3572-6388-1-SP - Philippine Studies

Changing perspectives on the meanings of objects and the history of archaeological
research in the Philippines
Grace Barretto-Tesoro
Associate Professor
Archaeological Studies Program
Palma Hall
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City
This paper attempts to investigate meanings of artefacts through time. Artefacts gain different
meanings during production, acquisition, deposition in archaeological contexts, recovery, and
analysis. Artefacts could be possessed by individuals or institutions, displayed in museums or
privately appreciated. They could also be left in storage rooms. How people relate and
interpret artefacts is influenced by the nature of archaeological research. Applying the
concept of the biography of objects, artefacts recovered from Calatagan, Philippines is
collectively examined to understand the layers and dynamic meanings acquired by the objects
as commodities, mortuary goods, archaeological data, museum objects, and private
collection. It is demonstrated in this paper how the history of archaeology in the Philippines
influences the interpretation of the Calatagan sites and artefacts. Through understanding how
meanings are produced, the paper provides different contexts the artefacts are utilized and
creates multiple experiences for people.
Key words: meanings of objects, Philippines, history, interpretation, biography