Lecture 4. Chemistry and Biogeochemical Cycling A. Chemicals Dissolved in Water In addition to water (and its component hydrogen and hydroxyl ions) lakes typically contain a variety of dissolved substances, including gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen) and dissolved salts (e.g. various ions). Most Common Ions calcium, Ca+2 magnesium, Mg+2 bicarbonate, HCO3- Other Ions sodium, Na+ potassium, K+ sulfate, SO4-2 chloride, Clnitrate, NO3phosphate, PO4-3 silicate, SiO4-2 Salinity (mg∙L-1) is defined as the total concentration of ions dissolved in water and is measured as specific conductance (conductivity), the ability of water to conduct electricity. Conductivity increases as the salt content of the water increases. A similar expression, total dissolved solids, includes inorganic and organic salts plus nonionized substances. Finally, hardness refers to the levels of calcium and magnesium in the water. B. Solubility of Gases Atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen dissolve in water. [T] Bottle of coke Water can hold more of these gases under pressure and at lower temperatures. At the temperatures commonly experienced in lakes (0-35 C) the oxygen concentration varies by more than a factor of 2. [T] Oxygen = f (temperature); Dodson, Figure 2.4, p. 33 Water can hold several times its saturation concentration. Photosynthetic activity when the water column is experiencing quiescent conditions can lead to supersaturation. A condition of supersaturation is ultimately relaxed through the formation of bubbles. [T] Bottle of coke [T] Bubbles on algae The solubility of gases also depends on the concentration of solutes, i.e. salts, in the water. [T] Salting out effect The saturation concentration of oxygen at 4 C is 13.1 mg∙L-1 in freshwater and 8.6 mg∙L-1 in salt water. B. pH, Alkalinity and the Carbonate System Water molecules dissociate yielding hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-), H 2O H OH The ion product (Kw) for water, K w H OH 1x1014 @ 25 C and, since the concentration of hydrogen ions must equal the concentration of hydroxyl ions, the concentration of each is 10-7. Remembering that pH is defined as –log[H+], we find that pure water would have a pH of 7 at 25 °C. Depending on the concentrations of other chemicals in water, the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) may vary widely. While the majority of temperate and tropical lakes have a pH between 7 and 9, bog lakes, rich in organic acids, can have pH levels of 2-6 and desert lakes, saturated with carbonates, can reach a pH of 10. pH plays an important role in mediating water chemistry and in establishing the limits of growth for aquatic organisms. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is a collection of chemical species that includes carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, bicarbonate and carbonate and which is often referred to as the carbonate system. DIC enters lakes through the dissolution of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and carbonate minerals in the watershed. When carbon dioxide dissolves in water it participates in a series of reactions yielding the various inorganic carbon species – CO2 H 2O H 2CO3 H HCO3 H CO3 The position along this reaction continuum depends on the scarcity of hydrogen ions. Initially, carbonic acid is formed. If hydrogen ions are scarce, the carbonic acid will dissociate to form bicarbonate ion. Further scarcity of hydrogen ions leads to the dissociation of bicarbonate ion to form carbonate ion. This is an equilibrium reaction and the relative abundance of the various inorganic carbon species varies with pH. [T] Dissolved inorganic carbon = f (pH); Dodson, Figure 10.2, p. 234 Because this is an equilibrium reaction, the extraction of carbon dioxide through photosynthesis causes the reaction to move to the left, consuming hydrogen ions and raising the pH. This also increases the carbonate ion concentration, sometimes to the point that the solubility product of calcium carbonate is exceeded, precipitating a white, chalk-like material called marl. In lakes, such precipitation events are termed a whiting. [T] Whiting; Dodson, Figure 10.3, p.236 At night (and in the hypolimnion) photosynthesis is absent and respiration leads to a net production of carbon dioxide, lowering the pH. The interplay of photosynthesis and respiration forms what is called a diel cycle, not only in pH, but in oxygen as well (production, photosynthesis; consumption, respiration). Acids enter the water through the dissolution of carbon dioxide and through the deposition of nitric acid (internal combustion engines) and sulfuric acid (coal combustion). The ability to absorb hydrogen ions when acid is added is termed acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) or alkalinity which is defined as – Alk [ HCO3 2[CO3 ] [OH ] [ H ] Waters that are able to absorb significant amount of acids without changing pH are said to be well buffered. The inorganic carbon system is the primary buffering system in lakes, although organic acids may serve this role in bog lakes. Pure water in contact with the atmosphere becomes a weak solution of carbonic acid as it takes up carbon dioxide from the air, yielding a pH of 5.65. Here, some of the carbonic acid has broken down into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions, but at this pH bicarbonate levels are low and carbonate levels negligible. [T] Dissolved inorganic carbon = f (pH); Dodson, Figure 10.2, p. 234 This water has a low alkalinity (ANC) and poor buffering capacity. Alkalinity is added to lakes when carbonates are dissolved from limestone (CaCO3) bedrock in the watershed. This increases the ANC of the lake and makes it less vulnerable to the impacts of acid deposition. Watersheds dominated by granitic bedrock provide little additional ANC and it is these that experience the negative effects of acid deposition. Here, the acids in rain titrate the lake water, reducing the lake’s buffering capacity over time until it is exhausted and the pH drops rapidly. D. Organic Carbon In addition to DIC, carbon is present in lakes as organic carbon (DOC). The energy that governs the metabolism of lakes is derived from the solar energy utilized in photosynthesis and fixed in molecules of organic carbon. The organic carbon in lakes may originate from terrestrial vegetation within the watershed (allochthonous sources) or from aquatic vegetation (algae, macrophytes) within the lake (autochthonous sources). Most (>95%) of the organic matter produced in the drainage basin is decomposed, with little being stored permanently. Export of organic matter resistant to decomposition is largely as dissolved organic matter (e.g. humic and fulvic acids). [T] Humic acid structure [T] Humic acids in lake water Organic carbon occurs in particulate (POC) and dissolved (DOC) phases. All organisms, living and nonliving are composed of organic matter and thus contribute to the particulate organic carbon (POC) pool. The non-living component includes dead and decaying organisms or organism parts and excreted material and is collectively termed particulate detritus. POC is progressively broken down into smaller and smaller particles and ultimately solubilized to yield dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Other sources of DOC in lakes include the refractory humic and fulvic acids received from the watershed, excretion of organic molecules by organisms in the lake and generation of the gas methane (CH4) through decomposition of organic matter in the sediments. DOC is often further partitioned into labile (available for decomposition) and refractory (unavailable for decomposition) fractions. Labile DOC participates in a series of redox reactions in which the organic carbon compounds are metabolized yielding the chemical energy stored via photosynthesis. A redox reaction is one in which electrons are transferred, and in the case of microbially-mediated reactions, yielding energy to the organism mediating the reaction. Each redox reaction includes an electron donor (here, organic carbon represented as C(H2O)) and electron acceptor (several are available). The general form of the reaction is, C ( H 2O) EA CO2 RS Where EA is the electron acceptor and RS represents a reduced species. Consider this generalized representation applied to with oxygen as the electron acceptor, C ( H 2O) O2 CO2 H 2O Now, let’s look at this as two half reactions, C ( H 2O) CO2 C (0) C (4) O2 CO2 O2 (0) O2 (4) In the terminology of redox reactions, a substance that donates electrons (becomes more plus) is said to be oxidized and a substance that accepts electrons (becomes more minus) is said to be reduced. Here, organic carbon, the electron donor is oxidized and oxygen, the electron acceptor is reduced. The metabolism (decomposition, mineralization, oxidation, BOD) of DOM with oxygen as the electron acceptor is termed aerobic respiration. Where oxygen is not available to perform this function, e.g. in the sediments and in the hypolimnion of productive lakes in summer and occasionally winter, alternate electron acceptors are utilized. [T] redox series The alternate electron acceptors are utilized in the order of the thermodynamic favorability of their respective reactions as shown in the table above. While this is generally conceived of as a time series, the sequential utilization of alternative electron acceptors occurs with depth in lake sediments. [T] redox in sediments The decomposition of organic matter, particularly in sediments, has dramatic effects on water quality, including – depletion of oxygen (directly, by heterotrophic oxidation); depletion of oxygen (indirectly, by subsequent oxidation of Fe2+, Mn2+, H2S and CH4); fouling of drinking water supplies (Fe, Mn precipitates); and production of toxic H2S mediation of ammonia, phosphorus and mercury release [T] redox applications Note that even refractory DOC may participate in this process where the complex macromolecules characteristic of humic and fulvic acids are broken down into smaller moieties through photolysis making the products available for further decomposition. As we leave organic carbon, it is important to recognize the significance of this biogeochemical cycle in capturing and recycling the energy reserves present in the lake ecosystem. [T] Carbon cycle As an example of this, remember the depletion of organic matter and the attendant increase the relative contribution of clays to the sediment with depth in Portage Lake sediments. E. Oxygen Oxygen is required to support all life in lakes, with the exception of those bacteria which function via the alternate electron acceptors discussed above. A key feature of oxygen dynamics in lakes is the concept of a saturation concentration which varies with temperature and salinity, as discussed previously. [T] oxygen saturation The primary source of oxygen for lakes is the atmosphere. Conditions of undersaturation and oversaturation are corrected through the process of reaeration, i.e. the transfer of oxygen into or out of the water. We quantify reaeration as, dO2 ka (O2, sat O2,measured ) dt where ka is the reaeration rate coefficient (d-1) and is equal to, ka Kl H where Kl is the oxygen mass transfer coefficient (m·d-1) and H is depth (m). Kl, in turn, is a function of wind speed, e.g. Kl 0.864 U w where Uw is wind speed (m·s-1). The reaeration rate coefficient varies with temperature as described by a theta function, ka,T ka,20 (T 20) The other important oxygen source for lakes is photosynthesis, CO2 H 2O C ( H 2O) O2 Oxygen is consumed through aerobic respiration, C ( H 2O) O2 CO2 H 2O and through the oxidation of reduced species end products, e.g. Fe2+, S2- and CH4. F. Nitrogen The primary components of the nitrogen cycle in lakes are, nitrogen gas N2 sources: atmosphere and denitrification activity: nitrogen fixation impact: none ammonia/ammonium NH 3 / NH 4 sources: loads, direct excretion and DON decomposition activity: nitrification impact: plant nutrient (marine), toxic; oxygen demand nitrite NO2 sources: nitrification intermediate; transient activity: nitrification impact: toxic; oxygen demand nitrate NO3 sources: loads, precipitation, nitrification activity: nitrification, denitrification impact: plant nutrient (marine) DON/PON R NH 2 sources: loads, biosynthesis/decomposition of organic matter activity: ammonification impact: none [T] amino acid structure [T] nitrogen cycle Nitrogen is the growth-limiting nutrient for plants in marine waters, but it is difficult to assign a major role for this element as it participates in so many important biogeochemical pathways. G. Phosphorus Weathering of bedrock, e.g. apatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)0.33F0.33Cl0.33) is the primary natural source of phosphorus. Discharges from wastewater treatment plants and runoff from watersheds receiving phosphorus fertilizers represent important anthropogenic sources. Phosphorus is subject to interactions with calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminum (clays) that retard its movement from the watershed to lakes. Phosphorus is the growth-limiting nutrient for plants in fresh waters. [T] nutrient limitation [T] the divided lake It is important to understand the way that phosphorus partitions in lake water as that process influences its management, biogeochemical cycling and impact on the environment. [T] phosphorus forms H. Iron Iron in lakes may be present in the ferrous (Fe2+, anoxic) or ferric (Fe3+, oxic) states. The most common species of iron in lakes are the ferrous and ferric hydroxides, Fe(OH )2 Ksp 1x1014 Fe(OH )3 1x1038 which have markedly different solubility products. Thus, changes in redox can have a great impact on the solubility of iron compounds and the mobilization of chemical species, especially phosphorus. [T] phosphorus accumulation in the hypolimnion Like nitrogen and phosphorus, iron has shown potential for limitation of algal growth. I. Sulfur Sulfur is introduced to lakes (usually as sulfate, SO4) through the geochemical weathering of bedrock material, especially calcium sulfate (gypsum, CaSO4). Sulfate also reaches lakes as acid deposition. Once in the lake, sulfur participates in a suite of microbially-mediated reactions … most notably sulfate reduction with the generation of the toxic gas, hydrogen sulfide. Dissolved sulfide exerts and oxygen demand, yielding sulfate, when exposed to oxygen. J. Silicon Silicon is moderately abundant in lakes and is an important nutrient for siliceous algae, e.g. diatoms. Thus the availability of silicon has an impact on patterns of algal succession and production. Silica is often depleted from the surface waters of eutrophic lakes.