The Signalling Programme Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Banedanmark The Signalling Programme Amerika Plads 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen E Denmark Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 Author: Fjernbane Signalling System Project Mail: Phone: +45 8234 0000 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 2 of 16 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Table of Contents Page 1 Change Log 4 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.3 Introduction Purpose and Contents Purpose Contents Relationship to Other Appendices Reader’s Instructions Major Changes 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 Definition of Transition Zones Topology of Transition Area Balise Types Distance Constraints Constraints for Distance a, LNTC → L2 Constraints for Distance a, L0 → L2 Constraints for Distances b and d, L0/LNTC ↔ L2 Constraints for Distance c, L0/LNTC → L2 Constraints for Distance e, L2 → LNTC Constraints for Distance e, L2 → L0 Short Block Sections Braking Curve Separation Level Crossings Constraints for Distance f, L2 → L0 Constraints for Distance f, L2 → LNTC Summary Table 6 6 8 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 4 References 16 Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 3 of 16 1 Change Log Made by Version Commented by Approved by Status XHWK / 2.0 Issued to Tenderers 3.0 Issued to Tenderers for BAFO 30.06.2010 XHWK / 29.06.2011 Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 4 of 16 2 Introduction 2.1 Purpose and Contents 2.1.1 Purpose The Fjernbane Infrastructure System will in many locations connect with legacy station Interlocking or line block systems, temporarily or permanently. This attachment explains the basic ETCS layout for such locations. 2.1.2 Contents This attachment provides a functional overview of the transition zones with respect to ETCS behaviour as well as constraints from the infrastructure. Please observe that illustrations of transition zones are examples only. Actual locations and numbers of signals, ATC-Balises, ETCS-Balises, marker boards and train detection sections, as well as estimated response times and distances, may change depending on detailed design. 2.1.3 Relationship to Other Appendices Transitions between ETCS and CBTC are covered by appendix 3.5, attachment 1. Interfaces to legacy Interlocking and line block systems are covered by appendix 3.5, attachment 3. 2.2 Reader’s Instructions None. 2.3 Major Changes Term “NTC” introduced. Constraints for distance “a” have been increased according to - the combined effect of subset-037 and subset-093 worst-case timeout values, - driver’s time for reading signals in L0/LNTC area. 200 km/h case discontinued (not relevant). Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 5 of 16 3 Definition of Transition Zones 3.1 Topology of Transition Area Even though the lines of the Fjernbane project shall be ETCS level 2 controlled, locations exist where an ETCS level change has to be realised either permanently or temporarily during a commissioning period. The general concept is to locate the transition border in an open line section, preferably at a specified Braking distance outside a station limit (in legacy terms). In a few cases, the transition border will be located at a cross-over between two “station” areas1. The transition border locations aim at avoiding unnecessary speed restrictions for trains performing transitions between level 0/NTC and level 2, and at the same time minimising complexity of the technical interfaces between adjacent systems. There are thus three basic topologies: 1. The transition border located close to a legacy (level NTC2) station Interlocking System. 2. The transition border located close to the start of a legacy (level 0/NTC) line block system (equivalent to being close to an ETCS “station”). 3. The transition border located at a cross-over between ETCS and legacy (level 0) “station”. The topologies are illustrated next page, including typical signal and Balise locations. (Further distance constraints are discussed in section 3.2.) A transition border is expected to be one location, defining also the border between areas where legacy rules (SR75) and new rules (OR) apply. This usually implies that all boards, Balises and Axle Counters related to the border are located within 10-20 m of each other. In exceptional cases it may be desirable to separate the borders of the two driving directions, and thus separate the transition Marker boards accordingly. 1 2 Examples: Tølløse (Fjernbane – private line), Køge (Fjernbane – conventional S-bane). Level 0 is not expected to be relevant for topology 1. Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 6 of 16 Figure 1: Transition between level NTC and level 2, border close to ATC Station Figure 2: Transition between level NTC and level 2, border close to ETCS “Station” Figure 3: Transition between level 0 and level 2, border close to ETCS “Station” Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 7 of 16 Figure 4: Transition between level 0 and level 2, border at crossover (private line example) Figure 5: Transition between level 0 and level 2, border at crossover (S-bane example) 3.1.1 Balise Types The transition zone will contain some or all of these Balise types: - ETCS Balise groups: RE = Radio establishment Balise groups (packet 453 and packet 424) RE-repeat = Radio establishment Balise group, for Train awakening RT = Radio termination Balise group, for Train not entering ETCS area LTA = Level transition announcement Balise group EN = Entrance Balise group EX = Exit Balise group - ATC (NTC) Balises: ► = Signal Balise, or distant signal Balise 3 4 “Radio network registration” “Session management” Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 8 of 16 The general layout is illustrated in Figure 6. RE-repeat and RT only apply if there is a station between RE and EN, permitting Trains to start-up (using RE-repeat) or turn-back (using RT) in this area. 1st “distant” ATC-Balise (for L2 → LNTC) is expected to be at a convenient location before the transition border. Constraints with respect to LTA location and On-board STM response time are to be investigated. Figure 6: Summary of Balises and distances related to a transition zone Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 9 of 16 3.2 Distance Constraints Minimum distances (refer to Figure 6) are governed by response times of the ETCS system and/or Trains’ braking capabilities. 3.2.1 Constraints for Distance a, LNTC → L2 This distance should be large enough to ensure that the Train has connected with the ERTMS system and obtained a cross-border MA, before being restricted by its ATC Braking curve. Initially, the ATC Braking curve points to the last signal in ATC area, and generally this signal does not clear until the Fjernbane Infrastructure System has recognised the Train, set necessary Routes and produced a cross-border MA. When the last signal has cleared, this information should be made available to the Train in due time, i.e. at the preceding5 signal (or an earlier signal, depending on local circumstances) in order to update the ATC Braking curve beyond the transition border. This is the reason why distance a is relative to this particular signal. The maximum delays governing distance a are estimated as follows: Event Delay Reference Read and process RE1 balise group 1.5 s Subset-041 Register with the GSM-R network 40 s Subset-037 Read and process RE2 balise group 1.5 s Subset-041 Set up a connection with RBC 40 s Subset-093 Exchange information train-RBC 10 s Estimate Process train by TMS 15 s Estimate Issue MA to train, and report this to legacy interlocking system 2s Estimate Update signal and ATC balise 2s Estimate Present signal aspect to driver6 6.6 s Legacy eng. rules The estimated overall delay is approx. 120 seconds. Corresponding distances are listed in section 3.4 (calculated with 120 sec). 5 This applies to trains passing through the area at line speed. For trains starting, or otherwise proceeding at reduced speed, the information need only to be present at the last signal. 6 Even though the ATC balise is the latest point of information transfer to the train, the driver shall be able to read the changed signal aspect for 6.6 s before passing the signal, according to legacy engineering rules. Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 10 of 16 3.2.2 Constraints for Distance a, L0 → L2 Generally, the L0 case is equivalent to the LNTC case, given that GSM-R radio coverage reaches sufficiently far into the L0 area. However, as signal separations are typically large on L0 lines, this may call for an unreasonably remote location of the RE Balise in relation to the actual GSM-R coverage. It may therefore be considered in these cases to permit signals clearing on line block conditions alone, before the cross-border MA has been produced. Distance a then becomes relative to the transition border instead, ensuring that the train has connected with the ERTMS system and obtained a cross-border MA, before performing transition. The overall constraint for distance a is approximately the same8, only the reference point is different. This alternative is for further study, depending on local circumstances. For topology 3, where the cross-over is intended for infrequent use, it may be desirable to locate the RE Balise close to the transition zone, or rely on manual connection, in order to avoid a large amount of irrelevant radio connections. When a is short, low transition speed, or even waiting time, is acceptable. 3.2.3 Constraints for Distances b and d, L0/LNTC ↔ L2 The maximum delays governing distances b and d are estimated as follows: Event Delay Reference Read and process LTA balise group 1.5 s Subset-041 Exchange information train-RBC 10 s Estimate Activate STM (in the L2 → LNTC case) (2 s) Estimate The estimated overall delay is 12 – 14 seconds. Corresponding distances are listed in section 3.4 (calculated with 14 sec). 8 In this case, the driver is not reading a signal for 6.6 s, but reading the combination Marker Board / DMI during an equivalent time interval. Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 11 of 16 3.2.4 Constraints for Distance c, L0/LNTC → L2 This distance should be large enough to ensure that 1) a Train preparing to pass the transition border at Target speed is not subject to intervention by the ATC system; 2) a Train passing the transition border at Target speed can stop comfortably before 1st ERMS Marker board, in case the MA has not been extended beyond this Marker board It is assumed that both purposes are covered by the ATC intervention distance (Danish: trafikgeneafstand), refer to [1]. The intervention distance depends on train type and consist, as well as gradient, and must be computed for each specific location. In section 3.4 are listed typical figures for guidance. For the L0 case, the distance can be slightly shorter. For topology 3, c will always be quite short, calling for a low transition speed. 3.2.5 Constraints for Distance e, L2 → LNTC This distance should be large enough to ensure that 1) a Train preparing to pass the transition border at Target speed is not subject to intervention by the ETCS system; 2) a Train passing the transition border at Target speed can stop comfortably before the 1st signal, in case the ATC information received at the transition border indicates that this signal is restrictive. The Intervention distance depends on ETCS braking curves. Several scenarios with different Train types suggested a better performance of about 15% of the ETCS braking curve over the ATC braking curve. As long as this improvement has not been verified for example by field tests the same braking distances will be applied for e as for c. 3.2.6 Constraints for Distance e, L2 → L0 This distance should be large enough to ensure that 1) a Train preparing to pass the transition border at Target speed is not subject to intervention by the ETCS system; 2) a Train passing the transition border at Target speed can stop comfortably before 1st signal, in case this signal is restrictive. The distance constraint is primarily given by the ETCS Intervention distance assumed to be equivalent to the ATC Intervention distance. Approach markers and distant signals reading up to the 1st signal need also be considered, but these will usually be located within the Intervention distance. For topology 3, e will always be quite short, calling for a low transition speed. Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 12 of 16 3.2.7 Short Block Sections If the distance between 1st signal and 1st ERTMS Marker board does not fulfil c + e, three mitigations may be considered: 1) Adding “aspect sequence” information across the transition border so that a shorter Braking distance is dynamically reflected into a lower Target speed. 2) Reducing line speed statically in the vicinity of the transition border, in order to select lower values for c and e. 3) Separating transition locations for the two directions of traffic so that c and e can be fulfilled independently. At present there is no decided preference. 3.2.8 Braking Curve Separation For all transitions should be ensured that the “new” MA is not more restrictive than the “old” MA if pointing to the same stopping location. It is assumed that the Overlap distance (typically 50 m) provides adequate margin for designing the MAs with a suitable separation of EoA, in most cases. Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 13 of 16 3.3 Level Crossings Level Crossings in L0/LNTC area may have Marker boards and “distant” signals located before a Level Crossing. These may not become located within the L2 area. Figure 7: Distances related to a Level Crossing in L0/LNTC area Equipment for activating the Level Crossing, and ATC Balises to inform the Train of the Level Crossing state, may be located within the L2 area. 3.3.1 Constraints for Distance f, L2 → L0 Distance f is listed in section 3.4. If the distance constraint cannot be met, the preferred solution is to relocate the transition border so that the Level Crossing is within the 1st ERTMS Marker board. Alternatively, line speed may be reduced in order to select a smaller value of f. Level Crossings in a L2 area cannot be located between the transition border and 1st ERTMS Marker board. Also in this case, the transitions border should be relocated so that the Level Crossing is within 1st ERTMS Marker board. 3.3.2 Constraints for Distance f, L2 → LNTC The same as for L0. It may be necessary to consider a distance e in order to ensure a smooth transition between ETCS and ATC Braking curves towards a Level Crossing with failing protection. Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 14 of 16 3.4 Summary Table Line/Target speed a b, d c, e f (typical range) 80 km/h 2700 m 320 m 600 - 1000 m 750 m 100 km/h 3350 m 400 m 800 - 1400 m 750 m 120 km/h 4000 m 460 m 1100 - 1400 m 1050 m 140 km/h 4700 m 550 m 1300 - 1800 m 1400 m 160 km/h 5350 m 620 m 1300 - 2300 m N.A. 180 km/h 6000 m 700 m 2400 m N.A. Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 15 of 16 4 References Ref. no. 1 Ref. ID ATC anlægsbestemmelser version 5.0.8, BN-12-09-06-0105.00 Fjernbane Infrastructure East/West Document1 BAFO Tender Document / Appendix 3.5 Att 2 Fjernbane Transition Zones Version 3.0 Page 16 of 16