The Department of Classical, Middle Eastern & Asian Languages & Cultures King Hall 203, 718-997-5570 Elementary Japanese I (Japanese 101) Fall 2013 Syllabus This course will introduce students to the basics of modern Japanese. While emphasis will be on the spoken language, students will learn ひらがな (hiragana), カタカナ (katakana) and some かんじ(Kanji) as well. The goal is to cover the first six chapters of the text this semester. Instructors J101 Course coordinator and instructor: Dr. Mari Fujimoto (King 101A) Email is the best way to reach me. Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11AM to 12PM Co-instructors: Dr. Hughes and Dr. Yabe Schedule Japanese classes meet one hour (really 50 minutes) from Monday to Friday (except for Wednesday) for a total of four hours each week. The Tuesday’s lecture is conducted in a combination of English and Japanese. The other three hours are conducted completely in Japanese. See the table below for the room assignments. Morning (10:05-10:55) Afternoon (1:40-2:30) Evening (5:00-5:50) Monday (Prof. Hughes) KG (King Hall) 206 Rathaus 214 KG 204 Tue/Thursday (Prof. Fujimoto) KG 206 KG 206 KG 204 Friday (Prof. Yabe) KG 206 KG 206 KG 204 Daily schedule Please go to regularly to check our daily class schedule and homework assignments. Books you must purchase: 1 Textbook and its Student Manual 1) Nakama 1, 2nd edition (by Matasa, Hatasa and Makino) ISBN-10: 0495798185 or ISBN-13: 9780495798187 2) Student Activity Manual (SAM) for Nakama 1 (by Hatasa Hatasa and Makino) ISBN-10: 0495798282 or ISBN-13:9780495798288 Bottom line to pass this course 1) Purchase the textbook and the Student Activity Manual 2) No more than 8 days of absences, i.e., if you miss more than 8 meetings you will receive an F automatically. Lateness counts as 1/2 day absence. Grades (no make ups are given for missed exams) Final exam (including oral which is half of the grade) 20% Recorded oral performances 20% Mid-term (including oral which is half of the grade) 20% Class participation and attendance 20% Quizzes (every week on Friday) 10% Homework (must be handed in within a week to be counted toward the grade) 10% Class Schedule Facebook Many of Japanese students are on our QC Japanese Class Facebook page ( Join us! 日本語101 Information on quizzes, handouts, and the latest class schedule will be added every week. Please check this site regularly. This page was last updated 8/24/2013 Announcement: Welcome to JPNS 101 The lecture and quiz: The lecture is regularly given on Thursdays and a quiz on every Friday unless noted. Homework: Please complete the homework on the assigned date and hand it in on the scheduled day. Make sure you staple the pages together. Download SAM CDs: CD1, 2, 3 and 4 げつようび かようび もくようび きんようび 月曜日 火曜日 木曜日 金曜日 Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday First day of Fall 2010 Essential expressions (p.29 and 30) and です practice Introduction Course syllabus and textbook How to do homework from Items found in classrooms: SAM (Student Activity つくえ Manual) こくばん Essential expressions and えんぴつ です ほん Introduce ひらがな のーと (hiragana) ばっぐ ひらがな reading practice かばん Etc. Japanese Writing Systems part1: ひらがな reading practice Alphabetic vs. Syllabic (focus on あ~そ Writing System (Hiragana) 8 月 29 日 と 30 日 ●Read textbook up to p.8 ●SAM p.1-3 ●Read textbook p.9 to 30 Lecture day More ~は~です kinds of expressions Labor Day No Classes 8 月 30 日 から 9月3日 ● SAM p. 4-6 ●Read textbook ch.1 Talk about Essential expressions (p.29 and 30) Affirmative/question これは ほんです。 これは ほんですか。 これ・それ・あれ Suffix: ご・じん ● ひらがな reading quiz: あ to そ (to page 6) Hand in SAM p.1&2 QC No classes QC No Classes