IORD Journal of Science & Technology E-ISSN: 2348-0831 Volume 1, Issue VI (SEPT-OCT 2014) PP 43-46 IMPACT FACTOR 1.719 IMPROVISING TRAJECTORY MINING FOR MAP PATTERN USING GPS/GIS Rupali H. Asai Computer Engineering, PG Student D.P.C.O.E. Savitri bai Phule Pune University Pune, Maharashtra, India Prof. Shiwani Sthapak I.T. department, Assistant Prof. D.P.C.O.E. Savitri bai Phule Pune University Pune, Maharashtra, India Abstract: A latest method is introduced to determine and examine the unknown information of huge taxi route data within a city. This approach imaginatively transforms the geographic coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude) to street names reflecting related semantic information. Therefore, the movement of each taxi is considered as a document consisting of the taxi traversed street names, which enables semantic study of huge taxi data sets as document amounts. Unseen themes like taxi topics, are recognized through textual area modeling techniques. Urban mobility patterns and developments, reflect the taxi topics which are displayed and analyzed through a visual analytics system. In system there is an interactive visualization tools, like taxi area maps, area routes, street clouds and parallel coordinates, to visualize the probability-based current information. Urban planners, administration, travelers, and drivers can carry out their various knowledge discovery tasks with direct semantic and visual assists. The use of Global Positioning System technology is that collecting the GPS trajectory data and visualize the map of any object moving in that trajectory. The system has been also used to show changes in position, speed and direction of object moving in particular path. Using the geographic components in the collected GPS data, and visualizing by mapping, provides a clear view of any region in which the object is moving. trajectory. When any object moving in a particular path, it will be visualize in that visual analysis system. For that it is important to track the location of that object and mapping the path of that object. A GPS technology is used. These technology is used to track any object moving in particular path. The original map of object has been save in database and the current path visualize in system. After that the speed, direction and time of object will be compared. That is the original speed and time required to that object have to compare with current speed and time of that object. Simultaneously the direction of that object will be shown by our system. Keywords: GPS, pattern mining, object mapping, speed analysis, direction, latitude, longitude, road usage pattern, and trajectory. I. INTRODUCTION: A. Dissertation Idea: A new visual analysis system will be developed that visualize hidden information of any object in II. PROBLEM DEFINITION: By using GPS technology visualizing the map of any object moving in a specific path. For knowning the position of object it is necessary to track the location. By mapping any object it will be easy to determine the original path and current path of any object. According to that, speed and direction of object can also be determined. From this it will be analyze that the original time required to object when moving from source to destination is similar to time required to the same object moving from same source to destination. If yes then no problem if no then some problem can occurs in path where the object is moving. Here there are two possibilities can happened a) Object can reach to their destination in less time period compared to original time period. In these case object can apply shortest path to reach their destination b) Object can reach to their destination in more time period compared than original time period. In these case object can face the traffic while moving in link III. PERSPECTIVE SOLUTION: 43 | P a g e IORD Journal of Science & Technology E-ISSN: 2348-0831 Volume 1, Issue VI (SEPT-OCT 2014) PP 43-46 IMPACT FACTOR 1.719 In visualizing system, there will be an analysis of location of object, speed i.e. how fast or slow the object will move & direction i.e. at which direction the object will moved at that time. For knowing the location some algorithms will be used. Those algorithms are GPS algorithm that maps GPS coordinates i.e. latitude, longitude, street name & street Id. Another algorithms can also be used i.e. packet scheduling & link scheduling. Packet scheduling is for transferring data packets & link scheduling is for establishing link between objects. In trajectory, if it consist of any point of interest then it will be helpful for us to find out the map of that object easily. For determining the speed there is an speed analysis algorithm will used. If there will be traffic occurs then for that speed traffic analysis algorithm have to used that detecting traffic occurs in the path. A. Mapping Geographical Coordinates to Streets: The semantic transformation maps a GPS position to the street name it lies on. A taxi trajectory becomes a “document” of the street names traversed in a given time window. The time window can be defined by users to study interesting patterns in different periods. In implementation, use a road matching algorithm to find the closest streets to each GPS position. Latitude 22.543 Longitude 113.991 22.546 113.997 22.568 114.066 22.568 114.067 Street Name Qiaocheng East Rd Qiaoxiang Rd Beihuan Ave Beihuan Ave Street ID 38819 20694 10192 10206 Table1. Examples of mapping GPS to streets. IV. RELATED WORK: A. Trajectory Mining By using Euclidean or shortest-path over networks clustering and classifying long trajectories are performed over distance actions. For example, partition of trajectories are used to collect them in rectangular regions, creating fine-grain groups. Trajectories are used to take out geographical borders. This method assumes non-overlapping regions which is predictable for administrative/spatial borders. In contrast, our technique determined topics without the control of specific spatial areas, where the overlap is quantified by a probability defining the strength of multiple topics in a common area. B. Trajectory and Object Visualization Many approaches have existing visual tools for exploring geographical information. The techniques occupy map-based displays and use information visualization techniques to visualize the spatial attributes of the data over temporal changes. Object trajectories are a key type of movement data where many techniques have been developed, such as Geo Time. A variety of applications has been conducted by the visual study of taxi data. Liu et al. [3] from Visualizing Hidden Themes of Taxi Movement with Semantic Transformation presented a visual analytics system of route diversity. They developed several visual programming schemes to show the statistic information for various routes and their importance with a ring map. In particular, entropy is computed for a source/destination pair of locations, and visualized to make known the multiplicity of routes. make available the more visualization functions motivated by the related work, such as better clutter reduction and levels of detail, temporal semantic information with ring maps, and interactive query support. In visualizing hidden themes of taxi movement with semantic transformation, Ding Chu [1] developed a new visual analytics system that finds and manifests hidden patterns derived from the taxi movement data throughout a city. Here there is an each trajectory as a article consisting of the taxitraversed street names. This is made possible by mapping GPS coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude) from geometric positions to a important text representation. This method is named semantic transformation since it can replace a spatiotemporal GPS sample with additional related information.Such transformation can add semantic knowledge from various aspects, such as street names, Points of Interest (POI) (e.g. restaurants and shops), and other useful information. According to Obuhuma, J. I. Moturi[2] many vehicle systems which are currently in use are some form of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), which is a concept for determining the geographic location of a vehicle and this information is transmitted to a remotely located server. To achieve vehicle tracking in real time, an in-vehicle unit and a tracking server is used. FoscaGiannotti [4] from towards mining approaches for trajectory data projected first algorithm to find out pattern from trajectory data. The new pattern, that is called trajectory pattern, stand for a set of individual trajectories that split the property of visiting the same sequence of places with similar travel times. Therefore, two notations are central: i) the regions of interest in the given 44 | P a g e IORD Journal of Science & Technology E-ISSN: 2348-0831 Volume 1, Issue VI (SEPT-OCT 2014) PP 43-46 IMPACT FACTOR 1.719 space and ii) the typical travel time of moving objects from region to region. GSM and GPS based vehicle location and tracking system V. K. Raju [5], will provide useful, real time vehicle location, mapping and reporting this information value and add by improving the level of service provided. A GPS-based vehicle tracking system will detect where your vehicle is and where it has been, how long it has been. The system uses geographic position and time information from the Global Positioning Satellites. The system has an "On-Board Module" which resides in the vehicle to be tracked and a "Base Station" that monitors data from the various vehicles. The On-Board module consists of GPS receiver, a GSM modem. V. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE: A system can be proposed such as VATT system that integrates several visualizations supporting visual analytics of the hidden information. The system interface consisting of several components: (a) mapping of object (b) determining the speed & direction of that object(c) parallel coordinate plot (PCP) of streets. These visualizations are orchestrated in a coordinated manner for effective user exploration. A. System Model: The model in fig. has three main sections i.e. the vehicle, the GPS server, and Client-side applications. Vehicle GPS Tracker Send GPS data to the GPS server Query the Validate then route GPS data to the database GPS Data GPS database Receiver GPS SQL Database GPS Server Speed of Vehicle Vehicle mapping GPS Server Route/locat ion mapping Fig The Model for the System The GPS server encompasses the GPS Data Receiver and the SQL database while client-side applications encompass the speed of vehicle, vehicle mapping and route/location mapping. The GPS Data Receiver Application is for following essential information per vehicle. 1. Vehicle current location (GPS coordinates) 2. Vehicle speed 3. Direction of movement B. Mapping of Object Mapping of any object consist of many different paths which are visualized over geographic maps. Features such as tourist attraction, subway stations & government buildings can be placed on the map. This system supports use of google map, open streat maps & user customized maps. C. Determining the speed & direction of that object For determining speed & direction, speed analysis algorithm is to be used. After tracking any location and determining map of any path in which object will move speed of that vehicle can be determined from source to destination. D. Parallel Coordinate Plots of Streets and Trajectories It can be helpful for user to visualize interactively discover knowledge from probability distributions which was used in exploring document topics. Any path can be visualize over parallel Coordinate Plots, where each dimensional coordinate is one topic and each polyline represents one street. To draw a street over multiple dimensions, Its probabilities over the topics p(w|z) are used. A logarithmic scale is applied since many probabilities are very small and only a few of them are large. To overcome clutter, streets are not drawn if they have smaller probability values than a threshold Pt over K topics. Pt and K are user controllable parameters. VI. CONCLUSION: A new visual analytics system can be proposed for tracking location of any object by using GPS technology. Along with this analysis speed and direction can also be determined that compared the current speed & time with original speed & time of that objet. This system can helpful for any private agency like travels agency to determined the current position of any vehicle. They can also take up to date information of their vehicles travelling Client side application 45 | P a g e IORD Journal of Science & Technology E-ISSN: 2348-0831 Volume 1, Issue VI (SEPT-OCT 2014) PP 43-46 IMPACT FACTOR 1.719 from source to destination. It will also helpful for government buses and vehicles that they will also see hidden information about their vehicles at any time. VII. REFERENCES: [1] Ding Chu, Visualizing Hidden Themes of Taxi Movement with Semantic Transformation, 2014 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium. [2] Obuhuma, J. I. Moturi, C. A. 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