Discovery and Learning Guide Application Guidelines

Discovery and Learning Guide
Application Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in the above vacancy. Please see below the Description of Duties for the
above post. If accessing this form from our website please click on the ‘job application’ link to access
the application form and monitoring forms.
Applicants must complete the application papers – the use of CV’s in any way will not be accepted. It
is your responsibility to demonstrate sufficiently how you meet the essential and/or desirable criteria
required for the post.
The Trust reserves the right to interview only those who demonstrate on their application form that
they meet the essential criteria and if application numbers warrant, then also the desirable criteria.
Completed application and monitoring forms in Microsoft Word format should be returned by email to (emailed applications are required to be signed at interview) to be received no
later than 3.00pm on Friday 17 May 2013.
Ulster Wildlife is only able to accept applications from those individuals who are currently eligible to
work in the UK.
Canvassing will automatically disqualify.
Ulster Wildlife is an Equal Opportunities Employer.
Ulster Wildlife is the operating name of Ulster Wildlife Trust, a charity recognised by HM Revenue & Customs XN45269. A
company registered in Northern Ireland NI 12711.
Service Agreement - Description of Duties
Reports to Marketing Manager and Discovery & Learning Officer
Ulster Wildlife & Partner sites/locations throughout N Ireland. Access to
transport required
By mutual agreement
One year - Agreement for provision of services
£7.50 - £8.50 per hour (depending on duties)
Ulster Wildlife promotes environmental awareness to the public by offering discovery &
learning programmes and activities and events to schools, youth organisations, adult groups
and community groups.
These programmes aim to raise awareness of environmental issues particularly in relation to
wildlife and wildlife habitats and to engage people of all ages with their local environment,
and are delivered through ’hands on’ activities, talks and events. Some of these activities are
delivered in partnership with other local community/voluntary organisations or are delivered
on behalf of local organisations that fund Ulster Wildlife to deliver specific programmes.
Discovery & Learning Guides deliver various discovery & learning activities at various
locations including; Ulster Wildlife sites, partner sites and school/community settings
throughout Northern Ireland. Training is provided by Ulster Wildlife to deliver these sessions
and on occasion, guides also support development of discovery & learning programmes.
Discovery & Learning Guides can register to provide guiding services in one or more County
areas (Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry/Derry and Tyrone) and will be
reimbursed for approved journeys connected to guiding work subject to a maximum cap
(unless a different amount is agreed in advance) and approved expenses associated to
guiding work will also be reimbursed. Payment is made a month in arrears and is subject to
receipt of appropriate paperwork.
Applicants should note that this role is ‘casual’ and successful candidates are appointed to a
register of Discovery & Learning Guides on an ‘agreement for services basis’. There is no
obligation for guides to provide services on days that work is offered, nor is there any
obligation on Ulster Wildlife to provide this work on any given days, or at all. On days that
guides do not work for Ulster Wildlife, they are free to work for any other organisation. The
Agreement for Services places no restriction on employment with other organisations.
However, it is desirable that guides are available throughout the year.
Main duties and requirements of the post
1. Educational Programme Delivery
• Deliver quality discovery & learning programmes and activities to children, adults or families
• Assist in the preparation for activities and the subsequent follow up, in line with Ulster
Wildlife’s Health and Safety Policy
• Undertake appropriate training to be able to deliver programmes
• Hold Access NI Clearance and current first aid certification
• Have completed child protection basic awareness training
• Be mindful of child protection issues and report any concerns to the Ulster Wildlife Trust
2. Adhere to organisational policies and practices and respect those of project partners
3. Carry out other duties that are consistent with the requirements of the role
Organisational wide responsibilities
Discovery & Learning guides are expected to participate in assisting Ulster Wildlife to achieve its
long-term goals, to include: Adhere to the policies and practices of Ulster Wildlife at all times and to respect the policies and
practices of project partners
 Participate in organization-wide training and regular support meetings
 Co-operate with and support volunteers
 Ensure that contact with others is of a style and quality consistent with Ulster Wildlife’s and any
partner/funder ethos and act at all times as a proactive ambassador
 Promote membership of Ulster Wildlife.
Essential Criteria
• 1 year’s relevant full-time (or equivalent part-time) experience working in a school or youth or
community group environment
• Proven teamwork skills
• Proven experience of public speaking
• Basic knowledge of wildlife and conservation issues
Desirable Criteria
• A third level environmental qualification
• A teaching or youth qualification
• Experience in the delivery of outdoor environmental education to schools or youth groups
• A commitment to work throughout the year (especially during peak season March – August)
• A valid UK Driving Licence
Please send completed applications to:
HR Dept
Ulster Wildlife
3 New Line
Co Down BT30 9EP
Ulster Wildlife is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Ulster Wildlife is the operating name of Ulster Wildlife Trust, a charity recognised by HM Revenue & Customs XN45269. A
company registered in Northern Ireland NI 12711.