Individualized Education Program (IEP) Checklist/Analysis The purpose of this checklist is to guide you in the development of the student’s IEP. Use this form before the IEP meeting is held to ensure that you are complying with the guidelines set out by the Virginia Department of Education and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Please remember that all components may not apply to every IEP. Student Name:_____________________ Grade: _______________ Date of IEP meeting:_____________ Disability/Disabilities: ____________________________ Student ID #:__________________________ IEP preparation ___ Ensure that meeting is help within thirty days of child being eligible for services. ___ A meeting to review the IEP must be held at least once each year. ___ Make sure to invite the parent to the meeting with advance notice (at least 2 weeks). If the parent is unable to attend the meeting please list attempts the school has made to contact the parent and decide on a mutually agreeable time: ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ IEP Components IEP Page 1: Cover Page ___ All eligibility and annual IEP meeting dates are correct. ___ The names of all participants are listed. IEP Page 2: Factors for Consideration ___ All areas completed. If “See IEP page _” is written, is that information found on that page? ___ Test scores and other relevant data are included. ___ Strengths of the child, parental concerns and academic/developmental/functional/communication needs of the child are discussed. ___ Documentation of behaviors that impede learning, hearing or visual impairment and limited English proficiency. IEP Page 3: Present Level of Performance (PLOP) ___ The present level of performance clearly states the impact the identified disability has on the students ability to perform in the educational setting. ___ The information written in the PLOP is reflected throughout the entire IEP. It is related to the students annual goals, placement etc. ___ The PLOP is written in objective and measureable terms (Ex: test scores, observations and other relevant data is discussed. IEP Page 4: Diploma Status Page ___ Transition services (initial or secondary) are discussed when applicable. ____If it is at least one year before the child reaches the age of majority, the IEP notes that rights will transfer to the student upon reaching the age of majority. ___ Transition goals address future employment, training and/or independent living skills when applicable IEP Page 5: Measurable Annual Goals ___ The goals are appropriate for the child’s disability. ___ The goals are measurable and objective. ___ The goals help meet the child’s educational needs. ___ How the child’s progress is measured is discussed. IEP Page 6: Accommodations and Modification ___ Accommodations are appropriate for the child’s disability and will aid in the student’s performance in the educational setting and goal attainment. ___ Description, location and frequency of the accommodation(s) are listed. ___ Service providers that will implement the accommodation/modifications are listed. IEP 7 A and B: SOL and State/District Wide Assessments ___ Accommodations are outlined and are appropriate for the child’s disability and will aid in the student’s performance on state and division wide assessments. ___Description, location and frequency of the accommodation(s) are listed. ___When necessary, alternative assessments are listed including a reason why the student is not taking regular assessments, the appropriateness of the assessment and how it will alter the student’s promotion/graduation (a statement/explanation is provided). IEP 8: Services ___ All services/modifications are outlined including related services. Frequency, location and duration of services are stated, as well as the date service will begin and end. IEP 9: Placement ___The child’s placement is clearly documented. ___Statement/explanation about why the child will not be participating with children without disabilities in the educational setting. IEP 10: Parent Consent (This step should be completed at the IEP meeting) ___ Parent/student has checked the box stating that a copy of the procedural safeguard that explain parental rights were received. ___ Parent/student has signed, initialed and dated the IEP to allow the school district to implement the program and placement decision. _____________________________________ Name of person completing this checklist __________________________ Date _________________________________ Title