Paper 04c for the 6th UK Biodiversity Indicators Forum Meeting. 5-6 Dec., 2012. Table 2: Targets against indicators Indicator number, title, and measures where applicable Targets (primary indicator) Targets (relevant indicator) Strategic Goal A: (mainstreaming) Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society A1. Awareness, understanding and support for conservation T1 A2. Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in biodiversity conservation T1 A3. Value of biodiversity integrated into decision making T2, T4 A4. Global biodiversity impacts of UK economic activity/ sustainable consumption T4 Strategic Goal B: (pressures) Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use B1. Agricultural and forest area under environmental management schemes B1ai. Higher-level / B1a. Area of land targeted schemes under agrienvironment schemes B1aii. Entry-level type schemes T3, T7 T4 B2. Sustainable fisheries T6 T4 B3. Integration of biodiversity considerations into business activity (possibly to be re-numbered as A5) T4 T2, T3 B4. Pressure from climate change T10 B5. Pressure from pollution B1b. Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed B5ai. Area affected by acidity B5a. Air pollution B5aii. Area affected by nitrogen T10, T8 B5b. Marine pollution B6a. Freshwater invasive species B6. Pressure from invasive species B6b. Marine invasive species T10 B6c. Terrestrial invasive species T8 B7. Water quality 1 T5, T14 Paper 04c for the 6th UK Biodiversity Indicators Forum Meeting. 5-6 Dec., 2012. Indicator number, title, and measures where applicable Targets (primary indicator) Targets (relevant indicator) Strategic Goal C: (status) To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity C1a. Total area of protected sites: on land C1. Protected sites C1b. Total area of protected sites: at sea T11 C1c. Condition of A/SSSIs C2. Habitat connectivity C2a. Broad-leaved, mixed and yew woodland T5 T11 C2b. Neutral grassland C3. Status of threatened habitats T5 C4. Status of threatened species T12 C5a. Farmland birds C5b. Woodland birds C5. Birds of the wider countryside and at sea T5, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 C5c. Wetland birds C5d. Seabirds C5e. Wintering waterbirds C6. Insects of the wider countryside (butterflies) C6a. Semi-natural habitat specialists T5, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 C6b. Species of the wider countryside C7a. Arable and horticultural land C7. Plants of the wider countryside T5, T7, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 C7b. Woodland and grassland C7c. Boundary habitats T5, T7, T11 T12, T13, T14, T15 C8. Mammals of the wider countryside (bats) C9. Genetic resources for food and agriculture C9a. Native sheep breeds C9b. Native cattle breeds 2 T13 Paper 04c for the 6th UK Biodiversity Indicators Forum Meeting. 5-6 Dec., 2012. Indicator number, title, and measures where applicable Targets (primary indicator) Targets (relevant indicator) Strategic Goal D: (benefits) Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystems D1. Biodiversity and ecosystem services (marine – fish size classes in the North Sea) T14, T15 D2. Biodiversity and ecosystem services (other) T14, T15 T4, T6 Strategic Goal E: (implementation) Enhance implementation through planning, knowledge management and capacity building T19 E1. Biodiversity data for decision making E2. Expenditure on domestic and international biodiversity E2a. Expenditure on UK biodiversity E2b. UK expenditure on international biodiversity 3 T20 T2, T3