The transition from old committees to new committees Important information FOR heads of societies and teachers in charge Old committees serve and train new committees to the start of Term 4 even though new committees are announced at Cultural Induction Party. Teachers in charge of societies and heads of societies have important roles to play over the next few weeks: Collect the application forms from the boxes after the application opportunities. Decide which applicants meet the criteria. Indicate on application forms that are not valid the reason why rejected egg. Insufficient involvement, too little experience. Try to not disqualify – rather let the voting sift out those who should not be on committee. Complete the Voting Ballot Sheet. Write down the names in alphabetical order of the applicants on the Voting Ballot sheet and make sufficient copies of this ballot sheet. Fill in how many X’s each voter may make i.e. how many applicants they may vote for. The instructions indicate learners must place an H next to the person they wish to vote as head and a D next to the person they wish to vote as Deputy – if not applicable to your society, cross it out. Should you require voting for treasurer/secretary etc you need to add that on to the voting instructions on the ballot sheet. NB BE VERY CLEAR ON YOUR VOTER SHEET WHAT THE CRITERIA IS FOR HEAD, WHAT GRADE, WHAT MAKES A SUITABLE HEAD OR THE VOTING WILL BE HECTIC!!!!!! DECIDE who is eligible to vote (e.g. old committee and the teacher/s in charge) and write on the Voters Roll and Register of Voting Form in alphabetical order. You can have a discussion with those eligible to vote on what the criteria should be when voting and you can make the application forms available for their viewing but do not allow any negative discussion of individuals. Have your copies of Voting Ballot Sheet and your Voters Roll and Register of Voting form in hall on 19 July at first break for the voting to take place. Each society or group will NEED a table and chairs, a voting box, pens put out, a sign put up and an envelope for each teacher to place final sheets in. IF your club or society requires a whole grade to vote, your voters roll and register can be class lists and you need to arrange with the teachers in the third lesson of that day to allow the voting to take place then. There will NEED TO BE three tables for JTC, one per class and 3 for Dance Committee. PLEASE CONSIDER PLACING A COPY OF YOUR REGISTER OF WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AND THE CRITERIA ON THE WHITE BOARD SO THERE IS TRANSPARENCY AND EVERYONE KNOWS THE “RULES” AND EXPECTATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS! After the voting: Collate the scores and write out the committee and executive indicating total scores summary on another sheet. The Head would be the learner with the most H’s and the Deputy would be the learner with the most D’s. Hand in all application forms, all voting sheets, your summary and the final names to Mrs Gerber WITHIN 3 DAYS OF THE VOTING! USE THE RESULTS SHEET. Make a copy for yourself. Badges need to be collected from old committee members and a strict register of handing back kept. Those who do not hand back must pay you R20 to cover this lost. Matrics may keep their badges at a cost of R20, but other learners must return so be careful of the excuse that it is lost. The deadline for returning badges is 20 July (the day after voting). You need to ensure that all of your old committee is attending the Cultural Induction Party and that they all have bought tickets before the deadline for buying tickets. You also need to ensure that all who apply to serve on your committee buy tickets. Please keep a tight check on this! All teachers in charge and associated with clubs are catered for (unless teacher in charge indicates not available) AND MAY BE ALLOCATED DUTIES TO FULFILL ON THE DAY. You need to ensure that all who apply to serve on the new committee do attend the LEADERSHIP SEMINAR OF 27 JULY. Please keep tight control of this. MRS STROEBEL is in charge of this event. Excuse notes must be collected from learners for the leadership seminar (new committee applicants) and Cultural Induction Dinner (old committee and new applicants). Applicants who refuse to attend these functions without valid reasons can be excluded from the voting. All excuse notes can be handed to Mrs Gerber after TEACHER IN CHARGE has ticked them off. The Cultural Assembly introduces the new committees to the school. The new committees are expected to be at the practice for this. Practice on 14 August and assembly on 17 August. Magazine articles must be submitted no later than THE DEADLINE BUT YOU SHOULD HAND IN EARLIER SO YOU CAN HAVE TIME TO CORRECT ANY PROBLEMS OR TAKE UP ANY SUGGESTIONS – printout in Mrs Gerber’s pigeon hole and the actual article dropped into folder on server by teacher in charge. The teacher in charge needs to check the article very carefully prior to submitting it. Final deadline for learner contributions to you – 24 August Final deadline for teacher to hand in having checked thoroughly – 14 September It is a busy time!