Constitution of the Indiana Veterinary Technician Association ARTICLE I – Title Indiana Veterinary Technician Association ARTICLE II – Purpose 1. To provide the professional and educational advancement of Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs). 2. To promote and maintain communication and cooperation among Registered Veterinary Technicians. 3. To maintain and improve professional standards of Registered Veterinary Technicians. 4. To develop and maintain a code of ethics among Registered Veterinary Technicians. 5. To support and inform all members of all subject matter dealing with Registered Veterinary Technicians. 6. To promote and maintain communication and cooperation between Registered Veterinary Technicians employed in all aspects of veterinary medicine. ARTICLE III – Membership Section I 1. Members shall not be discriminated against because of nationality, race, creed, color, or sex. Section II 1. REGISTERED VETERINARY TECHNICIAN (RVT) shall be defined as a person who is currently registered as a veterinary technician with the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA). Section III 1. ACTIVE IN-STATE membership shall be defined as any Registered Veterinary Technician (Article III, Section I, #1) who resides in the state of Indiana. Active members in good standing (Article IV, Section 1, #3) shall also have the right to hold office providing criteria set by the Executive Board are met. This member has the right to vote and pay dues. Section IV 1. ACTIVE OUT-OF-STATE membership shall be defined as any Registered Veterinary Technician (Article III, Section II. #1) who lives outside the state of Indiana. This member has the right to vote and pay dues, but does not have the right to hold office Section V 1. ASSOCIATE members are graduates of veterinary technology programs who are not Registered with the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA), veterinary hospital/clinic employees, and veterinarians. Associate member cannot vote or hold an office in the Association. They will be assessed lower dues than active members. Section VI 1. STUDENT members shall be defined as any student who is enrolled in an AVMA accredited Veterinary Technology Program in the state of Indiana. Student members shall not have the right to vote or hold office, but do have the right to be involved in all other activities of the organization. Student members will be assessed lower dues than associate members. ARTICLE IV – Dues Section I 1. Dues shall be assessed to members annually (Article V, Section II, #5). 2. Annual dues shall cover a membership period from January 1 through December 31 of any calendar year. 3. Any member who has paid dues for the current year is a member in good standing. 4. Any member who fails to renew their membership by March 1 of a new membership period shall be dropped from the membership. 5. Graduates from an Indiana AVMA Accredited Veterinary Technology Program shall have no dues assessed for the balance of the calendar year following their graduation. ARTICLE V – Officers and Their Duties Section I – Executive Board Authority 1. The Executive Board shall be the executive body of the IVTA and shall have the responsibility for administering Association affairs. Section II – Executive Board 1. The Executive Board shall be composed of the President, President-Elect, Recorder, Executive Secretary (ex-officio, non-voting), /Financial Officer, Treasurer, Past President, and the District Representatives. 2. Executive Board Members must be Active In State members of the IVTA. 3. The Executive Board members shall advise and assist the President. 4. The Executive Board shall determine annual dues. 5. The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of three (3) times per year. Executive Board meetings shall be held at the discretion of the President or may be called at the request of the Board members. Meetings will be held in person in conjunction with the Annual IVMA conference in Indianapolis and the Annual Fall Conference in West Lafayette. All other Executive Board meetings will be via conference calls. A quorum (Article VII, Section I, #2) must be present at all meetings to conduct business. 6. The Executive Board shall approve all expenditures and financial statements. 7. The Executive Board members shall submit a copy of any written and received correspondence to the Executive Secretary for preservation. 8. The Executive Board Members with the exception of the District Representatives shall keep a journal of yearly responsibilities and duties to be passed on to the new Executive Board at the end of their term. 9. The Executive Board Members' term of office shall run from January 1 to December 31. 10. The Executive Board members whose terms are expiring shall pass on all previous responsibilities including journals, materials and books by the time the Board meets at the Annual IVMA Conference in Indianapolis. 11. The Executive Board shall have the authority to hire and fire the Executive Secretary. 12. The Executive Board Members shall have paid their dues prior to accepting office (January 1). 13. The Executive Board shall appoint, oversee and determine compensation of the newsletter editor(s). 14. The Executive Board shall provide guidelines for all committees. Section III – President (one-year term) 1. The President shall preside over all meetings and shall enforce the constitution and by-laws. 2. The President shall appoint committee heads or chairs who shall report directly to the President at Board meetings. 3. The President has the power to call special meetings with the approval of the Executive Board. 4. The President shall serve as the Indiana NAVTA representative. 5. The President shall assume the role of Past President at the end of the term. Section IV – President-Elect (one-year term) 1. The President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President. 2. The President-Elect shall interpret Robert's Rules of Order as parliamentarian. 3. The President-Elect shall audit or appoint an auditor for the financial records at the end of the calendar year. 4. The President-Elect shall serve on the nominating committee. 5. The President-Elect shall assume the role of President at the end of the term. Section V – Recorder (one-year term) 1. The Recorder shall keep the minutes at all meetings. 2. The Recorder shall preserve all minutes of the meetings and supply a copy to the Newsletter Editor for distribution to the members. Section VI – Executive Secretary (ES) 1. The Executive Secretary will be hired by the Executive Board on an Annual basis. 2. The Executive Secretary shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Executive Board. 3. The Executive Secretary must be an in-state, active member of the Indiana Veterinary Technicians Association. 4. The Executive Secretary currently serving will have the option of continuing or relinquishing the office at the discretion of the Executive Board. 5. The Executive Board has the authority to hire or fire the Executive Secretary. 6. The Executive Secretary will be compensated for performing the duties of the office. Compensation will be determined by the voting members of the Executive Board on an annual basis when the Board meets in conjunction with Purdue’s Fall Conference. 7. The Executive Secretary shall assist the Nomination Committee. 8. The Executive Secretary may enlist the aid of any IVTA member to assist with distribution of information to members. 9. The Executive Secretary shall forward all business correspondence to the appropriate person(s). 10. The Executive Secretary shall give adequate notice in the event that he/she wishes to leave the office. He/she shall assist a replacement in learning about the duties. 11. The Executive Secretary shall keep a written journal of the tasks and responsibilities of the position. This shall include standard operational procedures for all required tasks and duties. Section VII – District Representatives (two-year term) 1. The Representatives are elected to represent their district of the state. There shall be one representative per district. 2. The Representative's home address shall determine the district that he/she represents. 3. The Representatives shall promote the Veterinary Technology profession within their district. This shall be done by presenting information to the public at schools, community organizations, fairs, etc. through media made available by the IVTA. 4. Each representative shall submit information to the IVTA Newsletter on a regular basis while they are in office. Section VIII – Past President (one-year term) 1. The Past-President shall be defined as the person holding the office of President during the preceding year. 2. The Past-President shall be a voting member of the Executive Board. 3. The Past-President shall serve as the chair of the Nomination Committee. Section IX – Treasurer (two-year term) 1. The Treasurer shall oversee the collection and distribution of all money of the Association. 2. The Treasurer shall oversee all aspects of the yearly budget and audits, both internal and external. 3. The Treasurer shall receive and deposit funds for the payment of bills and keep itemized accounts of all transactions. The Treasurer shall give a financial report at the beginning of each business meeting. 4. The Treasurer shall prepare a signed written financial report for all members for publication in the newsletter following all business meetings. 5. The treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the association. 6. In the event that the current Treasurer wishes to leave the office prior to the annual audit, the President-Elect (or appointee) will audit the records at that time. ARTICLE VI – Nomination and Election of Officers Section I – Nominations 1. Nominations shall be open to any Active In State member in good standing. 2. The Nomination Committee shall oversee all aspects of the nomination and election process following guidelines set forth by the Executive Board. Section II – Elections 1. Each Active (in-state or out-of-state) member who paid his/her dues has one (1) vote. 2. All elections shall be by secret ballot; the ballot (including biographical data) shall be sent by mail no less than thirty (30) days before the fall meeting. 3. Ballots shall be returned and counted no later than ten (10) days before the fall meeting. 4. The nominee in each Officer category with the most popular votes wins the election. 5. If, in the opinion of the Executive Board, an officer is believed to be unable to continue in an office due to poor health, nonattendance and/or mal-performance of duties, said officer shall be notified by the Executive Board in writing of this belief and invited to a hearing of his/her views or rebuttal. The hearing shall be held by the Executive Board within two (2) weeks following written notification. After such a hearing, a written poll will be taken of the Executive Board regarding removal of the officer in question from the Executive Board. A majority vote of those present is necessary to remove an Executive Board member from office. 6. Any member of the Executive Board who wishes to resign his/her position must notify the Executive Board via the Executive Secretary, in writing, within 30 days of his/her intention to resign. 7. In the event of a vacancy in the office of: a. Past-President: The President may appoint a person to fill this office for the remainder of the term as long as the appointed person was a previous president of the Association. b. President: The president-elect shall assume the duties and responsibilities of this office in addition to the duties of the office of President-Elect. c. President-Elect: The Executive Board shall designate one (1) of the District Representatives to assume the duties and responsibilities of this office in addition to the duties of the District Representative until such a time as the Nomination Committee makes arrangements for a special election for the office of President-Elect. d. Recorder, Treasurer, District Representative: The Executive Board shall appoint a substitute for the vacant position until the next election. ARTICLE VII – Association Meetings Section I 1. General business meetings shall be held biannually. They shall be open to all IVTA members. 2. Executive Board meetings shall be held at the discretion of the President or may be called at the request of the Board members. Board members will be notified in a reasonable amount of time prior to the meeting. 3. The members in good standing present at any general membership meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business with a majority vote of the members present required to approve any action. For Executive Board meetings, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Executive Board members in attendance at said meetings. The majority vote of the Board members present shall be required to approve any action. 4. Meetings shall be run by Robert's Rules of Order. ARTICLE VIII – Amendments Section I 1. Amendments to the constitution must be approved at a general IVTA business meeting. A two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of those members present is required. All proposed changes must have been sent to the membership sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled meetings. 2. Appointees of the Executive Board shall review the Constitution at five (5) year intervals. Any changes shall be reviewed by the Executive Board prior to presentation to the membership. 3. The Executive Board has the authority to review the Constitution during the five year interval if deemed necessary. ARTICLE IX – Committees Section I – Finance Committee 1. The Finance Committee shall consist of a chairperson, which shall be the Treasurer and additional members. 2. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for creating a budget and presenting financial reports. 3. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for auditing the treasury whenever the Treasurer position is changed. Section II – Membership Committee 1. The Membership Committee Shall consist of a Chairperson and additional members. 2. The Committee shall be responsible for determining eligibility and approving applications of candidates for membership in the various classifications as established in Article III of this Constitution, and recommending membership changes deemed necessary for the good of the Association. 3. Keep accurate the current record of the names and addresses of the members of the Association. 4. Distinguish the District in which each member resides. 5. Provide each District Representative a list of members in their district. Section III – Website/Social Media/Marketing Committee 1. The Website/Social Media/Marketing Committee shall consist of a chairperson and additional members. 2. The Website/Social Media/Marketing Committee shall maintain any and all contracts associated with maintaining the Association’s website. 3. The Website/Social Media/Marketing Committee shall be responsible for keeping the website and other social media sites updated with current information. Section IV– Nominating Committee 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a chairperson, which shall be the PastPresident, and additional members. 2. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for soliciting and receiving nominations for all offices to be filled as specified in Article VI, Section I of the Constitution.