2015-04-22T10:21:08 Ethics Code

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics – Light
Light believes that people driven by principles and values, with a
working together towards a common goal through strategic plans,
organizational governance models are capable of making Grupo
surrounding it considerably. At the same time, these people are able
clear corporate Mission and Vision,
budgets and efficient corporate and
Light ("Light") transform the reality
to achieve personal and professional
In order for that to be possible, Light builds ethical, truthful and transparent relations with governments,
society, clients, shareholders, directors, employees, service providers, suppliers, unions, professional
associations and all other parties of interest that have a relationship with the company and contribute to
the accomplishment of our mission and vision and development of our company brand and image on a
daily basis.
Aiming at enhancing the quality of these relations, Light's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is
consolidated in a single document. This is the expression of what Light values and believes in: values,
principles and commitments. That is why we consider that adherence to and compliance with the Code are
essential to work at all of Light's companies.
Everyone should be engaged in disseminating these guidelines, instructions and principles and following
them on a daily basis.
The Code is divided into four sections:
• Organizational Ideology: describes the Mission, Vision, Values and Organizational Principles, explaining
why Light exists, where the company wants to go to, what it values and what it believes in.
• Conduct Guidelines: they guide Light's relationship with the interested parties – State and governments,
society, clients, shareholders, employees and suppliers of materials and services.
• Guide for Ethical Conduct at Light: it addresses communication, confidentiality, public demonstrations,
political-partisan activities, legislation, compliance with internal rules, conflict of interests, corruption,
harassment, protection of assets, use of computer resources and social networks, alcohol and drugs.
• Light's Ethics Committee: describes its role, responsibilities and the existing reporting channels.
Light values a sense of citizenship, ethics, excellence and loyalty in its relationships.
The company believes that supplying electric power on a sustained basis and supported by a corporate
structure is an essential contribution to the economic and social development of the country.
For Light, accomplishing excellence means increasing the possibilities of personal growth and expanding
the company's development to new domains in the business world.
To provide electric power and services with excellence and sustainability, contributing to society's welfare
and development.
To be a reference in the electricity sector for the excellence in the services provided and the value of its
People, providing innovative solutions in a diversified and profitable manner.
Appreciation of life
We should put life in first place, according to the highest safety standards. To care about safety means
is to appreciate the lives of everyone.
Pride in serving
We provide a service that is essential to society, serving internal and external clients with excellence,
satisfaction and enthusiasm.
Ethical, transparent and sympathetic conduct
Our duty is to always choose what benefits everyone. We must act with honesty and communicate with
clarity and accuracy, working with a team spirit towards common good, in compliance with our Code of
Appreciation of our People
We invest in the personal and professional development of our People, adopting meritocracy to
recognize the best conduct and attitude in a stimulating, challenging and creative environment.
Commitment to results
We contribute to Light's global results by exceeding our individual or team goals, with simple, proactive
attitudes and a sense of urgency.
Our business is challenging; therefore, we encourage brave and determined attitudes always seeking
ways to work with more safety, innovation and effectiveness.
Organizational Principles
Put life always in first place.
Be the person that is mostly responsible for your own safety.
Use and respect the right to refuse.
Seek perfection in everything you do.
Take care of yourself also thinking about the people who care about you.
Always be honest and righteous.
Focus on the truth in everything you do.
Be an example of excellence.
Make sure you have a sense of urgency.
Take responsibility for the whole.
Remember that ensuring safety affects the whole.
The guidelines below, which must be followed, guide Light's relationship with the interested parties and
aims at meeting their expectations.
Cooperation to improve life conditions
Light operates in accordance with the federal, state and local agencies and all branches, in all enforceable
manners, to improve life conditions and provide high quality services.
Trustworthy and professional relations with the governments
Lights ensures electric power supply to society, in a safe and efficient manner, establishing specific
provisions for situations of difficulty in supplying electric power.
Representativity guaranteed
Light looks after the representative operation of the Consumers Committee, as established by the Brazilian
Electricity Regulatory Agency [Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - Aneel].
It complies with the legislation and respects the people, their culture and diversity.
Development of bonds with society
Light recognizes the representative organizations of the civil society, associations and NGOs, and it
maintains an open and constructive dialogue about subjects of both parties' interest. It provides to the
public and to all organized representation information that is clear, understandable and up-to-date.
Commitment to sustainable development
Light is committed to sustainable development and focused on the needs and expectations of the
interested parties.
The company's work is transparent; it protects natural resources and limits the impact of its activities on
the environment and society.
Environmental protection
Light guarantees the necessary conditions to protect the environment and prevent pollution, so as to follow
the principles of the Environmental Management System, under the legislation in force.
Light has a proactive attitude supported by the company's Environmental Policy, to contribute to fostering
environmental awareness and producing renewable energy.
Working for the community to benefit from Light's expertise
Light invests in research to propose new solutions for technical, economic and business performance.
It works to create and spread intelligent technological solutions, to implement infrastructure in the
concession area – promoting engagement in income generation – and to seek alternatives to protect the
Incentive to volunteer work
Light stimulates the engagement of its employees in activities of general interest, such as volunteer and
charity work, within the association or institutional scope.
Essential pact
Lights works for its clients to receive quality services, at reasonable prices, and the client has the
obligation to pay for such services as established by the regulatory body.
Respect and fair treatment
Light works for every client, be it a residential user, a business, an industry or the government to receive
fair treatment, a quality service, without any discrimination. The client will have the right to be heard and
Light maintains specific channels to receive complaints about the quality and conformity of the products
and services it offers.
Clients and workforce
Light's professionals cannot sell electricity products and services, on a private basis, to clients of the
company's concession area.
Under no circumstance can legal relationships, kinship or friendship between professionals who work at
Light and its clients create any favoritism on the company's part.
People's health and safety with regard to electrical installations
Light's installations are projected and maintained to keep the safety of people. When necessary,
awareness campaigns are conducted to inform the clients of the recommended safety procedures.
Awareness of efficient energy use
Light launches initiatives to drive consumers' awareness of rational and efficient energy use.
Fulfillment of commitments
Light honors its business commitments of any nature: offers, contracts, spoken agreements. It has no
tolerance for any form of corruption.
Any damages caused while providing services are redressed in accordance with the legislation and
regulations in force, based on technical criteria exclusively.
Corporate Governance practices ensure compliance with rules of relationship with all interested
These rules are described in Light's Corporate Governance Manual, which is in line with the best
international practices and recommendations of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). In
addition, the company abides by the corporate legislation applicable to publicly-held companies, as well as
rules issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), especially the ones on
BM&FBovespa's Novo Mercado segment.
Transactions with related parties
Transactions with related parties are carried out with transparency and according to strictly technical and
commercial criteria, in compliance with the company policy, the regulation of the sector and best market
Light respects its employees, listens to them and treats them fairly and professionally.
Health, Safety and Quality of Life
Light continuously seeks wellness and quality of life for its People.
It provides a work environment that values life and promotes safety and physical and mental health of all
employees, whatever their position or the risks to which they are exposed, by complying with the effective
legislation and adhering to the principles provided for in this Code.
The employees are provided with safety equipment appropriate for their work. They are aware of the rules
and responsibilities with regard to individual and group safety and health, and their activities are constantly
oriented to accident prevention.
Professional development and valuation
Light retains, takes care of, develops and values its People by giving them conditions for their personal
and professional fulfillment.
It builds a work environment that is healthy, safe, stimulating and productive, characterized by preservation
of values and principles, ethical and transparent relationships.
The company encourages the development of skills and permanent training for everyone to feel respected
and acknowledged for their contributions, based on the achievement of targets, performance and abilities,
whereby they are stimulated to seek new challenges and learning opportunities.
Prejudice and discrimination
Light fights against any form of discrimination, respecting diversity and promoting equal opportunities and
fair treatment for all.
Origin (ethnicity, nationality, culture, religion, family, region, etc.), gender and sexual orientation in no way
constitute a reason for discrimination.
About diversity and social inclusion
Lights considers that the greatness of a work group lies in its diversity, which needs to be protected and
The company guarantees professional equality between men and women, and ensures there is equality in
their professional paths, in the access to management positions and remuneration of equivalent positions.
It maintains and improves its policy that welcomes disabled workers and promotes integration of and
support to these professionals.
Collective bargaining and relationship with unions
Light recognizes the importance of each employee's right to freely become a member of professional
entities, whether they are labor or trade unions, and respects collective bargaining, the legitimacy of
unions and its employees' engagement with them.
Our suppliers are treated with respect, fairness and equality, as they share our pursuit of
innovation and quality
Both parties have a loyal relationship, with guaranteed confidentiality of information exchanged between
them, and contractors are required to comply with the rules in force and to ensure personnel safety and
Compliance with Rules and Certifications
The company establishes standards of quality, safety, social responsibility and environmental protection,
by means of regulations and certifications supported by monitoring and control mechanisms.
Integrity is our common language
Lights provides the Code of Ethics to every employee and supplier, with the rules of conduct to be
followed, and requires that they undertake to comply with its provisions, establishing balanced contractual
relationships that enable each party to abide by them. No form of corruption is allowed.
The instructions below refer to daily situations faced by most professionals. They do not replace
conventional legal wording, rules, procedures, manuals or other current regulatory references.
- Communication and transparency
- Confidentiality
- Public demonstrations
- Political-partisan activities
- Legislation
- Compliance with internal rules
- Conflict of interests
Other work activities
Presents, gifts and privileges
Kinship and friendship
- Corruption
- Harassment
- Protection of assets
- Use of computer resources
- Use of social networks
- Alcohol and drugs
The company communicates properly and provides reliable, quality and updated information, having
transparency as one of the principles that guide Light's relationship with the interested parties, with due
regard for the rules applicable to publicly-held companies on disclosure of information to the market.
All communication with the external public that involves strategic or confidential information or information
that may expose Light's image is only established by persons duly authorized, in accordance with the
company's policies and procedures.
All information owned by Light whose premature disclosure may jeopardize the company's interest will be
treated as confidential, even if the employment agreement has already been terminated. The employee
irrevocably assumes the obligation to not disclose, reveal, reproduce, edit and/or modify such information.
All the aspects of the functional life of Light, its employees, suppliers and clients are protected by
professional secrecy, among which are: personal or functional data of the employees, salaries, internal
lists and brochures, products, analyses, technical projects, industrial data, business and financial plans or
reference to business partners, suppliers, clients, management and competitors.
Phone calls made while performing customer service activities or handling with suppliers, as well as those
related to training on such activities, may be monitored by Light. Such monitoring is restricted to
telephones of the Call Center (commercial and emergency), the Commercial Agencies, the Ombudsman
Office, the Centers of Operation (COG, COD, COTO) and Acquisition and Logistics. Monitoring of other
activities will be previously disclosed.
Light establishes that any position can only be taken on behalf of the company if expressly authorized. In
the absence of such authorization, before taking the floor in public, the party must state that such position
is personal.
The company prefers discretion in public demonstrations, with due regard for the government, Light, its
managers and employees.
Light adopts a neutral political approach in the work environment and while conducting the company's
business, mainly refusing to give privileges to candidates and political parties or trends.
The professionals who work at Light and are committed to political-partisan activities will do so on a strictly
personal level, outside business hours and outside the workplace. That is why Light's image must not be
used to support such commitment.
Light's contribution to political campaigns is prohibited, under Law no. 9096, of 9/19/1995.
Light ensures compliance with the legislation in the provision of its services and with regard to the
interested parties, including the effective anti-corruption law.
Light protects free competition in the purchase and sale of products and services.
Light unconditionally and unrestrictedly complies with all policies, rules, standards, procedures and good
organizational practices in all activities carried out on behalf of the company and wherever it operates.
It is proactive in proposing changes whenever opportunities for improvement of this set of rules and
guidelines are identified.
Professional activities must never be influenced by personal interest. Personal interest means any material
or moral advantage to one's own benefit or to the benefit of relatives, family members, friends or people
with whom one has personal, commercial or political relations. It comprises the financial or civil obligations
to which the professional is subject.
The commitment to Light's business will prevail over a conflict of interests, and any personal interest must
be waived. In this case, the party will not participate in the decision-making and, if necessary, will leave the
meeting and/or place.
No personal advantage should be obtained from any information received in the exercise of one's duties,
such as income estimates that may cause fluctuation in the prices of shares trading in stock exchange.
No advantage related to price or privilege of any other nature can be obtained when engaging services or
purchasing goods, and no benefits can be received from suppliers or the government.
In case of any questions about specific conduct, action or refusal, and about Light's interests, please report
that to your superior and/or Light's Ethics Committee.
Other work activities
Light considers that the performance of other work activities by its employees must not adversely affect
their performance, nor conflict with the company's business and interests. Therefore, employees are not
allowed to use the name, information, business hours, equipment, assets or any other resources provided
by the company to carry out such activities.
Presents, gifts and privileges
Light exercises good judgment and has integrity when offering or receiving presents, gifts or benefits, in
order to preserve its independence, to avoid establishing links that are improper for a professional
relationship or creating a conflict of interests, and to avoid any negative influence on business decisions.
It is forbidden to give, accept or request any presents, gifts, invitations or other private benefits from
individuals or legal entities with which one has an existing or potential business relationship that may affect
the impartiality inherent in the position or be considered a reward for activities performed.
Only business courtesy may be admitted, such as institutional invitations, and promotional gifts and
presents without any commercial value, that may be released to the public without causing any
embarrassment to the company or the professional.
Promotional gifts and presents are usually those that contain the company brand, such as calendars,
agendas, pens and the like.
Presents and gifts which are not considered promotional must be returned or refused, informing that this is
company policy. When this is not possible, the Ethics Committee must be formally notified of such, through
its secretary, for it to arrange a donation to charity institutions indicated by Light. The recipients will be
informed of the donation. This procedure must be informed to your immediate superior.
Kinship and friendship
Employee referral programs and hiring of professionals who are relatives, family members or close friends
may give rise to a conflict of interests.
Professionals who are related or close to Light's employees will be hired only if they are approved in the
company's recruitment and selection process, and if equality, transparency and fit to the position are
Job applicants must inform the person responsible for the hiring about any relatives, family members or
close friends who work at Light, and the company must inform applicants of such requirement during the
selection process.
As to directors, CEO and officers under the company's Articles of Organization, their relatives and family
members cannot be hired to work at the company.
The company does not allow relatives and family members to be directly or indirectly subordinate to each
other, and they cannot work at the same area.
Light rejects any form of nepotism. No employee can participate in, influence, or try to influence any
decision on the hiring, appointment or promotion of their relatives, family members or close friends.
Contributions and sponsorship
Any contribution in cash, assets or services complies with company's rules and instructions on this matter,
and must be approved by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors. Light's assets meet specific
criteria set by the regulatory body, as applicable.
Light considers as "sponsorship" any financial contribution or use of its brand in initiatives that contribute to
build its image. Each sponsorship and the benefits resulting from it must be submitted to and approved by
the Sponsorship Commission and meet the criteria set by Light.
Light rejects any corruption, bribery or unlawful conduct against local or foreign government and private
institutions, and it ensures that situations of this type never happen, under any circumstance.
Light's goods and services are not used for wrongful purposes, including corruption and unlawful conduct.
They are considered serious violations of this Code of Ethics, and wrongdoers will be subject to
disciplinary measures applicable to each case, without prejudice to sanctions provided for in the Brazilian
Corruption includes bribery, payment for privileges, fraud, extortion, collusion and money-laundering.
Corruption also includes offer or receipt of any present, loan, rate, reward or any other advantage as an
incentive to do anything dishonest, illegal, or that represents breach of confidence in conducting the
company's business. This may include gifts that are not money or special personal services provided to
gain any undue advantage or that result in moral pressure to receive such advantage.
The following are considered acts of corruption and unlawful conduct against local or foreign government:
(i) promise, offer or give, directly or indirectly, undue advantage to public official/agent or third party related
thereto; (ii) demonstrably finance, fund, sponsor or otherwise subsidize any illegal acts; (iii) demonstrably
use an individual or legal entity to hide or disguise one's actual interests or the identity of the beneficiaries
of the acts; (iv) with regard to bidding processes and contracts: a) thwart or rig, upon arrangement,
collusion or any other scheme, the competitive character of a government acquisition process; b) hinder,
hamper or rig any procedure in a government acquisition process; c) remove or try to remove a bidder
through fraud or by offering advantage of any type; d) rig a government acquisition process or the contract
resulting from it; e) illegally organize a legal entity to participate in a bidding process or enter into a
government contract; f) illegally obtain undue advantage or benefit from amendments to, or extensions of,
government contracts, not authorized by law, in the bid notice or in the respective government contracts;
or g) manipulate or defraud the economic and financial balance of government contracts; and (v) hamper
investigation or inspection of government agencies, entities or public officials or interfere in their operation,
including regulatory agencies and supervisory bodies of the national financial system.
If you have any questions on what conduct to engage in, ask your immediate superiors or Light's Ethics
Committee for advice.
It is a professional commitment of everyone that the company's mission is accomplished in a positive work
environment, free from pressure or persecution of moral or sexual nature.
Engaging in abusive, ill-timed or offensive conduct and/or behavior in the work place, be it verbal, physical
or gestural, is deemed unacceptable.
Everyone ensures that these acts do not threaten the rights and dignity of coworkers or cause any
discomfort so as to affect their physical or mental health.
The situation of an employee that is harassed by a superior to violate the existing rules is not tolerated by
the company either. This type of conduct may give rise to serious disciplinary and criminal sanctions.
Everyone must preserve and value tangible (furniture, materials, facilities, vehicles, equipment, money,
etc.) and intangible (image, brand, business strategy, plans and information about the company's activities,
concepts, technology, research) assets, using them to meet Light's needs only.
Light is the legal owner of all information and products created by using its resources, including patents
and inventions, except as otherwise provided for in contract.
All information taken from the Internet and other sources used by Light respects its intellectual property
Light considers that computer resources should be used for professional purposes only, in compliance with
the statement of commitment disclosed and accepted upon provision of the electronic password.
When the user logs in, he/she is aware that computer equipment, software, e-mail and Internet access are
resources provided by Light for the exercise of his/her duties.
Users must not change the patterns or disable safety mechanisms provided by Light.
Users are not allowed to send religious, political, erotic and/or pornographic messages (expressed by
image, text or sound) or any other messages not related to Light's core activity.
Any Internet access may be monitored and audited through information security devices and other
procedures, and access to websites and programs inappropriate for corporate use is forbidden, such as
those with pornographic content or that incite violence or addictions (drugs, tobacco smoking, alcohol),
dating websites, among others established in specific regulation.
Light finds inappropriate to post on social network websites any matters offensive to its image or
employees, as well as indiscriminate use of the company's logotype.
Commenting on or sharing any matters of confidential nature involving company's activities is forbidden,
including routine, and internal procedures and standards.
Working under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol is deemed as a serious violation by Light.
The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is detrimental to users' professional performance and health, exposes
everyone involved to risks and adversely affects the work environment and the company's image.
To provide support its professionals with drinking problems, drug addiction or any other substance
dependence, Light maintains support and treatment programs.
It is the Ethics Committee's duty to regularly assess whether this Code is up-to-date and relevant,
establish the necessary actions to disclose and divulge it, and support the decision-making process,
including serious cases of violation that must be analyzed by the Executive Board.
As to the decisions involving violation of this Code of Ethics, the interested party may file a request for
reconsideration with the Ethics Committee, which will analyze and resolve on the subject.
The members of the Ethics Committee are appointed by the Executive Board and announced to the press.
All professionals involved with Light can report any violation of the Code of Ethics through the channels
below, with full guarantee of confidentiality:
• Direct contact with the professional's immediate superior;
• Light's Ethics Committee, through the e-mail comitedeeticalight@light.com.br;
• Corporate Channel, through telephone (0800 777 0783), website (www.canalcorporativolight.com.br) or
mail (Caixa Postal 521 – CEP 06320-971). It is safe, confidential and secret, and the professional may
report any information anonymously.
Clients and people in general may report information through Light's Virtual Agency or Ombudsman Office,
with full guarantee of confidentiality.
• Virtual Agency, on the websitehttps://agenciavirtual.light.com.br.
• Ombudsman Office: through telephone 0800 284 0182, mail to Av. Mal. Floriano, nº 168, 2º andar,
Centro – Rio de Janeiro – CEP: 20.080-002, fax to (21) 2211-7584, or the General Filing Office [Protocolo
Geral], in the ground floor of the company building.
Light's employees are responsible for communicating the company's ethical values and principles to
clients, suppliers, shareholders, government, regulatory bodies and other segments of society, in order to
ensure that our business is conducted in compliance with the standards described herein.
Light does not admit that enforcing this Code of Ethics cause any type of retaliation, disapproval or
discrimination. Any parties that violate this Code will be imposed the applicable disciplinary sanctions,
which may lead to termination of the employment agreement.
Failure to report a violation of the Code of Ethics also represents a violation of this Code.
Everyone has the obligation to comply with this Code and ensure compliance with it, and undertakes to
jointly and severally protect it. This Code expresses Light's adherence to universal ethical conventions,
such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization's Declarations
ratified by Brazil, especially with regard to the fight against forced labor, child labor and child exploitation,
including child sexual exploitation, principles of the Brazilian legislation established in the Constitution of
the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Consumer Protection Code, the Statute of the Child and Adolescent,
and the laws that govern relations with disabled people.