2015-01-07 Agenda

Special Meeting
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
7:30 AM
Barrett Hall
DRAFT Minutes
Present: Bruce Labs, Donna Benoit, Greg Bagnato, Paul Perkins, Erik Reimanis, Hilary
Linehan, Heather Waterbury, Erik Walker, Amanda Higgins, Tom Essex, Tom Cecere
Call to Order
Paul called the meeting to order at 7:33am.
Adjustments to the agenda Add approve warning to 4.5. Add insurance discussion at 7.0
Public Comment - none
Act on 2016 budget
Discussion: Budget begins discussed is version 3. Current budget is 1.99%
increase for K-8. Hilary asked whether this was acceptable for running of the school
without losing anything/programs. Greg said it can be done, but he has 3 requests.
Greg asked that the part time 3-5 teacher increased of .135 FTE, really needs to be in
this budget, adding approx $6500 to the budget. Erik Walker, as a teacher in this
cluster, is in support of this, since the academics in this cluster are all in the morning,
making it more like a middle school schedule, and really hard on the kids. Adding this
time will allow them to move some academics to the afternoon. There was board
consensus to add this position into the budget. Greg is also concerned about course
reimbursement for teachers. He has not increased the line, but the grant that was used
for consultant to do Professional Development may not be available. Budget year to year
is level. Greg also mentioned the school board secretary position at 1100 – this is the
recording secretary position that the board feels is important so that all members can
participate fully in meetings. It was agreed to leave it in. Greg noted an error in the
health lines, $285 additional is the amount that is supposed to be in for SNAP and
supplies/books for Health class. Donna will make the change. Paul asked about the
Para Educators line, which is a large increase from last year. Donna indicated that.
based on OWSU info, more time is needed for regular ed rather than special ed,
therefore the increase. This line varies from year to year and is based on assumptions
of Sped vs Regular Ed time for the Paras in the school. Difficult to predict needs from
year to year, # in the budget is based on current contracts. Paul suggested cutting the
overall para Budget by 6K, Hilary indicated it might be too much, and suggested cutting
4K. Consensus to cut 5K total. Question about Athletic Stipends. Greg indicated raised
it to try to attract an AD. Hilary suggested leaving it the same. There was discussion
about having a conversation with the town about transferring sports to be run by the
town instead of the school. Add to future agenda items. Paul asked about Technology
and why it was down. Greg indicated he thinks we are in good shape with some new
equipment put in this year. OWSU is working on a technology plan. Tom Cecere
suggested a 2% increase on local budget is acceptable, and high school is not really in
our control. After all the changes total budget is $3,327,708 – a $1285 net increase over
budget version 3. This makes the increase overall 4.76%, an the K-8 increase at 2.07%
over 2015 FY budget. Hilary moved to approve budget with listed changes. Amanda
second. Unanimously approved.
Approve warning
4.5.1 Discussion about Tyson gym fund, Hilary suggested leaving the amount as listed
and investigating future needs of the building.. Article 3 figure is #3,327,708. Amanda
indicated she is planning to resign a year early. Concerned about being able attend
outside meetings on the SU level, and that the board should have someone who can do
these things. Amanda will stay on through town meeting. Warning should reflect electing
someone to replace Amanda for 1 year. Amanda is willing to stay on to be the TA Board
member if this is allowed. Board members supported Amanda’s decision, but indicated
there could be ways to work around getting to all the meetings. Donna adjusted the
warning appropriately by adding a new Article 6 for the replacement of Amanda, and
Article 6 will change to Article 7. Amanda moved to approve warning with changes.
Hilary second. Unanimously approved.
Approve announced tuition rates for fiscal year 2016
K-6 K tuition set at $11,600 and 7-8 tuition at $10,600. Heather moved to approved
tuition rates at these levels. Unanimously approved.
Act on The Sharon Academy billing and payment proposal.
Received proposal from TSA based on previous discussions. Amanda moved to have
Paul sign and execute the agreement. This is the agreement for how and when we pay
our tuition to The Sharon Academy. Unanimously approved.
Catastrophic Insurance Coverage Policy
This is related to coverage for the overseas trips. Paul indicated that he doesn’t think the
policy covers overseas trips for students. We could purchase a rider for $2500 but it is
not clear whether this would provide the correct coverage. Donna indicated she thinks
the rider would cover these trips. Heather suggested added agenda item to discuss
school trips in general (i.e middle school) and another item to discuss overseas trips.
Executive Session – Paul moved to enter Executive Session at 9:30am to discuss
student records.. Unanimously approved.
7.5.1 Return to public session at 9:38 am. No action taken.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40am.