Pupil Premium Proposed Impact 2015-16

Pupil Premium ProposedImpact Report 2015 to 2016
The Gainsborough Academy
Percentages of year groups entitled to Pupil Premium (figures correct January 2015)
% Pupil Premium
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 11 Exam Results 2015
The following statistics provide a measure of the impact of the strategies put in place in school year 2014/2015.
Percentage making Expected Progress (3 or more levels in Ma and En)
50 (92/188)
42 (30/71)
54 (62/117)
Figures in brackets indicate student numbers.
54 (98/188)
41 (29/71)
62 (69/117)
21 (39/186)
16 (12/77)
25 (27/109)
45 (83/186)
36 (28/77)
51 (55/109)
5A*- C (including English and Maths)
39% (73/188)
24% (17/71)
48 %(56/117)
20% (38/186)
14% (11/77)
2014 Gap between PP and Non-PP
2015 Gap between PP and Non-PP
Figures in brackets indicate student numbers.
Closing the gap – Data shows
Average total points
Average total capped 8
Average total capped 8+EM
Average total capped 8
GCSE only
Average total points per
grade per student
Planned expenditure 2015-2016
Key aims:
To provide targeted and timely interventions across year groups
To narrow the attendance gap between FSM and Non-FSM students
To improve the behaviour of Pupil Premium Students
Impact to be assessed at the internal Data points and plans modified as necessary. Other means of evaluating include improved attitude to
Learning, staff, parent and pupil feedback, behaviour incidents, exclusions, attendance and rewards.
Grant used to fund
Actions to support learning in the
Nurture Group staffing
Literacy Initiatives: Lexia Reading
program/Literacy Assessment Online
TA specialist support
Maths Academic Coaching
Exam arrangements
Revision sessions:
Cost description
Expenditure as percentage of Pupil premium
funding and Proposed Impact
Overall Expenditure: £352,495
To staff a small group of students in Y7 who
need additional support with Literacy
To use ICT to improve Literacy for students.
Assessment conducted online, then program to
develop key skills
Individual in class support provided for PP
students. Additional small group work for
vulnerable students.
6% Impact:Accelerated progress for L3 PP
students in Y7
6% Impact:Accelerate progress in English for
L3 PP students in Y7
9.6% Impact: To improve participation rates of
vulnerable students. SEN PP students
attainment to reach national averages
7% (proportionate for PP students) Impact:
Two Academic Coaches to provide 1-1/small
Improve attainment in maths. 3 levels of
group support for targeted students, in
progress to National PP levels
Support by Readers/scribes to enable access to 2% Impact: Increased % of PPstudents making
all exams for all students.
¾ levels of progress at GCSE.
Provision of booster sessions both after school 3%Impact: Increased % of students gaining
and at weekends and holidays for all students 5A+-C grades at GCSE inc. Eng. and maths;
taking GCSE/BTEC exams. Targeted at
specific students
Care and Guidance Provision:
Student Family Welfare team
Heads of Year
Behaviour and attendance manager
Counselling Support
Progress 8 neutral figures for all students; PP
approaching national PP averages. Narrowed
gap between PP and Non PP.
Team to offer personalised support to
vulnerable PP students to ensure improved
attendance and behaviour
16% (proportional) Impact: Improved attendance
and participation for all PP students under TAC
Behaviour management support, care and
16% (proportional)Impact: Improved attendance
guidance on an individual basis for all students for PP students in all year groups, reduced
in all year groups.
exclusions for disadvantaged students
Manage, assess and monitor behaviour and
7.4% Impact: Gap between PP and non PP in
attendance for all students to ensure maximum attendance reduced to below 4% in all year
progress for PP students
groups; reduced exclusions for disadvantaged
Confidential advice, support and guidance
given to vulnerable students
1.3% (proportional) Impact: Students have
access to confidential support wherever required;
Student voice records improved positive
attitudes to learning and school for those who
access the service
Enrichment activities: Trips and Visits/After Series of activities designed to offer additional
School Activities
learning experiences beyond the classroom,
including theatre visits, sporting activities,
3.5% Impact: PP students to have access to a
International visits, Book Club, Reward trips broad rage of experiences outside the Academy.
for improved progress
All trips/visits to include PP students.
Families/Community support including
Funding of internal attendance officer to track
and monitor attendance, including direct
contact with families to devise strategies to
improve attendance
Offsite Provision: Compass programme
A time limited specific intervention
programme for students who are at risk of
Uniform/PE /KIT
Transport to Academy
Personalised Bid Fund
4% (Proportional) Impact: Attendance of PP
students to be in line with that of Non PP
students, reduction in PA for PP students by at
least 1%
11% Impact: All students who attend reintegrate
into the Academy with improved levels of
progress, attendance and behaviour; reduced
proportion of PP students with FTE and
Permanent exclusions
Funding to enable all students to have full
1% Impact: all students have full uniform at all
uniform whatever their circumstances,
times. All PP students to have access to all PE
including replacement kit, and equipment for
activities at all times.
lessons where necessary
Funding to enable all students to attend
3% Impact: attendance of PP students matches
consistently, including, where necessary taxi National PP averages . No Gap between
and bus fares and use of Academy minibuses to attendance of students more than 3 miles from
transport students from villages
Academy and those in close proximity to school
To ensure that all students have access to a full 1.5% Impact: Students who are beneficiaries of
range of experiences within and beyond the
the fund demonstrate 100% participation in the
Academy, we have instituted a Personalised
given activities and then show accelerated
Bid Fund which will enable us to offer PP
students individually targeted opportunities.
progress in the areas selected.
0.9% Impact: Improved punctuality of PP
As part of the school’s commitment to Healthy
students ; increased attendance in Tutor times
Schools, students will have the opportunity to
Uptake of breakfasts demonstrates ten per cent
eat breakfast in school.
increase on 2015 figures
Specific expenditure details are available on the Pupil Premium Expenditure link.