Attn: Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons NSW Rural Fire Service 15

Attn: Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons
NSW Rural Fire Service
15 Carter Street
Lidcombe NSW 2141
Dear Commissioner Fitzsimmons,
As a resident of Ku-ring-gai I / we welcome the opportunity to comment on the review of the 10/50
Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice (the Code). I / we appreciate the critical role of the NSW Rural Fire
Service (RFS) in managing bushfire to protect life, property and the environment. However, in its current
form the Code is fundamentally flawed and will not adequately reduce bush fire risk.
As a bushfire risk management strategy the Code is causing irrevocable environmental damage for little gain
in terms of a reduction in bushfire risk for the community. It is of deep concern that, to date, hundreds of
trees have been removed in my local area alone, almost exclusively to improve views, facilitate development
and for other non-bushfire related purposes.
Trees and other vegetation provide aesthetic value, shade, wildlife habitat, softening greenery, pollution
filters and much cooler temperatures in summer. Ku-ring-gai, Pittwater, Lane Cove, Beecroft, Hornsby are all
examples of leafy Sydney suburbs now at risk of losing their distinctive character, amenity and property
value due to the misuse of this Code. As this is state-wide legislation the potential impact across NSW is
The scientific rationale for the 10/50 legislation and Code has not been made available by the NSW
Government or NSW RFS to substantiate that the Code will further reduce bushfire risk compared to the
measures that were in place prior to the Code’s introduction. A reliance on vegetation clearing creates a
false sense of security amongst landowners, and in the absence of other bush fire risk mitigation strategies,
leads to inadequate and ineffective bushfire planning by households living in proximity to bushland, thus
presenting an unacceptable risk to the community.
The one-size-fits-all approach and excessively wide application of the Code, is also of deep concern. The
blanket vegetation clearing entitlement areas fails to reflect the diversity of landscapes in NSW and the
distinction between urban and rural settings. It is critical that a landscape based risk assessment approach is
reinstated, involving contact between homeowners and NSW RFS fire experts, to ensure homeowners are
taking the most appropriate actions to protect life and property and to prevent homeowners from removing
trees in inappropriate locations or for non-bushfire related purposes.
Also of particular concern is that the Code does not make adequate provision for the protection of threatened
species and endangered ecological communities (such as Blue Gum High Forest, Sydney Turpentine
Ironbark and Duffy’s Forest), Heritage Conservation Areas, Environmental Protection Zones and riparian
zones. With no regulatory framework, the Code effectively undermines and causes confusion with regards to
other federal and state legislation, for example, the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999, the NSW Environment and Planning Assessment Act 1979, the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997 and the
NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.
Laws that protect threatened species and endangered ecological communities, and legal instruments that
recognise vegetation for its ecological or cultural significance should not be overridden by the Code,
particularly where there is no evidence it will improve bush fire protection. It is also very alarming that there
has been no monitoring by the NSW RFS of compliance with the Code.
Whilst it is welcome news that a review has been brought forward from August next year, so many trees
have already been cut down and countless more will be lost before the review is complete. It is imperative
that an immediate and full suspension of the Code is put in place whilst a full consultative review is
undertaken and the range of concerns outlined in this submission are addressed.
Thank you for considering my/our submission.
Yours sincerely,