Microbiology 3: Biology of Infectious Agents - - - - - - - - Prokaryotes = bacteria o No nuclei or membrane-bound organelles Allows simultaneous synthesis of proteins and mRNA (translation coupled to transcription) o Do not endocytose o Haploid (1 chromosome and extrachromosal plasmids) Eukaryotes = fungi, protozoa, worms o Diploid (23 chromosomes) o Nuclear membrane separates translation and transcription Problems of Living freely (unicellular organisms) o Nutrition = feast or famine (intermittent food available) Efficiency and adaptability o Occupancy = adhesive polysaccharides (create biofilm) o Resistance = genetic strategies Small size = high metabolic rate -> grow extremely fast o Limited by diffusion (smaller less limited) Bacteria have cytoplasmic membrane o Some also have cell wall, outer membrane, flagella, pili, and capsule Serve as protection against environment and adherence o Strongest antibody action to surface antigens Gram staining -> crystal violet modified with potassium iodide, decolorized with alcohol and counterstained with safranin o Gram-positive = retain dye, purple o Gram-negative = lose dye, red/pink Acid-fast staining -> hot carbolfuchsin (red) decolrized with acid alcohol and counterstained with methylene blue o Acid-fast = remain red o Others become blue Gram-positive bacteria -> have thick cell wall composed of murein (aka peptidoglycan) and teichoic acids (ribitol/glycerol + phosphodiester bonds) o Murein = glycan chains (N-acetylglycosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid) cross-linked via peptides Shapes into rods (bacilli), spheres (cocci), or helices (spirilla) Lysosyme + low-osmotic P = lysis Lysozyme + isosmotic medium = become spherical (spheroplasts) o Withstand hydrophobic compounds (aka bile salts) o Murein cross-linked between amino group of lysine and carboxyl group of D-alanine Gram-negative bacteria -> outer membrane outside murein cell wall (bilayered), outer layer contains lipopolysaccharide (LPS) o LPS components: - - - - - Lipid A (endotoxin): anchors LPS, disaccharides + fatty acids/phosphate groups Elicits fever and activates host defense mechanisms, shock and death Core: 2 sugars -> ketodeoxyoctanoic acid and heptose O antigen: long carb chain, exclude hydrophobic compounds o Murein cross-linked between diaminopimelic acid and D-alanine o Outer membrane has channels (porins) for passive diffusion of hydrophilic compounds Some necessary hydrophilic compounds (vit B12, oligosaccharides, iron chelates) too large for porins -> use unique translocating proteins o Periplasmic space/periplasm between outer and inner membrane Contains murein layer, degradative enzymes, binding proteins, β-lactamases Gram + secrete enzymes into the medium o Outer membrane -> used by bacteriophages to attach but also confers antibiotic resistance Acid-Fast Bacteria -> tubercle bacillus, cell walls have waxes (long-chain hydrocarbons) with murein, polysaccharides and lipids o Impervious to harsh chemicals and avoid WBCs o Grow very slowly (nutrient uptake limited by waxy coat) Penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems (β-lactams) = inhibit murein synthesis o Bactericidal and least toxic to humans o In “tolerant” bacteria (deficient in autolysin), β-lactams are bacteriostatic Murein building blocks aka N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) or N-acetylmuramic acid made in cytoplasm o Transferred to lipid carrier and linked to disaccharides (inhibited by vancomysin) Bacitracin inhibits regeneration of lipid carrier o Transpeptidation (cross-link via peptide bonds) between subterminal D-alanine and lysine or diaminopimelic acid Terminal D-alanine cleaved away Penicillins and cephalosporins inhibit transpeptidase -> make penicilloyl-enzyme complex (lethal) Murein synthesis inhibitors lyse cell (continues to grow without stable wall) o If cells not growing, not lysed Mycoplasmas and archaea have no murein (not rigid and don’t have shape) o Resistant to penicillin o Mycoplasma pneumoniae have sterols in membrans Anthrax bacillus have outside covering of S layer (tough) Cytoplasmic membrane (CM) uptakes substrates (small compounds) o Permeases (carrier proteins) facilitate entry of metabolites -> require E Modes of transport across CM: o Facilitated diffusion -> down concentration gradient (ex. glycerol) o Group translocation -> aka phosphorylation-linked transport; substances chemically altered (ex. glucose) E.coli uses this pathway for sugar transport (strictly aerobic bacteria don’t use) o - - - - - Active transport -> E used to concentrate substance intracellularly (ex. lactose) E from proton motive force (extrusion of protons from cell) couples energetically unfavorable transport with energetically facorable proton effluc = symport Dominant transport mechanism o All use specific binding proteins and actual transport is from permeases (high affinity outside and low affinity inside cell) Iron is essential for bacterial growth -> uptake it via excreting chelating compounds (siderophores) Cytochromes and oxidative metabolism are in CM along with nascent proteins Uptake of DNA by bacteria depend on proton motive force Genome of bacteria = single circular chromosome o DNA coiled into nucleoid (twisted into supercoils) o DNA gyrase introduces supercoils and topoisomerase I relaxes them (nicks DNA) Replication of DNA is bidirectional o Starts at replicative origin Rate of DNA polymerase movement (aka replication) is nearly independent of the growth rate o Replication is regulated by frequency of initiation of DNA synthesis Metronidazole = modified to active form by bacteria (DNA replication inhibitor) o Nitro group partially reduced to render active (by anaerobic bacteria) Incorporated into DNA = lethal synthesis (unstable) Nalidixic acid = inhibits DNA gyrase, bactericidal Fluoroquinolones = interfere with DNA gyrase or topoisomerase (dsDNA breaks) Bacterial ribosomes have smaller subunits and RNA than eukaryotes o 21 proteins (small) and 35 proteins (large) subunits Protein synthesis = principal biosynthetic activity of rapidly growing bacteria o RNA is made at rate proportional to number of RNA polymerase molecules engaged in transcription o Protein synthesis proportional to cellular concentration of ribosomes Regulated by frequency of initiation Rifampin = inhibitor of bacterial transcription; acts at ignition step (binds to free RNA polymerases) o Used in tuberculosis and leprosy o Mammalian RNA polymerases don’t bind rifampin Inhibitors of protein synthesis = bind to small or large ribosomal subunit o Chloramphenicol and macrolides (erythromycin) = block formation of peptide bonds (bind near tRNA bind site on large subunit) Action is reversible, bacteriostatic o Aminoglycosides (streptomycin, gentamicin, neomycin) = bactericidal, irreversible, bind 30S subunit Enhances 30S and 50S interaction (Free 70S particles) Inhibits elongation of peptide chains - - - - - - - o Linezolid = blocks assembly of initiation complex o Tetracycline = inhibits tRNA binding Some bacteria have capsules, flagella and pili o Capsule = slimy outer coat difficult for WBC phagocytoses, high MW polysaccharides Pneumococci, meningococci and bacteria likely to encounter phagocytes encapsulated o Flagella = long, helical filaments for motility (1 or many) Peritrichous bacteria has > 1 flagella o Pili (aka fimbriae) = attach bacteria to cells and sufaces F pilus = sex pilus of E. coli required for colonization and conjucation Flagella used for chemotaxis o Spin around from point of attachment o Each flagellum has counterclockwise helical pitch If >1, bundles form and beat together -> swim in straight line If rotate clockwise, bacteria tumble randomly o Without attractants or repellants, alternate between swimming and tumbling Attractant -> more swimming Repellants -> swimming stops quickly Microbes are attracted to specific tissues (tissue tropism) -> attachment to specific receptors o Use pili to attach o Bacteria that conjugate have sex pili (longer and link donor and recipient) Gonoccoci code for pilin (form pili) -> each version elicits different antibody o Allow for quick avoidance of immune system (shift from one pilin to another) o Pilin gene components: 1 constant portion (not antigenic) and 1 variable region (highly antigenic) Salmonella change expression of genes encoding flagella = phase variation Nutritional requirements: o Photosynthetic/chemosynthetic = subsist on CO2 and minerals o Organisms the need preformed organic compounds = pathogenic microbes E. coli need glucose; others need vitamins, AAs, neuclotides, etc Oxygen requirements: o Strict aerobes = must have O2 (tubercle bacillus) Perform respiration only (final e- acceptor = molecular oxygen) o Strict/obligate anaerobes = cannot grow in O2 (botulism and tetanus) Carry out fermentation (final e- acceptor = organic molecule [pyruvate, acetyl coA]) Anaerobic respirers carry out respiration using nitrate or sulfate as final eacceptor o Facultative anaerobes = grow regardless of O2 (E. coli and intestinal bacteria) Perform either respiration or fermentation depending on O2 status Respiration yields more E than fermentation - - - - - - E. coli can use 30 substances for E while Pseudomonas can use hundreds (omnipresent in water supply and soil) Minimal media = water solutions of glucose, ammonia, phosphate, sulfate and other minerals o Bacteria that can use available compounds survive Nutrient broth (rich medium) = meat extract and soluble complex proteins o Nutritionally fastidious organisms require complex media (staphylococci, streptococci) Add agar to either nutrient broth or minimal media = solid media Chlamydia = obligate intracellular parasites (only replicate inside host not on media) Treponema pallidum (syphilis) or Mycobacterium leprae (leprosy) should but don’t grow on media Generation/doubling time = time it takes for bacterium to become 2 Total count = body count of bacteria present whether living or dead o Estimate by measuring property proportional to # present (like turbidity) Colony count = living/viable bacteria o Number of colonies x dilution factor = colony-forming units (CFUs) If bacteria grow in clups or chains, CFUs is underestimate of total bacteria Law of growth: Nt = N0ekt for balanced growth o Describes a geometric progression or decay with time of radioactive isotope Bacteria grow to certain density and exhaust nutrients or have toxic metabolites (stop growth) o Aerobic bacteria -> crowding exhausts O2 o Anaerobes -> toxic metabolites = H2O2 or acids o Stage of culture where growth stops = stationary phase Exponential growth allows small bacteria to rapidly initiate infection o Ex. acute bacterial meningitis in child Bacteria don’t cease all metabolic activity at stationary phase -> continue synthetic activities for adaptation o Can use ribosomes (that aren’t being used) as source of AAs Bacteria exposed to injuries -> proteins repaire damage = SOS response o Protective response turned on when starved Even when not growing bacteria can still damage host o Elicit immune response o Produce toxins in stationary phase (to replenish nutrients) Cessation of growth may initiate sporulation -> produce spores resistant to chemical and physical insult o Mother cell lyses releasing lots of toxins (ex. tetanus, gas gangrene) Metabolic efficiency = metabolic parsimony (bacteria don’t make constituents they can’t use) o E. coli, when supplied with leucine, will instantly stop making leucine and rely on exogenous supply First enzyme in leucine synthesis path allosterically inhibited by presence of leucine = feedback or end-product inhibition Synthesis of enzymes of leucine path turned off - Genes for path strung together in operon -> transcription turned on/off by single regulatory switch = promotor (where RNA polymerase binds) Operons regulated by attenuation -> RNA pol encounters attenuator (in presence of leucine) and transcription terminated -> stop synthesis of enzymes o Bacteria using lactose need to make β-galactosidase but without lactose, stop making it Also, operator (past promoter) binds repressor (when lactose is absent) -> stops transcription of β-galactosidase β-galactosidase = inducible enzyme (made on demand); lactose = inducer Constitutive enzymes made at all times Regulation of gene expression comes at E cost o Regulation by attenuation depends on mRNA synthesis not used if enzymes of the operon not made o Using repressor path requires constitutive synthesis of protein repressor molecules