Offshore Grid NL 3, May 2015

No3 – May 2015
Development of the Dutch offshore transmission system
This newsletter provides you with an overview of recent developments regarding the development of the offshore
electricity transmission system, focussing on the interface between TenneT and offshore wind farms in The Netherlands.
 Provide your feedback! Consultation topics in May
 Feedback report from April´s consultation now available
 Impression of TenneT's rollout strategy on National Windenergy Conference
 TenneT's presentations during the Werkatelier organised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs
Provide your feedback! Consultation topics in May
We invite you emphatically to read the recently published position papers and provide your feedback to us,
preferably before May 15th. By providing feedback your input becomes part of the consultation and TenneT
will consider and respond to your suggestions. Next Expert Meeting's consultation topics:
Agenda Next Expert Meeting
Consultation topics
 Dedicated Legal Session (L1)
 SCADA, communication and data links (T8)
 Protection (T6)
 Planning (P1)
 Access to platform (T4)
 Metering (T9)
Notification topics:
 Voltage level (T1)
 Overplanting (T11)
 Operation of bays (T5)
Information session:
 Initial Investment Plan (L2)
TenneT organizes monthly meetings for offshore wind farm developers on topics relevant to the development
of offshore wind farms, such as technology and planning. A limited number of parties is invited, in order to
facilitate in-depth discussions, targeted at offshore wind farm developers.
Last months' consultation
Many topics were discussed during April's Expert Meeting in an open atmosphere and under a tight time
schedule. You can find the Minutes of Meeting and all presentations here: Documents of April's Expert
Impression of TenneT' s rollout strategy on National Wind conference
How will TenneT connect future offshore wind farms to the existing onshore grid, at the lowest cost
possible, and with the least possible nuisance for humans and environment? That was the key question of
TenneT´s presentation about the roll-out strategy. It was presented at the National Wind conference April
22nd by Marco Kuijpers, TenneT´s senior manager Offshore the Netherlands. Here you find the
presentation (in Dutch).
Werkatelier by the Ministry of Economic Affairs March 30th
The Ministry of Economic Affairs organised a Werkatelier March 30th 2015. TenneT also held presentations
regarding the proposed offshore legal framework and a status update of TenneT's grid connection system
project Borssele. You can find the presentations here.
More information
Do you want to learn more about the stakeholder-consultation process? You can register via a dedicated website
( in order to keep informed on the consultation process. The website will be used to
post information about the topics currently on the agenda, the choices made, and the underlying considerations. All
feedback and information submitted will be documented anonymously and used in the decision-making process.
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If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to
About this newsletter:
This newsletter is produced and distributed by TenneT, department Offshore NL. Questions and comments are welcome,
please direct them to
TenneT is Europe’s first cross-border grid operator for electricity. With about 21,000 kilometres of (extra-) high voltage
lines and 41 million end-users in the Netherlands and Germany, TenneT ranks among Europe’s top 5 grid operators in
Europe. TenneT’s focus is to develop a North-west European energy market and to integrate renewable energy.
Taking power further.