SERVICE SPECIFICATION – SERVICE AREA 4 Service Authority Lead Period Date of Review Needle Exchange Programme - Sterile Works from Oxfordshire Premises (SWOP) Jo Melling – Head of Commissioning, Drugs and Alcohol Ongoing January 2015 1. Population Needs 1.1 National/local context and evidence base The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Public Health Guidance (PH18 – Needle and Syringe Programmes: Providing people who inject drugs with injecting equipment) promotes optimal provision of needle and syringe programmes (NSPs). Needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) supply needles and syringes and other equipment used to prepare and take illicit drugs. They reduce the transmission of blood-borne viruses (BBVs) including hepatitis C, and other infections caused by sharing injecting equipment and aim to reduce the harm caused by injecting drugs through providing information and advice and acting as a gateway to other services, including drug treatment such as opioid substitution therapy (OST). NSPs may be the only contact that some people, for example those who inject performance and image-enhancing drugs [PIEDs], have with health services. NSPs in England are based across a range of services including specialist services, pharmacies, outreach/mobile services, police custody suites, walk-in centres and accident and emergency departments. However, over 70% of NSPs are provided by pharmacies. The latest data on injecting drug use suggests that the number of injecting drug users aged between 15–64 years in England is between 115,000 and 122,000, although it could be as high as 200,000. These include people injecting heroin, other opiate drugs or crack cocaine and do not include people injecting PIEDs such as anabolic steroids. However, recent anecdotal reports from across the country suggest that the use of anabolic steroids is on the increase, particularly amongst young men1. Needle and syringe sharing has declined in recent years. However, in 2007 almost a quarter of respondents to the Unlinked Anonymous Prevalence Monitoring Programme reported sharing needles and syringes during the previous 4 weeks. In addition, almost half reported that they had shared filters, mixing containers and water during the same period 2. 1 1. Evans-Brown M, McVeigh J (2009). Anabolic steroid use in the general population of the United Kingdom. In Elite sports, doping, and public health: Møller V, Dimeo P, McNamee M, editors. Odense, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark Press pp.75–97 2 2. Health Protection Agency (2008) Shooting up – infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2007. An update: October 2008. London: Health Protection Agency Page 1 of 6 1.2 Social Value Considerations The Sterile Works from Oxfordshire Premises (SWOP) programme addresses priorities which disproportionately affect socially disadvantaged communities in Oxfordshire. These include prevention of blood borne viruses and supporting individuals to make choices to reduce the harms caused to themselves, their families and the wider community. This includes safer injecting practices, reduction in injecting site wounds and abscesses, and a reduction in needle stick injuries in the general public resulting from discarded needles. The programme also raises awareness of drug treatment services and drug related health campaigns such as dental health. Through the prevention of blood borne viruses and improving individual’s health in the longer-term, the SWOP programme should improve the economic and social well-being of Oxfordshire by keeping individuals healthier for longer and consequently decreasing demand on health and social care services. 2. Scope 2.1 Aims and Objectives of service The Service will contribute to the following: To assist injecting drug users to reduce the harms caused by injecting drug use until they are ready and willing to cease injecting; To provide access to SWOP packs and associated materials to promote safe injecting practice; To reduce transmission of infections by substance misusers; To offer a user-friendly, non-judgemental, patient-centred, confidential service to drug users in their local community; To provide support and advice to the Service User, including referral to drug treatment services; To provide a safe disposal for used injecting equipment (works); To reduce the number of drug related deaths and transmission of blood borne viruses (BBVs); To reduce the risk behaviours such as sharing needles and syringes and lowering injection frequency; To reduce injection-site infections and the number of attendances at accident and emergency departments (and subsequent hospital bed-days) for injection-site infections; To reduce the harms caused to the wider community by drug-related litter by providing safe disposal facilities and sharps bins; To reduce inequalities and improving access for people from specific groups such as homeless people and women who inject drugs, and speedball users (people who inject an opioid such as heroin in combination with a stimulant such as cocaine); Increasing Service User choice through offering flexible opening times and locations; Better value for money – NSPs are a cost-effective way of reducing the transmission of BBVs and the development of injection-site infections and thereby reducing the costs of associated health and social care services. Page 2 of 6 2.2 Service description/pathway The Service Provider will provide sterile injecting equipment to people who inject illicit drugs as well as adults who inject non-prescribed performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs). Provision will be in accordance with NICE public health guidance (PH18 on needle and syringe programmes). 2.2.1 The minimum essential criteria for delivery are to: Provide a needle and syringe exchange service, which is free of charge to Service Users, in accordance with the SWOP Protocols in force. This Service will be confidential and anonymous, except where a duty of care requires further information to be shared; Receive used works contained in personal sharps bins for safe disposal; Ensure robust communication with the collection and distribution company to ensure that stock levels are maintained; Provide safer injecting practice and harm reduction advice to the individual, including advice on blood-borne viruses; Provide steri-cups and other drug injecting paraphernalia subject to funding and availability; Ensure robust communication with the Council to ensure that stock levels of additional equipment such as steri-cups are maintained; Provide the following to Service Users: Advice and information on drugs awareness and safer injecting; Advice and information to prevent the transmission of blood borne viruses and other drug misuse-related infections; Information on the availability of advice, information and counselling as appropriate for viral hepatitis and HIV testing; Advice and support on preventing risk of overdose and drug-related death; Risk assessment and referral to other treatment services as appropriate; Information on local harm reduction workshops; Information on treatment and related drug service in the area. Promotion of harm reduction wherever possible including: The uptake of testing and immunisation for blood borne viruses as relevant; Emphasising the risks of overdose, and strategies to reduce those risks; Encourage people who inject drugs to use the Service on offer; Provide as many needles and syringes and other injecting equipment as someone needs; Provide sharps bins and advice on how to dispose of equipment safely; Provide advice on safer injecting and ways to get help to stop using drugs or switch to non-injecting methods; Display harm reduction campaign material and information as provided by the Council. 2.2.2 Commissioner Responsibilities: The approved equipment contractor (currently SRCL as part of the Thames Valley Primary Care Agency Contract) will provide the Service Provider without charge, Page 3 of 6 packs of sterile injecting equipment; The approved equipment provider (currently SRCL) will arrange for the collection of used injecting equipment from the Service Provider, and its safe disposal in accordance with current legislation, at no cost to the Service Provider; The Council or its agent may provide without charge supplies of other associated materials and leaflets for promoting safer injecting and harm reduction (subject to funding); Provide a direct point of contact for Service provision; Provide details for referral points or signposting to other relevant services for Service User. 2.2.3 Monitoring Provide a minimum data set for each transaction which should be recorded within the calendar month of the transaction occurring, using the web-based system provided by the Commissioners (currently NEO), data should be input and retrievable by the Council within 7 days of the end of the previous month; The Council will upload the needle exchange data to the National Drug Treatment Needle Exchange (NEX) database; Payments will be made according to the number of packs given out, and as such the data entered onto this system will determine the level of payment to each Service Provider. Where this information is not input onto the system within the required timescales this may result in payment for those transactions not being able to be made to the Service Provider. The information required for each transaction may be developed to reflect the Council’s monitoring requirements along with the development of newer monitoring systems. The Council will also monitor: Details of complaints Details of accidents/incidents directly or through the SUI systems. 2.2.4 Review and-Audit Service Provider shall be expected to: o Participate in Council organised audit of Service o Participate in National audit as relevant o Participate in locally agreed Council assessment of Service User experience o Demonstrate key Staff have undertaken CPD relevant to this Service 3.3 Population covered Oxfordshire residents 3.4 Any acceptance and exclusion criteria and thresholds The commissioning of this Service is for all injecting drug users and as relevant to noninjectors, over the age of 18 years. Page 4 of 6 This Service allows supply of packs to 16-17 year old injecting drug users, if the Service Provider establishes that not giving clean injecting equipment to the young person would be of greater risk than the risks posed by continued or increased injecting drug misuse. All 1617 year old must be referred to the young people’s drug and alcohol service, currently Young Addaction. Access to the SWOP programme is voluntary and open, based on self-referral but referrals are accepted from any other related service. 3.5 Interdependencies with other services Due to the interdependencies with other major contracts, the delivery of this Service is only open to Pharmacies based in Oxfordshire. 4. Applicable Service Standards 4.1 Applicable National Standards 4.1.1 Standards for Delivery: All Service Providers will adhere to NICE clinical Guidelines and Quality Standards as well as the following overarching the following standards: Service Providers should have in place a Standard Operating Procedure specific to the individual premises; Information for providing the Service should be made available for locums, to ensure continuity of the provided Service; Participate in identified local and/or national projects or pilots concerning harm safer injecting and harm reduction Ensure staff delivering the Service are trained and experienced in dealing with Substance Misuse issues; Ensure the maintenance of Staff competencies as per RCGP Part 2 Certificate in the Management of Drug Use and the needle-exchange competencies; Work with Oxfordshire Public Health team to develop and expand specialist roles subject to agreed negotiation; Patients receiving prescribed medication for opioid substitution will not be refused access to SWOP packs; the pharmacist will encourage the Service User to discuss this with their prescriber or addictions nurse; Provide support and advice to colleagues and other professionals. 4.1.2 Criteria for Operating the Service The Service Provider shall have a designated discrete area for consultation which must meet the following principles: a. The Service User and the Staff member can sit down together b. The Service User and Staff member can talk at normal speaking volumes without being overheard by Staff or customers c. The area is clearly signed as a private consultation area (a closed room is not Page 5 of 6 necessary) Identify a lead Staff member working at the Service Provider who has successfully completed the learning pack Substance use and misuse CPPE 2010 or RCGP Part One Certificate in the Management of Drug Misuse in Primary Care (or equivalent as approved by the Council). A Locum will not be expected to have completed the above training unless they are employed for a period of four consecutive weeks or longer Staff delivering this contract must conform to the GPhC Standards of Conduct, ethics and Performance September 2010; The Service Provider must display the National Needle Exchange Logo, to indicate that they are operating a needle exchange scheme, subject to availability; In addition to these criteria the Council recommend that all Staff have Hepatitis B vaccinations, and will reimburse the costs of these prescriptions and GP administration fees where required; These recommendations will be fully implemented through delivery of this Specification. 5. Location of Provider Premises 5.1 This intention of the Council is to select in the region of 35 Service Providers to deliver the SWOP Scheme in locations across Oxfordshire to ensure a good geographical spread of provision Page 6 of 6