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EBHPP CC Minutes
9/8/15 – 9:00-10:30 AM
Participating: Anne Hvizdak, Sherri Ohly, Jill Renken, Michelle Comeau, Karen Denu, Pam Geis, Jennifer
Lefeber, Randy Kohl, Ashley Hillman, Betsy Abramson
Not Available: Angela Velasquez, Keetah Smith, Nancy Chudy, Cheryl Wittke, Wendell Holt.
Right people on the list? Need to add Shannon Myers.
1. Healthy Aging Summit – what worked? What didn’t? What kind of energy are you willing to put
in if we do it again next, gulp, June?
Very positive. Incredible speakers; good energy, impressed with flow; liked the stretch exercises,
liked the fun, sparkle, light-heartedness; quality of speaker; great break-out sessions; preconference ticklers to send out to our partners were great – made people thing about aging
issues, good marketing even if didn’t come; great energy. Only downer: Food.
2. Leader Trainings
a. Re-cap of 2015 – Cancelled one Living Well Leader Training and next one will be very
small group of only 8 people, and one initial Healthy Living with Diabetes. Otherwise, all
other Leader Trainings have been and will be full. Now, to retain them!
Re workshops – anticipate in 2015 total: Stepping On 182; Living Well 108; Healthy
Living with Diabetes 77; Tomando 3; Vivir 4; Powerful Tools for Caregivers 59. Total:
Why was Living Well flat and HLWD growing? Due to health care partners? Because it’s
(still) new and shiny? B/c it’s disease-specific? B/c we’re working with diabetes
Jennifer: Froedert wrote LW into their plan this year and want to get it solidified. Aurora
Sinai is doing LW, HLWD and SO. Wheaton Franciscan is only doing SO, but they have
their own internal Diabetes program.
b. Plans for 2016
i. What info do we need to evaluate from 2015’s Leader Trainings to best inform
us about how many and where we should hold any in 2016?
ii. How should we gather interest for 2016?
iii. What should we change in application process? Need to update the
webinars? Add more sizzle and sparkle? Emphasize planning more?
iv. How will we determine Leader and county/sponsoring organization readiness?
WORK GROUP: Michelle Comeau as lead, Jennifer, Jill, Anne, Karen. Timeline: Betsy send out wufoo
request right away. Ask CAUs and HPs in AUs to meet with Public Health and talk with health care
partners before responding. Due back by 9/25. Group meets between 9/28-10/2 and brings proposal
to 10/13 EBPP CC.
3. Stepping On Westat surveys – will end by end of September. How to close down and transition
with minimal confusion? WORK GROUP: KAREN, ANNE, BETSY
4. Regional meetings – funds for these available from Stepping On grants.
a. For whom? For what purpose?
b. When and where?
c. Limit to Stepping On or all EBHPPs?
Give updates on Stepping On programs. Should be for all leaders/coordinators of any programs.
Energize, revive, sustain Leaders. Create life-long Leaders.
Should have a dynamic of gratitude.
5. Discussion of quarterly aging unit/ADRC county health promotion coordinator calls.
Anne thinks they have been well-received and appreciated. Great majority of counties
participating. Likes the AdobeConnect feature. Next one will have update on Research projects,
PTC updates, WIHA updates. Betsy suggested profiling different counties who are out front
doing some innovative things rather than “info/reports from the top.” Karen will find a place on
WIHA website for minutes of those meetings. ANNE to send minutes to KAREN.
6. Discussion of proposed language in DRAFT ADRC contracts for 2016 re: Health
Promotion. Impact? Opportunities?
Will need to see exact language. Hoping that this will help encourage (require?) counties to
engage in evidence-based health promotion programs.
“Summary of Changes - Proposed 2016 ADRC Contract
2) New Requirements
m. Health Promotion and Early Intervention Services – p. 35 & 36
The Health Promotion and Early Intervention Section has been fully revised to require
ADRCs to include health promotion and prevention in I&A and to develop local capacity
for Health Promotion and Early Intervention services by partnering with other agencies or
identifying alternative funding sources.
7. Development of Best Practices Manual in Health Promotion at local level?
Group very enthusiastic. Work Group: Anne, Jill, Michelle, Betsy – and need reps from some
counties. JILL and Anne to provide some suggestions?
Next meeting: October 13, 2015 – 9:00-10:30 AM.