Academic Affairs Organizational Chart

Central Michigan University
Michael A. Gealt, Executive Vice President/Provost
The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow
College of Health Professions
Tom Masterson, Interim Dean
Denise Webster, Interim Associate Dean
College of Business Administration
Charles Crespy, Dean
Dan Vetter, Senior Associate Dean
College of Communications and Fine Arts
Janet Hethorn, Dean
Lesley Withers, Interim Associate Dean
College of Education and Human Services
Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, Dean
Betty Kirby, Associate Dean
School of Accounting
Business Information Systems
Finance and Law
Marketing and Hospitality Services Admin
Art and Design
School of Broadcast and Cinematic Arts
Communication and Dramatic Arts
School of Music
Center for Excellence in STEM
Center for Charter Schools
Counseling and Special Education
Educational Leadership
Human Environmental Studies
Office of the Professional Education Center
Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services Admin
Teacher Education and Professional Develop
College of Humanities and Social and
Behavioral Sciences
Pamela S. Gates, Dean
Timothy Hall, Associate Dean
College of Science and Technology
Ian Davison, Dean
Jane Matty, Associate Dean
Pete Vermeire, Associate Dean
College of Medicine
George Kikano, Dean
Global Campus
Peter Ross, Vice President
English Language and Literature
Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Military Science
Museum Studies
Philosophy and Religion
Political Science and Public Administration
Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
Women’s Studies
CMU Biological Station
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Computer Science
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
School of Engineering and Technology
Joel Lanphear, Interim Senior Associate
Dean/Academic Affairs
Linda Perkowski, Senior Associate Dean/Faculty
Admin and Research
Ed McKee, Interim Senior Assoc Dean/Research
Steve Vance, Associate Dean/Distributed
Marie Matte, Associate Dean/Compliance,
Evaluation and Assessment
Georgette Russell, Associate Dean/Faculty and
Staff Affairs
Sarah Yonder, Assistant Dean/Student Affairs
Sue Parson, Assistant Dean/Finance
Vacant, Assistant Dean/Information Technology
Educational Materials Center
Enrollment Research
Faculty Approvals, Assignment and Support
Financial Operations
Global Campus Library Services
Global Campus Office of Technology/CRM
Instructional Design, International Programs
Licensure and Regulatory Services
Marketing, Recruitment & Outreach
Michigan, Military and US Programs
Non-Credit and Professional Development
Online Programs, Veterans’ Resource Center
Office of Academic Administration
Ray Christie, Senior Vice Provost
Office of Information Technology
Roger Rehm, Vice President and CIO
Office for Institutional Diversity
Carolyn Dunn, Associate Vice President
Academic Budgets
Academic Space and Remodeling
Capital Projects
Faculty Personnel Services
Office of Institutional Research
Academic Services
Administrative Applications and Services
Advanced technologies
Technical Operations
Diversity Education
Gear Up
LGBTQ Services
McNair Program
Multicultural Academic Student Services
Native American Programs
Upward Bound
Carls Center for Clinical Care and Education
Communication Disorders
Physical Education and Sport
School of Health Science
School of Rehabilitation and Medical Sciences
Beaver Island
Office of Academic Effectiveness
Claudia Douglass, Vice Provost for Academic
Academic Planning
Affiliation Agreements
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Computer-based and Placement Testing
Curriculum and Assessment
General Education
Honors Program, Interdisciplinary Programs
Undergraduate Extended Degree Programs
Office of International Affairs
Bill Holmes, Executive Director
International Student and Scholar Services
International Graduate Student Services
International Recruitment
Study Abroad
Community Engagement
Roger Coles, Interim Associate Vice Provost
Updated: 3/10/2015
Office of Research and Graduate Studies
David Ash, Interim Vice President for
Research/Dean of Graduate Studies
Animal Care Facilities
Laboratory and Field Safety
MSA Program
Office of Research and Graduate Studies
Research Compliance
Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Thomas Moore, Dean
Kathy Irwin, Associate Dean
Clarke Historical Library
University Library
Student Publications
David Clark, Director