Portfolio Animation 1 Content What are we doing? What is our animation targeted against? Why did we choose to do this? What are we using to do create this animation? Kinetic Typography What music are we using? How did the animation turn out? Evaluation 2 What are we doing? Aim: Created 2 easy to understand animation that addressed the real world issue. In this project we had to create 2 animations that could be used to address the real world issue. In this project as a group (Emily Lohanda, Nina, Kerrie) we decided to create the animation targeted against smoking. One animation is made using the website “Go Animate” and the other is made on Microsoft PowerPoint (kinetic Typography). Both Animations will have music played among them so create the atmosphere we are aiming for. 3 What is our animation targeted against? Smoking What is it? A cigarette is made up of many harmful chemicals. Smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. Why? Because it has become an addiction. Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco smoke that causes smokers to continue to smoke. Addicted smokers need enough nicotine over a day to ‘feel normal’ – to satisfy cravings or control their mood. How much nicotine a smoker needs determines how much smoke they are likely to inhale, no matter what type of cigarette they smoke 4 Why did we choose to do smoking? Since we are at the age of wanting to explore and try new things, we get influenced easily especially by our peers and the media. Most people who smoke first light up a cigarette when they teenagers therefore we chose this topic because smoking can impact greatly on our lives in the long term. Thus we decided to inform people at our age what smoking could do to us if we conform to these pressures, as well as the judgements that follow. Smoking is marketed to young people as being a cool thing to do. The media often portrays tough or attractive people smoking There are no benefits of smoking especially for teens that are still growing. Smoking hurts young people's physical fitness in terms of both performance and endurance. Also smoking can lead to many things as teens who smoke are three times more likely than non-smokers to use alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use cocaine. Smoking is associated with a host of other risky behaviours, such as fighting and engaging in unprotected sex. Girls who smoke and are taking birth control pills increase the rates of having a heart attack which we had showcased in our animation. 5 What software/programs did we use to create this animation? For the figure based animation, we explored various different software/programs to make our animation, such as, Adobe Flash, Benetonplay Flipbook and Go Animate. In the end, we decided to use Go Animate, as it the most straightforward and easiest. Go Animate also provided already made characters, backgrounds, transitions, sound effects, props, actions, emotions, input voices and many easily accessible components. All we had to do was put the whole thing together. For the text based animation (kinetic typography), we tried to use Adobe Illustrator, however it was far too difficult for our skill level. Consequently, we decided to use Microsoft PowerPoint because it was easier to use since we had used many times before. 6 Kinetic Typography 'Kinetic typography' is the technical name for "moving text", which involves animation techniques and texts to express ideas. The technique of kinetic typography is used to convey a particular issue or idea. Animations involving kinetic typography are always impressive to audiences because of the variety of text movement expressed throughout the videos. It is amazing how producers show texts with the right tone, pace and use of typography can portray emotions and help the viewer focus more on the message and understand it better. Kinetic typography is used to demonstrational and educational tool. Businesses and companies believe that kinetic typography is an excellent marketing technique because engage audiences and believe they are an interesting way to communicate messages to a particular audience. Animation programs such as Adobe Flash, Adobe after Effects, and Apple Motion. The animation effects are achieved by adding layers of texts (e.g. individual letters or words), which can be animated separately from the rest. 7 Plot Our aim to make an animation that is simple yet sophisticated. We brainstormed as a group to create the plot which is very direct. The animation is set in the public area where a girl who smokes walks in but falls to the ground unexpectedly. The people around the area is shocked and goes up top her but after looking at her for a short time, their faces become judgmental and slowly they walk away from her without doing anything. The second part of our animation includes a man who was one people who went to her. Instead of leaving like the crowd, he stays and looks around. He looks at her and takes his own packet of cigarette and drops in onto the floor. To showcase more of our skills we added a short Kinetic Typography ending to the animation. 8 What music are we using? In this animation we chose instrumentals of two songs called Just Follow by Hyuna and Its War by MBLAQ. They may sound different as they fit into different genres but when both go well together as both go together in fitting into the meaning of the context that is presented in out animation. Just Follow comes from a rap song that sounds serious and powerful as it has a dominant beat. We used this song in the beginning to set the mood. The second song “Its War” by MBLAQ sounds very depressing as the song contains orchestra sounds in the background. This song is suitable for this part of the animation because it is a song with soul reaching feel. For the kinetic typography done on PowerPoint we used the instrumental of “it’s Cold” by Epic High because it matches with the message we are trying to get across. 9 How did this animation turn out? Both animations did not turn out as we expected because we did not have enough time and skills. The website ‘GoAnimate” does not offer a wide range of features. Therefore using the limited features available, we made a short animation that is direct and easy to understand. Although we are not very happy with what the animation turned out, we have tried our best in creating it with our limited skills and knowledge of animations. We are also not satisfied with our animation because it did not make the plot of our story as easy to understand as we expected. 10 Evaluation In this assessment task we had to create a campaign that could be used to address a real world issue. In a group of three (Kerrie, Nina, Emily Lohanda) we designed two animations targeted against smoking. One animation involved using the website “Go animate” which we made short animation using the limited tools available. We made another animation which involves using the skill “Kinetic Typography” which we made using Microsoft Power Point . Making the animation was not an easy job, we struggled with choosing topic because of the limited amount of time and limited skills we had. We also had some problems with finding a good program to make both our animations. After a few lessons of discussion as a group, we decided on doing smoking because of an influence from animations videos also targeted against smoking. Our aim to our short animation is to produce direct and easy to understand animation. The setting of this animation is placed in public area. The plot of the animation begins a girl walking into but falls to the ground suddenly which causes the crown to put their attention on her and surrounds. Slowly their faces became shocked and one by one they walk away from her as they see the cigarette box in her hand. However there was one man who stayed, he looked at her and dropped his own cigarette box. The animation then ends with a memorable quote hopefully to have deep impression. The music we had used to go along with the animation consists of the instrumental of 2 songs. As the mood of the animation is very serious so we decided to use songs that can create this atmosphere. The first song is called Just Follow by Hyuna which itself serious and powerful so it can fit into the mood into the animation. The second part of the animation where the atmosphere of the animation changes to a less serious but sad mood so we decided on using the instrumental of “It’s War” by MBLAQ. In this assessment task we have learnt that it is extremely important to plan out and do enough research so we won’t have any trouble in the future. Although we had many problems creating this animation we have learnt new skills and knowledge about animations. We also improved our group work skills as we had discussed and brainstormed numerous things together such as choosing the topic, the right music and the plot. One thing we really had issues is creating the kinetic typography as we had no lessons on it. It did research ourselves and watched tutorials on YouTube so gain some understanding. At first we decided on using Adobe Illustrator as out program to create this animation but though out the process of making it we changed to using it on Microsoft PowerPoint as we believed that it would be much easier and understand. Not only we have learnt new skills in multimedia we had also learnt more facts about smoking. We have learnt that smoking can cause harsh consequences and that we need to let the public, especially people our age what smoking can do. 11