CPWC REFERRAL LIST ALTERATIONS (clothes): Amy McConnell -amymcconnell@bellsouth.net-770-330-8785, 3/11 ARCHITECT: Koets Corporation - 404-231-4554, 3/11 ARTIST: Dave Kimbrell - www.davekimbrell.com Murals, custom tiles, artwork, etc. Really listens to clients. 3/11 BABYSITTERS: Rachael Grosso (sophomore at Kennesaw) used to work at Kids R Kids after school while at Walton She is 20+ years old now and very responsible. Her cell phone is 678-773-4169, and home is 770-690-0350. 4/11 Cheyl McConnell (16 yrs old) cell 678-315-6992 home 770-953-1282 4/11 Ally Rzicidlo house 678-736-1323 cell 770-984-1043 Rachel Lambeth (age 18) 678-492-0469 – 4/11 Ryan Lambeth (age 17) 678-492-0278 – 4/11 Parisa Dayani 770-850-0317, 9-11 Michelle Malmberg 404-357-8367 BOOKKEEPING: Vicki Marks -Owner, Bookkeeping Consultant -More than a Bookkeeper 404-432-6163, by Regina Wood 3/10 BRICK MASON: Salvador - 770-256-0844, 3/11 Jose 6-522-6313 3/11 Harry Hagan www.haganmasonry.com, Karen Guzy 3/11 Ralph, the stone guy-770-616-8569. Excellent, reliable brick, stone, patio & waterfall work & more. Lynn Beck 3/11 CABINET INSTALLER: Billy Wheeler - 770-889-5291 , 3/11 CABINET MAKER: Jim Barre - 770-737-4696, 3/11 Michael Barra - Country-Wood Cabinets - 770-505-9478 , 3/11 CARPENTER From cabinets, shelving to decks and custom bars: ROBERT BRENNAN 770-366-0363 Referred by: Roxanne Plichta - 770-955-7775, 3/11 CARPET CLEANERS: Stanley Steamer (stanleysteamer.com) 3/11 FabriGuard - Michael Scarbro, 770-850-0636, 770-853-4075, cell, By Tina Engberg 1-13 CARPET DISTRIBUTOR: Danny Pilser (neighbor) - 770-952-4170, 3/11 CARPET INSTALLER: Mylin - 770-270-2861, 3/11 CATERER: Leslie - 770-951-8692 , 3/11 Chef Alex O Reethof, Reethof Hospitality,alex@reethof.com,770-988-8655 o,770-363-1468 c – 11-11 Patti Newi Proof of the Pudding- The owner Guy Thomson lives in ACC – 11-11 by Debbie McNeil Wilma Duvall "The Party Girl" 770-993-4970 by Sharon Cooper 11-11 CLOSETS: Spacemaker - Misty Maxwell - 678-656-4978 cell - 770-422-6464x140 office, 3/11 ClosetSmith- Garrett Gerst (678)455-0005 by Debbie McNeill 9-11 COMPUTER CONSULTANT: Brenton Jones - 678-231-3093 - brenton@ebrenton.com by Heather Rees, 3/11 Cory Harper 404-441-8324, 3/11 Tm Schwartz - lives in the Country Club - phone number is 678/640-7483, 3/11 Geekxpress,Inc. 770-931-8055- wonderful. www.geekxpress.com by Shannon Price, 3/11 Integrity Technology, Wayne Simpson, 678-229-6984. www.intgcomputer.com, 3/11 CONCRETE: Concrete Resurfacing-David Ankrom(770)614-5444 by Debbie McNeill 9-11 DECORATOR: Kelly Stuckey 404-428-8347, by Nancy Bartmess 6-12 Dillon Dillon 7703216328, by 6/12/12 DENTIST specializes in Prosthodontistry, Dr. Henry Schwartz. www.henryschwartz.com phone: (404) 9481324, 6/12 DJ Greg Talmadge 404-272-7775 By Anita McKee 1-13 Dan Blankowski - https://www.facebook.com/DanBlankowski - By Glenna Sullivan 1-13 DOORS: J D Glassworks, by Veronica Bridges 3-12 DR> Internist – Dr. Richard D. Hansen -Internal Medicine Associates of Atlanta. # 404-256-1104. By Joe Bearden, 3/11 Dr. Peter Gutschenritter. 678-252-6390 by Peg Cannon 12-11 dr. valerie wender - laureate group at st. joseph's. 404-256-8500. trish chapman 12-11 Dr. Suzanne Starke by Susan Barry 12-11 Cara Pepper at laureate medical group by Liann Baron 12-11 Dr. James Wheeler, 404-256-1727, by Ben Murray 12-11 Dr. Jeff Polekoff, Mt. Vernon Internal Medicine, 404-252-4100 by Karin Guzy 12-11 DR – GYN Dr. Stephen Rosenberg 770-977-3513 - Part of Atlanta OB/GYN Robert Goldman and is at Old Milton Parkway and 400 Dr. Jill Henke, MD & Dr. Chuck Wooten, MD - http://www.obgynofatlanta.com/ - obgyn of atlanta. 770565-2233. Dr. Elizabeth Street . ( 770 )427-0285 Dr George Long - 980 Johnson ferry. His father is Crawford. stephen rabin in sandy springs. Dr. Giles - 140 Vann St. - Suite 310 -678-401-2403 DR – GASTROENTEROLOGIST Dr.Randy Yanda. At Piedmont. By Judy Boyce 2/13 David S. Brandenburg, MD, Atlanta Gastroenterology, 5671 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. Suite 600 Atl, GA30342 - 404-257-9000, By, Merrie Beth 2/13 Eric Steinberg at Northside Medical Center By, Peggy West Sinks 2/13 Dr. Richard Friedman at St. Joseph's. 404-257-9000 By, Beth Armstrong 2/13 Dr. Tom Mcgahen- home 770-916-1446 By, Shannon Price 2/13 Dr. Agnes Han - Phone: 404-252-7703, By 2/13 Dr. Christopher T. Shaw. ( Atlanta Gastroenterology) 404 257 9000, By, Gitte Claud 2/13 John Horney at St. Joseph's. By, Tina Engbery 2/13 Richard Friedman Atlanta GAstro. Cheryl Hecht 2/13 Dr. Sternberg 404-252-7910 By Patricia Rossman 2/13 DR – ALLERGIST Stanley Fineman - Atlanta Allergy - East Cobb & Kennestone (770) 953-3331, Judy Fineman 1-13 DECKS: Lars Development, (770)519-7777 by Laurie Baddour 3/10 From cabinets, shelving to decks and custom bars: ROBERT BRENNAN 770-366-0363 Referred by: Roxanne Plichta - 770-955-7775, 3/11 DECORATOR: Jan Morgan - 678-641-3563, 3/11 Susan Healy - 678 362 4755 by Judy Boyce, 3/11 DENTIST Lily Bock at Young and Tanner. 1121 Johnson Ferry. 770-973-8911, By Jane Coker 5-11 DENTIST (COSMETIC) Cary Goldstein -404-869-7711 - http://www.goldsteinonline.com/, By Anita Kempers 5-11 Celeste Coggin - office on Powers Ferry- 770-953-6666, By C. Dowdle 5-11 Dr. Jane Puskas - 404/ 261-7488, By Susan Barry 5-11 DENTIST (PEDIATRIC) Dr. John Taylor - on Johnson Ferry -770-973-7687, By Susan O’Farrel 5-11 DOG SITTER: DOORS: New Life Windows & Doors - Owner Todd Geeting (c) 770-630-8150. By, Roxanne Plichta, 3/11/11 DUCT CLEANING: Ken Green at 770-222-5959 is very good. Professional and very dependable. Leslie Himot 5/10 ELECTRICIAN: Jason @ Mr. Sparky - 770-422-5601, 3/11 Keith Lightner - 678-614-7617, 3/11 Jerry Lackey, Jerry's Electrical LLC., 678 940 6211, 3/11 Glen Redmond - 770-591-4400 or cell 678-231-3579, 3/11 Lee @ American Outdoors - 770-606-0882, 3/11 Dave Taylor - 770-973-9737 -www.taymadeservices.com. By Barb Hett, 3/11 Winston Parmore - Cell: 404-579-7070 - 770-977-9269 home, 3/11 FAUX FINISHING: DESIGNER FAUX FINISHING, Rebecca Nabors- 7)722-9429 or 7)- 951-2695DesignerFauxFinishing.com, 3/11 Laurie Mabrey - 404-550-0341, 3/11 FURNITURE REFINISHING: Leather Repair: Total Leather Care 770-441-9900, 2/13 Mark Whitlock, 678-582-3093 – 2/13 FURS: Neiman-Marcus can re-style the furs but you have to make an appointment Alec Alexander, Atlanta Furs - 404-875-3335 – By Ben Murray, 3/11 GARAGE: Suite Garages Inc. (Alex May) Phone 678-989-7060 suitegarages@bellsouth.net GENERAL CONTRACTORS: Jerry Needham -678-795-1100 -cell 404-754-1247, No jobs too small, excellent work on several homes for us. Referred from Lynn Beck.3/11 Lars Development, (770)519-7777 by Laurie Baddour 3/10 Joe Woody, 770-337-6519. By Julie Herlitz 3-10 Gordon Walker, 678-794-7220. By Judy McRoberts 3/10 Buildrite - Ian 770-971-0787, by Debra Atkins, 3/10 TRCustomworks. By Randall & Ann Heard- 770-867-9115 3/10 Andy Petzinger, 678/614-1731 or e-mail: apetzinger@jacksonbaileygroup.com 3/10 Level One Construction Co. LLC - website: www.leveloneconstruction.com By, Vonhof. 4/10 Walker Construction- Gordon Walker 678-794-7220 by Judy and Ted McRoberts 770-850-0983 (1110) Lawson P. Calhoun, Jr. is a 30 year + builder/resident of East Cobb/ won a number of National & local awards for building excellence. 770-231-4003 (from burned out light bulbs to a $3 million dollar custom home) Rivercliff & Atlanta Country Club references available upon request. 3/11 Phil Kazmark, 404-392-1428, pkazmark@bellsouth.net by Judy Winchell 7-12 JL Brooks-JL Brooks Construction, Inc.-770-428-9680-Donna & Garth Snider 3/11 Calhoun Properties Fine Homes: Lawson Calhoun (770-231-4003) is a 30 year + builder/resident of East Cobb/ won a number of National & local awards for building excellence. Rivercliff & Atlanta Country Club references available upon request. 1/13 GLASS: A1 Glass - 770-992-2322 D & S Glass - 404-401-4470 GRANITE GSC Marble and Granite Fabrication. Saul Cortez and his cell number is 770-633-1116, by Lynne Hoffman 8-11 Oldcastle Surfaces -John T. Hembree (678)449-4035 by Debbie McNeill 9-11 GUTTERS (installed): James Cooper, 770-356-9023. He is honest, reputable By Ellie Lacey 3/11 GUTTERS (cleaned): Lloyd Cargle-770-834-7558 or770-436-3660. By Cathy Seagraves 3/11 Northside Gutters 770-447-5222. 3/11 James Cooper, 770-356-9023. He is honest, reputable By Ellie Lacey 3/11 HANDYMAN: Horace Armfield - 404-578-8891 , 3/11 Trim Man I do not know his name but do call and get price 678- 614-3873. 3/11 Keith Lightner - 678-674-7617 , 3/11 Robert Weston - 770-634-7174 He is amazing and can do anything By Heather Rees , 3/11 David Pack 678-313-5928 Nancy L. Bartmess (Burroughs) 3/11 Lawson P. Calhoun, Jr. is a 30 year + builder/resident of East Cobb/ won a number of National & local awards for building excellence. 770-231-4003 (from burned out light bulbs to a $3 million dollar custom home) Rivercliff & Atlanta Country Club references available upon request. 3/11 Lee Gibson. 770:265:5374. HE WAS GREAT. Cheryl Hecht 4/11 Charles Hudson. (770) 598-1858 (he likes to work 4+ hours at a clip to make it worth his time) or sometimes by the job if it’s bigger. I just bunch up a ton of work and he rocks on it. He’ll also even pick up whatever supplies / things you want I trust him in my home (Christian man that doesn’t drink). Susan 4/11 Call Farshid @ 404 271-7896 by Roya 1-12 Phil Kazmark, 404-392-1428, pkazmark@bellsouth.net by Judy Winchell 7-12 Calhoun Properties Fine Homes: Lawson Calhoun (770-231-4003) is a 30 year + builder/resident of East Cobb/ won a number of National & local awards for building excellence. Rivercliff & Atlanta Country Club references available upon request. 1/13 HARDWOOD FLOORS: Southernbys, Bill Quartermain 678/428-3612. By Heather Rees 3/11 Donald Lucci by Baddours, Smiths, Fites, Fishers, Grays. cell 404-886-4030, 3/11 Eber DeSilva. -770/274-9034 By Barbara McCarthy 3/11 Sunshine Interiors (Mick, owner) 3/11 Aladin Flooring - Radu Relea - 770-560-0533 - aladinflooring@bellsouth.net, 3/11 Good Floor man Leon Brickle 770-928-9946, 3/11 HEATING & AIR: Whit Chaisit - 770 423-5326 office - 770 844-5151 pager, 3/11 E. Smith Heating and Air 770-422-1900 , 3/11 David Freeman - 770-527-4127 cell - 770-445-0333 Weekends only. 3/11 Sina 770 709-2585, by Roya 5/11 HOUSEKEEPERS: Celmita & Sonia - 678-548-7029 speak to Flavia- Brazilian. 3/11 Marluce Barbosa - 404-704-5120 , 3/11 Reyna Ochoa - 770-912-7058 , 3/11 Lara Bernardus, she's been with us 12 years. 770-912-2589 By Peggy Cannon, 3/11 lettie anguiano and her sister rose, 770-882-5931, 3/11 Anna & Ricky Bonnavis (404)606-5329, by Debbie McNeil 4/10 Flavia 678-548-7029 - wonderful! By Susan Barry 4/11 Marluce Barboosa 573-714-7257, by Amy McConnell 8-11 Nelly Ortiz 404-449-4036, by Linda Pace 8-11 Aida Bastos 404-345-0700, by Leslie Rubin 8-11 Elvia Gonzalex 678-368-9885, by Lisa Herman 8-11 Kelly & Rossi Sombrero 678-644-8874, by Gayle Calhoun 8-11 Waleria Silva 404-218-2726 Dwindle Frazier, 404-229-9223 by Joyce Morgan 10-11 HOUSE SITTING: Lauren Hogue - 404-735-2942, 3/11 Emily Wanserski - 4541 Firestone Dr. - 770 955-1848, 3/11 Will Rossman email dwrossman@aol.com Phone - 770-953-2140 4/11 – EAGLE SCOUT INSULATION (foam): Energy Defenders – 404 935-6507 by Lynn Baker 9-11 Icynene.by Cheryl Hecht 9-11 INVITATIONS & STATIONARY Noteworthy Designs - 956 8226 (by appointment only) Judy Fineman, 1-13 KITCHEN REMODEL: Laurie Lacov The Design Connection 770-973-8768, 3/11 LANDSCAPE LIGHTS: Bill Byrd. 678-548-3716 By Judy Winchell 9/12 LAWN: Buckhead Gardner , 3/11 John Farmery for lawn maintenance - 770-850-8555. By Missy 3/11 Jimmy Crouch ..404-787-7800, 3/11 Perfect A Lawn --- By Clarice Dowdle, 3/11 Brice Yarbrough (souther roots landscaping) 678-576-5914. By trish chapman, 3/11 New Life Landscape, 3/11 Ventura Landscape, Inc. - (Julian Ventura) 678-907 3874, 3/12 Team Turf Landscape, 770-953-1796, Jonathan Tucker. 9/11 Charles Hodges. He did my hardscapes and plantings, 770-527-6861,Janet B. Francesconi, 3/10 Team Turf is fabulous and reasonable. Bette Selfridge 11-11 Anita Mckee with Twiggs. Her number is 404-932-9883 or Matt Hambrick with Georgia Landscape.11-11 Kevin Miles, 770 833 7104 or kevindio@hotmail.com, by Peggy West Sinks, 3/11 Clip a Lawn, 770-443-4390 by Sue Kroll, 9-11 Kain Landscape Inc. 404-216-9021, by Nancy Wilkinson 10-12 not recommend MTS landscape, West 10-12 MEDIA (Home theater, etc): NANNY: Francie Renyi - 770-612-0243 –H - 404-578-1358 – 3/11 NOTARY: ORGANIZATIONAL COMPANIES: Organized Solutions, LLC Owner: India F. Cooper 770-851-0229 www.Organized-Solutions.net, 3/11 ORTHODONTIST Burstein Orthodontics, Daniel A. Burstein, DDS, 137 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 2210, Marietta GA 30068, 770-664-7049. PAINTERS: Jim Coleman: 770-345-4700 cell: 678-908-5930, 3/11 R. C. Rakestraw - 770 565-8489, 3/11 Jorge Patino -404-556-0184. By Arleen Holliday 3/11 Paint Masters, Miguel Valdez at 678-886-6293. By Merrie Beth Donehew 3/11 Brain Sheldon, 770-815-5001 by Amy McConnell 3/10 Rick, 770-597-7071 , By Debra Atkins 3/11 Randy Nice of Nice painting. By Janet Buffington Francesconi 3/11 James Cooper, 770-356-9023. He is honest, reputable By Ellie Lacey 3/11 Roberto 404.454.4986, by Lauri Baddour 5/12 Mario Franco 678-471-1735 – 5/12 Leo Painting Inc, Leo Ruiz, 404-234-1936, 770-435-8104 by Ben Murray 5/12 Dwayne MacInnis, phone is 404 409-2919, email: dsmpainting @ yahoo.com By Don Pine, 1-13 PARTY HELPER: Lisa Cunningham -678-591-7459-lisakooks@hotmail.com, 3/11 Linda Wanzer 678/491-1553, 3/11 PET SITTERS: Katherine Francesconi – (16) Cell:(770)789-7116, Home: (770)644-9214, 3/11 Lauren Formica (16) -Gold Award Girl Scout can provide references.770-980-0763 home 3/11 Finn Engberg does pet sitting. 770.818.9202. (10 in 2013) Lauren Hogue - 404-735-2942, 3/11 Emily Wanserski - 4541 Firestone Dr. - 770 955-1848, 3/11 Rachel Lambeth (age 18) 678-492-0469 – 4/11 Ryan Lambeth (age 17) 678-492-0278 -- 4/11 PIANO TEACHER: Cathy Gittelson: 770-57-0606 or email: cathy@gisson.com, by Kathy Kreus PHOTOGRAPHER: Susan Googe, googephotos@gmail.com, 678-770-8668 from Diane Barnes 11-12 PINESTRAW Pinestraw Plus (Josh), 404-925-1076, by Joyce Morgan 3-12 PLUMBER: Russell Newsome - 770-890-1557 (pager) - 770-943-2916 , 3/11 T. M. Black Plumbing / Tommy Black - 770-953-8044, 3/11 Citywide Plumbing Bad experience. Please make sure they are not on the recommend list. Bernard 678.576.4666, 3/11 Jim Robinson cell: 404-783-3719 home: 770-427-6428, 3/11 Seagraves Plumbing By Cassandra Baker, 3/11 Bruce Adlard at Cape Cod Plumbing - 770-565-5036. By Barb Hett, 3/11 PODIATRIST Perry Julien is the best by Bette 9-11 Lazerson at Village Pod next to Kennestone Hospital. AVOID the one next to the Avenue. Glenna 911 Darryl Pitts. Chastain Podiatry - 404-252-6662 by Mary 9-11 Dr Perry Julien at Atlanta Foot and Ankle Center. 404-255-9131 by Sherry 9-11 Marietta Podiatry They are located on Hwy 5 in Marietta near Kennestone Hospital. 9-11 PONDS: Mystic Ponds - John Force- 770-345-7678 - Linda Pace – 3/11 Scapes - John Force of Mystic Ponds and Waterfalls 770-345-7678, 3/11 Ken Horvat 770-560-7831, 3/11 Dave Jones (Executive Director of the International Professional Pond Contractors Association) The Pond Professional 770-592-2273, 3/11 POOL REPAIRS: Jeff Clement-678-521-8620 by Amy McConnell 3/11 POOL SERVICE: AquaVision - Bob Cook, 678-290-7665 - 770-861-4746, 3/11 Aquatic Environments 770-968-0841 (6/08) Stay away from TLC Pool & Spa on Shallowford Road!, Barbara McCarthy 4/10 Mark Naas - 404-218-3813 by Amy McConnell 3/11/11 Steve Wilson Pools -770-722-6494-Steve lives near Walton---really nice guy, Donna Brown 3/11 Precision Pool. Very reasonable, thorough & professional. Paul Davis. 770-955-3099, Mobile 678858-1369. 4/11 PRESSURE WASHERS: James Cooper - right here in East Cobb-770-356-9023 -Ellie Lacey 3/11 Mr. Pressurehead - Earl Seames - Mobile: 678-754-4567, 3/11 Cooper Pressure Washing and More - Call him at 770-356-9023 by Ellie Lacey Dave Pearce 678-770-1466 by Missy 9-12 REMODELING: Bill Erpel, Awlwood Concepts - 770-554-3826 Cell: 678-300-3479 www.awlwood.com, 3/11 JL Brooks-JL Brooks Construction, Inc.-770-428-9680-Donna & Garth Snider 3/11 John Bussey -404-408-7943 (11-10) Arty Cadwell, 404-457-3174, Carpentry & Remodeling-Arty@finecarpentry&remodeling.com. Has done wonderful cabinetry refinishing, built & installed a large pantry and fireplace mantel for us. Lynn Beck 3/11 Attention To Detail –Very professional. Did our basement and our friends kitchen and bath. He used to be a chef, so his kitchens are fabulous. Ask for David Sturm 678-614-8470 by Debbie Bethea. 3/11 Distinctive Remodeling Solutions, they can be reached at 770-668-9393 and their web site is at www. DistinctiveRemodeling.net. – Wanda Hills 4-11 Walker Construction- Gordon Walker 678-794-7220 by Judy & Ted McRoberts (11-10) ROOFERS: Max Denman - 678-697-0813, 3/11 Ricky’s Roofing, Inc - 770 941-6484, 3/11 Best roofer is Chris tattered at 770-318-6528. ByTom 4/10 Scott Chrismer of Peachtree Roofing , 4/10 ‘The Roofing Company’ – James Kelley (770) 309-5828, by Kathy Kreus 4/10 James Cooper, 770-356-9023. He is honest, reputable By Ellie Lacey 3/11 SCUPLTURE ARTIST: Andy Davis, BY Judy Boyce, http://www.andydavisgallery.com/ 3/11 SECURITY (HOME): SEPTIC: Aims Plumbling - SHELVING: From cabinets, shelving to decks and custom bars: ROBERT BRENNAN 770-366-0363 Referred by: Roxanne Plichta - 770-955-7775, 3/11 STONE WORK: Stone Specialist -770-218-3553 BY Joyce Morgan, 3/11 Charles Hodges of Hodhes Ltd. BY Janet Francesconi 3/11 Harry Hagan www.haganmasonry.com, Karen Guzy 3/11 Kain Landscape Inc. 404-216-9021, by Nancy Wilkinson 10-12 SPRINKLERS: Sprinkalawn 6/10 DAVID PERKINS, cell 678.758.4983- Plichta 6/10 Fernando . He is terrific. 770.713:6614 Cheryl Hecht 4/11 Mark Bullock 678-859-4216 – Clarice 4/11 TERMITES: All Pro- 4)699 9999, 3/11 TREES: JAMES BROWN TREE EXPERT, 404-944-7588 or 770-432-1456. By Ellie Lacey (6/08) Rucker Tree Removal. Ask for Terry Rucker 770-578-8894, 3-12 404 Cut-Tree, 3-12 Red Fern, 3-12 Pablo Tree Srv @ 404.392.8682, by Laurie Baddour 4/12 TV & VIDEO REPAIR: Atlanta TV & Video Repair, Inc - 3101 Roswell Rd Ste T 30062 - 770-565-5009, 3/11 Frank at Cobb electric repair. 770 794 9111. Betsy Thurston 4/11 UPHOLSTERY: WATER DAMAGE: Lars Development, (770)519-7777 by Laurie Baddour 3/10 WALLPAPER HANGERS: The Wallpaper Guy - Adam Mazur - 678-907-5347, 3/11 WELLNESS COORDINATOR: Betsy Thurston , www.BetsyThurstonRD.com – 404 295 1415 WINDOWS: New Life Windows & Doors- Owner Todd Geeting (c) 770-630-8150, 3/11 BY Roxanne Plichta 3/11 WINDOW TINTING: Murray Curtis of Clear Choice Tinting at 678-234-7550- murraycurtis@bellsouth.net. 6/10 WINDOW WASHERS: John Howard - 404-914-6000, 3/11 Tom Collins - 404-932-8177, 3/11 Marvel Brooks - 678-581-0777, 3/11 Karsten 770-509-1814 3/11 (once a year) WINE CELLARS: Custom Wine Cellars, Scott C. Hughes (770-667-1005), www.cellarmaker.com, 3/11 WOODWORKING From cabinets, shelving to decks and custom bars: ROBERT BRENNAN 770-366-0363 Referred by: Roxanne Plichta - 770-955-7775, 3/11 YOGA Pilates Tutor Studio - offers Pilates, Yoga, Personal Training, TRX, Barre Workouts. Located in Paper Mill Village (look for our expansion next to Sugar Benders in Spring 2013). Phone 678-234-0202 website www.pilatestutor.com – 1-13