Minutes Salary and Benefits Committee Recorder: Andrew L

Salary and Benefits Committee
Recorder: Andrew L. Warren
The Salary and Benefits Committee convened on March 13 at 3:30 in the Student Affairs
conference room. Present were Andrew Warren, Chairman Michael Metcalf, Tom Gruszka, Candalario
Jaurequi, Doug Medin, Magdaleno Manzanarez, Janet Wallet-Ortiz, Shawn White, Kooros Maskooki,
Sherri Bays, Pat McIntire, Faye Vowell, and University President Joseph Shepard.
Initially the question arose as to the status of Benefits for Domestic Partners. It was reported
that this died in Dr. Counts’ office. Sherri Bays indicated that estimating actual costs of providing such
benefits were problematic and that funding those costs would be problematic. Kooros Maskooki asked
what the definition of a domestic partner was. It was suggested that the NMSU definition or those of
our insurance provider could be used. There were studies available to indicate possible costs.
Candalario Jaurequi suggested that the Budget Committee participate in the University budget
Tom Gruszka then made a one hour power point presentation on statistical analysis of salary
compression and salary inversion. He observed that the CUP had no model to provide, and that he,
therefore, was required to suggest one for University use. Gruszka, however, cautioned that his model
was full of assumptions and accordingly, upon completion of presentation of his study, suggested that
the University continue to use the existing format for salary and benefits. Copies of the power point
presentation are available from Michael Metcalf.
Dr. Shepard addressed the committee on legislative and other matters. He announced that the
State would re-assume responsibility for the 1.7% retirement contribution. This will result in employees
not having to pay for the increases.
Dr. Shepard advised the committee that the legislature budgeted $758,000 additional funds for
WNMU over last year. $500,000 of this will be applied to salaries. He asked the committee to
recommend which formula (the Gruszka Formula or the existing plan) to use. Dr. Shepard wants plans
to remedy salary compression in four years to mesh with his plans to increase enrollment to 5,000.
Dr. Shepard will ask the Board of Regents for a 5% tuition increase next year. This will net a
$185,000 to $190,000 increase in revenue for the University even though tuition standardization will
actually reduce tuition for some WNMU locations.
Dr. Shepard noted that the staff actually suffers more from lack of salary adjustment the last
several years than the faculty. He prefers that additional funds for salaries be provided on a pro-rata
between staff and faculty. He asked that these decisions be made by May so that they can be delivered
to the next meeting of the Board of Regents. He requested that a sub-committee of the Salary and
Benefits Committee meet with a corresponding committee from Staff Senate to generate commonality
of information.
The committee approved Tom Gruszka, Candalario Jaurequi and Shawn White to serve on the
president’s staff and faculty salary committee.
The committee then voted on whether to adopt the Gruszka model to ameliorate salary
compression and inversion which would benefit a few members, or whether to continue with the
current model which would benefit the most faculty. The motion to continue with the current model
passed with seven votes for, none against, and one abstention.
The committee then took up requests for reclassification and voted to approve Manda Jost’s
reclassification from General Biology (26.01) or 30.01 to Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population
Biology (26.13) by voice vote.
Linda Baldwin requested to be reclassified from Management and Operations (52.02) to Human
Resource Management, (52.10). It was approved by voice vote.
Doug Medin raised a question about the University Calendar deviating from other calendars at
comprehensive universities in New Mexico. It was moved that the committee recommend to the
calendar committee that the calendar require 45 contact hours to include finals week to make the
WNMU calendar consistent with the other universities. Passed on voice vote.
It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn.