DELEGATED DC/2012/00504 SITE LOCATION: Lyttleton 10 Welsh Street Chepstow PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: SIDE EXTENSION TO 10 WELSH STREET TO PROVIDE TWO APARTMENTS. SINGE DETACHED DWELLING ADJACENT TO LYTTLETON. Case Officer: Kate Young Registered: 13/09/12 1.0 2.0 APPLICATION DETAILS Lyttleton is a detached dwelling with a substantial curtilage and a Narrow road frontage onto Welsh Street. The site which is within the Chepstow Conservation Area, has commercial and residential properties surrounding it to the north and east and the Sumerfield car park to the West. The application seeks to extend the row of terraced properties along Welsh Street to provide two apartments and to provide a detached dwelling in the garden, to the back of the site. Since the original submission the application had been amended to ensure that the design of the proposals is more in keeping with the character of the Conservation Area. The existing vehicular access off Welsh street will be utilised. + RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY DC/2007/01346 – COU to increase residential curtilage, extensions and new boundary wall. DC/2005/00841 – Alterations and extensions DC/2080/01353 – Alterations to property. 3.0 UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICIES DES1 General Design Considerations ENV1 General Development Considerations CH1 Development in Conservation Areas H3 – Residential Development within Development Boundaries 4.0 REPRESENTATIONS Consultation Responses Local Member – No Reply Community Council –Approve Welsh Water – No objection, outlines conditions relating to foul and surface water. GGAT - We have now received a copy of the archaeological evaluation as the results of the work were negative, there is no archaeological restraint to the proposed development and no conditions are required. Conservation Officer – Highways – As the site is in Zone 2 as defined in the CSS Wales Parking Guidelines and the sustainability points can be awarded. Therefore there is a requirement for 6 car parking spaces to be provided on the site. The provision of a suitable turning area shall be provided. It is recommended that clarification is sought that the existing car parking is provided only for no.10 Welsh Street. Requested an updated scale plan detailing parking provision. Outlines conditions relating to parking provision. Tree Officer - The red Maple tree should be retained and conditions imposed for its protection during construction. Neighbour Consultation Responses 2 Letters received I have no objection and indeed welcome it, however the sewer drains the adjacent properties and is Victorian with limited capacity Disruption during construction. Property is “For Sale” and the construction work may dissuade potential purchasers. Loss of Green Open Space and further unnecessary consumerism which will emit further disruption to the atmosphere. 5.0 EVALUATION Principle of Development The site is within the Chepstow Town Development Boundary and therefore in accordance with Policy H3 of the UDP there is a presumption in favour of new residential development, subject to detailed planning considerations. There is adequate space on the plot to provide for the proposed residential units without compromising the residential amenity of the existing property. Impact on the Conservation Area The proposed two story extension to no. 10 Welsh Street has been designed to match the external elevations of the adjoining property. It has the same proportions and the same detailing The finishing materials will also match those of the existing. This part of the development is very visually prominent in the heart of the Chepstow Conservation Area. The proposal does preserve the character of the conservation area and therefor accords with the objectives of Policy CH1 of the UDP. The narural stone wall at the front of the site will be demolished to accommodate the new flats, however the wall was only recently constructed and is not historical. The detached dwelling in the rear of the plot is less visually prominent but will still be seen between Midway House and 16-17 Welsh Street. The simple traditional style of the proposal will result in it preserving the character of the Conservation area, the use of traditional finishing materials will also help it to assimilate into its surroundings. At the entrance to the site where it is visible from Welsh Street, the driveway will be of tarmac, which is a traditional material for this area and sympathetic to the character of the conservation area. Further inside the site, where it is less visible, block paviers will be used. The Conservation Officer is satisfied that the proposal will not have a negative impact on the appearance of the Chepstow Conservation Area. Residential Amenity Given the unusually large plot size and he fact that the site is mainly surrounded by commercial properties the proposed development will have very little impact on surrounding properties. The main residential property affected by the proposal is LLanover Lodge, which is set at a higher level than the development site and has its entrance porch adjacent to the common boundary. LLanover Lodge has no principle windows facing into the development side. The proposed two story apartment block will extend closer to LLanover Lodge into an area which is currently used for car parking. The apartment block will have bathroom windows on the side elevation but these will be of obscure glazing, controlled by condition. There will be no unacceptable level of overlooking. Beyond the rear boundaries of no. 10 and 11 Welsh Street it is proposed to provide car parking for the occupiers of the new flats, this will not give rise to an unacceptable level of disturbance given the commercial nature of the existing properties and the town centre location. Highway safety and parking provision There is an existing garage and parking provision for Lyttleton and an addition double garage is being provided. The proposed detached dwelling will be provided with two car parking spaces and a turning area in addition four spaces will be provided for the occupiers of the proposed flats. A total of 8 new car parking spaces are being provided in the site and this given the town centre location, accords with the requirements of the CCS Wales Parking Guidelines (taking into account the sustainability points). The proposal will result in the loss of four car parking spaces at the entrance of the site, these spaces were not dedicated to any surrounding commercial properties but rather used by the applicant privately. The loss of these spaces does not override the fact that sufficient car parking for the proposed and existing properties on the site can be accommodated within the site. There is additional parking existing in the north-west corner of the site which could be utilised of car parking was to become a problem on the site. The existing assess on to Welsh Street will be utilised and the highway engineer has no objection to this. Archaeology An archaeological evaluation has been undertaken on the site and no significant features were found. GGAT is satisfied that the development could proceed without any further archaeological work being undertaken. Drainage Welsh Water have no objections to the proposal subject to the surface and foul water being drained separately. We are not aware of any issues relating to the capacity of the mains in this area. Trees There is an existing Leylandii hedge along the western boundary of the site, this will be retained. The Poplar along the southern boundary will be replaced by Leylandii and the existing Red Maple will be retained and protected during construction. The Tree Officer is satisfied with this. Other issues raised The loss of Green Open Space does not really apply in this case, given that the land is private residential curtilage. Disruption during construction is not a material planning consideration as it only a temporary state. 6.0 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Conditions: 5 Years Bathroom windows to be obscure glazed Code for Sustainable Homes Protection of Red Maple Details driveway materials Details of fenestration. Details of materials. Welsh Water –foul and surface to be drained separately.