Pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali Bedini R., Canali M.G., Bulleri F

Pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali
Bedini R., Canali M.G., Bulleri F., Bedini A., Fantini R., Magnarini L., Franca A., Colantoni P. 2000. Mappatura del limite
superiore di alcune praterie di Posidonia oceanica lungo la costa toscana. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7: 499-508.
Gambaccini S., Biagi F., Bulleri F., De Ranieri S. 2001. Localizzazione dei siti di insediamento postalrvale di 4 specie di
sparidi: Diplodus puntazzo, D. vulgaris, D sargus e Oblada melanura lungo il profilo costiero dell’Isola di Capraia.
Biologia Marina Mediterranea 8: 691-694.
Bulleri, F. 2008. La valutazione di impatti ecologici in ambiente costiero: criteri per la scelta dei siti di riferimento.
Biologia Marina Mediterranea 15: 89-92.
Pinna S., Bulleri F., Mura F., Sechi N, Ceccherelli G. 2012. Indagini sui fattori responsabili dell’invasione di Caulerpa
racemosa. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 18: 280-281.
Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali con Impact Factor:
Benedetti-Cecchi L., Bulleri F., Cinelli F. 1998. Density dependent foraging in two species of sea urchins in shallow
subtidal reefs on the west coast of Italy (Western Mediterranean). Marine Ecology Progress Series 163: 203-211.
Bulleri F., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Cinelli F. 1999. Grazing by the sea urchins Arbacia lixula L.and Paracentrotus lividus
Lam. in the Northwest Mediterranean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 241: 81-95.
Benedetti-Cecchi L., Bulleri F., Cinelli F. 2000. The interplay of physical and biological factors in maintaining mid-shore
and low-shore assemblages on rocky coasts in the nort-west Mediterranean. Oecologia 123: 406-417.
Benedetti-Cecchi L., Acunto S., Bulleri F., Cinelli F. 2000. Population ecology of the barnacle, Chthamalus stellatus (Poli),
in the north-west Mediterranean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 198: 157-170.
Bulleri F., Menconi M., Cinelli F., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2000. Grazing by two specie of limpets on artificial reefs in northwest Mediterranean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 255: 1 –19.
Benedetti-Cecchi L., Bulleri F., Acunto S., Cinelli F. 2001. Scales of variation in the effects of limpets on rocky shores in
the northwest Mediterranean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 209: 131-141.
Benedetti-Cecchi L., Pannacciulli F., Bulleri F., Moschella P. S., Airoldi L., Relini G., Cinelli F. 2001 Predicting the
consequences of anthropogenic disturbance: large-scale effects of loss of canopy algae on rocky shores. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 214: 137-150.
Benedetti-Cecchi L., Rindi F., Bertocci I., Bulleri F., Cinelli F. 2001. Spatial variation in development of epibenthic
assemblages in a coastal lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 52: 659-668.
Bulleri F., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Acunto S., Cinelli F., Hawkins S. J. 2002. The influence of canopy algae on vertical
patterns of distribution of low-shore assemblages on rocky coasts in the north-west Mediterranean. Journal of Experimental
Marine Biology and Ecology 267: 89-106.
Bulleri F., Bertocci I., Micheli F. 2002. The interplay of coralline algae and sea urchins in maintaining alternative habitats.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 243: 101-109.
Chapman M.G. and Bulleri F. 2003. Intertidal seawalls – new features of landscape in intertidal environments. Landscape
and Urban Planning 62: 159-172.
Bulleri F. and Chapman M.G. 2004. Intertidal assemblages on artificial and natural structures in marinas on the west coast
of Italy. Marine Biology 145: 381-391
Bulleri F., Chapman M.G., Underwood A.J. 2004. Patterns of movement of the limpet Cellana tramoserica on rocky shores
and retaining seawalls. Marine Ecology Progress Series 281: 121-129.
Bulleri F. 2005. The role of recruitment in causing differences in intertidal assemblages between seawalls and rocky shores.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 287: 53-65
Bulleri F. 2005. Experimental evaluation of early patterns of colonisation of space on rocky shores and seawalls. Marine
Environmental Research 60: 355-374
Airoldi L., Bacchiocchi F., Cagliola C., Bulleri F., Abbiati M. 2005. Impact of recreational harvesting on assemblages in
artificial rocky habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 299: 55-65
Bulleri F., Chapman M.G., Underwood A.J. 2005. Differences between intertidal assemblages on rocky shores and seawalls
in Sydney Harbour (NSW, Australia) and their generality in space and time. Austral Ecology 30: 355-367
Bulleri F. 2005. The introduction of artificial structures in soft- and hard-bottoms: the ecological value of epibiota.
Environmental Conservation 32: 101-102
Bulleri F., and Airoldi L. 2005. Artificial structures as habitats for non-indigenous species: the case of the green alga,
Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides, in the north Adriatic Sea (North-eastern Mediterranean). Journal of Applied Ecology 42:
Moschella P.S., Abbiati M., Åberg P., Airoldi L., Anderson, J.M., Bacchiocchi F., Bulleri F., Dinesen G.E., Frost M., Gaçia
E., Granhag L., Jonsson P.R., Satta M.P., Sundelöf A., Thompson R.C., Hawkins S.J. 2005. Low crested coastal defence
structures as artificial habitats for marine life: what grows where and why? Coastal engineering 52: 1053-1071
Bulleri F., Abbiati M., Airoldi L. 2006. The colonisation of human-made structures by the invasive alga Codium fragile
ssp. tomentosoides in the north Adriatic Sea (NE Mediterranean). Hydrobiologia 555: 263-269
Bulleri F., Airoldi L., Branca G.M., Abbiati M. 2006. Positive effects of the introduced green alga, Codium fragile ssp.
tomentosoides, on recruitment and survival of mussels. Marine Biology 148: 1213-1220.
Bulleri F., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2006. Mechanisms of recovery of different components of mosaics of habitats on shallow
rocky reefs. Oecologia 149: 482-492
Bulleri F. 2006. Duration of overgrowth affects survival of encrusting coralline algae. Marine Ecology Progress Series
Bulleri F. 2006. Is it time for urban ecology to include the marine realm? 2006. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21:658659
Bulleri F., Branca M.G., Airoldi L., Abbiati M. 2007. Development of reproductive structures in the introduced green alga,
Codium fragile ssp.tomentosoides, in the northern Adriatic Sea. European Journal of Phycology 42: 137-144
Bulleri F., Underwood A.J., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2007. The interpretation of ecological impacts in human-dominated
environments. Environmental Conservation 34: 181-182.
Claudet J., Osenberg C.W., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Domenici P., García-Charton J.-A., Pérez-Ruzafa Á., Badalamenti F.,
Bayle-Sempere J., Brito A., Bulleri F., Culioli J.M., Dimech M., Falcón J.M., Guala I., Milazzo M., Sánchez-Meca J.,
Somerfield P.J., Stobart B., Vandeperre F., Valle C., Planes S. 2008. Marine reserves: size and age matter. Ecology Letters
11: 481-489.
Bulleri F., Underwood A.J., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2008. The analysis of ecological impacts in human-dominated
environments: reply to Stewart-Oaten (2008). Environmental Conservation 35: 1-13.
Bulleri F., Bruno J.F., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2008. Beyond competition: Incorporating positive interactions between species
to predict ecosystem invasibility. PLoS Biology 6(6): e162.
Bulleri F., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2008. Facilitation of the introduced green alga, Caulerpa racemosa, by resident algal turfs:
experiemtal evaluation of underlying mechanisms. Marine Ecology Progress Series 364: 77–86.
Benedetti-Cecchi L, Bertocci I., Vaselli S., Maggi E., Bulleri F. 2008. Neutrality and the response of rare species to
environmental variance. PLoS-ONE 3(7): e2777.
Vaselli S., Bulleri F., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2008. Hard coastal-defence structures as habitats for native and exotic rockybottom dwelling species. Marine Environmental Research 66: 395-403.
Bulleri F., Tamburello L., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2009. Loss of consumers alters the effects of resident assemblages on the
local spread of an introduced macroalga. Oikos 118: 269-279.
Bulleri F. 2009. Facilitation research in marine environments: state of the art, emerging patterns and insights for future
developments 2009. Journal of Ecology 97: 1121-1130.
Bulleri F., Chapman M.G. 2010. The introduction of coastal infrastructure as a driver of change in marine environments.
Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 26-35. Recensito in Science for Environment Policy (SEP), un servizio per policy-makers
pubblicato dal Directorate-General Environment, European Commission
Balata D., Piazzi L., Nesti U., Bulleri F., Bertocci I. 2010. Effects of enhanced loads of nutrients on epiphytes on leaves and
rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Sea Research 63:173-179.
Bulleri F., Balata D., Bertocci I., Tamburello L., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2010. The seaweed Caulerpa racemosa on
Mediterranean rocky reefs: from passenger to driver of ecological change. Ecology 91: 2205-2212.
Bulleri F., Cristaudo C., Alestra T., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2011. Crossing gradients of consumer pressure and physical stress
on shallow rocky reefs: a test of the stress-gradient hypothesis. Journal of Ecology 99: 335-344.
Bulleri F., Alestra T., Ceccherelli G.,Tamburello L.,Pinna S., Sechi N., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2011. Determinants of
Caulerpa racemosa distribution in the north-western Mediterranean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 431: 55-67.
Airoldi L., Bulleri F. 2011. Anthropogenic disturbance can determine the magnitude of opportunistic species responses on
marine urban infrastructures. PLoS ONE 6(8): e22985.
Benedetti-Cecchi L., Tamburello L., Bulleri F., Maggi E., Gennusa V., Miller M. 2012. Linking patterns and processes
across scales: the application of scale transition theory to algal dynamics on rocky shores. Journal of experimental Biology
215: 977-985.
Bulleri F., Russell B.D., Connell S.D. 2012. Context-dependency in the effects of nutrient loading and consumers on the
availability of space in marine rocky environments. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33825.
Tamburello L., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Ghedini G., Alestra T., Bulleri F. 2012. Variation in the structure of subtidal
landscapes in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 457:29-41.
Maggi E., Bulleri F., Bertocci I., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2012. Competitive ability of macroalgal canopies overwhelms the
effects of variable regimes of disturbance Marine Ecology Progress Series in press 465: 99-109.
Bulleri F. , Benedetti-Cecchi L., Cusson M., Maggi E. , Arenas F., Aspden R., Bertocci I., Crowe T.P., Davoult D.,
Eriksson B.K., Fraschetti S., Golléty C., Griffin J.N., Jenkins S.R., Kotta J., Kraufvelin P., Molis M., Sousa Pinto I.,
Terlizzi A., Valdivia N., Paterson D.M. 2012. Temporal stability of European rocky shore assemblages: variation across a
latitudinal gradient and the role of habitat-formers. Oikos 121: 1801-1809.
Tamburello L., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Masini L., Bulleri F. 2013. Habitat heterogeneity promotes the coexistence of exotic
seaweeds. Oecologia in stampa
Tamburello L., Bulleri F., Bertocci I., Maggi L., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2013. Reddened seascapes: experimentally induced
shifts in 1/f spectra of spatial variability in rocky intertidal assemblages. Ecology in stampa.
Jacinto D., Bulleri F., Benedetti-Cecchi L., T. Cruz. 2013. Patterns of abundance, population size structure and
microhabitat usage of Paracentrotus lividus
(Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in SW Portugal and NW Italy. Marine Biology in stampa
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