Invitation to the Biotechnology Sector to recommend critical topics and innovative ideas for potential public dialogue sessions 1. INTRODUCTION The South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) is a business unit of the National Research Foundation. SAASTA’s mission is to promote broad public awareness, appreciation and understanding of science, engineering and technology in South Africa. The Public Understanding of Biotechnology (PUB), an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), is implemented by SAASTA’s Science Communication Unit across all sectors of society. The PUB programme was launched in early 2003 with the overall aim to promote a clear understanding of the potential of biotechnology and to ensure broad public awareness, dialogue and debate on its current and potential future applications. The target audience includes all facets of the South African society. Over the eleven years that the PUB programme has been running, a number of dialogue sessions such as Media Round Tables (MRT) and Critical Thinkers Fora (CTF) have been hosted to engage various sectors of society on critical issues. A number of these sessions have been hosted in collaboration with the National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF). PUB has also contributed to the National Schools Debates Competition, in which learners in grades 9-11 have debated on various topics relating to biotechnology, as a form of dialogue session. A Media Round Table is a forum where media and scientists come together with the aim to ensure that the media has a full understanding of the science and other issues related to the topic to enable them to report more accurately and responsibly to the public. Outputs that have resulted from this dialogue session are articles/information on the topic discussed in print, online and social media. 1 Critical Thinkers Fora are targeted at academics, industry and government with the aim of creating a worthwhile platform for collaborations among key players in the National System of Innovation and also for contributions towards new policy development. Resources such as factsheets have been developed when necessary and PUB has partnered with relevant stakeholders to plan and implement these dialogue sessions. Topics that have been covered to date include the following: Biofuels GMOs in Wine Biotechnology in Medical Research Bioprospecting DNA fingerprinting Biological Forensic Analysis The role of biotechnology in food security Bio-pharming or Bio-harming? Stem cell research Modern day technologies to address biodiversity changes Growth of the South African biotechnology sector Agriculture, Food security and Emerging technologies in South Africa Acid mine drainage in South Africa-possible solutions? Southern African Human Genome Project The WEMA (Water Efficient Maize for Africa) Project Stem cell research and therapy The safety of food and feed derived from GM crops More information about these dialogue sessions can be found on the PUB website ( 2. OBJECTIVES The overall objectives of the dialogue sessions are to: Disseminate information about biotechnology research activities in South Africa; Profile South African scientists/organisations in biotechnology research; 2 Inform society across all sectors, including industry, policy makers, youth and civil society, of local and international biotechnology research activities; Create awareness around opportunities for industry and research collaborations to grow the biotechnology sector; Generate public awareness and engagement of biotechnology and its applications; Encourage and develop scientists to be able to communicate science with all levels of stakeholders and not limited to peer communities. 3. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Relevant organisations/institutions and individuals in the biotechnology sector are invited to submit and motivate critical topics which warrant public dialogue currently. It is important that these topics can be engaged in line with five identified perspectives of science communication. These are perspectives and issues around the topic that should be considered when communicating science, as areas of interest and impact to the broader society, since one or more will influence the lives of various audiences, stakeholders or communities engaging on the topic. These are: Utilitarian The utilitarian perspective looks at the use value of the science which means the communal benefit of a particular scientific domain. Economic This perspective will look at the monetary implications of the science and the economic viability of the science. Socio-Cultural The socio-cultural perspective looks at the social and cultural implications of the science. Through this perspective the societal dynamics of the science can be understood. Democratisation of Science Democratisation of science seeks to explore issues around the ownership, use and institutionalisation of science. Advancement of Science Science as a field is always changing, transforming and developing. Numerous factors hinder and aid this process. Through the advancement of science perspective, one can try to understand the driving forces behind them. Core to this perspective is an understanding of the process of developing science for the better. 3 Submissions should contain the following information: Background/Introduction; Motivation for topic; Details of potential speakers for dialogue sessions, their institutions and contact information; Details of person responsible for putting together the proposal i.e. academic qualifications and relevant experience; Ideas for other styles of dialogue sessions are also welcome. Topics which have been previously hosted by the PUB programme as indicated on Page 2 will not be excluded and dialogue sessions on these topics can be hosted again. The PUB programme intends to host dialogue sessions per financial year which commences on 01 April and ends on 31 March. Once a topic is accepted, the PUB programme of NRF/SAASTA will be responsible for the following: 1) Drafting the invitation and a programme for the dialogue session. 2) Circulating the invitation to relevant stakeholders on the PUB database. 3) Development of resources if needed. 4) Venue hire for hosting the dialogue session and associated logistics. 5) Travel and accommodation of speakers (a maximum of 6) and up to a maximum of 2 local individuals as recommended by the proposer/applicant. 6) Monitoring and Evaluation of the dialogue session. The proposer/applicant will be responsible for the following: 1) Securing of speakers for the dialogue session. 2) Commenting on the invitation and programme for the event before it is circulated. 3) Circulating the invitation to relevant stakeholders of the proposer/applicant. Kindly note that speakers will not be paid honorariums for their participation in dialogue sessions. 4 4. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION AND WEIGHTING Criteria Relevance and scope of the topic in addressing the objectives of the call based on the motivation received. Information on how current the topic would add value. Weighting 70 Diversity of audience at the dialogue session and creation of a platform for strong audience engagement. 10 Potential outputs of the dialogue session. 10 Innovative ideas of hosting the dialogue session. 10 5. CLOSING DATE Electronic submissions should be sent to Dr Manjusha Sunil, the PUB Programme Coordinator (, Telephone No for any enquiries: 012 392 9314). The closing date for submissions is the close of business (16h00) on Thursday, 31 July 2014. Feedback on submissions will be provided a month after the closing date. Please see attached application form. 5