Info for tenants

Please only feed the ducks and swans on the water. The swans should not be encouraged to come off
the dam as they cause damage to cars and can be aggressive. Feeding them around the properties
attracts vermin.
Clockhouse Vets, Stroud, 01453 752555. Telephone for advice. They will usually take in injured
birds and waterfowl and return them to the wild wherever possible. Worth trying the practice for
advice on other wildlife. There is an "out of hours" service on the above number.
Oak and Furrows Wildlife Rescue, Cricklade, 01793 751412. Will take in deer, foxes, owls, and
South West Swan Sanctuary Swindon, 01793 322623.
Swan Rescue Organisation, 01633 89524, or email
Countywide Estate Management has been appointed by Builders Ede who are the developing
agent. They are responsible for most of the communal blocks and estate maintenance. Vicky Page
is our contact. Telephone 0121 454 9167 /
LMRA is run by volunteers and is maintained by a small annual membership subscription. It exists
to serve our community, and will always welcome your support and suggestions to help enhance
our unique and special valley.
See our website for up to date information:
We hope that this leaflet is a welcome introduction to The Mill, but do contact either Countrywide
Estate Management or your local committee member if you have any further queries. We intend to
update it from time to time with additional information, so your suggestions would also be
Longfords Mill
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We live in an environment providing the unique combination of peace, beautiful scenery and
diverse wildlife you might expect from an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty within a
Conservation Area. So we not only have obligations to our neighbours, but special responsibilities
as residents to protect the other species which surround us. The Longfords Mill Residents
Association (LMRA) has decided to publish this pamphlet to provide information on living here,
foster neighbourliness and clarify any misconceptions. We hope it will be helpful to you by
providing some answers, aiding understanding and ensuring compliance with the Covenants
involved with living here at the Mill.
Our Community began in 2004, and a simple code by which we all live will foster a neighbourly
community and help to maintain our unique environment.
Most dwellings fall within the Stroud District Council area. The boundary with Cotswold District is
the centre of the stream flowing under the main mill building.
Spinners Cottages are within
Cotswold District.
Telephone SDC on 01453 754424
Telephone CDC on 01285 655223
Refuse collection policy differs between authorities and some properties share communal
storage facilities. Vermin and foxes are a continual problem, quite capable of savaging a black bag
or overturning an open bin, so good waste management is essential.
Cotswold District collects both refuse and recycling for Spinners Cottages every other Friday.
ALL Stroud District properties refuse is collected weekly on Friday and recycling fortnightly.
Contact the relevant authority if you require recycling containers.
Spinners Cottages residents’ dustbin store enclosure is at the beginning of the row. Cotswold
District provides each property with a bin, a box for glass/tins, and a white bag for plastic and a
blue one for cardboard. Please paint your property number on your bin and keep it in the dustbin
enclosure. The store is not large enough to accommodate recycling boxes and bags. These
need to be kept as discreetly as possible within the garden of the property. Be mindful of the
vermin and deal appropriately. Both refuse and recycling are collected on alternate Fridays.
Weavers, Brook Cottages and the Old Warehouse
The dustbin store enclosure is situated at the rear of The Old Warehouse car park. Please keep
this facility tidy, leaving black bags off the floor if possible. Be responsible, and respect your
Be mindful of the vermin. The black bags supplied by SDC are left in a carrier bag hanging on the
back of the store door. Collection is every Friday.
The Weavers recycling is the individual resident’s responsibility. The collection is every other Friday
and boxes and bags are left at the end of the Weavers drive.
for refuse and recycling. Refuse is collected every Friday and recycling on alternate Fridays.
Longfords Mill
Hilda Alway, Loom Cottage
These properties have individual responsibility for refuse and recycling. Refuse is collected every
Friday and recycling on alternate Fridays.
Teazle Cottage, Gig Mill
There is a communal dustbin store opposite these properties. Please respect your neighbours, keep
the facility tidy and be mindful of vermin. Rubbish should be placed in a black bag inside the bin;
otherwise it will not be collected. Roadside placed refuse is collected each Friday, and recycling on
alternate Fridays.
Dogs must be under control at all times, and on a lead whilst walking through the residential areas.
Please do not let them into the water and be aware of the water fowl who nest and raise their young.
Please clean up and dispose of waste appropriately to avoid potential health hazards.
The Mill Houses
There is a specific area at the top of the steps, between the Mill Houses and Wool Loft. Please leave
refuse bins kerbside each Thursday evening for Friday collection. Recycling is on alternate Fridays, left
kerbside on Thursday evening. Please do not leave loose black plastic bags in the area which will
attract unwanted animal damage.
The Wool Loft
A specific area for bins is on the corner by number 1. Please number your bin and leave kerb side on
Thursday evening for Friday refuse collection. Recycling is on alternate Fridays. Do not leave loose
black plastic bags in the area.
The Dye Houses
A store for these three properties is at the end of the row by number 3. Please number your bin and
leave kerbside on Thursday evenings for refuse collection every Friday. Do ensure that these are
placed either with the Yarn Store bins or with the Wool Loft bins. Recycling is on alternate Fridays,
left with the bins as before.
The Yarn Store
There is a storage area on the car park. Each apartment/house should provide an appropriately
numbered bin. Please ensure that bins are placed kerb side each Thursday evening for weekly
collection on Friday. ALL rubbish should be stored in black plastic bags and put out in the bin, with
no loose plastic bags anywhere, which attract vermin and unwanted attention from the animal
population. Recycling is on alternate Fridays and should be placed kerb side.
If you live in an apartment your landlord and /or estate agent must confirm if you can keep pets.
It would be helpful if you could provide your pet with an elasticised collar with a bell on it. This would
give the song birds some warning of your pet's approach.
Toys, scooters, bicycles etc.
These should be removed from paths, roads and water courses to the resident’s own property at the end
of the day. This will facilitate access and a safe and tidy environment for residents, visitors and any
emergency vehicle.
Please note that if you live in one of the flats then washing should not be hung outside of your demised
premises. If you live in one of the houses then please refrain from drying laundry in your front garden.
Salt Bins
During frosty and snowy conditions please be aware of others and how you and your neighbours can
work together.
Salt bins for use on the highway (these are not for private use) are located at various points along
Longfords Lane. Should they run low during the winter season, please call SDC who will replenish.
The Yarn Store and The Old Warehouse provide their own private salt bins for use on their car parks.
Kindly note that individual properties need to buy salt for use on their own paths.
The nearest facility is at Pike Quarry, Horsley, GL6 0GA.
Stroud District provides a free collection service of bulky items, but telephone to make individual
One item of DIY building waste can be collected at a time for £22.00
Cotswold District charges for collection of bulky items. After prior notification, one to three items
can be collected for a sum of £14.00. Each additional item incurs a charge of £5.00, with a maximum
of six items.
Unwanted but useful household items can be donated to CHYP (Cirencester Housing for Young
People) or the charity shops. E.g. Emmaus. RSPCA, British Heart Foundation. Longfield Hospice.
These can all be found in Nailsworth or Tetbury.
- Attribution
Each dwelling has allocated parking in one or more parking spaces, for legal roadworthy vehicles only. This is in your
property deeds and your estate agent or landlord should confirm your allocated space before you move in. It is for
residents to make sure that both they and their visitors park with consideration and in their correct spaces. Kindly do not
park in a neighbour’s place, on the bridge, on footpaths or so as to obstruct the road. In particular, the bridge is the only
access to Weavers and the Old Warehouse for emergency vehicles.
These may not be kept at the Mill, nor any other vehicle that has sleeping facilities.