Draft Curriculum Policy 2014-2015 OVERVIEW This is an interim Curriculum policy for 2014-2015. During the year, further developments will take place in response to DfE changes to the National Curriculum. Allerton Grange is committed to providing the best possible progression for all of our students, meeting their individual needs and supporting them to achieve their potential. We ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is provided. The curriculum at KS3 and KS4 follows the National Curriculum and caters for students’ needs as well as allowing them to study a wide range of subjects. Our curriculum promotes inclusivity and accountability and is designed to continue to raise standards whilst providing good value for money. Objectives of our curriculum: 1. That students should become aware of their abilities and in so doing should develop them to their maximum potential. 2. That all students should be offered a curriculum that has breadth and depth. It must be tailored to each student and satisfy their requirements. 3. That students who leave Allerton Grange should : be articulate, literate and numerate, and have lively, enquiring, independent minds; develop the skills needed to learn autonomously; be resilient and confident in their dealings with adults and peers and have strategies to keep safe; be able to develop good working relationships with others; have knowledge of a wide range of cultures and through this come to respect the rights and needs of others; be able to make good moral judgements; have developed a love of learning that will last for the rest of their lives; be adaptable enough to react to the needs of a fast changing world. 4. That students should have high aspirations and be challenged. 5. That students should be successful, confident learners and responsible individuals. SMSC Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is enhanced in every lesson through well developed schemes of work and good teaching and learning. The Curriculum model reflects the intake of our students. SRE is taught through curriculum areas, Learning to Learn and during tutor time. The concepts taught are mapped through the year groups in an age sensitive way. Key Stage 3 Curriculum Key Stage 3 applies to years 7-9. At Key Stage 3 all students study English, Maths, Science, a MFL, RS, Geography, History, Art, Drama, Music, Design and Technology and PE. In addition to this students in Years 7 and 8 also have Learning to Learn lessons where their skills as individuals are developed in Citizenship, Learning, Information, People and Situations. Computing is taught through the Learning to Learn curriculum and in the Maths curriculum for Year 91. Careers advice is introduced from Year 7 onwards. PSHCE is delivered in Learning to Learn in Years 7 and 8 and in tutor time and across the curriculum in Year 9. Years 7 8 9 Subjects taught Maths, English, Science, L2L (which incorporates History, Geography, RS, PSHCE and learning skills) MFL, D&T, Art, Drama, Music and PE Maths, English, Science, L2L (which incorporates PSHCE and learning skills) MFL, History, Geography, RS, D&T, Art, Drama, Music and PE Maths, English, Science, MFL, History, Geography, RS, D&T, PSHCE, Core PE and a choice of Enrichment Science, Languages, Art, Drama, Music or PE Key Stage 4 Curriculum At Key Stage 4, Years 10 and 11, all students have core lessons in English, Maths, Science, RS and PE. PSHCE is delivered through curriculum areas and during tutor time. Students are guided to study four further subjects at GCSE or an equivalent level. Some students have the opportunity to attend a college course in Motor Vehicle Engineering, Building or Animal Care. Careers advice is continued in Years 10 and 11. Years 10 11 Optional subjects Subjects taught Maths, English, Science, RS, PSHCE, PE plus 4 Optional Subjects Maths, English, Science, RS, PSHCE, PE plus 4 Optional Subjects Additional or Triple Science GCSE, MFL GCSE, History GCSE, Geography GCSE, RS GCSE, Art and design GCSE, Business GCSE, Design and Technology GCSE, Citizenship GCSE, Computing GCSE, PE GCSE, Drama GCSE, Media GCSE, Photography GCSE, Sociology GCSE, Music GCSE, BTEC Business, BTEC Fashion, VTCT Hairdressing, BTEC Health and Social Care, BTEC Hospitality and Catering, OCR ICT, BTEC Performing Arts, BTEC Product Design, BTEC Sport Key Stage 5 A varied programme of subjects is offered in the sixth form which allow a number of pathways to be followed and the opportunity to continue studies at University. There are a number of pathways for students depending on their needs and prior attainment. Any 1 The computing Curriculum is being developed further in 2014-2015 due the changes in the National Curriculum 2014. student who has not made expected progress in English or Maths will continue with these subjects at GCSE level. A level students study four AS and three A2 Level subjects or equivalent. Students undertake 540 hours of teaching over two years. PSHCE is continued via a tutorial programme. The subjects on offer include: A Level Courses on offer for Y12/13 Vocational Courses on offer GCSE’s Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English Language, English Lit, French, German, Geography, History, IT, Law, Maths, Music, PE, Physics, Photography, Product Design, Psychology, RS Islam, RS Philosophy, Sociology, Spanish, Textiles Criminology Diploma, Hairdressing VTCT, Public services BTEC, Health and Social BTEC (single), Health and Social (Double), Law, Travel and Tourism Maths and English Business Studies, Humanities, Citizenship, Science A and Science Additional The curriculum is monitored by the Governing Body through the Teaching and learning Committee and reviewed annually.