International scientific and practical distant conference "ISSUES OF SOIL SCIENCE, AGROCHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY ON THE BORDER OF EUROPA AND ASIA" DEAR COLLEAGUES! We invite you to participate in the International scientific and practical distant conference "ISSUES OF SOIL SCIENCE, AGROCHEMISTRY AND E COLOGY ON THE BORDER OF EUROPA AND ASIA" within the framework of International Year of Soils declared by the UNO. The conferenc e is aimed at the exchange of scientific and technical information and data, as well as the best practices in the field of agricultu re and product safety. The conference is held on 18-22 May, 2015. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: Chairman: Zubarev I.N., Prof., Dr. Agr. Sci., Rector PSAA, Perm, Russia Chairman deputy: Eliseev S.L., Prof., Dr. Agr. Sci. Vice-rector for Research, PSAA, Perm, Russia Secretaries of committee: Mudrykh N.M., Assoc. Prof., Cand. Agr. Sci., Dean Deputy for Research of Faculty of Soil Science, Agrochemistry, Ecology and Commodity Science, PSAA, Perm, Russia Fotina O.V., Director of International Relations Center, PSAA, Perm, Russia Committee members: Fischer T., Prof., Dr., Director of Central Analytical Laboratory, Brandenburg University of Technology CottbusSenftenberg, Cottbus, Germany Batlle-Sales J., Prof., Dr. Bio. Sci., University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain Mikailsoy F., Assoc. Prof., Dr. Agr. Sci., Igdir University, Igdir, Turkey Kizilkaya R., Assoc. Prof., Dr. Agr.Sci., Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey Ismayilov A., Prof., Dr. Agr. Sci., Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Baku, Azerbaijan Mikhailova L.A., Prof., Dr. Agr. Sci., PSAA, Perm, Russia Vasiliev A.A., Prof., Cand. Agr. Sci., Head of Soil Science Department, PSAA, Perm, Russia Pimenova E.V., Assoc. Prof., Cand. Chem. Sci., Head of Ecology Department, PSAA, Perm, Russia Samofalova I.A., Assoc. Prof., Cand. Agr. Sci., PSAA, Perm, Russia Conference language: russian, english PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS: For participation in the conference is necessary up to the 30th of April 2015 to register on the Academy’s official website and to send the following documents: 1) Application for participation (in applied form) 2) Materials for publication (article in PDF-file and MS Word) Documents must be done and sent in 2 separate files. If you do not get the confirmation about your request within 3 days, we ask you to contact the Organizing Committee via email CONFERENCE PROCEDURE 1. Anyone registered on the website, completed and sent the application for participation and materials for publication to the Organizing Committee on can become a participant of the Conference. 2. Materials for the conference will be accepted until 30/04/2015. 3. Materials should correspond to the topics of the conference and be arranged according to the requirements specified below. 4. According to the results of the conference a collection of materials of the international scientific and practical distant conference "PROBLEMS OF SOIL SCIENCE, AGROCHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY ON THE BORDER OF EUROPA AND ASIA" will be published. The electronic version of the conference materials will be sent to the e-mail declared in the application, and will be also available on the official website of the Perm State Agricultural Academy in the "Science / Collected articles" All the participants will get a certificate confirming the conference participation ORGANIZING FEE For the participants from the RF – 1500 RUR For the participants from other countries – 2100 RUR Organizing fee includes costs for publication and a certificate of a participant. For publishing the materials in Russian in scientific journal Perm Agrarian Journal the signed agreement for editing and publishing operations and the article arranged according to the requirements in electronic form are required. ARTICLE ARRANGEMENT REQUIREMENTS The volume of the article must be of 5-8 A4 format pages, book orientation, font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, line spacing – 1 .5, width aligned, automatic hyphenation, without per-page footnote. The tables must be made in MS Word (not pictures) and located w ithin the text of the article. Pictures, graphics and schemes must be of black and white, hatches are allowed; all the elements refe rring to the picture must be grouped; resolution of pixel image (photos, scans) must be not less than 300 dpi. Lists are numerated i n a manual way (to avoid loss of formatting while imposing). Notes, if they are necessary, must be issued as usual footnotes (not th e endnote) by regular means of MS Word. Formulas should be written in a standard formula editor of MS Word. The file should b e named by the surname of the first author. UDC index (at left). You can choose it in the website Article title (CAPITAL LETTERS), left. The next line is empty. 1. Author’s full initials and surname, academic degree, place of work/study, address, e-mail. The next line is empty. 1. Abstract (150-200 words). 2. Key words (with italics): 6 words. The next line is empty. 1. The text of the article including illustrative material (tables, pictures). The article should include the following necessary elements starting with words (bold):introduction, methods, results, conclusion, references (12-15 sources, including 3-5 foreign sources). Introduction. In this part the relevance of the study is formulated and the object of study is described. Also the introduction should include the review of foreign and native literature which confirms the absence of solving tasks in the literary source and indicates the predecessors and their researches on which this research is based. The sources meet the strict requirements on the level and relevance. It is necessary to indicate the aim coming from the results of a literature review and to make a list of tasks to solve the problems. Methods. This element has the conditions of experimentation that was the basis for the article. Results. This element has the description of the research (the basic part of article). Conclusion. The conclusion should present a clear and concise review of the results of research. It has numbered conclusions formulating the basic scientific results of the article and connections between the parameters of object of study. The conclusions should be logically relevant to the defined tasks. 1. Source of finance (grant, state program etc.) if any. 2. References (12-15 sources, including 3-5 foreign sources).