School Profile 2013-2014 Forest Valley Elementary School JK to 5 English/EFI Address: 1570 Forest Valley Dr. Orléans, Ontario K1C 6X7 Phone: 613-824-0733 Fax: 613-824-0737 School hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Office hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. School Website1 Principal Nina Weiler Office Administrator Katherine Partington Office Assistant Joanne Pokornik Chief Custodian Cameron Ashton School Council Chair Denise Laplante Superintendent of Instruction Neil Yorke-Slader School Trustee Katie Holtzhauer Chair of the Board Jennifer McKenzie Director of Education/ Secretary of the Board Jennifer Adams General Board Information: Phone: 613-721-1820 OCDSB Website2 Accessibility Information3 Our School At Forest Valley Elementary School, we pride ourselves on: the quality of the programs; the academic performance of the students; the variety of activities offered; the professionalism of staff; and, the high level of involvement and support from our parents. We set high and attainable academic and social expectations for our students. Students are encouraged to respect diversity, celebrate differences and develop tolerance and acceptance of others. We encourage students to think for themselves, develop strategies to make informed, thoughtful decisions, assume responsibility for their actions, become selfmotivated, develop self-confidence and develop as resilient members of society. We challenge ourselves to take academic risks by doing things differently and by coming up with new and creative ideas. We continue to work at responding to societal and technological challenges. Our school community values daily physical education and social/emotional wellness as essential components of a broad ranging and rigorous curriculum. We continue to reflect the values of a community school and continue to promote a collaborative partnership to increase commitment and a sense of pride and ownership by all – students, staff, parents, guardians and the community. Our Students Forest Valley has a current enrolment of 380 students. Our school is multi-cultural and takes pride in respecting each other’s ethnic origins and religious beliefs. Once our students finish grade 5, they move on to Grade 6 at either Emily Carr M.S. or Henry Larsen E.S. for their middle school years. Our Staff The team at Forest Valley includes the principal, 23.25 teachers, 4 educational assistants, 4 Early Childhood Educators, 1.5 office staff, 1 chief custodian, 2 evening custodians and a 0.5 librarian. Along with the in school team, we are also supported by a Special Education Team consisting of a Psychologist, Speech & Language Pathologist and Social Worker. Each member of the Forest Valley staff works hand-inhand to provide the highest quality of education for our students. Hardworking, knowledgeable, highly educated, committed, and caring are only a few words that describe the staff at Forest Valley E.S. The staff actively pursues professional learning in order to refine their skills and develop Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 1 new strategies to support and enhance student learning. Currently we have staff members taking courses and enhancing their skills, specializing in Reading, Special Education, Kindergarten and self-regulation initiatives. The staff at Forest Valley is involved in numerous extracurricular activities that support academic learning, character development, creative arts, and athletic skill development. We believe in supporting each child with diverse educational experiences. (Nina: You’ll need to shorten this up so it fits on the first page only) Our Community Parents and Community Forest Valley has a strong tradition of consultation and cooperation between parents, guardians, staff and the community. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to participate in their child’s educational experience, both within the school and at home. The Forest Valley School Council is a volunteer group of members of the school community, which includes parents/guardians, community representatives and staff who are dedicated to strengthening educational opportunities and partnerships with the community. Last year, over 150 parents participated in school activities including: helping students with reading, organizing fund-raising events, accompanying students on field trips, coordinating hot meal days, etc. Mission Statement At Forest Valley Elementary School, we are dedicated to creating a happy teaching and learning environment where students, staff, parents and the community work together to help develop the whole child and to foster respect for self, others, and the environment. We encourage a lifetime commitment to self-directed learning and wellness. We believe this can best be accomplished through active involvement in a challenging and motivating curriculum, in an atmosphere that respects the uniqueness of the individual and encourages a positive self-esteem. Forest Valley Elementary School Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 2 Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 3 Programs and Services Academic Programs Full Day Kindergarten English program with Core French from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 Early French Immersion from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 5 Classroom Organization 2 Junior Kindergartens 1 English Senior Kindergarten/Grade 1 English 2 Early French Immersion Senior Kindergartens 3 English homeroom classes 9 French Immersion homeroom classes Forest Valley enjoys the benefits of a balanced school day schedule, which allows for up to a two hour uninterrupted literacy block and a one-hour uninterrupted math block in our Primary grades and many of the Junior grades. Special Education and ESL Programs Primary Special Needs Class (PSN) Special Education Learning Centre (SELC) Remedial support and educational assessments with our Learning Support Teacher English as a Second Language Program (ESL) Picture of Play Yard Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 4 Clubs and Activities Our students enjoy many sports activities including soccer, cross-country running, volleyball, basketball, intramural games, track and field, Kinball,curling,yoga,TaeKwonDo, skating, swimming and snowshoeing. In addition, the students can join the choir, various sports teams, yearbook club, chess club, Student Council and school spirit days. The activities can vary from year to year and depend on the interest and commitment of students, staff, and parents. Our grades four and five students have numerous leadership opportunities such as lunchroom monitors, milk monitors, reading buddies, PALS outdoor games and Environmental Stewardship mentors. A variety of presenters visit the school to enhance the curriculum. These include: Scientist in the Schools groups, fitness and music workshops, Arts and Literary groups; all visit the school to provide students with the opportunity to see and hear dynamic productions and presentations. Our Student Council plans and supports school spirit days and special fundraisers. To date, some of our fundraising money has been distributed to our local food cupboards, Terry Fox Cancer Foundation, the Education Foundation and most recently, Filling the Philippines’ Bucket. Throughout the school, teachers instruct students on how to become self-directed, solution-oriented and critical thinkers. Safe Schools Initiatives One of our school initiatives focuses on student self-management through positive behaviour strategies and on promoting a safe and caring school in which all of our students feel valued. Our Healthy, Safe and Caring initiative focuses on Character Development. At Forest Valley our goal is to make every student feel valued. Character Development is not seen as a subject onto itself, but rather it is woven into everything we do at Forest Valley. The values that we focus on are: Acceptance, Appreciation, Cooperation, Empathy, Fairness, Integrity, Optimism, Perseverance, Respect and Responsibility. We start the year with an Orientation Week designed to build teamwork skills (??) and a sense of community with students and staff. We have PALS (Playground Activity Leaders) program, Roots of Empathy, Reading Buddies, and our junior students participate in a yearly Tell Them From Me survey to help staff measure factors that affect academic achievement and social, emotional wellness. Our staff is proactive in their dealings with any form of teasing or bullying by being visible on the yard and in the halls. Other initiatives include lunch and school bus monitors, a call back program for absences and safety awareness in the parking lot and surrounding roadways for both parents and students. Facilities and Resources Our school is located in a very beautiful, wooded area of Orléans. Phase 1 opened in 1989 and Phase 2, which represents about 75% of the surface area, opened in 1994. It is a gorgeous school of which we are very proud. It has a double gymnasium, a large library, an all-purpose room, three student wings, a computer lab and three challenging play structures. The entrance and the hallways are spacious and inviting. The mosaic, which adorns the entrance of the school, reflects our environment and was created by the students and staff. Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 5 Google Map of Forest Valley Elementary School Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 6 Achievement and School Improvement Planning Measures of Student Achievement and Success Our school follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting, available on the Board’s website2. Student achievement is measured through a variety of assessment tools such as portfolios, rubrics, student-led conferences, observations, peer and self-assessments, written tests, oral presentations, anecdotal records, checklists, student logs or journals, projects, audio or video tapes, etc. Our teachers utilize the Early Literacy Observation Tool, Leveled Literacy program, PM Benchmarks, GB+, CASI and Évaluation Rapide as part of the reading assessment, and our students participate in the Grade 3 Provincial Testing. Any students who require additional support and assistance are referred by their classroom teacher to a School Based Team Meeting. The team, which includes the Principal, Learning Support Teachers and the classroom teachers, assess the needs of the student and determine a course of action in consultation with the parent. This includes further observation or assessment, accommodations and modifications within a regular class setting, additional support from one of our Special Education team, or referral to outside specialists. Our Special Education Team works closely with classroom teachers to assist in planning for the needs of their students. School Improvement Plans and Initiatives Our Literacy and Numeracy goals are developed after carefully reviewing EQAO results, our PM Benchmark and CASI results, the results of our pre- and post-tests of School Improvement goals, along with daily observation and assessments, report card results, demographic factors, and other available resources. To achieve our literacy goals we have a number of literacy initiatives. These include; the early literacy program, reading buddies, the home reading club, and public speaking activities. We have recently expanded our library resources in French, English and dual language books. We have also expanded our collection of leveled books for classroom use. In an effort to further improve our student achievement, teachers incorporate the four branches of literacy: shared/guided reading; self-selected reading; writing, and working with words. This year our School Improvement Plan is identifying critical thinking and communication in numeracy. This year’s goal is to enhance these skills with a particular focus on Algebra (Equality and Equations). In addition, our Wellness goal is to support our students’ emotional and social development through a variety of initiatives. School Council is very dedicated in helping us update our technological resources and currently a large portion of funds raised go toward the purchase of SmartBoards; with their goal being to purchase one SmartBoard for every classroom. Another school initiative focuses on student self-management through positive behaviour strategies and on promoting a safe and caring school, in which all of our students feel valued. We work on achieving these goals with a focus on conflict resolution, anti-bullying, environmental stewardship, family, multiculturalism and anti-racism. Forest Valley promotes an environmentally friendly use of resources. Our school operates a successful composting and recycling program. It is a tradition at Forest Valley to generously support a number of charitable organizations each year. The purpose is to teach our students the importance of sharing, developing empathy for others and to increase their awareness of various types of physical conditions in people. Other Initiatives: Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 7 We pride ourselves on the variety of special programs and activities that are sponsored by our School Council such as our Book Fairs, ‘Tis the Season’ family event, the Valentine Family Dance, Springapalooza and a special Moving Ahead activity for our grade five students. Our students, staff and families have organized various philanthropic events that have supported educational philanthropy such as; the homeless, impoverished children, the Terry Fox Walk, the United Way, the Gloucester Food Bank and global issues. Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 8 Leadership Recognition “Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.” Students Forest Valley students are recognized for their leadership in sports activities within the North-Eastern Region. Recent student accomplishments include gold medal wins in; boys and girls cross country, girls volleyball, boys and girls track and field. Forest Valley students have been the regional champions in track and field for the last 7 years. Our school choir has been show cased on a local television station and performs in the community. Our students are enthusiastic volunteers in charitable fundraisers as well as providing mentoring to our younger students in various activities. The high level of student volunteerism at Forest Valley, amongst our grades 4 and 5 students, is a reflection of the values modeled within our community. Staff All the staff at Forest Valley care deeply about the students. Our office staff, Early Childhood Educators, educational assistants, teachers, and professional partners (speech pathologists, psychologist, social worker, itinerant teachers) all dedicate their efforts to ensure that the students’ educational, emotional and social needs are taken care of. We are a group of educational professionals with a wealth of professional qualifications including; Bachelors and Masters degrees in various areas of study, Child and Youth Worker diplomas, Developmental Service Worker diplomas and Early Childhood Education diplomas. Many staff have actively participated in a variety of Board and school sponsored professional development workshops in literacy, numeracy, kindergarten and English and French as a second language and Outdoor Education. We have diverse backgrounds that allow us to bring our special talents into the classroom, which enrich our music, art and technology programs. Our Early Childhood Educators and our Educational Assistants also bring a wealth of knowledge with them. Some have received training in non-violent crisis intervention and continuously take courses so that the skills and strategies they employ with our Kindergarten and special needs population remain current. Our Care Staff take pride in our building and always strive to ensure we are working in a clean and safe environment. Parents/Guardians/Volunteers Our parents and volunteers are invaluable partners in the students’ total educational experience at Forest Valley and our School Council is the cornerstone of that foundation. Our dedicated School Council meets monthly and contributes educational support as well as thousands of dollars yearly to support and enhance learning at school. As invaluable partners, we acknowledge our parents and volunteers through school announcements, our Principal's report to School Council, school newsletters, and our annual volunteer breakfast. Community Forest Valley is fortunate to be enriched by a variety of community partnerships. We regularly welcome Co-Op students from our OCDSB High Schools, as well as student teachers from Ontario Faculties of Education, Child and Youth Worker students and Early Childhood Educator students from Algonquin College. Ottawa Volunteers in Education (OVIE) provide Forest Valley with community volunteers who support our students and teachers. Our community includes Global Child Care Services which is located within Forest Valley Elementary School. Forest Valley is also privileged to have community business partners that make donations to support student and family activities such a ‘Springapalooza’. Some of these business sponsors include: Metro, The Independent Grocer, Boston Pizza, CIBC, as well as numerous others. Forest Valley is very lucky Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 9 to have so many community volunteers who spend countless hours benefiting the school population on a daily basis. Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 10 URL References 1 3 4 2 Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship 11