Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 Engaging in Zoonotic Inquiry Common Core Reading Standards for Science 1. Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments taking, measurements or performing technical tasks, analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. 2. Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of information or ideas. 3. Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g. texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information where possible Big Idea: Many diseases are caused by microorganisms of various kinds. Some of these organisms are transmitted to humans and animals by other animals or insects. These organisms can be counted, organized and classified. Once this task has been accomplished we can begin to determine similarities and differences among these disease causing organisms. You do not need to know anything about diseases in order to complete this assignment. Computer Research: You will need to access the UC Santa Barbara Office of Research, from Google type in the following: UCSB Office of Research Zoonotic Diseases. Click on the first link that appears. Getting to Know the Data: From the page listed, 1. What is a zoonotic disease? 2. Identify each of the following in the section labeled Epidemiologic Concepts Classification Based on Host 1. 2. 3. 1|Page Description of Host for Zoonosis Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 3. What are the various modes and mechanisms of transmission for various zoonoses from this web site? Mode Mechanism 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. 4. If you had to group the modes and mechanisms of transmission for zoonoses into various categories, what categories would you choose? Why? 5. Means of classification of Zoonoses Type Based on Life Cycle Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part Two: Being an Epidemiologist Question: Using the UC Santa Barbara website, how many different categories of zoonoses have been identified by the World Health Organization? We could identify these diseases by counting every infection transmitted by an animal, human, or insect. Instead we are going to use a process called surveying. Computer Research: You will need to access the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, type in the following: This is the division of vector borne diseases. 2|Page Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 1. From this page, discuss the concept of vector borne disease. What are the specific vectors, (transmitters), of disease identified in the first paragraph? 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and identify the eight types of Arborviral disease a type of Metazoonoses identified earlier and currently studied at the CDC in Fort Collins, CO.? Click on each of the hyperlinks and use context clues to identify what you believe the term Arboviral means. Eight Types of Arborviral Infections Studied at the CDC in Fort Collins, CO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Your definition of an Arborviral infection: Let’s Investigate. Click on the Yellow Fever, (this is just a way to get to the maps…we will come back ti=o this disease later), hyperlink at the bottom of the Arboviral list. In the center of the page, click on maps and choose either a map of Africa or South America. Choose five (5) countries from either Africa or South America for the next part of the activity. Continent Africa of South America 3|Page Five Countries for Survey Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 Now that you have selected your countries we will go to another branch of the CDC for more data. Choose the countries that you have selected and list the various zoonotic diseases in these countries that require vaccination. Country Names of Zoonotic Diseases Requiring Vaccinations Number of Diseases Total Number of Zoonoses Average Number of Zoonoses From the data, what is the most common zoonotic infection in the countries that you surveyed? Could you make any predictions about the most common zoonoses in other parts of the continent that you selected? Keep in mind, there are 57 countries in Africa and 15 countries in South America. Evidence Based Claim: Write at least five (5) complete sentences.(1) what questions were you trying to answer? (2) How did you use data to answer your questions? (3) Why did you conduct your investigation the way that you did? (4) What were the results of your investigation? (5) Why are your results important? 4|Page Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 Part Three: In part two (2), you engaged in a legitimate scientific investigation. You asked a series of questions and came up with a means to answer those questions, collect data, performed some calculations, and then used the evidence from your data to come to a series of conclusions. That is the use of scientific thinking to solve a problem. Question: Earlier in this activity, you were able to see that zoonoses come in several forms. What are the percentages of the identifiable diseases that you found on your continent that you selected classified by type? Zoonotic Infection Survey by County and Mode of Transmission Country # # # # # Total % % % % % Feces Urine Saliva Blood Milk Feces Urine Saliva Blood Milk Average Percentage for Mode of Transmission Evidence Based Claim: Write five (5) complete sentences 5|Page Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 Part Four: Up to this point you have discovered that zoonoses are classified according to type of host, life cycle and mode of transmission. A certain percentage of those diseases are strictly Arborviral in nature. What percentage of the diseases that you identified from your selected continent were Arborviral in nature? Procedure: 1. What evidence do you need to answer this question? 2. What data can you use for your evidence? 3. How would you collect this data? Data: Create your table and record your data in this area. Evidence Based Claim: Five sentences 6|Page Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 Part Five: What’s next for your Zoonoses research? Now it’s your turn. You have been provided with several questions throughout this activity related to the classification and types of zoonotic diseases. You have collected data and formed conclusions based on this data as evidence. Your task is to design a research question, propose a plan to pursue evidence, collect data using the CDC website, or another suitable APPROVED website. You will collect data to use as evidence to substantiate your conclusions about Arboviral infections. This cannot be one of the previously answered questions. Specific research question: Procedure: Data and or results Evidence based claim: 7|Page Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 Summary: In your own words, describe the characteristics and distribution of various types of zoonotic infections. You should cite specific evidence you have collected throughout this activity as evidence for your conclusion. Your answer should only include information from this activity and not from other sources or information that you have learned in other classes. You may use a sketch or a data table to help with your response. You od not need to write more than fifty (50) words for your answer. 8|Page Bender 2014 Engaging in Scientific Inquiry Modeled from Engaging in Astronomical Inquiry by Stephanie and Tim Slater 6/7/14 9|Page