Name: Date: Period: 5.1: Individual station: Levels of Organization

5.1: Individual station: Levels of Organization Compare and Contrast
Cells: Similarities between:
Cells are the smallest unit of life. If it’s living, it has cells. There are unicellular (one cell) organisms like bacteria and fungus, and there are multi cellular
organisms (more than one cell) like grass, trees, dogs, and cats. You are even made out of cells!
All cells have many similarities. For example, both plant and animal cells have all the materials they need to stay alive, even if they were removed from the
organism! Each cell in a multi cellular organism has all the organelles they need to survive. Some of the similarities between all cells (plant or animal)
include: The nucleus and the DNA it stores. The mitochondria the cells need to make energy from sugar. The ribosomes which make the proteins to do all the
work in the cell. A large difference between plant and animal cells is the 3 organelles found in plant cells: The cell wall, large vacuole, and the chloroplast that
makes sugar. Even though animal cells don’t have chloroplasts, they need to eat plants (or other animals who eat plants) to get the sugar for their
mitochondria. Animals eat to get sugar for their mitochondria to make energy. A very interesting similarity between plants and animal cells is that they are
made up of many of the same molecules. Molecules like amino acids (join together to make proteins), DNA, and carbohydrates like sugar. Even though plants
have some different organelles, those organelles are still made up of the same molecules.
Plant Cell differences
Plant Cell and Animal Cell Similarities
Animal Cell Differences
Paragraph: Compare and contrast plant and animal cells: How are plant and animal cells similar? How are they
There are other similarities between cells besides the fact that they are made up of organelles. For example, cells work together to form tissues. Tissues are
groups of the same cell working together to do the same function. For example, muscle cells line up together in bands to form muscle tissue. When you bend
your arm, all the muscle cells in your muscle tissue contract (pull together tight) at the same time. This brings your hand to your shoulder. Not just animal
cells form tissues. In plants like trees and grass, groups of the same cell work together to form tissues as well. In both plants and animals, groups of the same
cell work together to form a tissue that forms the same function. An example of a plant tissue is the Xylem. The xylem is a long tube that runs down the stem
of a plant. There are many xylems in one plant stem. The xylem is made up of a bunch of the same xylem cells that work together to do the same job, carry
water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and flowers. Each xylem cell helps the xylem tissue carry the water and minerals up the stem. The biggest
difference between plant and animal tissue is the nervous tissue found in animal cells. The nervous tissue is made up of nervous cells that carry electrical
signals. These signals allow the different nervous cells talk to each other. These are the cells in your brain. The nerve cells talk to each other and allow your
brain to think and feel, a function that only animals have and plants don’t. Another important tissue that makes animals very different from plants is the
muscle tissue. The muscle tissue pulls on bones to make them move. When this happens, all the cells in the muscle tissue tighten and pull the bones to move
them. Plants don’t have muscle cells to make muscle tissues, so plants cannot move. Plants on the other hand have special cells that make tubes like the
xylem to move water and nutrients from the ground to their leaves. Animals do not have these special tissues to move nutrients and water from the ground.
Plant tissue differences
Plant Cell and Animal Cell Similarities
Animal tissue Differences
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5.1: Individual station: Levels of Organization Compare and Contrast
Paragraph: Compare and contrast plant and animal tissues: How are plant and animal tissues similar? How are they
Multicellular plants and animals are all made out of organs. Organs are specialized parts of the body or plant that perform special functions. In both plants
and animals, organs are made out of different tissues that work together. Each tissue performs a function in the organ that helps the organ complete its
function. A special organ that makes multicellular animals special is the heart. The heart is made out of different tissue: nervous tissue, cardiac muscle tissue,
epithelial tissue, and connective tissue. The cardiac muscle tissue contracts or tightens to shrink the heart and pump out blood through the arteries. All the
red blood cells work together to form connective tissue. The epithelial tissue is made up of a bunch of cells that cover the outside and inside of the heart to
protect the heart. The nervous tissue sends a chemical message to the cardiac muscle tissue to make it tighten. All these tissues work together to pump
blood. Only animals have blood. Plants do no have blood and they do not have a heart with arteries. Arteries are the organs that move blood with the oxygen
and nutrients to all the other cells in the body. Instead of the heart and arteries, flower plants use a special organ, the stem, to move water and nutrients
through the plant. The stem is made out of many different tissues that help it function. Some of these tissues include the xylem, the phloem, the cortex and
the epidermis. The xylem tissue is made from many xylem cells that work together to carry water from the soil. The phloem tissue is made from many
phloem cells that work together to carry sugar and food from the leaves down to the cells in the trunk and roots. The cortex and epidermis is made from
many cortex and epidermis cells that work together to protect the stem and the other tissues. Together these tissues work together to make the stem. The
stem is important to hold up the flower and leaves for sunlight and pollinators. Only plants have stems because animals don’t need sunlight or pollinators.
Although these organs are very different, there are some similarities between them and all organs in plants and animals. All organs help the organism
function by doing a specific job in the organism. When you compare the heart and the stem, they serve very different functions but have some similar parts.
The xylem and phloem carry important nutrients to the rest of the plant and the heart and arteries carry nutrients to the rest of the animal.
Plant tissue differences
Plant Cell and Animal Cell Similarities
Animal tissue Differences
Paragraph: Compare and contrast plant and animal tissues: How are plant and animal tissues similar? How are they
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5.1: Individual station: Levels of Organization Compare and Contrast
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