All Districts Principle 1 Peer-Review Session April 21, 2015 Sheraton, LAX 11:05 am – 1:45 pm Session Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. Agree upon Principle 1 Operating Norms Discuss and Reach Consensus upon Peer-Review Scores for Principle 1 Finalize District Peer-Review Scores for Principle 1 Discuss/ Generate Peer-Review Final Comments Agenda 11:05-11:20 I. Review Operating Norms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use the rubric to guide self-review, peer feedback and scoring to avoid bias Provide concise context and/or annotation for each piece of evidence Seek clarification when needed. “Check it out when in doubt.” Choose high-quality evidence that best illustrates points of the narrative Provide feedback that supports LEA improvement and considers impact on students Ensure that the appropriate people are properly prepared and included in the self- and peer-review process II. Are there additional norms needed for the face-to-face Peer-Review discussions/process/protocol? 11:25-1:30 Peer-Review Score Finalization Process and Protocol (Below) Process Protocol Discussion Prompts Final Comments 12:15-12:45 (embedded) Working Lunch (Triads break at self-determined logical time within process/protocol) 1:30-1:40 Reflection/Next Steps Reflect on Self- and Peer-Review Process (questionnaire to be distributed) Review Principle 1 Self- and Peer-Review Rubric Process, Protocol, Prompts and Comments Process (Develop a Session Time Use Plan) Each triad will plan your time together using the following steps. 1. Retrieve agenda and slides for session here: Confluence link to be added … 2. Each triad has approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes (including time to for a working lunch) to finalize scores for all LEAs 3. The Score Finalization Protocol (below) calls for spending no more than 25 minutes per expectation under review. 4. Decide the order of district review. Which LEA will go first, second, third? 5. Set timing goals based on the Peer-Review scores. Time prioritization should be given to score discrepancies. Focus on discrepancies related to the rubric expectation cut-points. 6. Triads may consider allowing time for discussion of agreed upon problems of practice or consultation with one another on development planning. Scoring reconciliation, however, should be the first priority. 7. Select group roles a. Timekeeper b. Recorder (Use this link for discussion notes: Protocol (Up to 25 min. per expectation in question) This protocol is a stricter process to support Principle 1 district triads as you discuss clarifying question, produce further evidence and reach consensus on final peer review scores for each other. 1. Retrieve scoring sheets and reviews from confluence: 2. District under review lists all expectations to be discussed. Each expectation should be allocated approximately 25 minutes for discussion. 3. For each expectation discussed, the follow the steps listed below: a. Reviewer Rationale (4 min.) See prompts below. i. Reviewer 1 states rationale for score (2 min.) ii. Reviewer 2 states rationale for score (2 min.) b. Submitting district responds (6 min.) c. Triad discusses responses and arrives at final score (up to 15 min.) d. Reviewers revise score sheets for that expectation as needed. e. If consensus cannot be reached at the end of 25 minutes, please move to discussion topics or planning time as determined by group. Discussion Prompts The following prompts may be used to facilitate discussion and reaching consensus. Prompts for Stating Reviewer Rationale: What aspect of the narrative led you to your conclusions? Was there particular evidence or lack of evidence that influenced your decision? Point to comments or clarifying questions if relevant. Prompts for Responding to Rationale: Was there a misinterpretation of the rubric or the narrative that can be easily resolved? If so, explain. Have you provided additional evidence if requested in the preliminary review? If so, identify the additional evidence and review (please make sure it is also uploaded). Do you have clarifying questions for your reviewers or for CORE staff? Triad Consensus: Have discrepancies been adequately addressed? o If yes, move to final scoring o If no, what steps does the group recommend? (e.g. more discussion time, site visit, additional evidence, CORE staff review) Are both reviewers in agreement on final scores? o If yes, record final scores o If no, can both scores stand or is a cut-point involved?1 o If a cut-point is involved, what are the recommended next steps? (e.g. more discussion time, site visit, additional evidence, CORE staff review) Final Comments To the extent feasible, final peer-review comments will be derived and recorded by the reviewers on the reviewed district’s review documents during the process/protocol. Retrieve scoring sheets from confluence: 1 Both reviewers do not need to have the same score if both agree that the domain has or has not reached the cutpoint. Only discrepancies related to cut-point must be reconciled because they require a specific action (i.e. a development plan).