Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Book Club Group Project: Newspaper

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Book Club Group Project: Newspaper Assignment Sheet
Your group will create a newspaper based on your book. Below are the requirements. Please read them carefully!
Column A: External Text Structures
ALL of these elements are REQUIRED.
o Title of newspaper should relate
to the location of your book.
Example, “The Washington Post”
o Should also include the date and
Weather report – will show
knowledge of setting
Column B: Feature Articles
*Each group member will choose at least ONE of the
assignments below.
*Each assignment may only be chosen once.
□ Book Review – review can include a summary, a rating of
the book with explanation, and who you would
recommend it to and why.
Sidebar – can either be extra
information about something related
to the book, a poll, graph, etc.
Illustration of the climax – must
include a caption explaining the
Illustration of the conflict – must
include a caption explaining the
Your choice! – if you have another
idea for a text structure, you may
add them in addition to the ones
listed above.
Column C: Side Columns
*Each group member will choose at least
ONE of the assignments below.
*Each assignment may only be chosen once.
News article about the climax – this should be written as
if you are reporting on the events surrounding the climax
as news reporter.
Obituary (only if this applies to your book)
– this should have a description of the
character, and who or what he/she leaves
Interview with the main character – this should be
written as a series of questions from a reporter and
answers from the main character. (Hint: What would YOU
ask the main character and how would they respond?)
Poetry section – this should have at least
two different types of poems related to the
An advertisement – this should be related
to an idea from the book (restaurant,
vacation spot, product, person wanted, etc).
Crossword puzzle – this should have at
least 10 clues, the blank crossword puzzle,
and an answer key.
Comic strip – this should have at least 6
frames about the events of the story.
Graph – this can be a map of the book’s
locations or a timeline of events.
Your choice column – if you have another
idea for an extra column, ask the teacher
for approval!
Letter to the advice column from the main character – one
paragraph should be written from the main character
asking for help with their conflict/problem. The second
paragraph should be a response from the advice
columnist with advice on how to solve their problem.
Local news story – this can be written about a side event
in the story (not the climax) of your choosing. This
should be written as if you are reporting on the events as
a news reporter.
Your choice feature article – if you have another idea for
an extra feature article, ask the teacher for approval!
**Each group member needs to write their initials next to at least one assignment in EACH column.
**Final copy quality is expected. Each article may either be handwritten, neatly in pen or taken home to be typed and printed.