Ultrafast Homonuclear Correlation Spectroscopy with Diagonal Suppression Supplementary Information Abhishek Banerjee and N. Chandrakumar* MRI-MRS Centre, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Tamil Nadu, Chennai – 600036, India, Tel: +91-44-22574920 E-mail: nckumar@iitm.ac.in, chandrakumar.iitm@gmail.com Product operator calculation for SECSY and DISSECT in UF mode a) Two spin – ½ AX system SECSY t1 2 t1 2 I1z 90 y , y grad ,90 y , y , grad rcvr x , x I I sin J sin 1 2 t1 I sin 2 J cos 1 2 t1 2x 2 2 2 1z 2 x t 1 2 t1 1 I 2 y sin 2 J2 sin 1 2 2 1 2 I1 z I 2 y sin J cos 2 2 J I1x cos 2 I1 y I 2 z sin J DISSECT t1 2 t1 2 I1z 90 y , y 1 2 I sin 2 J sin 2 2y 90 y , y , rcvr x , x grad ,90 y , y , grad 1 2 t1 2 I 1x I 2 z sin J sin b) Spin - ½ AX2 system SECSY t1 2 t1 2 I1z 90 y , y grad ,90 y , y , grad rcvr x , x 12 I1z I 2 x I 3 x cos J2 sin J sin 14 I 2 x I 3 x sin J2 sin J cos 2 1 2 t1 12 I1z I 2 y I 3 y cos J2 sin J cos 14 I 2 y I 3 y sin J2 sin J sin 1 2 t1 2 1 2 t1 1 2 t1 2 2 1 2 I1x cos 4 J2 I1 y I 2 z I 3 z sin J2 cos3 J2 12 I1x I 2 z I 3 z sin 2 J 1 2 t1 2 DISSECT t1 2 t1 2 I1z 90 y , y 1 4 I 2y 90 y , y , rcvr x , x grad ,90 y , y , grad I 3 y sin J2 sin J sin 12 I1x I 2 z I 3 z cos J 1 2 t1 2 sin( J ) sin 2 1 2 t1 2 12 I1 y I 2 z I 3 z sin 2 J2 sin 1 2 t1 SECSY t1 2 t1 2 I 2 z I 3 z 90 y , y grad ,90 y , y , grad cos J sin cos J cos 12 I1x sin J2 sin J cos I1x I 2 z I 3 z sin J2 I1 y I 2 z I 3 z sin J2 1 2 t1 2 1 2 rcvr x , x I1 y sin J2 sin J sin 1 2 t1 2 1 2 t1 2 1 2 t1 2 12 I 2 x I 3 x cos 2 J2 12 I1z I 2 y I 3 y sin J sin J sin 2 I1x I 2 z I 3 z sin J2 sin J cos 1 2 t1 2 I1 y I 2 z I 3 z sin J2 1 2 t1 2 2 DISSECT t1 2 t1 2 I 2 z I 3 z 90 y , y 90 y , y , rcvr x , x grad ,90 y , y , grad I1z I 2 x I 3 x sin J2 cos J sin 1 2 t1 2 I sin J2 sin J sin 1 2 1y 1 2 t1 2 EXPERIMENTAL All experiments were performed at room temperature on a Bruker Avance II 500 MHz spectrometer equipped with a 5 mm TBI inverse probe employing the z-gradient (max. 50 G/cm). All other parameters and sample descriptions are given in the respective Figure captions. All UF-DISSECT spectra were acquired with the pulse sequence shown in Fig. 1 and processed in TOPSPIN 1.3. Data were zero filled to 1024 and 4096 complex points in the F1 and F2 dimensions respectively. A squared sine bell window with shift 8 was used in the F1 dimension and a Gaussian window function (with LB = 200, GB = 0.5) was used in the F2 dimension1. UF-SECSY spectra were acquired without any phase cycling, employing gradient controlled echo pathway selection; UF-DISSECT spectra were acquired with a two step phase alternation of the DISSECT pulse, co-adding the resulting FID’s. Figure S1. NMR spectrum of a metabolite mixture in D 2O (creatine, taurine, glutamine and ɣ - amino butyric acid, 50 mM each) obtained with UF-COSY. Spectrum was acquired with 16 scans in 39 s, other parameters: recycle delay = 2 s; N = 128; 15 ms chirp pulses, BW = 40 kHz, G e = ±5.0 G/cm, d = 255 µs, Gd = 17.5 G/cm, Ga = ±36.56 G/cm, Δt2 = 562 µs. Figure S2. NMR spectra of a four metabolite mixture in D2O/DSS (mIns, taurine, glutamine and ɣ aminobutyric acid, 55 mM each) obtained with UF-SECSY and UF-DISSECT. Spectra were acquired with 8 scans in 22 s; other parameters: recycle delay = 2 s; N = 128; 7.5 ms chirp pulses, BW = 40 kHz, Ge = ±4.55 G/cm, d = 200 µs, Gd = 17.5 G/cm, Ga = ±32.96 G/cm, Δt2 = 465 µs. Peaks around 2.8 ppm in F2 dimension originate from DSS. Figure S3. Left: UF-DISSECT spectrum of a five metabolite mixture in D2O/DSS (creatine, mIns, taurine, glutamine and ɣ - aminobutyric acid, 55 mM each); Right: UF-DISSECT spectrum of a six metabolite mixture in D2O/DSS (creatine, glutamate, mIns, taurine, glutamine and ɣ - aminobutyric acid, 55 mM each). Spectra were acquired with 8 scans in 22 s; other parameters: recycle delay = 2 s; N = 128; 7.5 ms chirp pulses, BW = 40 kHz, Ge = ±4.55 G/cm, d = 200 µs, Gd = 17.5 G/cm, Ga = ±32.96 G/cm, Δt2 = 465 µs. Peaks around 2.8 ppm in F2 dimension originate from DSS. Figure S4. 2D COSY spectrum of strychnine in CDCl3. All peaks are assigned accordingly in F1 projection. The spectrum is acquired with relaxation delay = 1s, number of increments in F1 = 384, number of points in F2 = 16k, number of dummy scan 4, number of scan 16 and spectral width 11ppm. Figure S5. (a) 2D ultrafast COSY and (b) ultrafast SECSY, both of strychnine in CDCl 3. All parameters are the same as in Figure 3b in the main manuscript, except Ge in ufcosy (Ge = 2.25 G/cm). The spatial encoding in UF-COSY was performed with the help of two chirp pulses (each of duration 15 ms). 1 P. Giraudeau and S. Akoka, Magn. Reson. Chem. 49, 307 (2011). SI description: Includes density matrix results for SECSY and DISSECT experiments on spin-1/2 AX and AX2 systems; experimental details; as well as COSY, UF-COSY and UF-SECSY spectra of some of the samples reported, for reference, and UF-DISSECT spectra of other multicomponent mixtures.