draft local planning policy 18 - heritage precinct

The Shire of Northam has recently resolved to prepare strategic planning documents that will
assist in protecting the heritage value of portions of both Gordon and Fitzgerald Street. The
two recently completed documents are as follows;
Fitzgerald Street Commercial and Civic Centre Heritage Precinct and;
Gordon Street Heritage Precinct
The Draft Heritage Precinct Policy has been developed with the intention of protecting the
integrity of historic buildings and to ensure that future development is consistent with the
historic character of the Northam town centre and Gordon Street streetscapes.
What does this mean for land owners if the Policy gets adopted?
Should the policy be adopted in its current format you will need planning approval for all new
development located within the proposed Precinct Area. In addition to this, any proposed
structural changes, demolitions, alterations, extensions, modifications and works that alter
the façade of existing buildings within the Policy Area will also require planning approval.
Council staff will work with landowners and applicants to ensure that the process is as
inconvenient as possible.
Normal maintenance would be able to be undertaken without approval, provided the works
do not remove, obscure or otherwise adversely affect the heritage value of the place. The
level of assessment required with the planning application will be dependent on the
classification of the building as detailed below.
How have buildings been classified within the Policy Area?
An historical assessment of all buildings located within the Policy Area has been undertaken
by a Heritage Consultant. This assessment has been used to define the historic value of
each building as being of either ‘Considerable Contribution’, ‘Some Contribution’ or ‘Little/No
Contribution’ which are defined as follows;
Considerable Contribution: These places have generally retained clear evidence of
their traditional external detailing, character and/or form to all or part of the street
façade(s), are prominent streetscape elements and/or have important historical
Some Contribution: These places are generally more modest examples of the
retail/commercial development of the early to mid-twentieth century and/or have
undergone more substantial external alterations over time (particularly to the ground
floor shopfronts and awnings).
Little/No Contribution: These places have been assessed as making no particular
contribution to the cultural heritage values of the Policy Area. They are typically
buildings that were constructed after World War Two and include some buildings
that were designed in a manner that is compatible with the traditional streetscape,
as well as some that are intrusive (in form, scale, detailing and/or materials)
To find out what your property has been classified, please refer to the attached Table of
What if my property is of Considerable Contribution or Some Contribution?
For places that have been assessed as contributory, any alterations and additions would
need to demonstrate the conservation of the heritage fabric, address any previous
unsympathetic alterations, and avoid any adverse visual or physical impacts on the
traditional streetscape presentation.
What if my buildings is of Little/No contribution?
For those places that have been assessed as making little/no contribution, redevelopment is
generally permissible, but is still required to be designed to complement the traditional
streetscape character of the Policy Area.
What if I want to build a Building that has a modern design?
It is not the intention of this policy that new development should mimic the heritage buildings,
but rather that high quality modern design should be applied in a complementary manner.
Innovative solutions should be investigated, as necessary, to achieve the desired
development outcomes without adversely impacting on heritage values.
What does this mean if I want to Subdivide or Amalgamate my property?
Further subdivision or amalgamation of sites within the Policy Area will not generally be
supported by the Shire unless it is satisfied that:
The proposal will not adversely impact on the traditional character of the streetscape.
Any proposed demolition of existing building(s) is consistent with the guidelines for
demolition in this Planning Policy.
The development proposal for the subdivided/amalgamated site reflects the patterns
and proportions of the traditional development in that part of the Policy Area and is
consistent with the guidelines for new development in this Planning Policy.
The proposal will not adversely impact on the heritage fabric or setting of any
contributory place.
What does this mean if I want to demolish a building?
Planning approval would be required for all demolition works within the Policy Area.
Demolition approval will not generally be considered for a contributory building solely on the
grounds of economic/other gain for redevelopment of the land.
Demolition of non-contributory buildings may be permissible, however the Shire may defer
consideration of the application for demolition of any building that addresses the main street
frontage(s) until there is a planning approval granted for a new building that complies with
this Planning Policy.
What if my building is already on the State Heritage Register?
It should be noted that nothing in this policy replaces the existing State Government
statutory requirements of buildings included on the State Heritage Register of Heritage
Places. Please refer to the State Heritage Council for further information in regard to the
State Heritage Register.
Where can I find out more about this draft policy?
Copies of the policy document in full policy and associated documents can be viewed at the
following locations;
The Shire of Northam website at http://www.northam.wa.gov.au/current-applicationsfor-comment.aspx
Shire of Northam Administration Offices located at 395 Fitzgerald Street, Northam
Northam Visitors Centre located at 2 Grey Street, Northam
Northam Library located at 298 Fitzgerald Street, Northam
How can I make a submission?
Anybody is welcome to make a submission in regard to this draft policy. All submissions are
required to be put in writing and can be received by the Shire of Northam up until Friday 18th
September 2015.