Text file of OIMB student report titles

Abdulla, A. 1973. Prolactin and osmoregulation in teleost fish. Vol. Fall/Winter.
Abendschein, K. 1976. Horsfall beach survey, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Abraham, B. 1969. A study of physical factors affecting a tidepool community, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Acker, P. 1973. Behavior of gulls, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Adamany, S., and B. Parquette. 1992. Spontaneous activity of the tidepool cottids Artedius
lateralis, Ascelichthys rhodorus and Oligocottus snyderi. Vol. Summer.
Adams, S., and D. Mault. 1973. Sociological implications of the proposed east-west highway,
p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Ahrens, M. 1990. Comparison of the meiofauna composition of a wave-swept beach with a
mudflat, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Al-Asimi, A. 1991. The rate of change of DO and pH in sculpin and surfperch. Vol. Summer.
Albiston, D., and B. Boczar. 1974. Footpath from University of Oregon boathouse to North
Cove, Cape Arago State park, p. Book: not found in bound volume.
Alexander, K. 1990. Oregon beach awareness slide show and tape presentation, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Alexander, P. J. 1975. A study of the dispersal of the isopod Gnorimosphaeroma oregonensis
lutea in relation to the salinity gradient in Sunset Bay, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Alexander, S. J. 1977. Observations of Phoca vitulina in Coos Bay, Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Alferes, J. 1977. Phototaxis of adult copepod populations in Coos Bay and the resulting
inferences to vertical migration, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Alferes, J., F. Christensen, D. Edwards, and D. Ernst. 1977. Station C group project estuarine
systems, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Alford, R. B. 1971. Bangia vermicularis (Harv.) in the vicinity of Charleston, Oregon, p. Book:
4. Vol. Summer.
Alger, W. 1991. South Slough traveling table exhibit, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Alicki, J. 1993. The barview wetland mitigation: a site analysis and guide for next year's
OIMBers, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Allen, E. 1985. Mining on the Gorda Ridge-Conservation vs. development, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Alley, L. B. 1980. Low-income housing: planning, people and projections, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Allison, S. 1985. Influence of freshwater input on larval settling, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Alpert, P. 1978. Chlorophyll determinations in seawater, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Alton, K. L. 1973. A study in the migratory patterns of the Limpet, Acmaea pelte, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Summer.
Ames, Z. 1995a. Preference of substrate color of Pleuronectiforms, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1995b. Variations of mussel adhesion in response to wave strength, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Ammer, L. 1993. Aquarium project, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Anderson, B., and L. Evans. 1989. Feeding behavior of sculpins a statistical analysis. Vol.
Anderson, C. 1978. A study of the distribution of juvenile rockfish (Sebastes sp.) in the Coos
Bay area, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Anderson, J. 1997. The effects of temperature and light on the feeding success of Ophiodon
elongatus, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Anderson, L. W. 1977. Determination of the toxicity of the waste products from the repainting
of the South Slough bridge at Charleston, Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Anderson, R. 1972a. Seals on spoil islands in bay, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Anderson, R. P. 1972b. Stony corals of the Oregon and Florida coastlines, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Anderson, S. 1972c. Exposure of fertilized Nassarius fossatus eggs to spent sulfite waste liquor,
p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1992. Breeding success in the 1992 pelagic cormorant colony at the south jetty. Vol.
Anderson, S., D. Grogan, and S. U'Ren. 1972. Leaching rates and spent sulfite liquor
concentrations from Menasha Corporation's Lagoon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Andrijasevich, L. 1998. Variations in plant diversity with changes in soil salinity, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Summer.
Annis, A. 1991. The effects of an oil spill in Coos Bay: are we prepared?, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Arellano, S. M. 2003a. Atlas of Gulf of Mexico cold seep and associated organisms:
Bathymodiolus childressi.
—. 2003b. Comparison of hemolymph proteins in two Cirolanid isopods: Cirolana harfordi and
Bathynomus giganteus. Vol. Winter.
Argoud, N. 1977. Musculature of the Rhipedioglosse buccal mass, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Arkett, S. 1977. Comparison of meiofauna of mud flats and clean beaches, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Arkett, S., J. Chirarochana, F. Joyce, E. McRae, B. S. Riddle, Sheryl, T. Lam Yuen, and K.
Benson. 1977. Plankton samples summer 1977, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Armentrout, T. 1971. Oxygen binding studies of Cucumaria miniata, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1974. Physiological adaptations for diving in birds and mammals with particular reference to
the Pigeon Guillemot, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Armitage, S. 1980. The effect of sewage effluent upon Dendraster excentricus early
development, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Armstrong, L. 1990. Curriculum for SSNER summer session seminar, introduction to creative
writing: nature, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Armstrong, L. L., and T. K. Baker. 1994. Utilization of the south slough by embiotocids: A
study of the estuary as a nursery, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Arnsberg, A. J., L. E. Biada, R. J. Cowlishaw, C. Cziesla, A. K. Decker, E. M. Emmons, J.
L. Lymp, E. Sather, and L. E. Yager. 1997. Landscape changes through time: a
historical reconstruction of four watershed of Coos Bay, Oregon. Vol. Spring.
Arps, R. 1993. The green wiener, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Aschim, J., J. Cleary, and Y. Crandall. 1976. The incorporation handbook, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Ashley, R., and R. Cunningham. 1974. For what it's worth: a study of neighborhood and
community in Charleston, Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Aspros, M. 1994. OIMB wildlife refuge: revisited. Vol. Spring.
Asson, M. A. 1979. The biology of Nematostella vectensis with special reference to its habitat,
distribution and reproduction, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Atkinson, M. B. 1975. A study of the gull population of Charleston, Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Audinyte, V. 2003a. Change in Lottia digitalis with the change in location height. Vol. Summer.
—. 2003b. Homing behavior of Katharina tunicata. Vol. Summer.
—. 2003c. Lottia pelta and Tectura scutum sscape responses to sea stars. Vol. Summer.
Austin, H. L. 2007. Effect of hypo-osmotic stress on pedal disk diameter, volume regulation and
concentration of Mg(2+) in the sea anemone Metridium senile. Vol. Fall.
—. 2008a. A brief study on the development of the Purple Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus
purpuratus. Vol. Spring.
—. 2008b. Size, quantitity and pigment of "decapod crustaceans" through the water column. Vol.
Ayers, S. 1979. Outdoor education: South Slough, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Baack, J. 2003a. Righting behaviors in sea stars of the Order Forcipulata and the Family
Asteriidae. Vol. Summer.
—. 2003b. Structural comparison of sea cucumber tentacles. Vol. Summer.
Bacigalupi, M. D. 1994. The importance of eelgrass, Zostera marina, as foraging habitat for
shiner surfperch, Cymatogaster aggregata, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bailey, K. 1992. Rainfall laws concerning Qualman oyster farms, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Baker, D., and B. Love. 1976. Groundwork towards learning the life cycle of Acanthocephala,
Echinorhynchus gadi, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Baker, E. 1938. Invertebrate fauna of the littoral zone at Fossil Point. Vol. Summer.
Baker, L. 1992. Cape Arago intertidal marine garden, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Baker, M. L. 1974. Osmoregulation or osmoconformity and volume regulation in the brackish
water anemone, Nematostella, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Baker, P. 1986a. Distribution and diet of the anemone Nematostella vectensis in southern
Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Baker, S. 1976. An assessment of the South Slough sanctuary: Some possible misconceptions, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
—. 1986b. Respiration rates as possible evidence for functional chloroplast endosymbionts in the
sacoglossan Alderia modesta, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Baker, T. K. 1993. Biological and environmental influences on egg capsule diameter and
number of eggs per capsule in Littorina plena: examining body mass and wave exposure.
Vol. Fall.
Baldrige, K. 1969a. Fertilization and development in Mallocobdella, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1969b. The zonation of the genus Acmaea, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Baldwin, D. A. 1997. An exploratory on the structure and function of Elytra in scaleworms, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Baldwin, L. M. 1975. Porifera of the Cape Arago intertidal and subtidal areas, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Bales, L. 1975. The elusive Aplodontia: A study of mountain beavers, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Ball, A. 1992. Shoreline hardening in the Charleston Bay area, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Ball, C. 1975. Buildings of Charleston, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
—. 1991. Species introduced to the Coos Bay estuary, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Banjar, A. A. 1978. Comparison of faunas associated with phylospadix and zostera at Fossil
Point, Coos Bay, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bannick, C. M. 1984. Orientation of barnacles within the rocky intertidal region (Balanus spp.),
p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barker, D. 1969. Preliminary study: Bioassay of various concentrations of spent sulfite waste
liquor on embryos of several phyla, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barker, E. H. 1971. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus-Observations on size in wave-exposed beds
and protected areas, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barlow, P. J. 1979. Barview wayside: update and addition, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Barnes, L. 1985. Techniques in marine biology, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barnes, L., D. Dockweiller, M. Donnelly, J. Dunn, R. Estelle, D. Gilbert, and G. Pimentel.
1985. Observations on radio-tagged harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Coos County,
Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barnes, T. L. 1990. Clingfish and limpets, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barnett, A. 2003a. Desiccation rates of limpets from low and high intertidal zones. Vol.
—. 2003b. Structural comparison: Walking legs of the doft-bellied crab and graceful kelp crab.
Vol. Summer.
—. 2003c. Zonation of Euzonus mucronata by substrate moisture, organic content, and grain
size. Vol. Summer.
Barnett, M. 2008. Feeding in the lined shore crab Pachygrapsus crassipes: an opportunistic
feeder, p. Book: 4. Vol. Summer.
Barnhart, P. 1974. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of several selected species of algae in
the vicinity of Charleston, Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barnhart, S. R. 1985. Tide pool research, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bartoe, S. 1979. Adaptive radiation of birds on the Charleston mudflat, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Bartolet, H. 1988. Fate of the Snowy Plover in Coos County, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bartolet, H. M. 1990. Effects of feeding and switching intervals upon the number of chick
deaths that occurred within the pelagic cormorant nesting colony, 1/2 mile south of
Sunset beach, Cape Arago Hwy., Charleston, Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Barton, T. 1988. Free flight, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Barzin, L. Q. 1976. An examination of nitrogen and phospate in the Coos River system. Vol.
Baskerville, T. R., and A. H. Brice. 2011. Impact of the velocity of tidal currents on cirral fan
pulse rates in the barnacle Balanus nubilus. Vol. Summer.
Battin, P. 1977. Fishery business; an inquiry into the fish business on the west coast, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Spring.
Baumgartner, E. 1993. Influence of desiccation on zonation of algae in the genus Iridaea, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Baxter, K. 1974. An investigation into the laboratory spawning of some of the bivalves from
Coos Bay and the Pacific, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bayer, R. D. 2000. Cormorant harassment to protect juvenile salmonids in Tillamook county,
Bayley, R. 1987a. A floating dock fouling community: the effects of substrate type on
community condition and abundances. Vol. Summer.
—. 1987b. Daily movements of radio-tagged harbor seals near Coos Bay, Oregon. Vol. Fall.
—. 1987c. Food brought to young by four adult Guillermots at the Charleston, Oregon bridge.
Vol. Fall.
Beach, P. D., and F. A. Polatsek. 1974. Ten mile creek study, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Beaird, N. M. 2011. Natural history of the polychaete, Eusyllis blomstrandi (Malmgren 1867)
associated with hermit crabs from the Oregon coast. Vol. Summer.
Beaudoin, J., and J. Fuller. 1976. The common murre (Uria aalge) and the artic loon (Gavia
arctica): a comparative study, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Beeken, M. 2008. Historical baselines of Green and White Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris and
Acipenser transmontanus) in the Columbia River, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
—. 2009. An inquiry into predation defense of a gammerid amphipod local to Charleston, OR, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Beem, S. 1976. The Coos, lower Umpqua and Siuslaw and a journey that lead me back home, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Begle, M. 1991. Proposal for O.I.M.B. salmon stream planting design, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Behrstock, R. 1969a. An ecological study of a polluted mudflat area, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Behrstock, R. A. 1969b. A survey of some common intertidal fishes of the Charleston Area, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Benjamin, L., L. Perle, and S. Schupp. 1989. Pinniped survey: spatial partitioning at Simpson's
Reef of P. vitulina, Eumetopias jubatus, and Zalophus californius [californianus]. Vol.
Bennett, K. 2008a. Early development of the deep-sea echinoid Cidaris blakei (A. Aggasiz,
1878). Vol. Spring.
—. 2008b. Investigation of a deep sea naticid gastropod, including morphological characteristics
of the egg collar, veliger clearance rates of the cyanobacterium, synechococcus, and the
sinking rates of veligers. Vol. Spring.
Bennett, K., and K. Krumsick. 2006. Larval recruitment on three artificial substrata in the
Charleston Boat Basin, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Benson, K. 1977. Inventory of fauna: field notebook and list of fauna seen in invertebrate
zoology, summer session 1977, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
Berger, M. S. 2003a. Atlas of Gulf of Mexico cold seep and associated organisms: Categis
—. 2003b. Physiological response of the deep sea mussel, Bathymodiolus childressi, to thermal
stress. Vol. Winter.
Berger, S. R., and P. R. Bixler. 1977. Some aspects of the relationship between Diodora aspera
and Arctenoe vittata, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
Bergerhouse, D. 1978a. Differential feeding and growth rates to determine conversion
efficiency in juvenile black rockfish Sebastes melanops, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1978b. The effect of density and cover on social behavior of juvenile black rockfish Sebastes
melanops, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1979. Growth rates in juvenile black rock fish, Sebastes melanops, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Berggren, C. 2009. Difference in the gastropod shell preference of hermit crabs Pagurus
samuelis and Pagurus granosimanus (shell preference in hermit crabs), p. Book: 1. Vol.
Berggren, S. E. 1997a. Invertebrate zoology: Exploratory #1, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1997b. Invertebrate zoology: Exploratory #2, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bergstrom, S. 2010. An observational study of bryozoans: Eurystomella bilaiata and
Schizoporella unicornis. Vol. Summer.
Bergstrom, S., and G. Domenico. 2010. An observation of byssal thread numbers between
Mytilus californianus (California mussel) and Mytilus trossulus (Bay mussel). Vol.
Berkin, D. 1984. Form and function:bivalve adaptations on the Oregon coast, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Berking, C., K. Melby, E. Sjoberg, and K. Waller. 1981. Save the institute, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Berkovich, T. 2013. Changes in scanning behavior of the harbor seal, Phoca vitulina richardsi,
before and after pupping off of Simpson's Reef and Shell Island in Cape Arago State
Park, Coos Bay, Oregon, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Berman, J. 1986. Distance and contact mediated behavioral responses of Triopha catalinae to
six species of echinoderm, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Berman, J., K. Gestring, L. Hansen, M. Kuehn, K. Russel, and B. Worster. 1987. Tagging
and tracking of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Coos Bay. Vol. Fall.
Beville, D., and B. Metcalfe. 1981. What happened to the Coos, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bhakta, K. 1995. Predation between two of the most commonly known aquarium fishes the
goldfish, Carassius auratus and the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bickford, C. E. 1973. Henderson march revisited, July-August 1973, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bill, P. 1973. A study of the nesting behaviors and activities of the pelagic cormorant, p. Book:
1. Vol. Summer.
Biss, R. M. 1969a. A preliminary survey of pollution in the Coos Head pulp mill area, p. Book:
1. Vol. Summer.
—. 1969b. Animal distribution on a polluted mudflat. Vol. Summer.
Bixler, R. P. 1978. Some aspects of the relationship between Zostera marina and its epiphytes,
p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Black, C. 1993a. Distribution of Gasterosteus aculeatus in Coos Bay Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol.
—. 1993b. Phyllospacix scouleri community structure of Norton Gulch, Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Black, C. H., and R. C. North. 1975. Correlates of community structure in Pacific tide pools, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Blake, D. 1992. Tahkenitch dunes trail interpretive guide, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Blankenbiller, J. 1991. Faunal inventory of an established manmade freshwater marsh, p. Book:
1. Vol. Spring.
Blattler, R. 1984. Study of the marine invertebrate floating dock community on Dock "D" at the
Charleston boat basin, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Blattner, C. D. 1990. Fidelity of three tide pool stichaeids, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Blome, R. 1979. Constant-flow fluorometry, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Blomquist, P. 1996. Settlement preferences with respect to substrate color schemes in the
speckled sanddab Citharichthys stigmaeus, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Blythe, R., and J. Baker. 1975. Boat Basin ship characteristics, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bocci, J., S. Overton, and P. Santo. 1977. The harbor seals of Coos Bay, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Boehland, K., and D. Matsuchima. 1996. Juvenile shiner surfperch-innate responses to
predation, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Boehnke, J., and T. Lanfear. 1976. Recyclopedia: A what's what to recycling with emphasis on
the Bay, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bogdanoff, N. 2004a. Homing behavior in Lottia digitalis, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 2004b. Pairing behavior in male and female thick-clawed porcelain crab: Pachycheles rudis,
p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 2004c. Structural comparison of two closely related animals: Cancer magister and Cancer
productus, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Boies, J. B. 1980. The effect of clearcutting on forest wildlife, with an emphasis on the South
Slough, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bollons, K. 1974. The possibility and implications of mass transit in the Coos Bay-North Bend
area, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bolt, K., and W. Julliard. 2006. Dietary preference of Hermissenda crassicornis in Charleston,
Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bonnerlin, V. 1973. Backgrounds of the port commissioners from 1948-1973, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Boone, D., and S. Bauder. 1978. Filled lands of the Coos Bay estuary: an interdisciplinary
examination, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Booth, S. 1978. Uses of the base-line inventory on the Umpqua estuary, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Booth, S., J. Diebel, P. Kowalczyk, G. Miller, T. O'Conner, and S. K. Prielipp. 1978. The
Umpqua estuary, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Borg, A. 1993. Parks as positive, popular outdoor spaces, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Borski, J., and J. Moore. 2001. Difference between night and day: a comparative study on the
covering reaction of the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). Vol.
Borst, J. J., V. L. Campbell, and K. H. Dearborn. 1992. An out of water survey of three
species of Stichaeidae. Vol. Summer.
Bottomly, B., and J. Stewart. 1980. Urban runoff, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bottoms, S. S. 1994. Buoyancy control in juvenile Cymatogaster aggregata: a size correlation,
p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bouska, J. 1973. The study of settling communities in the Charleston Boat Basin, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Summer.
Boveng, P. 1988. Status of the Pacific harbor seal population on the US west coast.
Bowen, F. C. 1969. Some osmotic responses of the lugworm Abarenicola pacifica, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Summer.
Bowes, T. R., R. S. Haldane, and A. M. Terry. 1994. Dedication of a natural heritage
conservation area. Vol. Spring.
Bowles, J. T., S. C. DeBell, and W. D. Pischel. 2012. DNA barcoding for the identification of
nemertean larvae. Vol. Fall.
Bowles, M. 1996. Predator mediated response in Anthopleura elegantissima by Hermissenda
crassicornis, Aeolidia papillosa, and Clinocottus globiceps, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bowton, J. 2013. Intrasexual- selection and sexual dimorphism in the newt, Taricha granulosa,
p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Boyle, H. J., E. A. Corbridge, and S. R. Rowell. 1997. Influence of fish-invertebrate
interactions on the recolonization of tidepools, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Boyle, N. 1984. Salinty preference of two intertidal crabs: Hemigrapsus nudus (osmoregulator)
and Petrolithes cinctipes (osmoconformer), p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Boysen, P. E. 1977. An examination of the physical interactions in the Coos Bay estaury as
causative factors in an ecological unit, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Bradley, C. 1978a. Planning and management: a look at development policy and its effect upon
the South Slough, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
—. 1978b. Tubes or no tubes of the amphipod crustacean Corophium sp., within fish gut
contents, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Bradley, M. D. 2007a. Comparison in the attachment strength of 5-rayed (Pisaster ochraceus)
and 6-rayed (Leptasterias hexactis) sea stars. Vol. Summer.
—. 2007b. Distribution of zoochlorellae vs. zooxanthellae at Boat Basin beach.
—. 2007c. Escape response of two limpets, Lottia pelta and Tectura scutum to two seastars,
Pisaster ochraceus and Pycnopodia helianthoides. Vol. Summer.
Bradley, S., C. Darby, J. Grasela, and J. Sang. 1973. The fall and rise of a mudflat, p. Book:
1. Vol. Summer.
Brady, W. 1984. Empire Beach, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Brand, H. 2005. Burrowing bate and substrate preference in Emerita analoga, p. Book: 4. Vol.
Brandenberg, E. 1985. Crabs and their castles - shell selection of local hermit crabs, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Summer.
Branstetter, S. 1975. Food habits of the buffalo sculpin, (Enophrys bison), in Winchester Bay,
Oregon, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Braun, U. 1984. Organic farming, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Bray, T., and D. Kelly. 1996. Comparisons of acclimated lethal temperatures in rainbow trout
(Oncorhynch mykiss) and redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus), p. Book: 1. Vol.
Breene, C. 2003. Righting behavior in the Leptisterias hexactis, Pisaster Ochraceus and
Pycnopodia helanthoides. Vol. Spring.
Bregar, J. 1989. A recycling education package for Coos Bay and North Bend, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Brewer, W. 1978. Oyster culture vs. fecal pollution in the Joe Ney Slough, p. Book: 2. Vol.
Brewster, J. 1977. Distribution of the copepod population (adult and larvae) in the Coos Bay
Estuary over one 24 hour sampling period, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Brooke, A. 1973. My encounter with a seal pup and the law protecting him from me, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Spring.
Brophy, D. 1978. Study of the purple sponge Aplysilla polyraphis: spicule types relative to
sponge association, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Brosy, P. R. 1979. Salinity stress experiment on Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Link, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Summer.
Brotine, H. S. 1990. Coquille point: where freedoms collide continued research into Bandon's
land use controversy, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Brountsein, L. 2004a. Antenna size versus carapace size: an indication of feeding habits, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 2004b. Discaphyton rudyi habitat influenced polyp per ramet distribution, p. Book: 1. Vol.
—. 2004c. Effects of habitat on sea urchin survival and growth (with Kristen Wildermuth), p.
Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Brown, B., C. Eskesen, K. H. Hankins, J. H. Hunter, J. Keene, C. Miles, K. Tollefson, and
B. v. Gunten. 1987. An autumn study: behaviour of the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) in
Coos Bay, Oregon. Vol. Fall.
Brown, M. R. 2005a. Hemigrapsus nudus and Pachygrapsus crassipes: A comparison of speed
due to structural differences, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
—. 2005b. Prey preference in Cancer antennarius, Tegula funebarlis or Lottia digitalis, p. Book:
2. Vol. Summer.
—. 2005c. Thermal tolerance in the tidepool sculpin Oligocottus maculosus, p. Book: 3. Vol.
Brown, S. 1992. The marshian chronicles part III: an investigation of mysterious crop circles in
Zostera marina eelgrass beds. Vol. Summer.
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Griffith, A. 1978. The implication of fish otolith content in seal scats of Phoca vitulina richardi,
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Grinich, N. 1978. A survey of the bottomfish sport-catch near Coos Bay, OR, p. Book: 2. Vol.
Grinich, N. P. 1977. Relative abundance of barnacle nauplii Coos Bay Estuary 1977, p. Book: 1.
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Griswold, G. 1975. A study of the natural movements of the dungeness crab, Cancer magister,
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Gruber, B. 2000. Role of color changing in Liparis florae. Vol. Summer.
Gruber, R. M. 2001. Color changing response in the tidepool snailfish, Liparis florae. Vol.
Grupe, B. 2004. The development of the solitary ascidian Styela clava. Vol. Spring.
Gullikson, K. 2009. The development of Dendraster excentricus in a laboratory setting, p.
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Gutierrez, H. 1991. Feeding behavior of the brown pellican: age-related differences and feeding
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Guzman, A. 1995. The effect of salinty gradient on the abundance of Littorina scutulata at
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Hawley, H. 1990. A stranger in the dining hall, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
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Heath, J. 1988. The Brinkman land: a balence to idustrializaiton on the North Spit, p. Book: 1.
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Henderson, A. 1995. Effect of schooling on feeding attempts for shiner surfperch, Cymatogaster
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Hiaasen, S. 1975. Eohaustarius, a sand-burrowing amphipod, zonation study of substrate
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Hiatt, B., and S. Ollia. 1995. Nematostella: osmoregulation, do they do it, p. Book: 1. Vol.
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Hodder, J. 1978. The growth of juvenile fall chinook salmon, Oncorhyncus tshawytscha, in the
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Hoelzel, A. R. 1979. Adaptation to surf energy in Strongylocetrotus purpuratus, p. Book: 1. Vol.
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Holmer, D. 1969. The distribution of Mytilus edulis and Mytilus californianus from Cape Arago
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Holt, H., and J. Kinney. 1975. Marine symbiosis, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
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Ille, C. 1975. Environmental factors: Their affect on fishes, p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
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Inman, S., and D. Stearns. 1981. The Coos Bay area guide to passive solar greenhouses, p.
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Inness, K. 1983. Factors regarding limpet populations in tidepools. Vol. Summer.
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Jacobs, B. 1978. Nematode infection levels as a function of size and type species of several
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Jacobs, R. 1975. A study of populations of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes polymerus at Cape
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Jambor, N. 1975. Dissolved oxygen requirements of selected Coos Bay fishes, p. Book: 3.
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Jambor, N., and J. Rilette. 1977. Aquaculture potential in Coos Bay, Oregon, p. Book: 2. Vol.
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Jefferis, A. 2007. Effects of diet on the larval development of Dendraster excentricus. Vol.
Jenkinson, J. 1971. Some ecological problems of two intertidal snail populations, p. Book: 2.
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Jenness, I. 1971. A preliminary survey on the intertidal distribution of two beach amphipods, p.
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Jenson, E. J., J. K. Thompson, J. L. White, G. Bailey, B. Oliver, P. Lam, and J. Young.
1971. The mud and I: Biophysical survey of the Coos Bay Estuary, p. Book: 3. Vol.
Jobson, C. W. 1977. A scatological inquiry into the feeding ecology of the pacific harbor seal
Phoca vitulina richardii in Coos Bay, p. Book: 4. Vol. Summer.
Joern, W. T. 1977. The identification and distribution of chitons of this area, p. Book: 4. Vol.
Johnck, D. 1993. Biking in Coos Bay area: past, present and future, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Johnson, B. 1979a. Sexual dimorphism in the foraging behavior of the shiner perch,
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Johnson, E. 1975. Man induced impacts upon the evolution of Brachyuran decapods in Coos
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Johnson, G. 1972a. Dissection of Phoca vitulina, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
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Johnson, R. 1991. Non-indigenous species introduction through ship deballastation, p. Book: 2.
Vol. Spring.
Johnson, S., S. Stribling, M. Williams, C. Wood, and R. Zeider. 1972. A study of Coos head
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Johnson, T. 1979b. Problems with the Coos Bay sewage treatment plants #1 and #2, p. Book: 3.
Vol. Spring.
Johnston, P. 2004a. Marine adaptations: Heat tolerance in the burrowing species Emerita, p.
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Jones, C. R. 2001. Shell preference among the hermit crab Pagurus granosimanus. Vol.
Jones, N. E. 1988. Species diversity observed inhabiting the external surface of Eudistylia
vancouveri's chitinous tubes. Vol. Fall.
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Jordan, C. 1984. Factors involved in the formation of the communal structure of the intertidal
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Jordan, J., and C. Coon. 1989. Homing behavior in sculpins at South Cove, Cape Arago,
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Jorgensen, R. B. 1977. A physiochemical comparison: of two mudflats, p. Book: 4. Vol.
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Kalisz, M. 2005a. Exploratory II: Feeding preferences in Tonicella Lineata (the lined chiton), p.
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Kane, L. 1975. Phylum Arthopoda, class crustacea, p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
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Kaplan, M. 1979. To understand the problems and effects of sewerage systems at a macro and
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Kauffman, R. 1983. Study: Shore Acres' pelagic cormorant colony in an El Nino year. Vol.
Kaufman, A. R. 1994. The effects of various seawater concentrations on the oxygen
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Kay, T. A., and G. R. Williamson. 1973. South Slough status and future, p. Book: 2. Vol.
Kaye, L. 1974a. Faunal habitat summary, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
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Keck, J. 1990. The estuary book, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
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Kelly, B. A. 1978. Environmental planning of the North Spit, p. Book: 3. Vol. Spring.
Kelly, C. 1981. Leave it to beaver, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Kelly, D., and S. Watson. 1993. Prey preference in zero age class Parophrys vetulus, English
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Kelly, D. D. 1992. Foraging in the great blue heron (Ardea herodius). Vol. Summer.
Kendrick, K. 1972. A survey of the bacterial flora of Menasha Lagoon and the adjoining ocean:
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Kenny, N. 1991. Gape limitation and prey selection in the staghorn sculpin, Leptocottus
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Kessler, K. 1972. Project: Pelagic cormorant, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
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Kidd, D. G. 1977. Copepod Nauplii distribution, p. Book: 2. Vol. Fall.
Kidder, K. 2004. Development of the red sea urchin, Stronglyocentrotus franciscanus. Vol.
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Kim, S.-C., and S. Harvey. 1978. What have you done to Day Creek, a study of the impact of
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Kimball, B. K. 1985. Development of fertilized eggs of Loligo opalescens, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Kimball, G. 1973. A limited study on the factors involved in the feeding habits of the black
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Kinsey, S. 1995. Nutrition in Anthopleura xanthogrammica, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
Kirkegaard, S. 2001. Effect of light intensity on the growth of three different intertidal algal
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Kirnak, A. 1976. Pony Slough: A problem solving study, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Klein, D. 2009. Genetic connectivity of Polyorchis penicillatus (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) along the
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Klos, M., and C. Baker. 1976. The effects of freshwater infiltration to the Metcalf Salt Marsh.
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Knauss, G. 1980. Salinity preference ranges in six common snails. Vol. Fall.
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Knostman, C. 1988. Escape behavior of Epiactis prolifera. Vol. Fall.
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Konecuy, P. J., and J. A. Wozniak. 1969. Zostera marina beds and related fauna at Cape
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Koser, B., and M. Lewis. 1982. Environmental Studies: an annotated bibliography, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Fall.
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Kozlowski, J. 1989. Pigeon guillemots nesting at Sitka dock in Empire, Oregon. Vol. SummerFall.
Kraft, B. 1982. The use and abuse of dredge spoils in Coos Bay, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
Kramarsky, E. 1978. The effect of salinity on the oxygen binding properties of hemocyanin of
the crab Cancer magister, p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
Kramer, F. 1980. The diel activity and feeding behavior of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, in a
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Krasilovsky, G. H. 1967. Insect motor patterns: a neurophysiological approach to behavior, p.
Kreitzberg, B. 1989. Polystyrene foam and the city of Coos Bay, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Kretzler, J. 1978. Movement and rock carrying of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus in the
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—. 1980. The distribution of ectosymbionts of the common purple urchin Strongylocentrotus
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Kretzler, J. E. 1977. The distribution of herbivorous molluscs at South Cove Cape Arago,
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Kuecks, R. W. 1969a. Distribution of the bay (Mytilus edulis) and the sea (Mytilus
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Kuhl, D. 1978a. A preliminary study of the biology of the acanthocopolid trematode,
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—. 1978b. Comparative euryhalinity of four cottids: Leptocottus armatus, Oligocottus
maculosus, O. snyderi, and Clinocottus globiceps, p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
Kuhn, H. A. 1994. Relative rates of aerial and aquatic respiration in Gobiesox meandricus, p.
Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Kulluson, J. 2008a. A historical baseline of an introduced species: The soft shell clam, Mya
arenaria, p. Book: 1. Vol. Fall.
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Kunio, T. 1971. Mercury in the environment, p. Book: not found in bound volume.
Kurose, H. 1977. Studies of repopulation of tide pool fishes, p. Book: 4. Vol. Summer.
Kusleika, L., and M. Carmen. 1976. An oral history of South Slough, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Kuwabara, M. 2011. The effect of arm loss on the righting behavior of Leptasterias aequalis
from the Pacific Coast in Northern America. Vol. Summer.
Kwiatkowski, N. 2005a. The role of vision in predator avoidance shelter selection for
Cymatogaster aggregata, p. Book: 5. Vol. Summer.
—. 2005b. The role of water currents in the distribution of the sandy intertidal snail Olivella
biplicata, p. Book: 4. Vol. Summer.
Lacerte, F. 1972. Age distribution South Slough- Leptocottus armatus armatus, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Laderman, R. 1978. Estuarine mitigation, p. Book: 4. Vol. Spring.
Laffan, S. 2006. The effect of exposure time on digestive rate in Anthopleura sola, p. Book: 1.
Vol. Summer.
Lambert, R. P. 1977. Tidal effects on the density of adult copepods in the estuary, p. Book: 2.
Vol. Fall.
Lambert, S. 1988. The functional role played by the setae of the inferior side of the cheliped of
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Lamp, M. 1990. Their lands: a research compilation concerning the confederated tribal council
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Coos county, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Lanahan, S. 1987. Shrimp wastes: a case study. Vol. Spring.
Lance, M. M. 1991. The affects of density on the mean length of american shad (Alosa
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Lane, A. 2008a. Embryonic and larval development of the snail Calliostoma ligatum under
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Lane, D. 1985. Security Bank: A community - senior center, p. Book: 1. Vol. Spring.
Lansdale, W. 1973. Salmonidae, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Lardner, E. 1975. A bird sample on Joe Ney Slough, p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
Larned, J. 1978. LDH isozymes in the expaxial muscle tissue of warm and cold acclimated
Leptocottus armatus, p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
Laron, K. W., H. Orr, and M. Corriden. 1969. Population survey of a mussel bed and related
zones one and two, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
Larson, D. D. 1978. Salt effects on the oxygen equilibrium of Hemocyanin in Cancer productus,
p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
Latta, L. C., IV. 1994. Estimation of the spawning season of adults with an analysis of juvenile
life in an Oregon population of the Arrow Goby, Clevelandia ios, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Lattanzio, K. 1993. Marine mammal rehabilitation, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Lau, A. 1976. Water permeabilities, oxygen uptake, and kidney function in the North American
crayfish, Pacifactacus leviusculus, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
Laue, J. 1980. The path to Charleston: a moving bridge, p. Book: 3. Vol. Spring.
Lauritzen, A. 2003. Burrowing times in Amphiodia occidentalis in three substrates: mud, shell
and sand. Vol. Spring.
Lavinghouse, J., and M. Kleinman. 2008. Parasitism by the amphipod Hyperoche medusarum
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mechanisms and behavior, p. Book: 4. Vol. Summer.
Lawry, V. 1969. Settlement of organisms in the Charleston Boat Basin, p. Book: 3. Vol.
Lawson, A. 1970. Respiratory metabolism of Tegula funebralis from two different latitudinal
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Lawson, A. E. 1968. Pagurus distribution study: eel grass community, p. Book: 1. Vol. Summer.
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Lawson, T., D. Policansky, J. Schaffer, and W. Smith. 1968. Eelgrass, p. Book: 1. Vol.
Lea, T., R. Lee, E. Rosenthal, and D. Rodgers. 1980. Regional rural health study, p. Book: 3.
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Leben, S. 1993. Simplicity: three timber wives histories in Coos-County 1920's - 1940's, p.
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Lebovitz, A. 1988. Effects of cuprous based anti-fouling paint on fouling organisms. Vol. Fall.
Leddy, M. 1974. Faunal/habitat summary, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
Leddy, M. J. 1973. A six week experimental investigation on the effects of Pisaster
concentration, p. Book: 2. Vol. Summer.
Ledford, D. K. 1993. The effects of logging and channelization on salmonid populations in the
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Lee, M. A., and N. Astrachan. 1974. The relative abundance of black-tailed deer in the O.I.M.
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Leigh, Z. 1992. Proposed kelp harvesting regulations for the state of Oregon, p. Book: 2. Vol.
Leighton, P. C. 1978. Size relationships, locomotion, and shell adaptations as determinants of
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Leikam, A. T. 1993. Abiotic gradients along Norton Gulch: a change in factors, a change in
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Leitschuh, M. 1976. Comparison of urine production in a marine (Tresus rapax), a freshwater
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Leitschuh, M., M. Petersen, and B. Neeley. 1973. A preliminary study of the social and
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Lemoine, B., and M. J. Grimes. 1972. Some effects of sulfite waste liquor and effluent sludge
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Leslie, V. 1976. Microtechnique involving the sectioning of the ocelli of Polyorchus
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Levin, S. 1968. The effect of drop in temperature on opercular beats in liptocothus armatus. Vol.
Lewandoski, P. 1976. Common crabs of the intertidal zone of the Charleston area, p. Book: 1.
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Lewis, J., and M. Sandstrom. 1977. Quantifying a view, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Lewis, K. 1976. The impact of land log storage on Pierce Point on the residents of east bay
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Lewis, M. 1990. OIMB salmon ladder/education center, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Lewis, S., and J. Smith. 1988. The Joe Ney landfill: the politics, the concerns, and the future, p.
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Libelybrooks, L. 1988. Observations of the mating behavior of Janolus fuscus. Vol. Summer.
Libo, F. A. 1978. Brushpickin and South Slough Sanctuary: impact and management, p. Book:
4. Vol. Spring.
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Lindly, J. L. 1975. An overview of the pacific hake, Merluccius productus, p. Book: 3. Vol.
Link, R. L. 1969. A preliminary survey of piling communities in the Charleston Boat Basin, p.
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Lippman, L. 1969. Shell selection in the hermit brab, p. Book: 3. Vol. Summer.
Litt, R. 1992. Proposal for the restoration of Hidden Creek, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
Livengood, D. L. 1988. Distributional patterns of Cumella vulgaris (Hart) and Hemileucon
hinumensis (crustacea, Cumacea) in the upper and middle estuary of Coos Bay, Oregon.
Vol. Fall.
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theses and research papers.
Loe, R., and L. Elliott. 1969. A preliminary study of Coos Head Pulp Mill pollution and
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Loeb, G. 1969. Project report. Vol. Summer.
Loher, T. 1987a. Haul-out patterns of harbor seals, Phoca vitulina, in Coos Bay, Oregon. Vol.
—. 1987b. Prey size preference of the six armed sea star (Leptasterias hexaxis) on the checkered
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Loitz, D. 1990. The brown pelican: feeding success rates and heermann's gulls interactions, p.
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Nordstrom, C. 1993. Desiccation rates of the marine alga Gigartina papillatus, p. Book: 2. Vol.
Noren, B. 1989. Natural heritage plan estuarine cells in south Slough, p. Book: 2. Vol. Spring.
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O'Neil, T. 1985. Host specificity and reaction responses of the copepod Doredicola pertinax on
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Peters, E. E. 1987. Relating three aspects of morphology to burial rate in four species of bivalve
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Pope, C. 1975. To build a boat: Thoughts and bearings on boat construction, p. Book: 1. Vol.
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Puckett, K. 1978. A study of the invertebrate fauna in the Metcalf Salicornia marsh, p. Book: 4.
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Rainboth, D. R. 1983. Survey of the great blue heron breeding colonies in Coos County, Oregon
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Rains, C., and E. Gassel. 1973. Guide to the flora on the property of OIMB, p. Book: 3. Vol.
Ralston, B. 1989. Simpson Chalet modern use with old objectives in mind, p. Book: 2. Vol.
Ramer, D. 1981. Land use planning and Indian Point planned unit development, p. Book: 3. Vol.
Rapraeger, A. C. 1972. Effects of the Menasha Waste Storage Lagoon and ocean outfall on the
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Reasoner, R. 1979. Observations of the feeding behavior of shiner perch, Cymatogaster
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Reiss, J. 1974. Census information, p. Book: 3. Vol. Spring.
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Cape Arago, differentiation of Amphipholis pugetana and Amphipholis squamata, p.
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Robey, I. 1992. Nature of color polymorphism in Heptacarpus paludicola. Vol. Summer.
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