NHS e-Referral Service Respiratory/Sleep Physiology Test request form SECTION 1: PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DETAILS Patient NHS number: UBRN: Patient first name(s): Patient last name: Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY): Gender: Male Female Patient address (1st line): Patient town / city: Patient postcode: Patient contact number: Patient contact number 2: SECTION 2: REFERRER INFORMATION First name: Last name: Referrer role: GP On behalf of GP GP Practice Code: Referrer contact no: GMC Registration No: Referrer e-mail address: SECTION 3: CLINICAL HISTORY Infection risk (MRSA or TB)? No Yes In the last six weeks has the patient had: History of ischaemic heart disease? No Yes Myocardial infarction? No Yes History of diabetes? No Yes Abdominal, chest or eye surgery No Yes History of TIA / stroke? No Yes Pneumothorax? No Yes Able to walk unaided? No Yes Chest infection? No Yes Aortic aneurysm? No Yes Medication – Inhalers? No Yes Medication - B-blockers? No Yes Pack years of smoking ___ years Medication - Other relevant? SECTION 4: TEST REQUEST DETAILS Reason for request: Provisional diagnosis (or key symptoms and signs): 4A) FOR RESPIRATORY TESTS: 1. Spirometry with bronchodilator (if FEV1 < 70% pred AND FEV1/ FVC ratio < 70%) 2. Full lung function tests ( spirometry, volumes and gas transfer) 3. Blood Gas Analysis (only if oximetry = 92% or below) Is your patient already on home oxygen therapy (SBOT, AOT, LTOT)? No Yes ___ Flow ___ Hours 4. Assessment of Long Term Oxygen Therapy (LTOT) (N.B. If on second blood gas sample, patients do not meet LTOT criteria they will be rebooked for gases at 3 months) 5. Assessment for ambulatory oxygen therapy if already on LTOT (N.B. Ambulatory oxygen assessment will take place as per Department of Health guidelines) 4B) FOR SLEEP TESTS 6. Overnight Oximetry/ Sleep Apnoea Screening 7. Assessment if CPAP acceptable for patient (N.B. Two week trial of home use after diagnosis confirmed) Please answer the following questions for patients requiring sleep tests: Body Mass Index (Wt (kg) / Ht (m) 2 ______ Witnessed apnoeas? No Yes Snoring? No Yes Driver? No Yes Is the individual excessively sleepy? No Yes Epworth score >11? (see attached sheet) No Yes Standard licence HGV / PSV The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (for patients) How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to just feeling tired? This refers to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you have not done some of these things recently, try to work out how they would have affected you. Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation: 0 - Would NEVER doze 1 - SLIGHT chance of dozing 2 - MODERATE chance of dozing 3 - HIGH chance of dozing Score Situation Sitting and reading Watching television Sitting inactive in a public place As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break Lying down to rest in the afternoon Sitting talking to someone Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol In a car, while stopped for a few moments in traffic