AYSO REGION 166 – BOARD MEETING Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Alf Sorenson Community Center Sparks, NV Attending: Lorie Shaw, Chris Griffin, Kip Colcord, Christopher Lanski, Vita Ozoude, Mark Lake (Area), Steve Crandall, Tim Burchett, Peggy Hannah, John Hannah, Steve Georgeson, Eric Herzog (Area), Ashley Clendenin, Roch Spalka, Leigh Ann Davis, Becky Contos, and Yvette Hamacek. I. II. Welcome and Call to Order Lorie Open Board Positions Lorie The following positions remain unfilled: U5 Coordinator U8 Girls Coordinator U8 Boys Coordinator U10 Girls Coordinator Inter-Region/U-19 Coordinator It was stressed that we need coordinators, so we really need to find volunteers. We are not going to draft teams this year until we have coaches for all of the teams. Chris and Yvette will work up another Constant Contact newsletter to each division so that we can get positions covered. We will schedule drafts for divisions as they get enough coaches. A few are just about ready. III. Regional Email Chris We want everyone using their @sparksayso email address. Peggy, John & Ashley have opted out. All others who have it set up will be using it. IV. Review and Approve Minutes Board Motion to approve June minutes by John Hannah. Seconded by Peggy Hannah. Approved. 1 July 24, 2013 V. Board Meeting Volunteer Updates Peggy Everyone is in the computer. We have had a few youth volunteers move up to adult volunteers. We haven’t received anything negative back. An email has been sent to Sherry with the number of volunteers, and another to Kip for referees. We’re around 165. Steve G. says that he has a few new volunteers who still need to get into the computer. Peggy directed them to eayso. VI. Registration Update Chris The total registered right now is 921, plus another 12 scholarship applications. This does not include VIP players. U5 – 43, U6 – 81, U8B – 116, U8G – 94, U10B – 102, U10G – 120, U12B – 83, U12G – 105, U15B – 74, U15B – 83, U19 – 25. Christopher asked if he could get the numbers for U5 and U6 divided into boys and girls, just to make sure that we’re good for uniforms. It was also noted that we would probably lose and gain a few U15/U19 players after high school tryouts. It was mentioned that with 74 boys in U15, we would have to play 15 on a team. This would mean that not everyone could play three quarters. We will need to address this when the season starts. Kip is concerned that this is not a good idea because we have it everywhere that our players play three quarters – and this change may have to wait until next year. VII. Referee Update Kip We are using everything in existing inventory and we will need to discuss the excess shirts in different colors and older styles. Kip recommended that we donate them to the area for use in other regions. We would like to stick primarily to yellow and perhaps keep some alternate colors for the advanced referees. The only reason that we have different colors now is so that we can offset the team colors. We’re in the process of getting everyone signed up for the basic referee clinics. August 17th will be at Scheels and August 24th will be at Bosma. We also want to get the word out to all of our existing referees about the refresher on August 10th. Please steer volunteers to sign up for the 17th at Scheels, as there is more room. We also need to discuss doing another intermediate training at the end of the season. Everything is in pretty good shape – we’re just waiting to get the additional volunteers. People can sign up on our website or on eayso. We are still recommending that everyone complete the safe haven training online. Eric Herzog explained that there used to be 2 July 24, 2013 Board Meeting several separate safe haven courses, based on position. If you did one of the position specific safe haven certifications, you need to take the full course. There is also now a parent safe haven which does not provide a certification – so parent volunteers should know that they need to complete the full safe haven training which requires their eayso number. Tim brought up the fact that we will need to figure out how to incorporate concussion training into the referee training. Christopher stressed that all coaches and referees participating in inter-region play must have a safe haven no older than July 2011 and take the new concussion awareness training. VIII. Review and Approve June Financials June: Total Assets: Total Expenses: Total Income: Net Income: Vita $126,553.10 $ 289.00 $ 18,244.94 $ 17,955.94 The total received in registration fees, minus the returned check for $260, is $94,300. There have been additional people who have canceled their registrations in July who are not yet reflected. Tim noted that there is an expense in the year-to-date for “Potty Bills” (paid in January) that was supposed to go under Park Fees. It is still showing under Field Expenses. Motion to approve June financials by Tim Burchett. Seconded by John Hannah. Approved. IX. Coach Administrator Updates Roman did not attend. John Hannah has been keeping track of signing people up. He will be getting together with Roman to discuss numbers soon. Chris Gear has said that he would mentor the Coach Trainers and help with the Intermediate Coach course. Carson, Fallon & Fernley have also expressed interest in intermediate and advanced coach courses. The location and times of the August 10th and August 17th courses is still TBA. Eric mentioned that the Intermediate course is very difficult and there isn’t a lot of guidance provided on how to coach it. There may be a volunteer from Area F available but we would need numbers and dates. Eric has also emailed John, Roman & Vita to assist with their first training. Mark reiterated that, if there is a need for Intermediate and Advanced training for coaches, and we can get a number and a date, they will bring someone from Section to conduct the training. U15G has six coaches and U15B has three to four to coaches to get intermediate trained. Eric expressed concern that it may be 3 July 24, 2013 Board Meeting difficult to get someone to come out to train just 9 people and that we may want to offer it for coaches who are doing U12 this year but will be moving up to U15 next year, in addition to just those who are doing U15. Tim asked what has happened to the announcement that if you have even one person who needs training, they will send someone out. Mark said that it’s not financially feasible to send someone out for less than 12 coaches. Hence, since we are already at 9, we can put out a message to Area F and the rest of Area E to fill up the class. Eric said that this year they did not hold a national coach course – just a national coach instructor course. They trained 40 people who are to be the core for Intermediate and Advanced coach certifications. Mark said that Section 2 tends to forget about Area E and the distance from the Bay Area for training. All of the emphasis is put into Golden Gate Camp because it is their major source of funding. We will find a date and location and then contact Mark and Eric. Tim has put together a “Coaches Guide” which goes over the basics of what their responsibilities are, particularly about setting up snacks, banners, etc. Tim will send it out to people for comment. X. SYSF Update Chris We got the field permits but there was a slight correction: They gave us Field 9 at Golden Eagle M-F and we are only supposed to have it M-Th. The fields at Golden Eagle have been renumbered so the fields that we now use are 7, 8 & 9. Tim will scan them in and put them on dropbox. XI. Picture Day Leigh Ann There aren’t any games – just pictures on August 24th on the t-ball fields. We are working on getting a schedule together – and we can utilize Constant Contact to get everything set up. It is $3 for the memory mate. We get a $1 discount for keeping our date flexible and another $1 off for committing to next year. It will also be $1 for the magnet – so a total of $2. Leann should have packets ready mid-month. She is just waiting for info from the coordinators on teams. XII. Soccerfest Chris We need to make a plan for soccerfest – we do not have one yet. We need to set up a tent to sell the discount cards. We will also have a tent to sell socks and various things from storage. Ashley will look into getting bounce houses (2-3) for the event. Boomtown is interested in coming out and setting up a table to give away stuff. 4 July 24, 2013 XIII. Board Meeting Meeting Chris It seems that, as the season starts, meeting once a month is not often enough. Chris and Tim have been getting together to progress things, and will be sending an email to invite others to a weekly meeting. XIV. Sparks AYSO App Chris There is now an Android app for Sparks AYSO in the google play store. The apple version is also being updated. XV. Scheduling Tim Instead of each coordinator coming up with their own schedule, Tim will be coming up with a schedule for each division based on our current enrollment. The only problem that he has run into is that, because it is only an 8 week season, we have to have even teams for U6 and U8. For U10, we have to push back the round robin from 10/9 to 10/14. If we start the U15 round robin on October 12th, it works better for play as well. U12 girls will have two teams who play each Wednesday. U10 and U12 games will start at the same time to ease ref coverage. U15 will start later (11:15 – 2:15 start times) to allow refs time to get to the games. XVI. Safety Tim We are trying to get a hold of REMSA to get more first aid kits. We have 80+ in storage and over 100 teams, so we are trying to get things up to date. XVII. Moving Goals Chris The weekend of August 3rd and 4th, we are trying to move the goals from Shadow to Reed. If we have about 16 people, it should be quick and easy. If we cannot get them moved that weekend, we will have to do it the 23rd, 24th or 25th. Tim will also be painting fields that weekend and could use some help. XVIII. Equipment Tim SYSF has said that all of the joboxes need to be green. We will need to paint them and one requires a new handle. Tim will contact the city to get the color code for the paint. Christopher will talk with Tim after the meeting about a possible volunteer. 5 July 24, 2013 XIX. Board Meeting Fields U15 will have Golden Eagle and Disc Park for practice. Mendive will be a practice location for U12, however there will not be any lines on the fields. U6 will be at the Shadow t-ball fields. We will need to coordinate some things to accommodate U19. The best nights for them to play games is Wednesday or Thursday. If we put them on Thursday, we can move the U12G to Tuesday. Lorie needs to get practice times so that she can get them to SYSF for lights. XX. Message from the Area Mark Mark just wanted to thank Region 166 for their support. He expressed that the Area needs our region to help make them successful. The majority of the trainers in the Area currently live within our Region. There are several Regions that have 100-150 players who cannot be self-sufficient. There are a few Regions that are around 300 players. The large Regions are 166 and Elko. The Area needs volunteers to help fill positions which will enable them to offer more support. The last thing to bring up is the payment of the Area fee. Travel expenses of on trainer in the area to visit each region would eat up the entire Area budget. There are 4500 kids in the area, which means a budget of $4500. There is not an Area tournament so there is no other source of income outside of the fees. The proposal to raise the budget to $2 was to provide a cushion for the Area and allow more support. If you did not budget for it this year, then we can postpone it until next year. If you are in a position that you can pay the $2 this year, it would be appreciated. Christopher Lanski is now the Inter-region Coordinator for the Area. The Area appreciates it greatly. Christopher shared that Fallon is trying to put together a tournament on November 9th that could potentially become an Area tournament. Winnemucca will have a U12 only tournament on October 12th. XXI. Constant Contact and Email Newsletter Yvette Next blast to all parents on August 12th with reminders about practices, picture day, soccerfest, etc. Motion to adjourn by John Hannah. Second by Christopher Lanski. Meeting Adjourned at 7:56 p.m. 6