Oct 2015 Minutes - Church of the Holy Family and St. Columba

Parish Council Church of the Holy Family
October 6, 2015
Parish House
Attendees: Cindy Mello, Mark Pasquale, Patty Bullock, Phil LoBianco, Joe Brosseau, Bob Coffey, Megan
Hatt, Jim Payant
Opening Prayer
Happy Birthday Tom Loto!
Parish Survey - Megan Hatt / Tom Loto
Review break-out of feedback
 We need to have a meeting or two before next parish council meeting to review the
detailed break out of survey feedback. Megan will set up a couple times and send to the
group. Anyone is welcome to participate as they can.
Identify volunteers to address each category of comments
 This item to be covered at a survey results meeting as well
Next steps for communication of results to parishioners
 Survey meeting to come up with a plan to present at next parish council meeting.
Volunteers identified in feedback that need to be contacted
 Discussed. Megan will resend the email to Mark Pasquale about someone who was looking
for a Eucharistic minister to come to them. Jim is tracking the three people who said they
were willing to help out to make sure they are contacted.
Pot Luck Dinners - Jim
Proposed dates tentatively reserved on calendar: Saturday December 5th, 2015 with a Friday
afternoon setup on the 4th
Saturday June 4th, 2016 with a Friday afternoon setup on the 3rd
Saturday September 17th, 2016 with a Friday afternoon setup on the 16th
* 9/17 may not give much advance time for parish council to prepare
Fourth date TBD
possible seniors luncheon pot luck and/or children's meal event
avoiding conflict with lenten fish fry events in February and March
Event coordinators
Tie in with Haiti Committee fund raising
Themes for each date
Discussion: We should start with this one and see how it goes. Work with Haiti Committee to see
what they might want to do. A signup sheet was passed around for PC members to indicate items
they would be willing/able to help with.
Parish Council Church of the Holy Family
October 6, 2015
Parish House
For first potluck on December 5th:
 Friday Afternoon 4th - put walls in, set up tables & chairs, time tbd
 Saturday before mass - receive baked items, keep things warm, brew coffee
 We will provide beverages - coffee, tea, iced tea or lemonade, water
 Saturday after event - put walls back in, set up tables/chairs in classrooms
 Jim will talk to Ashley about getting CRE students to sign up to help out by putting a sign
up sheet in the binder for parish service hours
 Patty is interested in overseeing set up /decorating. Possibly the service hours could be
for kids to work under Patty.
 Maybe we could set up a table with a simple Christmas craft for kids to make. This is
another item CRE students could sign up to lead. Cindy will think about what craft could
be. Mark mentioned we could tie in with the Knights of Columbus poster contest. Mark
will look into the details on that.
 Another item CRE kids might be able to help with is making centerpieces for the event in
 Communications: Poster up in Narthex in November (4 weeks before), Notice in Bulletin,
Include # attending Adults/Children in sign up,
 Don't wait til next meeting with any additional thoughts/ideas. Email the group or Jim
(reply to all from agenda email).
Volunteers to be trained for moving Walls
 Three people have been trained. Lois is more than happy to train another group of
people. A sign up sheet was passed around for people to sign up to be trained on the
walls. Lois will coordinate the training session. Group could be known as Jericho Squad.
Ambassador Group Update - Richard Potticary
We did not have an update on the Ambassador Group since the Ambassadors were meeting at the
same time with Padre.
Joint Parish Council Meeting - Jim
Jim has exchanged emails with Kathy Hamilton, Saint Columba PC.
Question to the group: Any topics that would help drive the timing? Yes, survey results and
possible coordination of response/communication. There was a suggestion that Padre might
direct us to avoid discussion of survey feedback that won't be productive to discuss - like mass
Agenda Items for Joint PC Meeting:
 Joint Parish Council Survey
 Ambassador Program
Parish Council Church of the Holy Family
October 6, 2015
Parish House
Synergies between committees of two parishes. Example - communication between
Liturgy committee of Holy Family and St. Columba.
Question: Has there ever been discussion of merging committees of the two parishes?
Discussion Probably not - two separate financial entities. We want to
coordinate/communicate, but need to keep the committees separate.
Senior Luncheon joint between the parishes? Daily mass there Monday and Wednesday could be done at St. Columba potluck breakfast after mass? Could be done in Lenten
Ideas from St. Columba for Joint meeting agenda items?
Non-Agenda Items:
 Sunday Donuts. There was survey feedback suggesting we bring back Donuts/Coffee after mass.
It has been difficult to do donuts/coffee hour with the timing of masses and CRE classes. In the
past it was done on the heels of CRE ending, but was getting into summer. Could look at CRE
calendar and see if donuts/coffee hours could be done on any of the off-weeks from CRE. Of
course, Padre can't come since he has to go to Saint Columba for 11am mass.
Procedural question- are we supposed to be voting to approve the minutes from the prior
meeting? The bylaws were checked and it didn’t say that the minutes need to be approved.
Reminder - Haiti Chili Cook-Off November 1st.
Next Parish Council Meeting - Tuesday November 3rd, 7:30pm in the Parish House