European Territorial Cooperation Med programme ***** Terms of References for external expertise Lot n.1: Elaboration of the ex-ante evaluation for the next Med Operational Programme 20142020 Lot n.2: Elaboration of the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the next Med Operational Programme 2014-2020 Lot n.3: Elaboration of the System of Indicators for the next Med Operational Programme 2014-2020 1 1. Context and legal aspects The EU2020 strategy, adopted by the European Council on June 17th 2010, aims to create, on a European level, conditions for economic recovery in 2020 based on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and more coordination between regional, national and European policies. In June 29, 2011, the Commission adopted a proposal for the next multiannual financial framework for 2014-2020: "A Budget for Europe 2020." In its proposal, the Commission decided that cohesion policy should remain an essential element of the financial arrangements and emphasized the crucial role of the latter in the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy. An agreement within the Council was found on February 8, 2013 between Member States on the multiannual financial framework. It is now up to the European Parliament to express its assent to this agreement. On October 6, 2011 the EC adopted a package of regulatory proposals on all the financing instruments of this policy. It is in this context and in accordance with the indicative timetable for preparing post 2013 programmes that participating States of the Med programme decided by written consultation of February 29, 2012, to establish a Task Force to direct the work of preparing the future Med program. The first constitutive meeting of the Task Force was held on May 10, 2012 in Marseille. Its mission is to prepare the next programme and lead it until its approval by the Commission. Its primary responsibilities are: - To direct and guide the preparation process, To define the strategy, content and modalities of implementation of the future program, To inform the Monitoring Committee of the current program about the progress of the work. The work of the TF is facilitated by an external moderator and is prepared in English and French. This applies to both exchanges during meetings and the working papers. Focus on the legislative package proposed by the EC in the fall 2011: - - A general regulation laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), Cohesion Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Fund for Maritime Affairs and fishing (FEAMP). This regulation will better combine the Fund to give greater effect to the action of the Union; Three specific regulations on the ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund; Two regulations on the objective of European territorial cooperation and the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC); A Regulation on the European Globalization Adjustment Fund (EGF) and a regulation on the program for social change and social innovation; A communication on the Solidarity Fund of the European Union (FSUE). 2 Among the main features of the regulatory proposals of the fall 2011, we find the following: - Focus funding on a smaller number of priorities more closely linked to Europe 2020; Better to combine all of the Funds (including fisheries and rural development) to give more effect to the action of the Union; Give priority to results; Monitor progress in achieving agreed objectives; Increased use of compliance rules; Simplify the implementation. Regulation on "European territorial cooperation" Special provisions have been adopted in relation to the objective "European territorial cooperation" including geographical, financial, investment priorities and concentration, programming, monitoring and review, technical assistance, financial support and eligibility, management, control and certification, financial management. Under the objective "European Territorial Cooperation", the ERDF supports cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation (Art. 2 and 3). As for transnational cooperation, actions are promoting integrated territorial development in accordance with the priorities of cohesion policy of the Union. The operations selected must also include beneficiaries from at least two participating countries, including at least one Member State. The Commission adopted the list of transnational zones that must be supported, divided by program areas of cooperation and composed of regions at NUTS 2 level. Budget On the basis of the compromise on financial resources allocated to the objective "European Territorial Cooperation" by the EC proposal amount to 2,75 % of total resources available for budget commitments of the Funds for 2014-2020 with 20 % (a total of 1 822 000 000 EUR) for transnational cooperation. The amounts allocated will be determined by programme. Thematic focus and investment priorities The selection of thematic objectives (Article 9) should be limited to maximize the effects of cohesion policy throughout the Union (Article 5 ETC Regulation): - 4 thematic objectives for each programme of cross-border and transnational cooperation. Investment priorities are set for a better strategic focus and better coordination / synergy (Article 5 ERDF Regulation and Art. 6 ETC Regulation): For transnational cooperation: elaboration of macro-regional strategies and maritime sea basin (within the thematic objective of strengthening institutional capacity and efficiency of public administration). 3 A cooperation program (Art. 7 ETC Regulation) consists of priorities. Each priority relates to a Fund, corresponding to a thematic focus and includes one or more investment priorities of the thematic objective. It is important to note that at the time of launching this tender, the legislative package is still at the draft stage. The expert must pay due attention to the negotiating process and take into account the progress of the negotiations until their final state until their publishing. Moreover, it should be noted that as part of preparing the future Med program 2014-2020, several tasks which are required for the development of the programme are outsourced, namely: - - The territorial diagnosis and the SWOT analysis The moderator of the TF / and editor of the future OP has been selected. The work of the TF is facilitated by the moderator who links with other experts in charge of developing the programme. He is also in charge of drafting the OP. In general, the animation of the TF and the development of analysis and evaluation will be an interactive process between the experts and the TF and / or other representatives of States participating in the programme. These terms of reference for the development of the ex-ante evaluation, the strategic environmental assessment and the system of indicators necessary for the implementation of the future operational program MED. The moderator will coordinate the experts in charge of the evaluations. In general, the facilitation of the Task Force and the development of analysis and evaluations will be an interactive process between the experts and the TF and/or other representatives of States participating in the programme. 2. – Subject of the contract In the framework of the preparation of the future Med programme 2014-2020, this contract, organized by the Managing Authority of the Med programme, aims to outsource: - the tasks of elaboration of the Ex-ante evaluation in order to improve and enhance the final quality of the next Med Operational Programme ; the tasks of elaboration of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in order to improve the quality of the programme at the time of its writing and during its implementation ; the tasks of elaboration of the Indicator System. Within the framework of the TF, a working group of experts designated by the Member States was set up. This working group will collaborate with the experts selected through the present tender with the aim of elaborating the Indicator System of the future Programme. This present consultation will be made in 3 separate lots. Lot n.1: elaboration of the ex-ante evaluation for the next Med Operational Programme 2014-2020 The ex-ante evaluation is a mandatory component of the preparation of the next programme. It is carried out before the implementation of the new OP and represents an essential medium for 4 controlling the future program and subsequent evaluations and aims to shed light on the choices to be made. This evaluation should focus on the relevance of the territorial diagnosis and the appropriateness of the strategy in relation to it, the coherence of the strategy with respect to the financial resources allocated and in relation to national and EU regional policies, the quality indicators used to measure the effects, as well as the provisions for implementation. The tasks of an ex-ante evaluation are grouped into five components: - Strategy of the programme Indicators, monitoring and evaluation Coherence of financial allocations Contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy Strategic Environmental Assessment Article 48 (3) of the Rules of the Common Provisions includes various elements of operational programmes that must be taken into account by the ex-ante evaluations. The guidance document published by the EC in March 2012 outlines the requirements and provides recommendations on how to address them. The ex-ante evaluation shall appraise: (a) the contribution to the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, having regard to the selected thematic objectives and priorities, taking into account national and regional needs; (b) the internal coherence of the proposed programme or activity and its relation with other relevant instruments; (c) the consistency of the allocation of budgetary resources with the objectives of the programme; (d) the consistency of the selected thematic objectives, the priorities and corresponding objectives of the programmes with the Common Strategic Framework, the Partnership Contract and the country-specific recommendations under Article 121(2) of the Treaty and the Council recommendations adopted under Article 148(4) of the Treaty; (e) the relevance and clarity of the proposed programme indicators; (f) how the expected outputs will contribute to results by using a logical framework); (g) whether the quantified target values for indicators are realistic, having regard to the support from the Common Strategic Framework Funds envisaged; (h) the rationale for the form of support proposed; (i) the adequacy of human resources and administrative capacity for management of the programme; (j) the suitability of the procedures for monitoring the programme and for collecting the data necessary to carry out evaluations; (k) the suitability of the milestones selected for the performance framework; 5 (l) the adequacy of planned measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women and to prevent discrimination; (m) the adequacy of planned measures to promote sustainable development. Naturally, the ex-ante evaluation shall allow verifying that responses were made to each of the points indicated (proposed summary grid to check the key points) and that the recommendations have been taken into account at various stages of programme development. This assessment should primarily be targeted and tailored to the peculiarities of the Med space with particular attention to the following aspects: Evaluation of the strength and relevance of the socio-economic analysis as well as assessment of the needs that result from it; Assessment of the relevance of the strategy in relation to identified needs; Analysis of objectives and programme priorities; Evaluation of the consistency of the strategy, including the adequacy of financial resources for the proposed strategy as well as the consistency regarding national and regional policies while putting the future development of the Med space strategy into perspective; Evaluation of the consideration and analysis of key territorial issues for areas with particular territorial specificities detailing the main target groups and possibly the types of beneficiaries (point related to strategy coherence); Evaluation of the consideration of external factors in the MED area that could influence the outcomes; Evaluation of the adequacy of planned measures to promote cross-cutting priorities; Evaluation of the inclusion of equal opportunities between men and women and nondiscrimination issues; Evaluation of the relevance of the structure and hierarchy of objectives and identified indicators as well as the quantification of the proposed indicators on the basis of past experience and appropriate references; Evaluation of the proposed system of indicators; Evaluation of the proposed implementation process regarding the management, monitoring and evaluation of the program taking into account the previous experience (in the search for simplification / administrative relief); Evaluation of the quality and extent of the partnership collaboration. The expert (s) will make sure that good practices to reproduce or disseminate as well as pitfalls to avoid were well integrated into the strategy and implementation of the Programme. Moreover, the ex-ante evaluation should include the environmental impact assessment from the Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment which will be a separate provision. The ex-ante evaluation shall share the results of the consultations which shall be incorporated into the OP draft. Lot n.2: Elaboration of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the future Med Operational Programme 2014-2020 The objective of the SEA, which is included in the ex-ante evaluation, is to integrate environmental considerations in the preparation of the future Med programme 2014-2020 in order to optimize its environmental impacts (minimizing the negative impacts and enhancing the positive ones). 6 The EC Treaty, and in particular Article 174 provides that “Community policy on the environment is to contribute to, inter alia, the preservation protection and improvement of the quality of the environment, the protection of human health and the prudent and rational utilization of natural resources and that is to be based on the precautionary principle. Article 6 of the Treaty provides that environmental protection requirements are to be integrated into the definition of Community policies and activities, in particular with a view to promoting sustainable development”. It is from this legislative framework that CTE Regulations incorporated this principle. According to Article 7.3. i) of the ETC Regulation draft, a cooperation programme includes a description of the specific actions that take into account the requirements of environmental protection, rational use of resources, climate change mitigation and adoption to these changes, as well as risk prevention and risk management during the selection of operations. The content of the report is described in Annex I of the Directive (Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 17 June 2001). In order to meet with the CTE Regulations, the Environmental Assessment is a tool that integrates environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of the next MED programme, which are likely to have significant effects on the environment in the Member States. The assessment should ensure that these impacts are taken into account during the preparation and before the implementation of the programme. The mission of the expert will be conducted in three main stages: a. Identify and highlight the significant effects on the environment due to the implemention of the programme b. Propose amendments to the draft programme to avoid these impacts c. If avoiding impacts on the environment cannot be done, provide in particular mitigation and compensation measures for environmental impacts The environmental assessment is therefore a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the operational programme in order to modify the actions that seek to achieve the objectives pursued by the programme and its effects on the environment. The evaluation should help to avoid, correct and compensate for unforeseen negative impacts on the environment. In the course of consultations with environmental authorities of the Member States of the program, the expert will be responsible for drafting a report on these consultations with a summary of the comments and opinions expressed. Lot n.3: Realization of the Indicator System Results and performance is the approach of the new generation of programmes post 2013. In accordance with the regulatory proposal of the EP and the Council concerning the contribution of the European Regional Development Fund to the objective of “ European Territorial Cooperation” , a cooperation programme, sets up a system of indicators to monitor the progress of the programme and the achievement of outputs and outcomes set at the validation of the programme. Then it is recommended to define, from the beginning, a limited number of clear and measurable indicators considering the exact distinction among the different typologies of indicators. 7 The main principle for the elaboration of indicators is to: Focus them on the strategic orientations of the programme in order to transform them into strategic follow-up tools; - Select a limited number to avoid any dispersion and to assure their gathering; Focus on different functions of indicators: during the monitoring process and the evaluation phase; - Take into consideration the transnational approach. It is necessary to define indicators to meet EU rules on monitoring and evaluation in the logic of programme performance and to determine reference values, intermediate values and targets, depending on the types of indicators (financial, output, result, etc) according to European regulations. According to article 15 of the draft regulation on European territorial cooperation "with respect to the common output indicators specific to each programme, the reference values are set at ‘zero’. Cumulated quantified values for these indicators are fixed for 2022. As for outcome indicators specific to the programme, which focus on investment priorities, reference values based on the latest available data and target values are set for 2022. Target values can be expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms. The proposal of specific indicators for the future Programme is linked to the thematic targets. Each transnational programme could choose 4 /5 thematic objectives within the 11 objectives proposed by the Structural Funds Regulation. These 11 thematic objectives correspond to investment priorities and each priority axis will be based on them. The priority axis of the OP and the investment priorities will be based on the choice of the thematic objectives. Given the fact that the terms of thematic focus is at this stage in the process of negotiation, it will be necessary to adapt the system of indicators proposed in terms of concentration which will ultimately be adopted in the regulations. As a reminder, below the plan to follow: 1) priority axis → Thematic objective → Priority investment →Common output indicators (and possibly more performance/outcome indicators specific to the MED Programme ) 2) priority axis → Thematic objective → Priority investment →specific objective → result indicators → (specific to the Med Programme ) 3) Etc. The work on the indicators will be based both on data and existing information, obtained during the execution of the current programme. In particular the expert in charge of the system indicators may refer to specific analyses that have been done by the JTS. (GAP Analysis and Observations related to the expected result indicators for the current period 2007-2013). 8 In addition, it is necessary to take into account the regulatory and guidance documents of the European Commission and the recommendations made by member during the TF, and the analysis done by the ‘indicator’ working group and an eventual analysis of Interact. The expert must also take into consideration, the EC orientation draft document for the « Programme period 2014-2020 – Follow-up and Evaluation of the EU Cohesion Policy – EU Funds for Regional Development and Cohesion Funds » concerning the definition and the quantification of the indicators and the ex-post analysis of the EC for the period 2000-2006. At the beginning of the contract the expert should present: A working plan, including a provisional timetable. The plan must be a flexible tool and may be revised in function of programming phase evolution. The expert has to transmit, by the end of the mission, the final report including, at least: The proposed list of programme indicators namely result indicators, common and specific output indicators, identified by thematic objective and quantified; - The interview reports; - The methodology annexed (applied methods, documents on stage and analysis, etc…); - Conclusions and recommendations for the implementation of monitoring system. The expert will have at its disposal the latest versions of all the documents being negotiated (regulations, guidance documents and model operational program or report) and the final documents once they have been adopted. Generally, the indicators of the Programme, should be developed in a certain manner to facilitate the analysis and allow a qualitative synthesis of the provided quantified elements and meet the reporting requirements of the Commission. These indicators should be realistic and important for the Programme. This means that the questioning about each indicator should be moderate, relevant and specific for the priority axis and should not treat the subject in approximate or extremely wide way. 3. - Required skills For all 3 lots: The expert(s) must have the following profile: - Very good knowledge of methods and tools for evaluating programme Good knowledge of policies and strategies for regional development in the Mediterranean region. Very good communication skills and be able to write and speak fluent English and French. All documents produced will be prepared in English and French. The meetings will be conducted in English and French. In addition, providers must be able to effectively coordinate their work with other selected experts. 9 For lot n.1 Elaboration of the ex-ante evaluation: The expert(s) must have the following profile: - Excellent experience in the evaluation of European transnational and / or cross-border cooperation programs; A good understanding / experience in the management of EU programs and structural funds; Knowledge of sectoral policies related to the objectives of the "European territorial cooperation" For lot n.2 Elaboration of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): The expert(s) must have the following profile: - Excellent experience in the evaluation of European transnational and / or cross-border cooperation programmes, especially on environmental issues; A good understanding / experience in the management of EU programmes and structural funds; Knowledge of sectoral policies related to the objectives of the "European territorial cooperation" and more particularly on environmental issues For lot n.3 Realization of the Indicator System: The expert(s) must have the following profile: - Excellent experience in the development of European transnational and / or cross-border cooperation programmes; Excellent experience in the development of indicators in the context of European programmes; Knowledge of sectoral policies related to the objectives of "European territorial cooperation" 4.-Cost of the intervention For all 3 lots : A flat rate is required for the achievement of the tasks of this mission. Costs of service related to the participation in meetings at the request of the contracting authority does not count in the flat rate but is dealt with in a “special order” form. However, in case bilateral meetings would be included in the methodology implemented by the expert, costs such as travel expenses will be included in the flat rate. Moreover, given the uncertainty of the number and the place of organization of the meetings a part should be paid by “special orders”. These meetings will last about 1 day and take place either in one of the participating states in the Med programme or in Brussels. The amounts indicated by the expert will include all costs related to participation (transportation, lodging, subsistence, etc.) and the preparation of presentation materials. 10 In case of several persons are involved in the achievement of the main tasks of the procurement, and in according with the thematic of the meeting, the participation of maximum two representatives, may be required by the contracting authority. All costs incurred for the preparation for the tender are at the tenderer’s expense. 5. Methodology, Expected results, Deliverables For all 3 lots: The work of the selected experts is part of an iterative and necessarily interactive process. The experts in charge of the ex-ante evaluation, of the SEA and of the indicators system will work closely together as well as with members of the TF, the moderator and the contracting authority. They will communicate regularly on the progress of the work. As part of this process, the establishment of a strong partnership is essential with all stakeholders. During the mission, the experts must regularly provide notes or progress reports and agrees to submit and hand over all intermediate documents, or final ones, according to the deadlines desired by the TF. Any documents prepared must be submitted in both official program languages (English & French). The various documents which will be presented and discussed during meetings of the TF (or working groups) will be sent by the Managing Authorirty to the different participants 10 working days prior to the meetings. Therefore, the expert will send to the MA the documents produced 3 working days prior to the official sending date (13 working days prior to the meetings).These meetings will be an opportunity to adjust or complement the work done so far. The expert should prepare the minutes of the meeting. The dates of the meetings will be communicated to the expert sufficiently in advance. For lot n.1 Elaboration of the ex-ante evaluation: The ex-ante expert should choose the most appropriate methodology and reflect the size of the planned interventions. Apart from research work carried out from the workstation, the expert shall adopt a participatory approach. Interviews and consultations with stakeholders are indeed expected and participation in meetings of the TF will be required. During the evaluation process the expert, as promoted by the EC, shall incorporate the lessons learned from previous analyzes and evaluations. Analysis of the items listed above will lead to clear recommendations and be useful to develop a draft version of the OP that is relevant, coherent, effective and measurable while seeking greater efficiency and the best possible efficiency. These recommendations should be able to enhance the programme and will be presented in an informative way. At the end of the intervention, the evaluation must include, at least: - An Introduction; - A detailed summary; 11 - A note explaining the tools and methods used to carry out the analysis, as well as their limitations; An analytical main section which will include summaries for each of the sub-parts; A “findings-recommendations” section; Appendices. For lot n.2 Elaboration of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Regulatory requirements related to the content of the environmental report: The content of the environmental report in accordance with Directive 2001/42/EC taking into account the objectives and content of the future MED program and its funding level: a) Summary of the content, main objectives of the plan or programme and relationship with other relevant plans and programmes; b) The relevant aspects of the environmental situation and its likely evolution if the programme is not implemented; c) The environmental characteristics of areas likely to be significantly affected; d) Environmental problems linked to the plan or programme, in particular those related to any areas of a particular environmental importance, such as areas designated pursuant to Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/EEC; e) The objectives of environmental protection established at international, Community or Member State level, which are relevant to the plan or programme and the way those objectives and any environmental considerations have been taken into account during their development; f) The likely significant effects on the environment, including on issues such as biodiversity, population, human health, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climatic factors, property material, cultural heritage including architectural and archaeological heritage, landscape and the interrelationship between these factors; g) The measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as far as possible offset any significant negative effects of implementing the plan or program on the environment; h) A statement summarizing the reasons why other alternatives were selected, and a description of how the assessment was undertaken including any difficulties encountered (technical deficiencies or lack of know-how) in collecting the required information; i) A description of the envisaged monitoring measures in accordance with Article 10; j) A non-technical summary of the above-mentioned information. The expert must select the most appropriate methodology and reflect the size of the planned interventions. Interviews and consultations with stake holders and environmental authorities are expected and participation in meetings of the TF will be required. 12 Furthermore, the implementation of a process of public participation in the SEA process is a key factor. Environmental impacts cannot be dissociated from their relationship with the social, economic and cultural factors. Initiating a consultation in ESE is important to adequately integrate the knowledge and concerns relevant to the evaluation of actions and measures proposed. That is during this assessment that the environmental authorities of the Member States of the programme will be consulted to determine the scope and adequately integrate information in the report. Prepared documents will be made available to the concerned entities so they can submit their proposals. The timing and process of public consultation is to be determined. The expertshould submit a proposal and a projected reverse schedule in this direction. As such, the epert will prepare a report on these consultations, with a summary of the comments and opinions expressed. At the end of the intervention, the evaluation must include, at least: - An Introduction; - A detailed summary; - A note explaining the tools and methods used to carry out the analysis, as well as their limitations; - An Analytical main section which will include summaries for each of the sub-parts ; - A “findings-recommendations” section; - Appendices. For lot n.3 Realization of the Indicator System: By the end of the mission, the final report must include, at least: - An introduction A detailed summary, Identification of Indicators, reference data and target data to achieve Observations concerning the indicators (and the method for their instruction), Annexes (methodology, tools that will be used to carry out the mission, the minutes of the interviews…) The expert must also produce: - An executive summary of a maximum six pages on the findings and key recommendations. At the end of the mission, the expert will provide the contractor with all documents, data collected or produced, whatever the form: data, documents, reports, questionnaires, surveys, grids analyzes, tables, contact lists etc. 6. - Time schedule 13 For lots n.1 Elaboration of the ex-ante evaluation and n.2 Elaboration of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): The mission will begin on the date of notification (second quarter 2013). The work should take place in the second half of 2013 in coordination with the drafting of future OP, and is part of the conditions imposed by the programme bodies and / or European Community. However, since the report ex-ante evaluation and SEA as part of the future Med program will be approved by the TF and sent for approval to the European Commission, the experts must provide additional working days in case additional analysis and / or amendments are requested during negotiations with the Commission on the Operational Programme (this should also be provided in the definition of the price of the service). For lot n.3 Realization of the Indicator System: The time required to achieve this mission, under the conditions imposed by the programme bodies and / or EU community structures, is estimated between 4 and 5 months from receipt of the order letter so as to take into consideration the feed-backs of the Ex-Ante evaluation. A first briefing meeting will take place from the beginning of the mission. However the mission will be achieved and completed after the validation of the OP by the EC. The expert should foresee eventual modifications of the system of indicators, after the examination of the OP and its approval, some months after the validation of the system of indicators by the TF (this element has to be taken into account for the estimation of the price of the mission). In the same way, the expert has to keep in mind that the mission is not realized independently but is part of the global process of the preparation of the future OP and as a result adjustments are possible. This mission will take place according to the schedule estimated as follows (unless there are variations in the time schedule subject to the particular conditions of conduct of a public procurement procedure): Period Steps May 2013 Public call for applications and launch of the consultation (online file on the website) June 2013 Reception of the proposals End of June/beginning of July 2013 examination of applications - selection of experts End of July 2013 Notification and start of the work End of 2013 End of the mission (forecast) 14 The mission is part of the overall indicative schedule as follows: Indicative time schedule of preparation of european programmes 2014-2020 STEPSby quarter) 2012 T1 EU indicative time schedule Regulationss Commun strategic framework 2012 T2 Indicative time schedule for Med programme Elaboration of the programme Procedure of approval of the programme Start of programme Specific actions to implement Ex-ante & environmental evaluation SWOT analysis System ofIndicators OP drafting Task Force 2012 T3 2012 T4 2013 T1 2013 T2 2013 T3 2013 T4 2014 T1 Task Force By the EC Intervention of experts in Procurment prep /ToR Experts selection collaboration with the task Force 1st meeting 10th may 7. – Contracting Authority For all 3 lots: The Contracting Authority of this mission is the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, in charge of the Managing Authority of the Med Programme 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. 8. - Confidentiality For all 3 lots: The tenderer and all of its personnel (including its subcontractors) must, where applicable, keep professional secrecy and respect obligation of discretion in all matters relating to facts, information, studies and decisions which has, or will have been met during the contract performance. The tenderer is prohibited any written or verbal communication on these issues and any release of documents to third parties without the prior consent of the contracting authority. 9. - Conflict of interest For all 3 lots: The expert must be independent of the authorities responsible for the current and next programme as well as of national programming processes. If this is not the case, he should propose solutions to avoid a conflict of interest. If there is a high risk of links that might cause a conflict of interest, a methodology to avoid them would be required beforehand. 15 10. – Documents available For all 3 lots: The contractor will provide documentation in its possession or available on websites. If necessary, the tenderer can complete or update the documentation through contacts with relevant audiences. 16