
Music Industry College
Year 12 Mathematics A 2012
Semester 3 Report : Statistics and Probability
Exploring and Understanding Data (b)
Modelling and problem solving
Knowledge and procedures
Communication & justification
Standard A
Standard B
Standard C
Standard D
Standard E
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
 accurate use of rules and
formulas in simple
through to complex
 accurate use of rules and
formulas in simple
situations or use of rules
and formulas in complex
 use of rules and formulas
in simple routine
 use of given rules and
formulas in simple
rehearsed situations
 attempted use of given
rules and formulas in
simple rehearsed
 application of simple
through to complex
sequences of
procedures in routine
and non-routine
 application of simple
sequences of
procedures in nonroutine situations or
complex sequences in
routine situations
 application of simple
sequences of
procedures in routine
 application of simple
procedures in simple
rehearsed situations
 attempted use of simple
procedures in simple
rehearsed situations
 appropriate selection
and accurate use of
 appropriate selection
and accurate use of
 selection and use of
 use of technology
 attempted use of
 The student’s work has
the following
 The student’s work has
the following
 The student’s work has
the following
 The student’s work has
the following
 The student’s work has
the following
 use of strategies to
model and solve
problems in complex
routine through to simple
non-routine situations
 use of strategies to
model and solve
problems in routine
through to simple nonroutine situations
 use of familiar strategies
for problem solving in
simple routine situations
 use of given strategies for
problem solving in simple
rehearsed situations
 attempted use of given
strategies for problem
solving in well-rehearsed
 investigation of
alternative solutions
and/or procedures to
complex routine through
to simple non-routine
 investigation of
alternative solutions
and/or procedures to
routine problems
 informed decisions based
on mathematical
reasoning in complex
routine through to simple
non-routine situations
 informed decisions based
on mathematical
reasoning in routine
 reflection on the
effectiveness of
mathematical models
including recognition of
the strengths and
limitations of the model
 recognition of the
strengths and limitations
of the model in simple
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
The student’s work has the
following characteristics:
 accurate and
appropriate use of
terminology and
conventions in simple
non-routine through to
complex routine
 accurate and
appropriate use of
terminology and
conventions in simple
non-routine and/or
complex routine
 appropriate use of
terminology and
conventions in simple
routine situations
 use of mathematical
terminology and
conventions in simple
rehearsed situations
 use of mathematical
terminology or
conventions in simple
rehearsed situations
 organisation and
presentation of
information in a variety of
representations in simple
non-routine through to
complex routine
 organisation and
presentation of
information in a variety of
representations in simple
non-routine and/or
complex routine
 organisation and
presentation of
information in a variety of
representations in simple
routine situations
 presentation of
information in simple
rehearsed situations
 analysis and translation
of information displayed
from one representation
to another in complex
routine situations
 analysis and translation
of information displayed
from one representation
to another in simple
routine situations
 translation of information
displayed from one
representation to
another in simple routine
 use of mathematical
reasoning to develop
logical sequences in
simple non-routine
through to complex
routine situations using
everyday and/or
mathematical language
 use of mathematical
reasoning to develop
logical sequences in
simple non-routine
and/or complex routine
situations using everyday
and/or mathematical
 development of logical
sequences in simple
routine situations using
everyday and/or
mathematical language
 justification of the
reasonableness of results
obtained through
technology or other
 informed decisions based
on mathematical
reasoning in simple
routine situations
Section A.
Too many Festivals?
In recent years there has been a great deal of speculation as to
whether there may be too many music festivals in each calendar year.
Falling ticket sales as witnessed in Big Day Out (January 2012) and
Festival cancellations such as Soundwave Revolution (September 2011)
are symptomatic of what is being known as “Festival Glut”. (See
1. Design a Survey (K3)
Your task is to design a 10 question survey which aims to investigate the
reasons why some festivals are not pulling the crowds.
Go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/
Create a free account
Design 10 question survey (including a title) which will determine:
o The age and sex of the respondents
o Whether or not they attend Music Festivals
o The types of Festivals they attend or would like to in the
next 12 months and why
o Feedback about the deterrents (things that put them off
going to a festival)
Submit your draft survey to your teacher at Monitoring Date 1.
Once approved, you may send your survey to friends, family and
acquaintances of all ages via email, Website link or Facebook.
Be sure to send one to your teacher.
Aim to get 100 responses – or more!
2. Display of Survey Results (C2)
 Surveymonkey will collect and collate your survey results.
 Present the results for each question in both tabular and
graphical form ie in a table and a graph.
Analysis of Survey Results (C3, C5)
Were there any noticeable trends in the data?
Were there any opinions that many of the respondents shared?
Were there any strong correlations evident between any of the
Were you surprised by any of the results? Which one/s? Why?
4. Probability based on your Survey Results (K2)
What is the probability that a festival goer is :
a) Female
b) Under 18
c) Planning to attend a festival in the next 12 months
Show working and refer to you results.
5. Conclusions (M3, C3)
Based on your own survey results, write a 200 word conclusion as
to the reasons why Festivals are suffering.
In your conclusion, make recommendations to Festival organisers
as to what your research states is necessary for future festivals to
be successful.
Section B. Ticket Prices as a Continuous Variable
The rising price of tickets is one possible explanation as to why the
public seems to be cutting back on the number of festivals they are
attending each year. Read the following articles which support this
In May 2011, music industry marketing and digital consultant Danny
Yau compared the ticket prices of major music festivals around the
world. He found that Australian festivals are among the world’s most
expensive. See Table 1.
(Note – all festivals listed include camping fees for the entire festival)
Table 1. Comparing Worldwide Camping Festival Prices
Source: http://leapbound.wordpress.com/2011/05/11/comparingworldwide-camping-festival-prices/
Questions: Probability of a Continuous Variable – Ticket Price (K2, C2)
1. Create a frequency table (Table 2) based on the data in Table 1
which groups the festivals into ranges of ticket prices. ie
Ticket Price $AUD
150 - 199
200 – 249
250 – 299
300 – 349 etc
Relative Frequency
2. Construct a relative frequency histogram and polygon on the
graph paper provided to answer the following questions: (C3, K2)
What is the probability that a worldwide camping festival ticket
price is:
a) Below $250
b) Between $300 and $400
c) Over $400
3. Danny Yau’s research involves only three Australian festivals. Find
out the prices of other Australian camping festivals and compare
them to those listed in Yau’s research. (M4, C5)
Are Australian Camping Festivals overpriced?
Research articles written on the subject to support your