RCT Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process Time: 3.5 hours Developmental Competencies SW101-01 Ability to describe the organizational structure of DSHS and how administrative programs work together to enhance the safety, health, and well-being of individuals, families and communities SW101-02 Understands public service work and how it differs from other social service work SW101-03 Ability to identify Children’s Administration’s mission, vision, values and understand how they inform all work-related tasks and decision-making processes SW101-04 Understands the different program areas and roles within Children’s Administration Talking about Competencies Be sure to tell students that the competencies are an important guide during RCT and throughout their career in child welfare social work. Whenever possible, pick a few relevant competencies and ask students what they think they mean, whether they have seen them in action, and how they see themselves meeting them. A Note to Coaches Welcome to the first session in Regional Core Training! This session includes a pre-learning, which is an activity that students do before participating in a discussion with you or with the cohort. Remember that: Students access their activities using Canvas Coaches access curriculum documents and all other files in MyAlliance. Coaches also grade student work and moderate discussions in Canvas. Page 1 of 7 RCT Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process Materials and Preparation Computer with internet access o Ensure that the student can log into the course in Canvas, per instructions in Introduction and Preparation for Coaches and Instructors o Allow 10-40 minutes to ensure that all students can access the course in Canvas. Demonstration computer with projector, for showing students how to navigate in Canvas. Handouts & Websites Handouts are provided to students in Canvas. A link to each resource is provided in context, within the pre-learning activity. Navigating the DCFS: How Can We Help? DCFS Intranet Parent’s Guide to Child Protective Services (CPS) Dependency Timeline and Schedule of Staffings document Braam Settlement web page Focused Improvement for Braam Outcomes Page 2 of 7 RCT Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process Activity Flow Because this is their introduction to Canvas, students may need on-site assistance. This session may be combined with Session 1.2, such that starting the activity and discussing and debriefing are done together. Step Delivery Method Time 1 Orienting Students to Canvas, and getting them started on the activity In person or on phone 30-60 minutes 2 3 Students complete the Prelearning Discussion and debrief Canvas In person or on phone 1.5 hours 30-60 minutes Instructor Notes Orienting Students to Canvas Have students log into their computers and into Canvas. o Allow 10-40 minutes to ensure that all students can access the course in Canvas. Demonstrate for students how to complete assignments: o Access an Assignment document; o Add information to the document; o Save the document properly; o Submit the document in Canvas; o Access instructor/coach feedback in Canvas Demonstrate for students how to participate in asynchronous discussions: o Access a discussion; o Post a comment; o Respond to a comments Get Students Started on the Activity In Canvas, bring up the assignment sheet so that the first question is visible to students Make sure that all students can access the resources needed for this activity: o The DSHS website: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/ o Dependency Timeline & Schedule of Staffings.pdf (in Canvas) o Acronyms (in Canvas) Do the first part of the first question together, as a class Tell students to start on the activities o Tell them that we will reconvene in 1 hour to discuss what they found Page 3 of 7 RCT Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process Monitor the Students as they Work Check in on students to make sure that they are not having difficulty with finding resources or understanding the intent of the questions Submitting Assignments in Canvas Instruct students to submit their assignments in Canvas. The student work is kept as a record of the training. Write feedback in the assignment in Canvas. Re-Convene and Debrief Read each question, and ask students to share what they found. Cover the points in the answer key and feedback guide (below) Page 4 of 7 RCT Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process Answer Key and Feedback Guide Following are answers to the questions in the assignment that students complete in Canvas. In the discussion and debrief, discuss the answers and be sure that students understand them. [Feedback guidelines and tips for coaches will be added in red text, as it becomes available] 1.1.1 - Become familiar with DSHS website 1. Cut and Paste the URL for Washington State DSHS: 2. Spend time exploring this website. Are there services available to the citizens of Washington State that you were unaware of? List 4 services that you may utilize in your work with families: 1.1.2. - Review DSHS Mission, vision, and values, and “our impact” 1. What is the Mission of DSHS? This information can be found by clicking the “about us” link at the bottom of the DSHS Website. 2. What is the Vision of DSHS? 3. What are the Core Values of DSHS? 4. What are the 5 Goals of DSHS Strategic plan 2011 -2013 ? 1.1.3 Visit the DSHS PUBLIC page for the 4 main administrations (and familiarize yourself with their main functions and services. Review Navigating DCFS, How Can We Help? to help answer the following questions. 1. DSHS has 4 main Administrations. Please list the 4 main administrations, and their primary functions: 2. Where might you refer a family for help with child care expenses? 3. In your work with a family, you come in contact with a situation involving elder abuse. What resource would you access? 1.1.4 Become familiar with the resources available on the DCFS Intranet Many of the forms that you will use in your work, as well as pertinent day to day information can be accessed on the DCFS Intranet. Generally your internet home page is set to the DCFS intranet. At the top of this page is a drop box. It is helpful to set your home office, so that you can easily access region, and office specific information such as phone lists, region specific contracted providers, and region specific forms. Page 5 of 7 RCT Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process 1. Washington State is divided into three regions. Using the Staff & Offices tab please identify the regional offices for each Region. 2. There are a number of forms that you will utilize on a daily basis in your work with families. Please take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with where these forms are located, and which forms you might use. If you need to make a referral for counseling services what form would you use? Please list the name on the top of the form, and the form number. You will often need to do a background authorization for individuals that you are working with. Which form would you access to do so? 1.1.5 Overview of CA Case Process 1. The Parent’s Guide to Child Protective Services (CPS) is a resource that may be provided to families when they become involved with CA. This guide provides a broad overview of the legal process that families experience. This document lists a number of rights that a parent has, please list three of those rights below: 2. The Dependency Timeline and Schedule of Staffings pdf provides a summary of required court hearings and staffings that will take place over the life of a case. This pdf can be downloaded, from Canvas >Assignments> Session 1.1 Organizational Structure. How soon does a family attend court after a child has been removed from the home, and what is the name of this hearing? 1.1.6 Braam Settlement Braam vs. State of Washington was originally filed in 1998 and settled in July of 2004. As part of the settlement agreement, the State agreed to make reforms in six key areas: Placement Stability Mental Health Services Foster Parent Training and Information Unsafe/Inappropriate Placements Sibling Separation; and Adolescent Services The Braam Oversight Panel was created to come up with a clear and specific implementation plan for the State to follow. Please visit the following site for more information on Braam: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/ca/about/imp_settlement.asp This handout (see hyperlink) is the latest info for workers on what needs to be done ongoing for the Braam settlement. Workers are being asked to do the following in their manual. Page 6 of 7 RCT Session 1.1: Organizational Structure and Case Process The Focused Improvement for Braam Outcomes provides current information on bench marks and performance. Please review and answer the following questions: 1. Identify the 4 outcomes addressed in this document. 2. Who are your regional Missing from Care Lead and Locator for youth missing in care? 1.1.7 Get to know your home office: Throughout Washington State there are a number of different CA offices. Each office whether a regional office, secondary regional office, or other field office, is structured a little bit differently. Getting to know the programs and staff within your home office, and that are assigned to your home office, will help you once you are assigned a case load. Please answer the following questions specific to your home office. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How many supervisors in your office? Supervisor’s Names and Program Area Supervised How many AA’s are in your office? Names and Sections they Administrate Who is your AA? Who is your RA? Is there an FRS program located in your office? Where are your local DLR staff located? Where are your local adoption staff located? What is the phone number for the Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Hotline (central Intake): Other optional activities You may at some point benefit from having access to the ACES system, the database used by the CSO. Request access if you feel this will be helpful. Page 7 of 7