List of APA, APAGS, APF, & Related Awards FOR STUDENTS ONLY

List of APA, APAGS, APF, & Related Awards
Division 17 APA Awards Committee
Updated: 9-1-15
Spring Semester Deadlines (February – May)
Deadline Date: February 1, 2016
Name of Award: Randy Gerson Memorial Grant
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
This grant provides $6,000 toward the advancement of the systemic understanding of couple
and/or family dynamics and/or multi-generational processes. Grants support graduate student
projects in family and/or couple dynamics and/or multi-generational processes. Work that
advances theory, assessment or clinical practice in these areas shall be considered eligible.
Preference will be given to projects using or contributing to the development of Bowen family
systems. Priority also will be given to those projects that serve to advance Dr. Gerson's work.
See the website for additional information on application requirements and submission
Deadline Date: March 5, 2016
Name of Award: Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award
Type of Award: SPSSI
Entries can be unpublished manuscripts, in press, or papers, book chapters, or journal articles
published no more than 18 months prior to the submission deadline. Entries cannot be returned.
The competition is open to non-members, as well as members of SPSSI, and graduate students
are especially urged to submit papers. Submissions from across the social sciences are
encouraged, however the paper must clearly demonstrate its relevance for psychological theory
and research in the domain of intercultural and international relations.
An award of $1000 is given to "the best paper or article of the year on intercultural or
international relations"—a field about which Professor Klineberg cared deeply from his social
psychological commitment. Originality of the contribution, whether theoretical or empirical, will
be given special weight. Please note that an individual or group may submit to only one SPSSI
paper award (from amongst the Allport, Klineberg, and Dissertation Awards) per year.
Deadline Date: March 1, 2016
Name of Award: Wayne F. Placek Grants
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
The Wayne F. Placek Grant encourages research to increase the general public's understanding of
homosexuality and sexual orientation, and to alleviate the stress that lesbian women, gay men,
bisexual women, bisexual men and transgender individuals experience in this and future
civilizations. Since 1995, the Placek Fund has granted more than $1 million.
The Wayne F. Placek Grant encourages research that addresses the following topics: (1)
Heterosexuals' attitudes and behaviors toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
people, including prejudice, discrimination and violence; (2) Family and workplace issues
relevant to LGBT people; (3) Special concerns of sectors of the LGBT population that have
historically been underrepresented in scientific research.
Applicants may be either doctoral-level researchers or graduate students affiliated with an
educational institution or nonprofit research organization. Graduate students and early career
psychologists are encouraged to apply.
See the website for additional information on application requirements and submission
Deadline Date: April 1, 2015 (last years date, 2016 date TBD)
Name of Award: APAGS Leadership and Convention Travel Award
Type of Award: APAGS
For graduate students interested in learning more about becoming involved with and pursuing
student leadership opportunities in APAGS and APA. Five students will be awarded $500 to
fund convention expenses (registration costs and other travel/convention expenses) and promote
graduate students' leadership development within APA/APAGS. Preference will be given to
those who: Are first-time convention attendees, have some level of academic or leadership
experience, and agree to be an APAGS Ambassador.
Award recipients must agree to: Attend three APAGS programs of your choice at the upcoming
APA convention; Attend 1-2 APAGS social hours at the upcoming APA convention and meet
some of the current APAGS leaders; Serve as an official APAGS Ambassador at the convention.
See website for further details, a description of application materials, and directions for how to
submit application online.
Deadline Date: April 1, 2016
Name of Award: APA Student Travel Awards
Type of Award: APA, Science Directorate
The purpose of this award program is to help psychology graduate students travel to the annual
APA convention to present their research. APA's Science Directorate sponsors an annual
competition for graduate student travel awards. The purpose of the travel award program is to
help psychology graduate students travel to the annual APA convention to present their research.
Awards go to graduate students presenting at the APA Convention to cover travel expenses.
Applicants must be the first author on the presentation and student affiliates or associate
members of APA (or must include application along with other materials). APA must have
already accepted papers and posters for presentation. Each psychology department (i.e., not
individual programs within a department) may endorse no more than three students per year for
the Travel Award.
Deadline Date: April 1st 2016
Name of Award: Ungerleider/Zimbardo Travel Scholarship
Type of Award: APA Science Directorate, American Psychological Foundation
Directorate sponsors an annual competition for graduate student travel awards. The purpose of
the travel award program is to help psychology graduate students travel to the annual APA
convention to present their research. $300 travel awards are awarded to seven graduate students
to present their papers at the APA Annual Convention.
Deadline Date: May 4, 2016
Name of Award: The Nancy B. Forest and L. Michael Honaker Master's Scholarship for
Research in Psychology
Type of Award: APAGS
This $1,000 grant is named in honor of Nancy B. Forest (one of the first staff liaisons to
APAGS) and L. Michaell Honaker (garnered resources for APAGS). The award funds thesis
research in psychology at the Masters level.
Scholarships are available to graduate student members of APAGS who are enrolled at least
halftime as a student in good standing. APAGS officers, subcommittee members, or task force
chairs are NOT eligible. Previous recipients of each award are not eligible to apply again for a
period of five years.
See the website for information on required application materials and for directions on how to
submit materials using the online application system.
Deadline Date: May 4, 2016
Name of Award: The Scott Mesh Honorary Scholarship for Research in Psychology
Type of Award: APAGS
This award honors Scott Mesh, one of the 1988 founding co-chairs of APAGS. The recipient will
receive $1,000 to support dissertation research in psychology. Scholarships are available to
doctoral student members of APAGS who are enrolled at least halftime as a student in good
standing. APAGS officers, subcommittee, or task force chairs are NOT eligible. Previous
recipients of each award are not eligible to apply again for a period of five years.
See the website for information on required application materials and for directions on how to
submit materials using the online application system.
Deadline Date: May 4, 2016
Name of Award: The David Pilon Scholarship for Training in Professional Psychology
Type of Award: APAGS
This award honors David Pilon, who was a founding co-chair of APAGS in 1988. The recipient
will receive $1,000 to promote supplemental training and education experiences in professional
practice (funds must support future training and education rather than previous work). The
scholarship can be used for a specific training program or opportunity not otherwise available to
the student.
See the website for information on required application materials and for directions on how to
submit materials using the online application system.
Deadline Date: May 4, 2016
Name of Award: Ellin Bloch and Pierre Ritchie Diversity Dissertation Grant
Type of Award: APAGS
This award provides $1,000 to be used support research on issues of diversity such as varied
ethnic backgrounds, women's issues, ageism, sexual orientation and disability. Funds for this
$1,000 grant must be used to support proposed research, rather than to reward a completed, or
nearly completed dissertation.
The scholarship is available to graduate student members of APAGS who are enrolled at least
halftime as a student in good standing at a regionally accredited university. APAGS Committee
members and task force chairs are NOT eligible. Previous recipients of each award are not
eligible to apply again for a period of five years. See the website for information on required
application materials and for directions on how to submit materials using the online application
Deadline Date: May 4, 2016
Name of Award: APAGS LGBT Dissertation Grant
Type of Award: APAGS
This award provides $1,000 for proposed research in the area of unique concerns facing LGBT
individuals. Funds must be used to support proposed research, rather than to reward a completed,
or nearly completed dissertation. The scholarship is available to graduate student members of
APAGS who are enrolled at least halftime as a student in good standing at a regionally
accredited university. APAGS Committee members and task force chairs are NOT eligible.
See the website for information on required application materials and for directions on how to
submit materials using the online application system.
Deadline Date: May 4, 2016
Name of Award: The Carol Williams-Nickelson Award for Women's Leadership and
Scholarship in Women's Issues
Type of Award: APAGS
This $1,000 cash scholarship recognizes women APAGS members who have demonstrated
exceptional leadership in psychology by serving in one or more leadership roles locally,
regionally and/or nationally while also advancing women’s issues through their
writing/publications, research, advocacy or other scholarly activities.
Nominees must be women APAGS members, currently enrolled (and in good academic
standing) in a doctoral program in psychology and may NOT be an elected APAGS officer or
subcommittee chair. See the website for information on required application materials and for
directions on how to submit materials using the online application system.
Deadline Date: May 15, 2016
Name of Award: Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
This $5,000 scholarship supports graduate student research that aims to understand and reduce
stigma associated with mental illness. Applicants must be full-time graduate students in
psychology at accredited universities who has demonstrated a commitment to stigma issues.
See the website for further details and application instructions.
Summer Deadlines (June – August)
Deadline Dates: June 1, 2016
Name of Award: The APA/APAGS Award for Distinguished Graduate Student in Professional
Type of Award: APA Board of Professional Affairs; APAGS
Awarded on an annual basis to a graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding practice
and application of psychology. A qualified candidate must demonstrate exemplary performance
in working with an underserved population in an applied setting or have developed an innovative
method for delivering health services to an underserved population. Nominees may have
received their doctoral degree at the time of nomination provided that accomplishments for the
award were achieved while a graduate student.
See the website for further details and application instructions.
Deadline Date: June 30, 2016
Name of Award: APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship
Type of Award: APAGS, Psi Chi
This $1,000 fellowship provides funding for a 1st-year or 2nd-year graduate-level project and to
provide constructive feedback to select applicants to increase their chances of achieving success
on a future National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship application.
Funds can be used for any direct research costs in a student's 1st year (or 2nd year, if submitting
in the summer prior to one's 2nd year) and do not need to be limited to the research discussed in
the Research Essay. Funds cannot be used for indirect costs (e.g., travel, personal computer, or
class textbooks). To be eligible, one must be to be eligible; one must be a member of APAGS
and a member of Psi Chi.
See the website for information on required application materials and for directions on how to
submit materials using the online application system.
Fall Semester Deadlines (Sept. – Jan.)
Deadline Date: September 15, 2016
Name of Award: Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards
Type of Award: APA, Science Directorate
Criteria/Notes: The purpose of the Early Graduate Student Researcher Awards program is to
recognize students for conducting outstanding research early in their graduate training (i.e.,
research conducted within the first two years of doctoral study). The award focuses on both the
student’s general research experience and specific completed research projects. The research
independence of the applicant as well as the novelty and implications of research performed as a
graduate student will be used for evaluation purposes. Therefore preference may be given to
students who have completed their second year of doctoral studies.
See the website for further details and application instructions.
Deadline Date: September 15, 2016
Name of Award: APA Dissertation Research Awards
Type of Award: APA, Science Directorate
Assists doctoral students with dissertation research expenses. Applies to any area of research
within psychology. Approximately 30-40 grants are awarded ($1,000 each), and several are
awarded up to $5,000. Applicants must be full-time graduate students in the United States or
Canada who are working on dissertation research. Dissertation proposals must have already been
approved by their dissertation committee prior to application. Applicants who have already
defended their dissertations are eligible to apply for funds as long as they have not yet received a
doctoral degree as of the application deadline. Must be student affiliates or associate member of
APA (or apply for affiliation along with application materials). Each psychology department
may endorse only three applications. Must have not previously received an APA Dissertation
See the website for further details and application instructions
Deadline Date: November 1, 2015
Name of Award: Roy Scrivner Memorial Research Grants
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
These grants support empirical and applied research focused on lesbian, gay and bisexual family
psychology, and lesbian, gay and bisexual family therapy.
Eligibility Requirements include: Advanced graduate student, in good standing, endorsed by
supervising professor; Demonstrated commitment to LGBT family issues; IRB approval must be
received from host institution before funding can be awarded if human participants are involved.
See the website for more information on application requirements and submission guidelines.
Deadline Date: December 2, 2015
Name of Award: APAGS Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity (CSOGD)
Grant Program
Type of Award: APAGS, Committee on LGBT Concerns
This award provides a $1,000 grant for a project that promotes training and educational
experiences in LGBT practice. Examples include, but are not limited to: workshops, conferences,
speaker series, mentorship programs, and the development of student organizations with a focus
on LGBT concerns.
The scholarship is available to graduate student members of APAGS who are enrolled at least
halftime as a student in good standing at a regionally accredited university. APAGS Committee
members and task force chairs are NOT eligible. Previous recipients of each award are not
eligible to apply again for a period of five years. See the website for information on required
application materials and for directions on how to submit materials using the online application
Deadline Date: December 2, 2015
Name of Award: APAGS Committee for the Advancement of Racial and Ethnic Diversity
(CARED) Grant Program
Type of Award: APAGS
These grants support efforts to increase the membership and participation of ethnic minority
graduate students within APAGS, advertise education and training opportunities for ethnic
minorities, and enhance the recruitment and retention efforts for ethnic minority students in
psychology. APAGS-CARED awards four $1,000 grants every year for projects that recruit,
retain and/or enhance the training of ethnic minority graduate psychology students.
The scholarship is available to graduate student members of APAGS who are enrolled at least
halftime as a student in good standing at a regionally accredited university.
See the website for information on required application materials and for directions on how to
submit materials using the online application system.
Deadline Date: December 2, 2015
Name of Award: Basic Psychological Research Grant
Type of Award: APAGS
The intent of this grant is to fund innovative psychological science research projects. Students
in all fields of psychology and neuroscience and are APAGS members are eligible to apply.
Funds for this $1,000 grant must be used to support the proposed research. This grant may be
used for thesis, dissertation or other research.
Up to three additional grants for $1,000 will be awarded for innovative basic psychological
science research projects specifically related to diversity. APAGS defines diversity according
to APA’s Multicultural Guidelines (2002).
See the website for further details and application instructions.
Deadline Date: December 2, 2015
Name of Award: APAGS Disabilities Grant Program
Type of Award: APAGS
This $1,000 grant will fund a project that promotes training and educational experiences in
practice or services for persons with disabilities, or the recruitment, retention, and training of
individuals with disabilities (e.g. workshops, conferences, speaker series, mentorship programs,
and the development of student organizations with a focus on disability issues).
This grant is available to graduate student members of APAGS who are enrolled at least halftime
as a student in good standing. Previous recipients of each award are not eligible to apply again
for a period of five years.
See the website for further details and application instructions.
Deadline Dates: December 2, 2015
Name of Award: APAGS Teaching Excellence in Psychological Science Award
Type of Award: APAGS
The purpose of these two $500 awards is to recognize graduate students who use pedagogical
strategies to promote science appreciation among undergraduate students. This includes the
incorporation of research methodology in undergraduate teaching and the encouragement of
critical and scientific thinking in examining psychological issues. This includes the integration of
research methods into all topical areas and the demonstration that scientific observation is a
process integral to all areas of psychology.
APAGS scholarships are available to graduate student members of APAGS who are enrolled at
least half-time as a student in good standing at a regionally accredited university. If you are a
student affiliate of APA and are in a masters or doctoral program, you are automatically a
member of APAGS. Undergraduates are not eligible for these scholarships, nor are APAGS
officers, subcommittee or task force chairs.
See the website for further details and application instructions.