LIEP - Alamance-Burlington School System

Alamance-Burlington School System Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP)
Level 1: Comprehensive ESL
Level 2: Supportive ESL
Level 3 : Transitional ESL
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 0-14.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
five of the following criteria:
 In U.S. Schools three years or less
 ACCESS Overall Composite 1.0-2.0
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing 1.0-2.0
 ACCESS Listening and/or Speaking 1.03.0 Score
 Needs regular ongoing and heavily
modified support with class
instruction, assignments and
 Well below proficient on classroom
assessments and standardized tests of
 Interrupted formal schooling,
especially if non- or semi-literate in
first language
 In high school, failure to make progress
toward graduation requirements
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 15-21.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
five of the following criteria:
 In U.S. Schools three to six years
 ACCESS Overall Composite 2.0-4.0
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing 2.04.0
 ACCESS Listening and/or Speaking
 Needs some support with class
instruction, assignments and
 Below proficient on standardized
tests of reading/writing
 Interrupted formal schooling
 In high school, slow progress toward
graduation requirements
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 22-26.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
four of the following criteria:
 In US Schools four or more years
 ACCESS Overall Composite 4.04.8
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing
 ACCESS Listening and/or
Speaking 4.0-6.0
 May struggle with grade level
classroom assignments and
 May be at or near proficient on
standardized tests
*The criteria for the 3 LEP Levels above will determine the placement of ALL LEP students into the most appropriate category of LIEP Services.
The LEP Plan with Classroom Modifications & Testing Accommodations is integral to these services.
Comprehensive Services
Schools with <30 LEPs – minimum
of 45 min. 2x per week in Pull-out
plus any additional ESL services
that may include Small Group, Coteaching, SIOP instruction
Schools with 30-70 LEPs –
minimum of 30 min. 3x per week
in Pull-out plus any additional ESL
services that may include Small
Group, Co-teaching, SIOP
Schools with 70+ LEPs – minimum
of 30 min. 5x per week in Pull-out
plus any additional ESL services
that may include Small Group, Coteaching, SIOP instruction
Supportive Services
Co-teaching (with regular coplanning/collaboration between
ESL and classroom teacher) ESL
services with preferably a SIOP
trained classroom teacher
In the absence of Co-teaching
services, these LEPs will be
served in Pull-out identical to
what is described in the context
and time for Comprehensive
Transitional Services
Co-teaching (with regular coplanning/collaboration between ESL
and classroom teacher) and/or
Sheltered services with a SIOP
trained classroom teacher receiving
ongoing support and coaching in
implementing SIOP with fidelity
In the absence of the ESL services
described above, these LEPs will
receive a minimum of Small Group
Schools with <30 LEPs –
minimum of 45 min. 2x per week
in Small Group Instruction
Schools with 30-70 LEPs –
minimum of 45 min. 2x per week
in Small Group Instruction
Schools with 70+ LEPs –
minimum of 45 min. 2x per week
in Small Group Instruction
Note: It is best practice that all K-12 LEP students are hand-scheduled into their classes and offered the ESL Services that best
meet their language and academic needs described in their Language Instruction Education Plan (LIEP). The ESL Teacher will
periodically monitor, review, and document the progress of the LEP student’s language development and academic performance
and follow up and communicate with school personnel to make the necessary adjustments to ESL Services and instruction. If a
student is both EC/LEP, decisions will be made based on the individual needs of the student in collaboration with the EC Dept.]
Alamance-Burlington School System Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP)
Level 1: Comprehensive ESL
Level 2: Supportive ESL
Level 3 : Transitional ESL
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 0-14.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
five of the following criteria:
 In U.S. Schools three years or less
 ACCESS Overall Composite 1.0-2.0
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing 1.0-2.0
 ACCESS Listening and/or Speaking 1.03.0 Score
 Needs regular ongoing and heavily
modified support with class
instruction, assignments and
 Well below proficient on classroom
assessments and standardized tests of
 Interrupted formal schooling,
especially if non- or semi-literate in
first language
 In high school, failure to make progress
toward graduation requirements
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 15-21.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
five of the following criteria:
 In U.S. Schools three to six years
 ACCESS Overall Composite 2.0-4.0
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing 2.04.0
 ACCESS Listening and/or Speaking
 Needs some support with class
instruction, assignments and
 Below proficient on standardized
tests of reading/writing
 Interrupted formal schooling
 In high school, slow progress toward
graduation requirements
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 22-26.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
four of the following criteria:
 In US Schools four or more years
 ACCESS Overall Composite 4.04.8
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing
 ACCESS Listening and/or
Speaking 4.0-6.0
 May struggle with grade level
classroom assignments and
 May be at or near proficient on
standardized tests
*The criteria for the 3 LEP Levels above will determine the placement of ALL LEP students into the most appropriate category of LIEP Services.
The LEP Plan with Classroom Modifications & Testing Accommodations is integral to these services.
Comprehensive Services
Middle School
All Comprehensive LEPs will
receive a minimum of a daily
beginning ESL Class period plus any
additional Co-teaching and/or SIOP
Language Arts classes that may be
available and are recommended
for language and content support
Supportive Services
Middle School
All Supportive LEPs will receive a
minimum of a daily Coteaching/SIOP Language Arts
class (ESL + Language Arts
teacher) and/or a daily
intermediate ESL Class period
Transitional Services
Middle School
All Transitional LEPs will receive
a minimum of a daily SIOP
Language Arts class from a SIOP
trained teacher receiving ongoing
support and coaching in
implementing SIOP with fidelity (see
explanation for SIOP service model
Or, a daily Co-teaching (ESL +
content teacher) class in a Math,
Science, or Social Studies class
preferably with a SIOP trained
Or, a minimum of an 18 week
advanced ESL Class focusing
primarily on reading/writing
* A SIOP class has a SIOP trained teacher, is clustered with at least 50% LEPs in the class, will show evidence of daily Content and
Language Objectives, and demonstrates evidence of thoughtful comprehensible instruction from the 8 SIOP Components and their
related features.
Note: It is best practice that all K-12 LEP students are hand-scheduled into their classes and offered the ESL Services that best
meet their language and academic needs described in their Language Instruction Education Plan (LIEP). The ESL Teacher will
periodically monitor, review, and document the progress of the LEP student’s language development and academic performance
and follow up and communicate with school personnel to make the necessary adjustments to ESL Services and instruction. If a
student is both EC/LEP, decisions will be made based on the individual needs of the student in collaboration with the EC Dept.
Alamance-Burlington School System Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP)
Level 1: Comprehensive ESL
Level 2: Supportive ESL
Level 3 : Transitional ESL
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 0-14.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
five of the following criteria:
 In U.S. Schools three years or less
 ACCESS Overall Composite 1.0-2.0
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing 1.0-2.0
 ACCESS Listening and/or Speaking 1.03.0 Score
 Needs regular ongoing and heavily
modified support with class
instruction, assignments and
 Well below proficient on classroom
assessments and standardized tests of
 Interrupted formal schooling,
especially if non- or semi-literate in
first language
 In high school, failure to make progress
toward graduation requirements
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 15-21.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
five of the following criteria:
 In U.S. Schools three to six years
 ACCESS Overall Composite 2.0-4.0
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing 2.04.0
 ACCESS Listening and/or Speaking
 Needs some support with class
instruction, assignments and
 Below proficient on standardized
tests of reading/writing
 Interrupted formal schooling
 In high school, slow progress toward
graduation requirements
- A Grade K student must have a W-APT
score of 22-26.
- A student grades 1-12 must be currently
identified as LEP and MUST meet at least
four of the following criteria:
 In US Schools four or more years
 ACCESS Overall Composite 4.04.8
 ACCESS Reading and/or Writing
 ACCESS Listening and/or
Speaking 4.0-6.0
 May struggle with grade level
classroom assignments and
 May be at or near proficient on
standardized tests
*The criteria for the 3 LEP Levels above will determine the placement of ALL LEP students into the most appropriate category of LIEP Services.
The LEP Plan with Classroom Modifications & Testing Accommodations is integral to these services.
Comprehensive Services
High School
Supportive Services
High School
Transitional Services
High School
All Supportive LEPs will be
 All Transitional LEPs will be
served both semesters in a SIOP
served at least one semester in a
and/or Co-teaching English
SIOP English class – regular
class. If the English class is not
collaboration with the ESL
co-taught with an ESL teacher,
teacher is recommended similar
then regular collaboration with
to the Supportive Services - or in
the ESL teacher is required (ex.
a Co-teaching English or nonData Teams, English Dept.
English class in Math, Science,
Meetings, monitoring of
and/or Social Studies
academic goals, etc.).
 Or, if there are no SIOP or Co Or, if there are no SIOP or Coteaching classes (Co-teaching
teaching English classes (Cowith an ESL teacher), the
teaching with ESL teacher), the
Transitional LEPs will receive
Supportive LEPs will receive a
one semester in a Level 4 or
minimum of one ESL Class
Advanced Reading and Writing
Period (preferably two) during
ESL Class period.
the academic year in a Level 3 or
Level 4 ESL Class.
* A SIOP class has a SIOP trained teacher, is clustered with at least 50% LEPs in the class, will show evidence of daily Content and
Language Objectives, and demonstrates evidence of thoughtful comprehensible instruction from the 8 SIOP Components and their
related features.
All Comprehensive LEPs will be
served at least one semester
during the school year in a Level
1A/1B or Level 2A/2B ESL Class
period in addition to a SIOP or
Co-teaching/SIOP English class
and/or a Co-teaching/SIOP nonEnglish class in Math, Science, or
Or, if there are no SIOP or
Co-teaching classes (Co-teaching
with an ESL teacher), then
Comprehensive LEPs need to be
served both semesters in a school
year in the ESL Class periods
indicated above.
Note: It is best practice that all K-12 LEP students are hand-scheduled into their classes and offered the ESL Services that best
meet their language and academic needs described in their Language Instruction Education Plan (LIEP). The ESL Teacher will
periodically monitor, review, and document the progress of the LEP student’s language development and academic performance
and follow up and communicate with school personnel to make the necessary adjustments to ESL Services and instruction. If a
student is both EC/LEP, decisions will be made based on the individual needs of the student in collaboration with the EC Dept.