LIMESTONE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM “Commitment to Children” Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation Standards Assessment Report AdvancEd District Accreditation -1- Table of Contents Section I - Introduction Glossary of Terms……………………………………..……………………….. Message from the Superintendent………………….…………………….…….. Limestone County Board of Education………………………………………… Limestone County School System Vision and Mission………….…………….. District Administrator Directory………………………………………………. District Accreditation Committees…………………………………………….. Organization Chart…………………………………………………………….. LEA Accountability Central Office Support Team……………………………. AdvancEd District Accreditation Timeline……………………………………. Overview of the Process………………………………….…………………..... 4 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 21 Section II – Profile Limestone County School System Overview ………..…………….…….…… Limestone County Schools Profile………………………………….………… Student Performance Charts………………………………………..…………. Quality Staff………………………………………………………..…………. Grants……………………………………………………………….………… Programs and Services…………………………………………….…………. 24 26 32 43 43 45 Section III - District Accreditation Standards Standard I: Vision and Purpose…………………………………………… Standard II: Governance and Leadership……………………………..…… Standard III: Teaching and Learning……………………………………….. Standard IV: Documenting for Results…………………….……………….. Standard V: Resource and Support Systems………………………………. Standard VI: Stakeholder Communication and Relationships……………… Standard VII: Commitment to Continuous Improvement…………………… 58 67 79 89 99 109 119 Section IV - Peer-to-Peer Practice Submission …………………………………… 129 Section V - Quality Assurance Limestone County School System Improvement Plan Overview..……...…… Limestone County School System Improvement Plan ……….……..…..…… Limestone County School System Action Plan………..…………………….. 131 132 140 Section VI – Conclusion …………………………………………………….……… 147 Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -2- Section I: Introduction Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -3- Glossary of Terms AAA Alabama Alternate Assessment An alternative assessment given to students with IQ’s of 55 or less AASB Alabama Association of School Boards The official voice of the state's local school boards and other boards governing K-12 public education agencies ACCESS Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide Provides opportunities and options for Alabama public high school students to engage in Advanced Placement ACOS Alabama Course of Study- Standards for curriculum and instruction ACT American College Testing An independent, not-for-profit organization that provides more than a hundred assessment, research, information, and program management services in the broad areas of education and workforce development ADAW Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing State Department of Education mandated, criterion-referenced writing assessment administered t students in grades 5, 7, and 10 AEA Alabama Education Association An advocate organization that leads the movement for excellence in education and shall be the voice of the professor AHSGE Alabama High School Graduation Examination State Department of Education mandated mathematics, science, language, reading, and social studies assessments given to students in grades 10-12, requiring passage of all parts for graduation ALSDE Alabama State Department of Education The Alabama State Department of Education, Montgomery, Alabama AMO Annual Measureable Objectives Are a set of state-established benchmarks for monitoring changes in performance among and across student subgroups, schools, and districts. States established the objectives as part of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) required by the federal No Child Left Behind Act AMSTI Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative An initiative designed to ensure that upon graduation students are proficient in math and technology and knowledgeable in science AP Advanced Placement College- level courses offered to high school juniors and seniors Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -4- ARI Alabama Reading Initiative A program developed in the state of Alabama target reading deficiencies ARMT Alabama Reading and Math Test An ALSDE-mandated, criterion-referenced assessment administered to students in grades 3 through 8 in reading and mathematics ASA Alabama Science Assessment A new state-mandated, criterion-referenced assessment for students in grades 5, 7, and 10 ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery A career exploration and planning program that includes a multiple aptitude test battery, an interest inventory, and various career planning tools designed to help students explore the world of work ATHENA Automated system in use by all school media centers to track circulation and inventory and to catalog books AYP Adequate Yearly Progress Use each year to determine the achievement of each school district and school and is diagnostic in nature, and intended to highlight where schools need improvement and should focus their resources. BBSST Building-Based Student Support Team a school-based, problem solving approach to meet the needs of at-risk students in regular education classroom settings. BEST Building and Empowering Students Together BEST Academy is to provide students, identified as academically at-risk, the opportunity to acquire the necessary academic and behavioral skills to graduate from high school and become a successful member of society. BIC Business and Industry Certified A means of assisting career/technical education programs to improve by setting standards against which all programs can measure progress BLT Building Leadership Team A school-based team providing a voice and leadership to guide site-based decisions. CIP Continuous Improvement Plan – local school plan for improvement revised as needed CLAS Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools Provides professional development, communications, legal support, legislative lobbying, recognition and more to all members COST Central Office Support Team Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -5- Supports local schools and monitors instruction to support student achievement CTC Career Technical Center Center for learning skills and knowledge to be competitive and productive members for our ever changing society DIBELS Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills An indicator of reading development for students in grades K through 6 EGAP Electronic Grant Application Program An online Federal Programs Consolidated Application that encompasses Special Education, Career and Technical Education, Safe and Drug-Free Education, and Technology Initiatives ELL English Language Learner Individuals for whom English is not their native language ESL English as a Second Language A designation for students lacking proficiency in the English language and the program for providing assistance to meet their needs EXPLORE A program designed to help 8th and 9th graders explore a broad range of options for their future FFA Future Farmers of America Brings together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education. HASP Hands-on Activity Science Program IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act A United States federal law that governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to children with disabilities I-ELP Intensive – English Language Program A multi-level, personalized program designed to improve the skills of those for whom English is a second language IVC Interactive Video Conferencing An integration of audio, video and data presentation tools which translates into functional and easy to use meeting facilities LCSS Limestone County School System LEA Local Education Agency LEP Limited English Proficiency LIP Local Education Agency Improvement Plan Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -6- A system-wide plan for explaining the steps to remedy targeted areas of need or academic deficiency NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress NATE North Alabama Teacher Exchange Regional in-service center NEA National Education Association NCLB No Child Left Behind NTA New Teacher Academy Teacher induction program providing support to all new teachers OLSAT Otis-Lennon School Ability Test PASS Preparing Alabama’s Students for Success The PASS initiative will develop, sustain, and/or facilitate a comprehensive prevention and intervention program for students in any combination of grades 6 through 12 who are at risk of school failure PDP Professional Development Plan PEPE Professional Educators Personnel Evaluation System A system of instruments used to evaluate professional educators within the state of Alabama PLAN The PLAN program helps 10th graders build solid foundation for future academic and career success and provides information needed to address school districts’ high-priority issues PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test A standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test™ PTA Parent-Teacher Association PTF Parent-Teacher Fellowship PTO Parent-Teacher Organization SACS Southern Accreditation of Colleges and Schools SAM School Assistance Meetings A state school improvement initiative to support local school districts SAT- 10 Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition SBR Scientifically Based Research SES Supplemental Educational Services Additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -7- of students in schools in the second year of improvement, corrective action, or restructuring SIR Student Incident Report Form to document the details of a serious student incident SPE Special Education The individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, accessible settings, and other interventions designed to help learners with special needs STAR Standard Testing Assessing Reading A computer-adaptive, norm-referenced reading test STI Software Technology, Inc. A leading provider of Education Data Management solutions to the K-12 market. STI’s fully integrated suite of products addresses attendance, scheduling, special education, assessment, discipline, grade reporting, professional development, fund accounting, health, and parent/teacher communications SUCCESS School Uniting Colleagues Create Effective Successful Students A district teacher mentor initiative supporting new teachers for the first 2 years of employment TRAIL Together Renewing And Improving Limestone A philanthropic youth board consisting of students from the Limestone County area VOICE Voters Organization Involved in Children’s Education WIDA World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment A consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -8- LIMESTONE COUNTY SCHOOLS Message from the Superintendent On behalf of the Limestone County Schools, I would like to welcome the SACS/CASI AdvancED Quality Assurance Review Team to our community and school district. We are proud of our school district and the 8700 students who attend our schools. Our students, parents and employees work hard to improve our schools and to support the improvement efforts for all schools. Our motto for our school district is, “We are a school system, not a system of schools.” For many years, SACS has played a vital role in our continuous improvement efforts. Although we are participating in our first system-wide accreditation process, the preparation has been extremely valuable to all of us. The District Accreditation process has been a meaningful learning experience for our employees that will ensure we align school based initiatives with our school system initiatives. The Limestone County Schools has grown significantly over the past five years and we project continued growth in our community and schools. We understand the challenges and opportunities that come with a thriving community. We, in the Limestone County Schools, continue to explore new programs and strategies for meeting the needs of our highly engaged and technologically advanced students. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to identify ways that we can enhance our efforts toward continuous improvement for all students and schools. We are excited about your visit to our community. We look forward to your three-day review that we believe will lead to District Accreditation as a Quality School System. Thank you for your commitment to children and for your partnership with our school district. Sincerely, Barry L. Carroll, Ed.D. Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation -9- LIMESTONE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Charles Shoulders District 1 Mr. John Wayne King District 2 Mr. Bryant Moss District 3 The School Board Mr. Darin Russell District 4 The governing body of the Limestone County Schools consists of seven school board members who are elected by districts within the county for six year terms. The school board members have staggered election years which allows for continued consistency among school board members. Board members must reside in the county district to which he or she is elected and are voted into office by the voters in that district. Although, board members are elected by districts, they operate as one governing body, ensuring fair and consistent practices for all schools throughout the district. Mr. James Shannon District 5 The Board is responsible for making policies, while approving budgets, programs and services, and addressing personnel matters. Regular school board meetings are held once a month with a provision for a second meeting per month if necessary. All school board meetings are open to the public. Mr. Anthony Hilliard District 6 The members of the Limestone County Board of Education are members of the Alabama Association of School Boards and the National School Boards Association. Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 10 - Mr. Earl Glaze District 7 LIMESTONE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM “Commitment to Children” Vision Limestone County School System, in partnership with our families and our communities, will strive to ensure that each child reaches his or her full human potential to become a contributing citizen through an educational system emphasizing each child’s unique abilities and individual talents and holding students, parents, educators, and the community accountable for achieving our expectations in a safe, nurturing environment. Mission Leading the way to educational excellence in our Commitment to children providing a Safe nurturing environment for learning through Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 11 - Stakeholder support Administrator Directory Central Office Office of Superintendent Superintendent of Education……………………….………………. Dr. Barry Carroll Secretary to Superintendent……………………………………….. Judy Justin Assistant Superintendent of Education……………….……………. Mr. Mike Owens Secretary to Assistant Superintendent…………………….……….. Sylvia Jones Accounting Department Chief School Finance Officer…………………………..………….. General Fund/Local Schools Accountant………………………….. Payroll Accountant……………………………………………. ….. Accounts Payroll Clerk…………………………………………….. CNP/Other Programs Accountant………………………………….. Jonathan Craft Kim Emerson Tammy Nichols Glory Daly Lori Adams Child Nutrition CNP Director……………………………………………………… Linda Griffin Secretary/Bookkeeper……………………………………...……… Teresa Rogers Curriculum and Instruction Elementary Curriculum Director………………………………..… Zebbra Green Secretary………………………………………………………..…. Brenda Baker Elementary Curriculum Coordinator…………………………..….. Sharon Gallien Secondary Curriculum Director……………………………..……. Jan Tribble Secretary……………………………………………………….….. Robye Shoulders Secondary Curriculum Coordinator………………………………. Robbie Lauderdale SUCCESS District Coordinator…………………………..…….… Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 12 - Natalia Dooley Textbook Clerk/Energy Manager……………………………….... Joe Nave Textbook Inventory Clerk……………………………………...…. Janette Daniels Textbook Data Entry Clerk………………………………….….… Vickie William Federal Programs, Testing, Alternative School Federal Programs, Testing, Alternative School Director……..…... Debbie Owens Secretary………………………………………………………….. Karen Burchfield ELL Coordinator………………………………………………..... Mary Robinson PASS Coordinator……………………………………………..…. Donna Morris Maintenance Department Maintenance Director……………………………………….…… Secretary………………………………………………….……… Steve Wallace Laurie Page Special Education Special Education Director……………………………………..… Secretary………………………………………………………..… Referral Coordinator…………………………………………..….. Referral/BBSST Coordinator………………………………….…. 504 Coordinator………………………………………………..…. Mentor…………………………………………………………..… Jack Mullins Barbara Gregg Shanon Kyser Tara Bachus Steve Romine Dianne Berzett School Nurse Registered Nurse Coordinator……………………………………. Assistant…………………………………………….…………….. Rhonda Gibbs Jamie Berryhill Technology Technology Director……………………………………………… Training Specialist………………………………………………… Transportation Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 13 - Karen Tucker Lynette Cobb Transportation Director…………………………….…………….. Secretary……………………………………………………….…. Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 14 - Darryl Adams Laurie Page Limestone County AdvancED District Accreditation Committees Zebbra Green, Internal Facilitator AdvancEd Steering Committee Dr. Barry Carroll, Chairperson Mike Owens, Co-Chair Zebbra Green, Facilitator Dianne Berzett Sharon Gallien Tara Bachus Jan Tribble Robbie Lauderdale Natalia Dooley Shanon Kyser Karen Tucker Mary Robinson Debbie Owens Donna Morris Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Elementary Curriculum Director Special Education Mentor Elementary Curriculum Coordinator Gifted Referral/BBSST Coordinator Secondary Curriculum Director Secondary Curriculum Coordinator SUCCESS District Coordinator Special Education Referral Coordinator Director of Technology/Public Relations ELL and Federal Programs Coordinator Director of Federal Programs PASS Coordinator Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Vision and Purpose Standard One Jack Mullins, Chairperson Dianne Berzett, Co- Chair Sharon Gallien, Co-Chair Billy Owens Matt Taylor Angie White Special Education Director Special Education Mentor Elementary Curriculum Coordinator High School Administrator (Principal) Elementary Teacher Parent Representative Central Office Central Office Central Office Tanner High School Reid Elementary School Clements High School Governance and Leadership Standard Two Dr. Barry Carroll, Chairperson Tara Bachus, Co-Chair Sharon Gallien, Co-Chair John Wayne King Johnny Bachus Sandra Dorning Annessa Smith Carolyn Thomas Beth Doucette Josie Jenkins Greta Phillips Superintendent Gifted Referral/BBSST Coordinator Elementary Curriculum Coordinator Athens State University/Board Member High School Administrator High School Teacher Middle School Teacher High School Teacher Elementary Teacher Parent Representative Parent Representative Standards Assessment Report AdvancEd District Accreditation -15- Central Office Central Office Central Office Clements High School West Limestone High School West Limestone High School East Limestone High School Elkmont High School Tanner High School Johnson/Ardmore Schools Owens Elementary School Teaching and Learning Standard Three Jan Tribble, Chairperson Zebbra Green, Co-Chair Dana Rhinehart Rhonda Hacker Kim Belew Suzy Carter Renea Clem Mickey Glass Lisa Dawson Cleo Miller Angie Barnes Matt Taylor Marie Henderson Secondary Curriculum Director Elementary Curriculum Director Reading Coach/Teacher Teacher Parent Representative Teacher Parent Representative School Administrator (Principal) Teacher School Administrator (Principal) Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Parent Representative Central Office Central Office Ardmore High School Cedar Hill Elementary School Clements High School Creekside Elementary School East Limestone High School Elkmont High School Johnson Elementary School Owens Elementary School Piney Chapel Elementary School Reid Elementary School Tanner High School Documenting & Using Results Standard Four Debbie Owens, Chair Donna Morris, Co-Chair Mary Robinson Bill Hardyman Jan Cole Shannon Garrison Karen Burchfield Amelia Smith Hilda Malone Director of Federal Programs PASS Coordinator ELL and Federal Programs Coordinator School Administrator (Principal) Teacher Teacher Support Staff Community Representative Parent Representative Central Office Central Office Central Office Piney Chapel Elem. School Tanner High School BEST Academy Central Office Elkmont High School Tanner High School Resource & Support Systems Standard Five Mike Owens, Chairperson Robbie Lauderdale, Co-Chair Shanon Kyser, Co- Chair Jonathan Craft Darryl Adams Steve Wallace Judy Scarcelli Barry Pylant Keith Hairrell Rebecca Valenzuela Brad Lewis Linda Schmidt Assistant Superintendent Secondary Curriculum Coordinator Special Education Referral Coordinator Director of Finance Director of Transportation Director of Maintenance Parent Representative Parent Representative Assistant Principal Reading Coach/Parent Teacher Teacher Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 16 - Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Central Office Creekside Elementary School West Limestone High School Clements High School Johnson Elementary School Ardmore High School Elkmont High School Stakeholder Communications & Relationships Standard Six Karen Tucker, Chairperson Shannon Kyser, Co-Chair Tommy Hunter Matt Scott Nancy Page Dawn Brown Charlotte McMullins Director of Technology/Public Relations Sp. Ed. Referral Coordinator School Administrator, Principal School Administrator, Principal Elementary Teacher Secondary Teacher Parent Representative Central Office Central Office Ardmore High School Creekside Elementary School Clements High School East Limestone High School Tanner High School Commitment to Continuous Improvement Standard Seven Natalia Dooley, Co- Chair Mary Robinson, Co-Chair Zebbra Green Angie Barnes Kaine Story Tommy Hunter Kelley Lewter Dr. Lisa Hyde Melissa Christ SUCCESS District Coordinator ELL and Federal Programs Coordinator Elementary Curriculum Director Reading Coach/ Asst. Principal Secondary Teacher School Administrator, Principal Assistant Principal Professor Parent Representative Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 17 - Central Office Central Office Central Office Piney Chapel Elementary East Limestone High School Ardmore High School West Limestone High School Athens State University Elkmont High School Jonathan Craft Custodian of Funds SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Judy Justin Secretary to the Board & Superintendent Sylvia Jones Secretary Kim Wales Receptionist Darryl Adams Transportation Director DR. BARRY L. CARROLL SUPERINTENDENT Rhonda Gibbs School Nurse MIKE OWENS ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Karen Tucker Director of Technology, Public Relations, Professional Development Payroll & Accounts Payable Steve Wallace Maintenance Director Laurie Page Secretary Brenda Baker Elem. Curriculum Secretary Joe Nave, Curriculum Clerk/Energy Manager Jeanette Daniels, Textbook Inventory Clerk Vickie Williams, Textbook Data Entry Zebbra Green Elementary Curriculum Director Jan Tribble Secondary Curriculum Director Linda Griffin CNP Director Teresa Rogers CNP Secretary/Bookkeeper Sharon Gallien Elem. Curriculum Coordinator Natalia Dooley Mentor Debbie Owens Director Fed. Programs, Testing, Grant Writing, Alternative Programs Donna Morris PASS Coordinator Mary Robinson ELL/Coordinator Karen Burchfield Secretary Jack Mullins Special Education Director Lynette Cobb Training Specialist Transportation Mechanics General Maintenance Principals Steve Romine 504 Coordinator Dianne Berzett Mentor Shanon Kyser Referral Coordinator Robye Shoulders Sec. Curriculum Secretary Robbie Lauderdale Sec. Curriculum Coordinator Standards Assessment Report AdvancEd District Accreditation -18- Tara Bachus Sp Ed Referral/ BBSST Coordinator Barbara Gregg Special Education Secretary Limestone County School System COST Accountability Roundtable School Leadership Team Pat Gartman Troy Rogers Amy Swinea Beth Bates Chelsea Gant Greg Sutton Kim Shores Regina Clem Beverly Henley Rebecca Taylor Farrah Simpson Hayden Miller Zebbra Green School Leadership Team Angie Barnes Zebbra Green Tina Murphy Amanda Vining Nancy Norman Traci Cherry School Leadership Team Kenny Jordan Doug Warner Anita Bates Kelley Compton Cindy Wales Joey Thompson Shane Carpenter Marcy Mitchell Shelia Fields Tracy Compton Lauren Campbell Emma Cooper Natalia Dooley Rusty Bates Jamie Smith Judi Atchley Sandra Chafin Mike Jackson Tom Stevenson Amanda Kirk Jeff Hodges Mary Albro Ronda Garner Dana Rhinehart Pam Emerson Linda McMellon Rebecca Taylor Betsye Spencer Donna Jo Curtis Crystal Boggs Amanda Madewell Mary Zayed Troy Reed Betsye Spencer Krystle Landtroop Terri Tiemann Traci Young Ardmore High School Tommy Hunter, Principal Piney Chapel Elem. School Bill Hardyman, Principal School Leadership Team Cedar Hill Elementary School Harold Johns, Principal Elkmont High School Mickey Glass, Principal Kay Nelms Natalia Dooley Jennifer Carr Sherry Lannom Donna Mosley Brenda Carter School Leadership Team Kim McKay Donna Cotton Rebecca Taylor Roger Cobb Kim Campbell Emily Emerson Donna Randolph Zebbra Green Natalia Dooley Debbie Poland Rebecca Valenzuela Cynthia Newton Kim Scoggins Marlis Vermilion Angie Macklin Lisa McCulley Kaye McFarlen David Savoie Johnson Elementary School Joan Austin, Principal Mary Robinson Tara Bachus School Leadership Team School Leadership Team Lori Brocato Sandra Bass Renee Beggs Marinda Dees Amanda Moss Andrea Swan Dana Jackson Andrew Gentry Kelly Kelsoe Angie White Danny Rosson Austin White Jody Brown Kelly Anderson Laura Taylor Leanne Hudleston Thomas Young Karen Carter Tina Downs Frank Hutchinson Tammy Moss Debbie Hoffman Rita Rosson Austin Welborn Jan Tribble Robbie Lauderdale Clements High School Donald Wilson, Principal Fred Richter Chris Bolen Dwight Collins Tom Hill Lynn Persell Cliff Smith Creekside Elementary School Matt Scott, Principal Rusty Strickland Mia Black Charles Durham Anthony Mitchell Gayle Black Gia Russell School Leadership Team Karen Tucker Shannon Kyser Owens Elementary School Cleo Miller, Principal West Limestone High School Charlotte Craig, Principal School Leadership Team Karen Tucker Sharon Ferguson Jan Holt Kerry Gowan Tara Tipper Misty Alexander Amanda Thomas Kathy Atkins Debbie Appleton Jimmy Biggs East Limestone High School Dennis Black, Principal Dr. Barry Carroll, Superintendent Mr. Mike Owens, Assistant Superintendent Career Technical Center Stan Davis, Director School Leadership Team Renea Davis Sharon Daly John Kinney Wendy Golden Dehone Toney Vicki Ferrara Elaine Lauderdale Rita Schrimsher Laura Haggenmaker Donna Morris Tammy Aldridge Jack Brannon Charity Hagenmaker Anna Black Debbie Owens Donna Morris Shanon Kyser Vicki Curtis Marla Williams Tammy Britton Shana Gant Sueann Hobbs Jennifer Smith Myrtle Caudle Debbie Porter Lauren Wooten Reid Elementary School Dr. Casey Lewis, Principal Jack Mullins Sharon Gallien Dianne Berzett Tanner High School Billy Owens, Principal School Leadership Team School Leadership Team Karen Tucker Shanon Kyser Johnny Bachus Kelley Lewter Suzanne Bates Patsy Rogers Diana Downs Brian English Sandra Blankenship Lunetta Reyer Patti Seibert Carla McPeters Joanne Gromek Sharon Wallace Jennifer Smith Carla Daws Stacy Cook Lisa Davis Ricky Green Marsha Blankenship Kevin Ward Bevin Forsyth Vince Green Glen Garner Debbie Owens Mary Robinson Cynthia LeSueur Carol Goode Ricky Langford Mary Beth Smith Deana Hollaway Nancy Engle Nancy Shores Sherry Morrow Sheila Knox Faye Hill Pam Pepper Tonia Wilburn Karen Brown Jaime Emerson Kristin Andrews Christy White Annie Knight Dianne Berzett Sharon Gallien Jack Mullins Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 19 - Randy Hamilton Happy Alexander Robye Andrews Dawn Harper Angielean Stokes Amy Goff Beverly Toney Rhonda Hilbert Cheryl Greene Dianne Borden Leslie Pace Jordan Scruggs Grayson Edgemon Debbie Owens Suzy Carter Lori Edgemon Denise Wood Wendy Wallace Atona Broussard Heather Jewell Paul Hargrove Matthew Kyle Joe Shunnarah Denise Wood Margaret Kelley Cade Weiner Anna Shunnarah School Leadership Team Allison Usery Terry Whitt Latricia Smith Elizabeth Anderson Holly Kelley Michelle Davis Lynn Hodges Lindsey McBay Matt Taylor Brenda Durham Mary Kelly Dianne Berzett Jack Mullins Sharon Gallien Tonia Wilburn Pamela Marshall Tina Wiggs Maria Zamora Deidre Mullins Dana Womack Mitzi Faulkner District Accreditation Timeline Assignment/Activity Responsible Stakeholder(s) Completion Date Letter of Interest Overview of District Accreditation to Central Office Staff Readiness Visit for C.O. and Principals Letter of Request for Approval of Candidacy to Dr. Mark Elgart Approval for Candidacy Review of information and development of Central Office Support Team/Steering Committee Administer school effectiveness surveys to students, parents, support staff, teachers, principals Information/Data distributed and Local School CIP’s Developed Standards Committees Developed and began working on SAR After extensive work and consideration of the goals of Limestone County Schools a Letter of Request for Extension was submitted by Dr. Carroll. Dates for QAR Visit Established CIP’s/LIP Reviewed with current data and revised COST continues to meet to look at lines of evidence at the district level Standards Committees continue to look at lines of evidence and answer the focus questions Dr. Barry Carroll Dr. Barry Carroll September 2006 October 2006 Mr. Jimmie Lawrence December 2006 Dr. Barry Carroll January 2007 Dr. Mark Elgart Mike Owens/Zebbra Green January 2007 March 2007 Karen Tucker/Zebbra Green April 2007 Zebbra Green/Debbie Owens September 2007 COST/Steering Committee October 2007 Dr. Barry Carroll/COST July 2008 Dr. Barry Carroll/Zebbra Green April 19-22, 2009 COST August/September 2008 COST On-going Standards Committees January 2009 Standards Assessment Report AdvancEd District Accreditation -20- Assignment/Activity Responsible Stakeholder(s) Completion Date Editing/Revision of District Guided Self-Study/SAR Complete Executive Summary Report Submit Executive Summary Report Update on QAR visit and accreditation process to Board Members and Principals Final Preparation for QAR Visit QAR Team Visit COST February 2009 COST February 2009 Dr. Barry Carroll/Zebbra Green March 2009 Dr. Barry Carroll/COST March 2009 Zebbra Green/COST March/April 2009 All Stakeholders April 19-22, 2009 Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 21 - Overview of the Process Limestone County School System recognizes the benefits of accreditation through Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. All schools in the system with the exception of Johnson Elementary School are accredited schools that have maintained their accreditation status. Johnson Elementary School is in the candidacy program preparing to schedule the QAR visit. When introduced to the AdvancEd District Accreditation, Limestone County Schools System embraced the idea with enthusiasm. District Accreditation aligned with our efforts in becoming “A School System, Not a System of Schools”. District Accreditation efforts enhanced our system-wide planning process for continuous improvement, aligning our goals and practices, and improving student learning. In October 2006, Dr. Barry Carroll, LCSS Superintendent of Education introduced district accreditation to the central office cabinet members. The curriculum department attended an AdvancEd training session and provided detail report to the Superintendent. In November 2006, Mr. Jimmie Lawrence, Director of Alabama SACS CASI, delivered a presentation to our principals outlining the process and benefits. In December 2006, the Superintendent outlined the new accreditation process and benefits to the Limestone County Board of Education recommending approval to proceed with the District Accreditation process. Board approval was granted. A requisite letter was written in January 2007, requesting consideration as a District Accreditation Candidate by the Superintendent. Approval to participate as candidate for District Accreditation was received from Dr. Mark Elgart. The Quality Assurance Review visit was then scheduled for October 19, 2008. Zebbra Green, LCSS director of elementary curriculum, was named as the District Accreditation facilitator for Limestone County School System. The System Steering Committee was established and work began to prepare for the Guided Self-Study. As the process was reviewed, the committee saw the need for the system and each local school to have a Continuous Improvement Plan to ensure alignment of local school goals with system level vision, mission, and goals. Continuous Improvement Plans had previously been implemented for our six Title Schools, but had not been implemented for the LCSS non-title schools. The Alabama State Department of Education Continuous Improvement Plan template was used to provide a measure of uniformity and alignment for schools and the district. The quality assurance component, Central Office Support Team (COST), was developed to lead and monitor improvement efforts throughout the system. Members were assigned as support to local schools in a feeder-school pattern. Local school administrators and members of the local school leadership teams met at central office for an all day training and work session to review data and begin the process to develop Continuous Improvement Plans. Data was reviewed, discussed, and COST members worked with the local schools. Leadership Teams, which include various stakeholders, were developed at the local schools. The charge involved careful study of data looking for trends and patterns. Each local school Leadership Team was tasked with review of the system and local school data to generate CIPs and Action Plans for improving student learning. CIPs and Action Plans were developed and implemented with the understanding that a review of the process Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 22 - would take place each year for necessary revisions as indicated by the data. During this process, extensive collaboration and continuous communication among all involved stakeholders further stimulated the progress toward becoming a “school system, not a system of schools”. Standards were assigned to the COST members, and committees for each standard were developed to review and analyze evidence to support each of the indicators. Stakeholder perception surveys were sent to students, parents, support staff, teachers, and administration. Data was gathered and provided to the chairperson of each standard for review and analysis by the committees. The COST members realized through this process that more time was needed to analyze each standard in more depth in order to gain the many benefits from the self-study process. As a result a letter was written on July 10, 2008 by the Superintendent asking to extend our QAR visit from October 19-21, 2008 to April 19-22, 2009. The change was granted by Dr. Mark Elgart. The District Guided Self-Study was completed in February 2009. COST members provided direction and structure throughout the development of the Guided Self-Study. The committee collected and analyzed quantitative data from a variety of sources. Strengths and areas of focus were identified. The district assessed the degree of compliance with the AdvancEd Standards. The district shared the System Level Continuous Improvement Plan with the local schools and worked with each school to ensure alignment. Local school Leadership Teams were engaged at each school and provided means for local school participation and collaboration at the school level as the system plan was being developed. The local school Leadership Teams worked collaboratively with the COST/Steering Committee to ensure alignment and support at all levels. Each school’s CIP and Action Plan are expected to identify goals that are in alignment with the system’s vision, mission and Continuous Improvement Plan. Finances are organized to fulfill the system’s vision for improving student learning. All data is frequently monitored and timely feedback is provided to the administration. The principal provides the information to the faculty allowing adjustments to be made to the curriculum and instruction. The school board is kept informed of ongoing system improvement efforts. The quality assurance component, COST, has become an integral process to drive improvement and has a positive impact on teaching practice. The system’s improvement efforts are reviewed and revised annually. The support of effective leadership, allocation of appropriate resources along with continuous monitoring and feedback sustain improvement efforts and ensure Limestone County Schools forward motion for student learning. Standards Assessment Report AdvancED District Accreditation - 23 -