYPES OF FOODS DO YOU TYPICALLY EAT? BREAKFAST__________________________________________________________________________________ LUNCH________________________________________________________________________________________ DINNER_______________________________________________________________________________________ SNACKS_______________________________________________________________________________________ DO YOU DRINK COFFEE/TEA? HOW MUCH?_____________________________________________ DO YOU DRINK ALCOHOL? HOW MUCH?_________________________________________________ DO YOU CURRENTLY SMOKE? HAVE YOU EVER SMOKED? HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU QUIT SMOKING?_________________________________________________________ DO YOU EXERCISE REGULARLY? WHAT TYPE OF EXERCISE? HOW OFTEN? ABR ACUPUNCTURE CONSENT TO TREATMEN I, the undersigned, authorize ABR Acupuncture to perform treatment methods used in this practice which may include, but are not limited to acupuncture, trigger point dry needling, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, cupping, gua sha (scrapping), and nutritional counseling. I understand that acupuncture, trigger point dry needling, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, cupping, gua sha (scrapping), are all safe methods of treatment. Potential risks include temporary bruising, swelling, bleeding, numbness and tingling, and soreness at the needling site that may last for a few days. Unusual risks of treatment include accidental puncture of a lung (pneumothorax), dizziness, fainting, or nerve damage. If a pneumothorax were to occur, it may likely require a chest xray and no further treatment. The symptoms of shortness of breath may last for several days to weeks. A more severe puncture can require hospitalization and re-inflation of the lung. This is a rare complication, and in skilled hands it should not be a major concern. Infection is possible, although ABR Acupuncture uses alcohol and sterile disposable needles and maintains a safe and clean environment. Temporary bruising or redness lasting several days is a common side effect of cupping and gua sha. I fully understand that there is no implied or stated guarantee of success or effectiveness of a specific treatment or series of treatments. I will notify ABR Acupuncture should I become pregnant or if I am in the process of trying to get pregnant so that my practitioner can avoid points that can induce a miscarriage. I understand that ABR Acupuncture may review my medical records and lab reports, but all my records will be kept confidential. If it becomes necessary to share my health information, this will be handled in accordance with the stipulations detailed in the Notice of Privacy Practices document that has been provided to me, and of which I have acknowledged receipt. I understand that I can discuss risks and benefits further with ABR Acupuncture before signing if I so choose. However, I do not expect my practitioner to be able to anticipate and explain all possible risks and complications of treatment. I rely on the practitioner to exercise his/her judgment in my best interest during the course of treatment, based on the facts then known. I recognize that scheduling an appointment involves the reservation of time specifically for me, and that consequently, A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS NOTICE IS REQUIRED TO RESCHEDULE OR CANCEL AN APPOINTMENT. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO IN ADVANCE, THE FULL FEE WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE SESSION MISSED WITHOUT SUCH ADVANCE NOTIFICAITON. I understand that most insurance companies do not reimburse for missed sessions. In signing this form, I acknowledge any inherent risks, and give my consent for treatment, payment and healthcare operations received, incurred or carried out at this practice. Patient’s Name (please print)______________________________________________________________________________ Patient’s Signature_______________________________________________________________Date_____________________________________ Parent’s Signature signing for a minor_________________________________________________Date__________________