Hearne ISD Science Course: Biology Unit: Mutations, Genetics, Genetic Engineering, and Evolution TEKS/Prerequisites Assessment Guiding Questions/ Specificity Designated Six Weeks: Fourth Six Weeks Days to teach: 27 Days Vocabulary Instructional Strategies/ELPS Unit Topic: Mutations 6E Identify and illustrate changes in DNA and evaluate the significance of these changes. (EOC Readiness Standard) D. Molecular Genetics and Heredity 2. Know modifications to Mendel’s Laws. (College and Career Readiness Standards) Resources/ Weblinks Days to Teach: 5 Days How do changes in DNA affect the resulting protein? What are the implications of these changes? Specificity: Emphasize: Duplication, Insertion, Translocation, and Inversion, A mutation caused by a piece of DNA breaking away from its chromosome and becoming attached to a nonhomologous chromosome is called a.deletion b.duplication c.inversion d.translocation Point mutation, Deletion, Insertion, Frame shift Mutation Activities Mutations Activity: http://www.biologyjunc tion.com/Monstrous%2 0Mutations.doc ELPS/Strategies http://ritter.tea.state.t x.us/rules/tac/chapter 074/ch074a.html 3E Manipulative 2G Questioning Answers Text: Biology, Holt, 201 5 http://www.biologyjuncti o n.com/Monstrous%20Mut tions.doc 6E – DNA Mutations Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v fstlgoynlk&edufilter=_2nXFUMa 1_cnY78uKT5qQ APPS: TASA Bio – Posts/Materia Mutations Activity = Revised Spring 2014 Hearne ISD Science Course: Biology Unit: Mutations, Genetics, Genetic Engineering, and Evolution TEKS/Prerequisites Assessment Guiding Questions/ Specificity Designated Six Weeks: Fourth Six Weeks Days to teach: 27 Days Vocabulary Instructional Strategies/ELPS Unit Topic: Genetics 6F Predict possible outcomes of various genetic combinations such as monohybrid crosses, dihybrid crosses and non Mendelian inheritance (EOC Readiness Standard) D. Molecular Genetics and Heredity 1. Understand Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance 2. Know modifications of Mendel’s laws. (College and Career Readiness Standards) Days to Teach: 8 Days How do the results of dihybrid crosses express themselves in living organisms? If an individual possesses two recessive alleles for the same trait, the individual is said to be a. homozygous for the trait. b. haploid for the trait c. heterozygous for the trait. d. mutated. Punnett Square, Mendelian Genetics, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, recessive, dominant, traits, alleles Activities Oompah Loompah Genetics: ELPS/Strategies http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rul es/tac/chapter074/ch074a.ht ml 1A KWL Analogy Perceptive Based Activities Punnett Squares II Using the Scientific Method with Genetics: http://www.biologyju nction.com/scientific %20method%20&%2 Revised Spring 2014 Resources/ Weblinks 6F – Dihybrid Crosses Video: http://www.youtube.com/ atch?v=ob9mgWhZRaY Hearne ISD Science Course: Biology Unit: Mutations, Genetics, Genetic Engineering, and Evolution TEKS/Prerequisites Assessment Guiding Questions/ Specificity Designated Six Weeks: Fourth Six Weeks Days to teach: 27 Days Vocabulary Instructional Strategies/ELPS Resources/ Weblinks 0genetics.htm ELPS/Strategies http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rul es/tac/chapter074/ch074a.ht ml 2D Graphic Organizer 1C Self Assess of think pair share 4F Unit Topic: Genetic Engineering 6H Describe how techniques such as DNA fingerprinting, genetic modifications and chromosomal analysis are used to study the genome of organisms. (EOC Supporting Standard) Classification and Taxonomy 1. Know ways in which living things can be classified based on each organism’s internal and external structure, development, and relatedness of DNA sequences. (College and Career Readiness Standards) Revised Spring 2014 Days to Teach: 4 Days How can genetic disorder be detected using different techniques? Genetic engineering refers to the process of a. creating new DNA molecules from nucleotide sequences. b. rearranging nucleotides in a gene of an organism so that new traits appear in the development of an embryo. c. moving genes from a chromosome of one organism to a chromosome of a different organism. d. building a new species by combining genes of different organisms. Karyotype, DNA fingerprint, genetic engineering, genetic modification, genome. Activities Human Genome Human Genome Activity: APPS: TASA Bio – Posts/Materia ELPS/Strategies http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rul es/tac/chapter074/ch074a.ht ml 2F 3E Advance Organizers Partner Reading Hearne ISD Science Course: Biology Unit: Mutations, Genetics, Genetic Engineering, and Evolution TEKS/Prerequisites Assessment Guiding Questions/ Specificity Designated Six Weeks: Fourth Six Weeks Days to teach: 27 Days Vocabulary Instructional Strategies/ELPS Unit Topic: Evolution 7A Analyze and evaluate how evidence of common ancestry among groups is provided by the fossil records, biogeography, homologies, including anatomical, molecular and developmental. (EOC Readiness Standard) 7B Analyze and evaluate scientific explanations concerning any data of sudden appearance, stasis, & sequential nature of groups in the fossil record. EOC Supporting Standard) (College and Career Readiness Standards) 7C Analyze and evaluate how natural selection produces change in populations, not individuals. (EOC Supporting Standard) (College and Career Readiness Standards) 7D Analyze and evaluate how the elements of natural selection including inherited variation, the potential of a population to produce more offspring that can survive, and a finite supply of environmental resources, results in differential reproductive success (EOC Supporting Standard) (College and Career Readiness Standards) Revised Spring 2014 Resources/ Weblinks Days to Teach: 10 Days What is the difference between homologous and analogous structures? What are some of the reasons for the differences between organisms? What are some of the results of natural selection? What are the different reasons species are successful today? Natural selection generates a. changes in the environment. b. plants and animals to produce more offspring than can survive. c. changes in the frequency of certain alleles in a population d. All of the above Homologous structure analogous structure embryology vestigial structure fossil record natural selection population evolution Identify which of the following is a vestigial structure? a. the human tailbone b. the bill of a finch c. flower color d. fossil cast Activities Peppered Moth Simulation http://biologycorner.c om/worksheets/peppe rmoth_paper.html ELPS/Strategies http://ritter.tea.state.t x.us/rules/tac/chapter 074/ch074a.html 3E Question Answer 4G World Knowledge Inherited variations reproduction adaptation diversity Activities Modeling Natural Selection http://www.biologyc orner.com/worksheet s/naturalselection.ht ml ELPS/Strategies 7A – Evidence of Common Ancestry Video: http://teachertube.com/viewVideo. hp?video_id=270756 Hearne ISD Science Course: Biology Unit: Mutations, Genetics, Genetic Engineering, and Evolution TEKS/Prerequisites Assessment Guiding Questions/ Specificity 7E Analyze and evaluate the relationship of natural selection to adaptation and to the development of diversity in and among species. (EOC Readiness Standard) (College and Career Readiness Standards) 7F Analyze and evaluate the effect of other evolutionary mechanisms, including genetic drift, gene flow, mutation and recombination. (EOC Supporting Standard) C. Evolution and Population 1. Know multiple categories of evidence for evolutionary change and how this evidence is used to infer evolutionary relationships among organisms. 2. Recognize variations in populations sizes, including extinction, and describe mechanisms and conditions. (College and Career Readiness Standards) Revised Spring 2014 What are the effects of other evolutionary mechanisms on today’s species? Designated Six Weeks: Fourth Six Weeks Days to teach: 27 Days Vocabulary Instructional Strategies/ELPS genetic drift http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rul es/tac/chapter074/ch074a.ht ml gene flow 3E Manipulatives 2I Question Answer mutation Resources/ Weblinks Guppy Similation http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/ volution/sex/guppy/ed_po .html Guppy Simulation Worksheet recombination Sex and Guppy Computer Simulation http://www.biologycorner com/worksheets/guppy.ht ml 7E – Natural Selection Video: http://www.educreations.c om/lesson/view/b-7-enaturalselection/2386469/?s=oN VrO&ref=appemail